White paper: Logitech Squeezebox Boom audio design is an interesting in-depth look behind the design of an all-in-one network music player from one of its lead designers. This device includes amplifier and speakers and other music player electronics in one box. One of its lead designers tells the story.
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tomi says:
All the details I have are from the article to which there is link on the original posting. So read the original article. There is no more information to e-mail.
tomi says:
I do not have any newsletter.
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Computer Geeks new york says:
great website
I’m so glad I wandered onto it through yahoo Gonna have to add another one to the morning routine
Lois Marona says:
Decent web site. Thank you.,
tomi says:
What second paragraph? My posting had only paragraph.
Or are you referring to the article I was pointing to with link?
Gravura Andrei says:
Super writing. You have gained a new fan. Please maintain the fabulous posts and I look forward to more of your newsworthy updates.