Aftermath: Security trends 2012

I wrote in the beginning of the year a blog article Security trends for 2012 that tried to predict security trends for this year. No the year is near the ends, so here is my aftermath how well my article (based on many sources) predicted this year. So here are my comments on how well the predictions went. I use symbol + if prediction was was right, – if it was wrong, +- if partially right, ? if I don’t know the answer. Here are predictions and how they went:

Windows XP will be the biggest security threat in 2012

+-  Windows XP was a big security tread, but I don’t think the biggest treat. I think saying “Windows XP will be the biggest security threat in 2012″ was not entirely right.

F-Secure also says also that it might not be long before the cyber criminals turn their attentions to tablet devices. Attacks against mobile devices have become more common and I expect this to continue this year as well.

+ This was clearly the year for mobile malware attacks. Android was the main target for them.

Nearly all new mobile malware in Q3 2011 was targeted at Android.. When antivirus software becomes a universally accepted requirement (the way it is on Windows is the day), has the platform has failed and missed the whole point of being mobile operating system?

+- Android was the main target for mobile malware. But it is too early to judge if the platform has failed the whole point of being mobile operating system. Antivirus software has not become an universally accepted requirement for mobile devices yet. Android seems to become the Windows of mobile world in good and bad.

Cyber ​​criminals are developing more sophisticated attacks and the police will counterattack.

+- More sophisticated attacks have been done. Police is still developing how to counterattack. At leas there were not big news on big counterattacks by police.

Mobile phone surveillance will increase and more details of it will surface.

+ Mobile phone surveillance details have surfaced. Application surveillance based on advertisements has got attention. Check my How I’m Being Followed on Web post.

Geo-location tagging in smartphones to potentially cause major security risks article says that geo-location tagging security issues are likely to be a major issue in 2012—and that many users of smartphones are unaware of the potentially serious security consequences of their use of the technology.

-  Geo-location tagging security risks were pretty low.

You need to find your balance between freedom and security. Usernames poured out for all to see, passwords and personal identification numbers are published. A knowledge of access management is even more important

+ True.

Reliability of the server certificates will face more and more problems.

+ True. Check Why isn’t the Web using it HTTPS always? article comments for details.

Stonesoft says that advanced evasion techniques (AET) will be a major threat.

?? Stonesoft has been talking on advanced evasion techniques (AET) for ages (spreadg FUD?). I did not see any major change on those this year.

Rise of Printer Malware is real.

+ More and more news on printer malware have surfaced.

Unauthorized changes in the BIOS could allow or be part of a sophisticated, targeted attack on an organization, allowing an attacker to infiltrate an organization’s systems or disrupt their operations.

?? I have not heard much after this after reading articles on that in the beginning of the year.

According to Stonesoft security problems threaten the lives and the year 2012 may be the first time when we lose lives because of security offenses. According to the company does this happen remains to be seen, but the risk is due to industrial SCADA systems attacks against targets such as hospitals or automated drug delivery systems.

+- I did not see any know loss of life because of security offenses. SCADA systems security issues were a lot of talked about topic and there were many security issues in them.


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