Search Results for "meego"

14 results found.

From Meego to Tizen

Meego will will be merged out of existence. MeeGo will become Tizen. Tizen is a software platform and a mobile and device operating system based on Linux and other popular upstream projects. According to Intel, Tizen will build upon the strengths of both LiMo and MeeGo and Intel will work with MeeGo partners to help

Nokia N9 Meego phone

I have earlier written about MeeGo Linux and how Nokia’s work on Meego is fading. Nokia has promised to release one Meego phone this year, and there has been many rumors on that device. Nokia has finally revealed some details on their Meego phone. Nokia Introduces MeeGo-Powered N9 Phone. For details check this Nokia N9

MeeGo Linux

According to news around Internet Intel and Nokia are combining their respective Linux operating environments to power future smartphones and tablets. The Intel-Nokia collaboration began in earnest in June when the two companies announced the beginning of a “long-term relationship,” focusing on developing new chip architectures, software, and a new class of Intel-based mobile computing

Aftermath: Mobile trends 2014

In the begining of 2014 I wrote posting Mobile trends for 2014 that includes my expectations for year 2014. As year 2014 ends quite soon, it is a good idea to look back how well those estimations went. I use italics for material from the original Mobile trends for 2014 posting. Mobile infrastructure must catch

Jolla phone first hands-on

Yesterday I got my hand on friend’s Jolla Sailfish OS smartphone. Jolla smartphone is the first handset that runs Jolla’s Sailfish OS, which is essentially a reworked version of Nokia’s now defunct Meego OS. The Sailfish OS is compatible with Android apps. The general quick fell on the phone is that it is pretty good

Nokia had a number of Android projects going on

Tietokone magazine writes that Nokia had a number of Android projects – Microsoft was in trouble. That was the final reason for Microsoft to buy Nokia’s phone business. Nokia was running several Android projects on both Lumia models and Asha phones, reveals the New York Times and The Verge sources. So Nokia had already been

Jolla Sailfish OS smartphone

I have written earlier on new Finnish mobile phone company Jolla at my Two new mobile phone companies from Finland and Mobile trends and predictions for 2013 articles. Jolla announces its first Sailfish OS smartphone which will be available in Europe by the end of 2013. The first Jolla phone: 4.5-inch display, Android app compliant,