News on the the Raspberry Pi camera module (5MP sensor at $25) has been around since earlier this year. Raspberry Pi camera module goes on sale article tells that THE CAMERA MODULE for the Raspberry Pi pocket computer is now available for order through RS Components and Premier Farnell/Element14. Documentation on how to set up the camera can be found on blog. This looks like an interesting addition to Raspberry Pi.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Budget Astrophotography With A Raspberry Pi
New to astrophotography, [Jason Bowling] had heard that the Raspberry Pi’s camera module could be used as a low-cost entry into the hobby. Having a Raspberry Pi B+ and camera module on hand from an old project, he dove right in, detailing the process for any other newcomers.
Gingerly removing the camera’s lens, the module fit snugly into a 3D printed case — courtesy of a friend — and connected it to a separate case for the Pi. [Bowling] then mounted he camera directly on the telescope — a technique known as prime-focus photography, which treats the telescope like an oversized camera lens. A USB battery pack is perfect for powering the Pi for several hours.
Astrophotography with the Raspberry Pi Camera – A Cheapskate’s Guide to Solar System Photography
Tomi Engdahl says:
The PiNoculars project is an excellent way to recycle an old pair of binoculars into a high-tech zoom recording device
The Raspberry Pi Camera Module is a great tool for digital making. With it, you can quickly add an 8-megapixel camera to the Raspberry Pi board.
The Camera Module is fantastic for video and still photography projects, such as time-lapse cameras. OpenCV software makes it easy to add computer vision to your projects. With this, you can train a Raspberry Pi to identify objects and react accordingly.
Created by digital maker Josh Williams, PiNoculars are a regular set of binoculars, with a Raspberry Pi Camera module fixed over one of the eyepieces.
“The camera mount should barely cover the eyepiece,” says Josh. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but try to position the camera mount as close to the centre of the eyepiece as possible.
“There are a number of people who’ve combined the Raspberry Pi with microscopes and telescopes,”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Get Up Close to your Soldering with a Pi Zero Microscope
Do your Mark 1 Eyeballs no longer hold their own when it comes to fine work close up? Soldering can be a literal pain under such conditions, and even for the Elf-eyed among us, dealing with pads at a 0.4-mm pitch is probably best tackled with a little optical assistance. When the times comes for a little help, consider building a soldering microscope from a Pi Zero and a few bits and bobs from around the shop.
Affordable commercial soldering scopes aren’t terribly hard to come by, but [magkopian] decided to roll his own by taking advantage of the streaming capabilities of the Raspberry Pi platform, not to mention its affordability. This is a really simple hack — nothing is 3D-printed or custom milled.
Raspberry Pi Zero HDMI / WiFi Soldering Microscope
Tomi Engdahl says:
Build a Simple Surveillance System With the Raspberry Pi Zero W
The device is capable of live streaming in the desktop/mobile browser with remote access, and can store clips on Dropbox whenever it detects motion. It can even integrate with IFTTT, allowing you to receive an email or Slack message if Pigeon’s Dropbox folder changes.
Pigeon: a 3D Printed Cloud Camera That Uses the New Raspberry Pi Zero W
Tomi Engdahl says:
PipeCam: Low-Cost Underwater Camera
Low cost autonomous underwater camera for long term deployments
This projects aims to build low-cost in situ underwater cameras for shallow deployments, from relatively off-the-shelf materials.
The goal of the this project is to prove that “It can’t be that hard, surely?”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Hackaday Prize Entry: Rangefinder + Camera = SmartZoom
The interesting thing about submissions for The Hackaday Prize is seeing unusual projects and concepts that might not otherwise pop up. [ken conrad] has a curious but thoughtfully designed idea for Raspberry Pi-based SmartZoom Imaging that uses a Pi Zero and camera plus some laser emitters to create a device with a very specific capability: a camera that constantly and dynamically resizes the image make the subject appear consistently framed and sized, regardless of its distance from the lens. The idea brings together two separate functions: rangefinding and automated zooming and re-sampling of the camera image.
The Raspberry Pi uses the camera board plus some forward-pointing laser dots as a rangefinder; as long as at least two laser dots are visible on the subject, the distance between the device and the subject can be calculated. The Pi then uses the knowledge of how near or far the subject is to present a final image whose zoom level has been adjusted to match (and offset) the range of the subject from the camera, in effect canceling out the way an object appears larger or smaller based on distance.
Raspberry Pi-based SmartZoom Imaging
Using a laser rangefinder, distance from camera is calculated and display of image is zoomed in or out dependantly
Tomi Engdahl says:
Cheap 360 Degree Camera
How much would you pay for a 360 degree camera? How about $15 if you already have a Raspberry Pi and a Pi camera hanging around? If you don’t, you’ll have to add that minimal cost into the build. [Gigafide] noticed how a spherical mirror, made to see around corners, showed an all-around view if you took a picture of it from below. He snagged a panoramic lens made for an iPhone and stripped it for its optics. Some custom software and a little work resulted in a usable 360 degree camera.
SimpleCV (a light version of OpenCV) provides the algorithms to unwrap the frames and you can take video with the setup (see the video below). Mounting the optics took some 3D printing and the Pi operates as a hot spot to send the video out.
Uber Cheap 360 Video Camera
Tomi Engdahl says:
Wheelchair controled by Eyemovements
Eyetracking with openCV – Odroid U3 vs. Raspberry Pi2B
Tomi Engdahl says:
Flypi – cheap microscope/experimental setup
Pi + Picamera + M12 lens + Arduino microscope/experimental setup for diagnostics and scientific experiments!
Our plan with this project is to develop a complete opensource and cheap device for scientific experiments (data collection and analysis) and diagnostics (if they are “microscopy based”).
So far we were able to perform some proof of principle experiments in life sciences (Fluorescence and calcium imaging, opto and thermo genetics essays) and to perform diagnostics of the following parasites: Loa loa, Brugia Malayi, Wuchereria bankrofti, Schistosoma eggs, Mansonella perstans
The setup is quite simple:
A raspberry pi 2 (or 3) (running Raspian) + picamera with mounted lens (M12 standard) + some python3 code (for custom GUI + saving of data) do most of the lifting and an Arduino + custom PCB + electronic bits take care of timing, light stimulation, heating, temperature sensing and any other physical interaction necessary.
For more details, please check:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Take Photos Through These Raspberry Pi Powered Binoculars
Tomi Engdahl says:
Web Accessible Security Camera using Raspberry Pi
Monitor your home or any other asset remotely using only the Pi 3 and camera (supports motion detection).
With the Raspberry Pi 3 B and the official Raspberry Pi camera, setting up a security system is surprisingly easy. A useful utility enables one to immediately get a web enabled system up and running. The project can be found at
Tomi Engdahl says:
Object Following Control of a Robotic Camera Arm
Virtual Reality, Kalman Filter, and Inverse Dynamics Control
This is a 5 DOF robotic camera arm that is capable of tracking an object while following a given trajectory. A virtual reality software package is used to generate the trajectory. The system currently exploits “record and play” operation principle. A motion control algorithm is developed and simulated in the MapleSim environment. An improved version is engineered which slides on a rail system while tracking the object. The simulation results are provided in the project logs. Fusion of the different sources of sensor data (gyroscope and accelerometer) is done by a Kalman Filter.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Sneak Thieves Beware: A Pi Watcheth
Ever have that strange feeling that somebody is breaking into your workshop? Well, user [Kenny] has whipped up a tutorial on how to scratch that itch by turning a spare Raspberry Pi you may have kicking around into a security camera system that notifies you at a moment’s notice.
The system works like this: a Raspberry Pi 3 and connected camera module remain vigilant, constantly scanning for motion and recording video. If motion is detected, it immediately snaps and sends a picture to the user’s mobile via PushBullet, then begins recording video. If there is still movement after a few seconds, the process repeats until the area is once again devoid of motion. This also permits a two-way communication with your Pi security system, so you can check in on the live feed whenever you feel the urge.
setup requires setting up a PushBullet account as well as installing it on your mobile and linking it with an API. For your Pi, you can go ahead with setting up some Python PushBullet libraries, installing FFmpeg, Pi Camera Notifier, and others. Or, install the ready-to-go image
Build a Camera Alert Application With RaspberryPi
How to build a simple application that detects motion and sends notification to the your smart phone using raspberry pi and camera Module.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Perfect Tourist Techno-Cap
How many times are you out on vacation and neglect to take pictures to document it all for the folks back at home? Or maybe you forgot just exactly where that awesome waterfall was. [Mark Williams] has made a Raspberry Pi Zero enabled cap that can take photos and geotag them with the location as well as the attitude of the camera.
The idea is to enable the reconstruction of a trip photographically. The hardware consists of a Raspberry Pi Zero W coupled with a Raspberry Camera V2 and a BerryGPS-IMU. Once activated, the system starts taking photos every two minutes. Within each photograph, the location of the photographer is recorded like most GPS enabled camera.
Raspberry Pi Embedded Cap With GPS & 10DOF
In this post we will show you how to geotag and capture the “attitude” of photos taken with the Raspberry Pi camera and record these values within the photo itself using EXIF metadata
We used a modified (hacked?) cap to take the images in this post. The cap took photos, geo-tagged and recorded attitude as we walked around Sydney Harbour.
Components used were;
Raspberry Pi Zero W
Raspberry Camera V2
A cap
The BerryGPS-IMU was used to capture the GPS coordinates as well as “attitude”. No external antenna was needed as the BerryGPS-IMU includes an internal antenna.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Hackaday Prize Entry: FabDoc is Version Control for Project Images
FabDoc is an interesting concept that attempts to tackle a problem many of us didn’t realize we had. There are plenty of version control systems for software, but many projects also have a hardware element or assembly process. Those physical elements need to be documented, but that process does not easily fit the tools that make software development and collaboration easier. [Kevin Cheng] sums FabDoc up as “a system to capture time-lapse pictures as pre-commits.”
With FabDoc a camera automatically records the physical development process, allowing the developer to focus on work and review later. The images from the camera are treated as pre-commits. Upon review, the developer selects relevant key images (ignoring dead ends or false starts) and commits them. It’s a version control and commit system for the physical part of the development process.
FabDoc – Version Control Tool for makers
Simplify the way of documenting projects in software and hardware, based on Raspberry Pi Zero and camera module
Tomi Engdahl says:
A Camera That Encrypts Images with GPG
Last year over 150 filmmakers and journalists called on the big camera manufacturers to sell encrypted cameras. While your phone might come with encryption out of the box, high end cameras used by professional photojournalists and film makers do not. That leaves them open to having their cameras seized, and the images and video examined by law-enforcement and security forces.
Depending on where they are—and what they’re reporting on—the contents of those images and video could mean their own imprisonment, along with the imprisonment, torture, or even death, of their sources.
“I’ve made a proof-of-concept encrypting digital camera based on the open source, widely adoped GnuPG. This project uses public key encryption to encrypt every photo the camera takes before writing the encrypted version to memory. Of particular note, there are absolutely no UI changes over what an ordinary point-and-shoot camera provides. No extra keyboards or touch screens are needed as no passwords need be entered.” — Aaron Waychoff
Tomi Engdahl says:
FabDoc – Version Control Tool for makers
Simplify the way of documenting projects in software and hardware, based on Raspberry Pi Zero and camera module
We are all facing a lot of works of documentation beyond making, especially when we would like to share and collaboratively develop “hardware” projects.
There are too many version control system (VCS) tools for “software” projects so that we could fortunately join any large-scale software projects, such as Linux, if they are open source. But what happen to “hardware” projects? Can we enlarge the scale of these projects with VCS tools?
There are too many physical details (materials, machines, parameters…) which should be well-documented before cooperating, but unfortunately cannot be easily digitized into documentation or VCS.
We are trying to hack the way of documenting for all of makers’ projects, simply with Raspberry Pi + camera module, and an experimental platform.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Raspberry Pi Zero FPV camera and OSD
Pi Zero and camera weigh 13 grams making it an ideal setup for data logging, HD video recording and custom On Screen Display for FPV
This is a low cost FPV and OSD system capable of recording HD video. It is built with Raspberry Pi Zero, PiCamera, GPS sensor and FPV transmitter.
Initial demo. Getting the TV out to work with FPV trasmitter was easier than I thought. Pi Zero is consuming about 0.2 A while recording 1080P video.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Live Stream to YouTube by Pointing a Box and Pressing a Button
YouTube has the ability to do live streaming, but [Tinkernut] felt that the process could be much more straightforward. From this desire to streamline was born the Raspberry Pi based YouTube live streaming camera. It consists of a Raspberry Pi with some supporting hardware and it has one job: to make live streaming as simple as pointing a box and pressing a button. The hardware is mostly off-the-shelf, and once all the configuration is done the unit provides a simple touchscreen based interface to preview, broadcast live, and shut down. The only thing missing is a 3D printed enclosure, which [Tinkernut] says is in the works.
DIY Dedicated YouTube Live Streaming Camera!
Make a dedicated YouTube live streaming camera using a Raspberry Pi!
My idea is to make a video camera using a Raspberry Pi 3, 2.8″ LCD Touchscreen, and the Pi Camera as the basic platform. We’ll also need a small USB microphone to record audio, and some type of rechargeable battery to power it all. Then I’m going to 3D print a custom case shaped like the YouTube logo to power it all.
Tomi Engdahl says:
How to Build a Human-Size 3D Scanner on a £1,000 Budget
We see lots of different kinds of 3D scanners, and their designs usually reflect the size of the objects being scanned, as well as the detail required in the resulting model. Small objects, for example, can be scanned with a single camera as the object is rotated on a platter. But large objects, like a person, take quite a bit more work.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Stunning Fake Polaroid Camera Performs Magic
It’s high time us Muggles got our hands on the hardware used to take Magical Photographs as seen in The Daily Prophet. The first pioneering step in that direction has been taken by [Abhishek] who built this moving picture taking polaroid-ish camera, which he’s calling the “Instagif NextStep”. It’s a camera that records a short, three second video, converts it to GIF and ejects a little cartridge which displays the animated photo.
The enclosure and all of the internal mechanical parts are 3D printed but require access to a SLA printer. The electronics BoM is a pretty long list. The main camera, called CamPi, has a Raspberry Pi 3 with its companion camera module, a 2.8” TFT screen, a 10000 mAh power bank, a servo and a bunch of assorted parts. The GIF cartridge, called SnapPi, has its own Raspberry Pi Zero W, another 2.8” TFT screen, a 400 mAh LiPo and a boost charger. Several of the modules had to be trimmed in size and many unnecessary parts removed to make it all fit together.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Video Streaming Like Your Rapberry Pi Depended On It
The Raspberry Pi is an incredibly versatile computing platform, particularly when it comes to embedded applications. They’re used in all kinds of security and monitoring projects to take still shots over time, or record video footage for later review. It’s remarkably easy to do, and there’s a wide variety of tools available to get the job done.
However, if you need live video with as little latency as possible, things get more difficult. I was building a remotely controlled vehicle that uses the cellular data network for communication. Minimizing latency was key to making the vehicle easy to drive. Thus I set sail for the nearest search engine and begun researching my problem.
Native MJPEG Streaming — If Your Network is Fast
Gstreamer is the Swiss Army Knife of Streaming
While some Raspberry Pis do have hardware H264 encoding on board, I’d prefer to start with a native stream for maximum performance. I’ve ordered a 1080P camera that uses the Pi camera interface, and I can’t wait to start experimenting.
Gstreamer basic real time streaming tutorial
Tomi Engdahl says:
Smart Gates
Identify Cars Using Raspberry Pi
Python + PHP + Telegram
The task is as follows:
* The car drives up to the gates
* Camera reads the car plate numbers
* Checks the read number with the database, if it finds one, then opens the gate and lets the car pass
* Each car at the gates is photographed, then a photo is sent to the Telegram application with the car plate number and its status.
* Telegram bot has the ability to open and close the gates, take current photo, add an unknown car to the database.
** It’s done with python + bash + telegram bot
Tomi Engdahl says:
Smart Intercom
Real-Time system that allow to pass only authorized/invited people, using Face-Recognition or NFC cards.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Video Streaming Like Your Raspberry Pi Depended On It
The Raspberry Pi is an incredibly versatile computing platform, particularly when it comes to embedded applications. They’re used in all kinds of security and monitoring projects to take still shots over time, or record video footage for later review. It’s remarkably easy to do, and there’s a wide variety of tools available to get the job done.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Smart Security Camera
IoT Raspberry Pi security camera running OpenCV for object detection. The camera will send an email with an image of any objects it detects.
Tomi Engdahl says:
RasPi Video to OLED
Tomi Engdahl says:
Live Stream Your Pets with Linux and YouTube!
Tomi Engdahl says:
Weatherproof Pi Looks Up So You Don’t Have To
To address these issues, [Jason Bowling] decided to put a Raspberry Pi in a weatherproof enclosure and use it as a low-cost sky monitoring device. His setup uses the No-IR camera coupled with a cheap wide-angle lens designed for use with smartphone camera. The whole setup is protected from the elements by a clear acrylic dome intended for a security camera, and a generous helping of gasket material. Some experiments convinced [Jason] to add a light pollution filter to the mix, which helped improve image contrast in his less than ideal viewing area.
Raspberry Pi Skycam w/ NoIR V2 Camera and Light Pollution Filter
Tomi Engdahl says:
Rage Against the Dying of the Light with a Raspi Night Vision Camera
One of the most interesting things about hacking is the difference between the vision we have at the beginning and the reality of we’ve built at the end. What began as a simple plan to build a night vision VR headset turned into a five-month adventure for [facelessloser] that culminated in this great-looking camera. He thought it would be easy, but almost every aspect presented some kind of challenge. The important thing is that he kept at it.
One of the major issues [facelessloser] encountered was power. He found that the Pi (Zero W), the screen, and the IR LEDs draw between 1.5 and 2A altogether. He was able to solve this one by using the charging board from a 2A power bank paired with a 1200mAh Li-Po built for the high draw required by vaping. If not for space issues, he might have used a 18650 or two.
Night vision camera raspberry pi
A night vision camera built with a raspberry pi zero w, night vision camera plus a 3.2″ screen
Tomi Engdahl says:
Oculus: The Smart Camera
Smart camera with motion detection, OpenCV support, touchscreen to control, securely available from Internet and syncing with Google Drive.
Recently my friend presented me a couple of smart cameras from some well known manufacture, and I got an idea. How is it complex to build yours? I had Raspberry Pi Camera and decided to investigate what software and components do I need to build my own smart camera. I checked several projects and decided to enhance my project with touchscreen to control camera, simple motion detection and cloud storage support. And an optional bonus if you need it: OpenCV face recognition.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Easily Compiling OpenCV in Raspberry PI
Tomi Engdahl says:
Mobile Remote Surveillance Camera © GPL3+
This interesting project will cover all things required for the ultimate goal of building a mobile remote surveillance camera.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Camera module built using uCube framework.
uCameraCube is a parametric camera module build using OpenSCAD uCube library. It is build with Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi camera and comes in three versions, which vary in the type of optics used.
Thin Lens version
M12 Lens version
T-Mount version
Tomi Engdahl says:
Make a digital camera from a 1950s Kodak Brownie with a Raspberry Pi
With a Raspberry Pi, a webcam, and old-fashioned ingenuity, an old Brownie becomes a decent digital camera.
Tomi Engdahl says:
How to build a digital pinhole camera with a Raspberry Pi
Learn how to build a simple camera from a Raspberry Pi Zero, an HD webcam, and an empty makeup compact.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Build Your Own Smile Detector with Wia and Raspberry Pi
For this tutorial, we’re going to build a facial recognition camera that can detect if someone is smiling (or not).
Tomi Engdahl says:
Wedding Photo Booth with Raspberry Pi
For a wedding or other event, you need a photo booth! You will find here how to do this awesome project which make all guests happy.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Counting Bees With A Raspberry Pi
Keeping an accurate record of how many bees are coming and going, and when, is a rather tricky problem. Apparently bees don’t like electromagnetic fields, and will flee if they detect them. So putting electronic measuring devices inside of the hive can be an issue. [Mat Kelcey] decided to try counting his bees with computer vision, and so far the results are very promising.
counting bees on a rasp pi with a conv net
Tomi Engdahl says:
Yet another raspberry picam
A raspberry pi camera running on batteries, which takes photos, HDRs, panoramas, timelapses and more.
Tomi Engdahl says:
This Raspberry Pi Is A Stereo Camera And So Much More
Over the years we have featured a huge array of projects featuring the Raspberry Pi, but among them there is something that has been missing in all but a few examples. The Raspberry P Compute Module is the essentials of a Pi on a form factor close to that of a SODIMM module, and it is intended as a way to embed a Pi inside a commercial product. It’s refreshing then to see [Eugene]’s StereoPi project, a PCB that accepts a Compute Module and provides interfaces for two Raspberry Pi cameras.
What makes this board a bit special is that as well as the two camera connectors at the required spacing for stereophotography it also brings out all the interfaces you’d expect on a regular Pi
StereoPi – DIY stereoscopic camera with Raspberry
For computer vision learners, drone and robot builders, AR/VR and 360 panorama experimenters. Open source hardware.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Capture Stereoscopic Images and Video with the Raspberry Pi-Based StereoPi
the StereoPi — a carrier board, which can also be used for computer vision, drone and robot projects. The board, which is entirely open source, supports all Compute Modules (1, 3, 3 Lite) and Raspbian right out of the box.
Tomi Engdahl says:
If you have a Raspberry Pi you could install motion on top of any RasPi distro or MotionEyeOS and use a USB webcam or a camera module.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Running OpenCL on a Raspberry Pi GPU
This is an interesting development for media users and machine learning hackers: [doe300] has implemented OpenCL on the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+called VCFCL That’s big news because the Pi 3+ has a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) built into the processor that has been generally underutilized. The VideoCore IV GPU is built into the Broadcom BCM2837B0 and is surprisingly capable for a low-power chip. Although this GPU is well documented, it hasn’t been used that widely because you have to code specifically for this class of GPU. Adding in support for a high-level framework like OpenCL will make it much easier to run and adapt existing packages.
This OpenCL is the end result of a masters these by Daniel Steadelmann at Nurenberg Tech, and this implementation supports the embedded profile for OpenCL 1.2.
OpenCL implementation running on the VideoCore IV GPU of the Raspberry Pi models
Tomi Engdahl says:
Capture Stereoscopic Images and Video with the Raspberry Pi-Based StereoPi
Tomi Engdahl says:
Capture Video From the Past with This Raspberry Pi Camera Rig
Johan Link, however, has an innovative solution for this age-old problem with his “Film in the Past” device
Link’s rig hooks onto a normal baseball cap, and films continuously with a USB camera. A Raspberry Pi 3B takes in the video, and upon pressing a button, it saves the last seven seconds of video that it captured. So if you “missed” that amazing event, you’ve got seven seconds to remember to press the record button, storing it for sharing and review.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Create a High-Speed Raspberry Pi Camera for Just $6 Using Nothing But Software
No special equipment is involved in Elder’s design, which uses a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and a V1 or V2 Pi camera (hence the $6).
The V1 camera that was tested uses the OV5647 image sensor, and the V2 camera tested uses the IMX219 sensor.
The setup process involves using Hermann Stamm-Wilbrandt’s modified version of raspiraw, specifically a fork of raspiraw, which captures RAW image frames and timestamp metadata from the camera sensor and ports it to the Raspberry Pi’s onboard memory.
and up to 1007 on the V2 camera can be achieved. Filming at these extremely high frame rates on a Raspberry Pi is much more challenging and involves more work than typical point and shoot photography.
The major limitation throughout this process is the speed at which memory can be copied and transmitted. Only 20-40 seconds of video can be recorded at a time due the memory exhaustion of the Raspberry Pi. Also limited is the resolution of the recording: On the $6 camera, a maximum of 640×64 resolution can be recorded due to limitations on memory bandwidth.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Build a DIY AI Home Security Camera Using the Raspberry Pi and BarryNet
Tomi Engdahl says:
SSTL releases spectacular Raspberry Pi camera image and video of the Earth
Tomi Engdahl says:
660 FPS Raspberry Pi Video Captures The Moment In Extreme Slo-Mo