ePanorama lights documents

0 to 10V Analog Control Protocol

0 to 10V Analog Control Protocol

Controlling and technology of disco and stagelights

Lighting is one of the most important backstage roles especially with music. If you go and see a band all you have is a few people standing still on a stage playing a guitar or two. After a couple of songs you are fed up of just listening. Now it is the role of the lighting designer to make the performance a lot more enjoyable, setting the tone of the songs with different colours, constantly keeping the audiences attention by changing what they can see.


Standard classification for lasers

Information about laser classification.

Simple methods for controlling laser beam

Simple methods for controlling laser beam

Light dimmer circuit

How-To Buils light dimmer circuit

Neon and fluorescent lights explained

Neon and fluorescent lights explained

Notes on stroboscopes

Notes on stroboscopes