Many people working in large companies speak business-buzzwords as a second language. Business language is full of pretty meaningless words. I Don’t Understand What Anyone Is Saying Anymore article tells that the language of internet business models has made the problem even worse. There are several strains of this epidemic: We have forgotten how to use the real names of real things, acronymitis, and Meaningless Expressions (like “Our goal is to exceed the customer’s expectation”). This would all be funny if it weren’t true. Observe it, deconstruct it, and appreciate just how ridiculous most business conversation has become.
Check out this brilliant Web Economy Bullshit Generator page. It generates random bullshit text based on the often used words in business language. And most of the material it generates look something you would expect from IT executives and their speechwriters (those are randomly generated with Web Economy Bullshit Generator):
“scale viral web services”
“integrate holistic mindshare”
“transform back-end solutions”
“incentivize revolutionary portals”
“synergize out-of-the-box platforms”
“enhance world-class schemas”
“aggregate revolutionary paradigms”
“enable cross-media relationships”
How to talk like a CIO article tries to tell how do CIOs talk, and what do they talk about, and why they do it like they do it. It sometimes makes sense to analyze the speaking and comportment styles of the people who’ve already climbed the corporate ladder if you want to do the same.
The Most Annoying, Pretentious And Useless Business Jargon article tells that the stupid business talk is longer solely the province of consultants, investors and business-school types, this annoying gobbledygook has mesmerized the rank and file around the globe. The next time you feel the need to reach out, touch base, shift a paradigm, leverage a best practice or join a tiger team, by all means do it. Just don’t say you’re doing it. If you have to ask why, chances are you’ve fallen under the poisonous spell of business jargon. Jargon masks real meaning. The Most Annoying, Pretentious And Useless Business Jargon article has a cache of expressions to assiduously avoid (if you look out you will see those used way too many times in business documents and press releases).
Is Innovation the Most Abused Word In Business? article tells that most of what is called innovation today is mere distraction, according to a paper by economist Robert Gordon. Innovation is the most abused word in tech. The iPad is about as innovative as the toaster. You can still read books without an iPad, and you can still toast bread without a toaster. True innovation radically alters the way we interact with the world. But in tech, every little thing is called “innovative.” If you were to believe business grads then “innovation” includes their “ideas” along the lines of “a website like *only better*” or “that thing which everyone is already doing but which I think is my neat new idea” Whether or not the word “innovation” has become the most abused word in the business context, that remains to be seen. “Innovation” itself has already been abused by the patent trolls.
Using stories to catch ‘smart-talk’ article tells that smart-talk is information without understanding, theory without practice – ‘all mouth and no trousers’, as the old aphorism puts it. It’s all too common amongst would-be ‘experts’ – and likewise amongst ‘rising stars’ in management and elsewhere. He looks the part; he knows all the right buzzwords; he can quote chapter-and-verse from all the best-known pundits and practitioners. But is it all just empty ‘smart-talk’? Even if unintentional on their part, people who indulge in smart-talk can be genuinely dangerous. They’ll seem plausible enough at first, but in reality they’ll often know just enough to get everyone into real trouble, but not enough to get out of it again. Smart-talk is the bane of most business – and probably of most communities too. So what can we do to catch it?
Tomi Engdahl says:
Oletko joskus kokenut olevasi epäpätevä, tai jopa huijari? Lue Arton tuorein blogi siitä miten ohjelmistotuotanto ja huijarisyndrooma liittyvät toisiinsa ja miten voit oppia päihittämään näitä tuntemuksia.
Generalist Specialization and The Impostor Syndrome
I don’t know how to do this. This is all too overwhelming. Why did I want to do this? Everybody else knows what they are doing. They will soon discover how out of my league I am here.
Sound familiar? Maybe not. Not everyone suffers from Impostor Syndrome. But it is quite common in our field of work. I’ve had those thoughts myself, and many times have also seen others go through moments like this. It’s not typically a permanent condition, but join me for a bit and let’s talk about it.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Simplifiers Possess These 6 Traits. How Many Do You Have?
The global health crisis has forced leaders to rethink their organizations, and according to research from BCG, simplifying operations will remain key in the “new now.” While less complexity can boost job satisfaction for employees who are currently working from home, a simplified workplace also yields long-term benefits like stronger consumer loyalty and better employee retention.
Of the six attributes below, which do you already possess?
1. Courage. You’re comfortable with change and the unknown, and you regularly challenge the status quo.
2. Minimalist sensibility. “Less is more” could be your mantra. You’re constantly seeking to eliminate tasks or barriers that hold you back from doing more valuable work.
3. Results-oriented. You strive for clear outcomes and accountability. Simplicity isn’t just about cost-cutting for you — it’s about getting things done.
4. Focus. Persistence has enabled you to achieve your goals and overcome distractions and other obstacles. When you encounter resistance, you view it as a means of getting information and making your case stronger.
5. Personal engagement. You’re the embodiment of a simplifier who practices what she preaches. You actively seek out simplification while empowering others to do the same.
6. Decisiveness. You like to move things forward quickly. You don’t let a consensus‐driven culture interfere with progress. The late, great Steve Jobs was known for asking members of his C-suite “How many times did you say no today?” Jobs understood the importance of moving through the workday with purpose and this question re-enforced his stance against distractions and minutiae
Tomi Engdahl says:
Sidney Fussell / Wired:
Current and former tech workers of color say companies’ “diversity theater” and pledges of support provide cover for hypocritical actions by their superiors — Companies pledged money and support for people of color. But some say they still face a hostile work environment for speaking out or simply doing their jobs.
Black Tech Employees Rebel Against ‘Diversity Theater’
Companies pledged money and support for people of color. But some say they still face a hostile work environment for speaking out or simply doing their jobs.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Kokeneen televisioesiintyjän ja juontajan ohje videopalavereihin – Peter Nyman: “Pitää välttää resting bitch face -ilmettä”
Entinen uutisankkuri ja televisioesiintyjä työskentelee nykyisin mm. viestintä- ja esiintymisvalmentajana.
Peter Nyman tituleeraa itseään tällä hetkellä viestintäammattilaiseksi tai viestinnän monitoimiottelijaksi. Entinen uutisankkuri ja Uutisvuodon juontaja ei kovin paljoa perinteisiin televisioruutuihin kaipaa.
Korona-aikana esimerkiksi järjestetään paljon digitapahtumia, jotka muistuttavat paljon televisiotuotantoja monikameraohjauksineen.
Lisäksi Nyman kertoo antavansa viestintävalmennusta, sparrausta, esiintymiskoulutusta, ja häneltä on tulossa aiheeseen liittyen myös kirja.
Nyman kertoi Puoli seitsemän -ohjelmassa ohjeita “julmaan ruututodellisuuteen”, kun palaverit ja tapaamiset järjestetään etänä, tietokonenäyttöjen tai kännykkäruutujen kautta.
– Ihminen näytetään huonossa valossa, huonossa kuvakulmassa, aika huonolla äänellä sen mikin kautta. Se on hirveen julma maailma.
Nymanin mielestä valoon, pukeutumiseen, kuvakulmiin ja muihin teknisiin seikkoihin kannattaakin kiinnittää huomiota, mutta myös omiin ilmeisiinsä.
– Pitää välttää niin sanottua RBF:ää eli “resting bitch face” -ilmettä, joka on miehillä ihan yhtä yleinen.
Tomi Engdahl says:
This developer created the fake programming language MOVA to catch out naughty recruiters, résumé padders
Multiple Object Versionless Architecture is as popular now as it was two decades ago
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Henkilöarviontiin erikoistuneen Psyconin tutkimusjohtaja Mikael Nederstömin mukaan tunnollisuus on pitkään ollut haluttu luonteenpiirre rekrytoinneissa, sillä se yhdistetään usein täsmällisyyteen ja sinnikkyyteen. Vaikka tunnollisuus nähdään pääsääntöisesti positiivisena ominaisuutena, voi se muuttua stressaavissa tilanteissa myös haitalliseksi. Etenkin stressaavina aikoina tunnollisen on tärkeää tunnistaa, mihin hänen kannattaa käyttää aikaansa. Lue lisää artikkelistamme.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Top 3 Leadership Insights From 50 CEOs Across Industries Since The Start Of The Pandemic
Tomi Engdahl says:
Joonas Konstigin kolumni: Neljä ohjetta sinulle, joka haluat ajatella itsenäisesti
Toisten mielipiteitä ei voi hyväksyä ennen kuin hyväksytään, että ihminen ei suvaitse toisten mielipiteitä, kirjoittaa kirjailija Joonas Konstig.
Tomi Engdahl says:
A Load Of BS: People Who Frequently Mislead Others Are More Likely To Be Fooled Themselves
“You can’t bullshit a bullshitter” seems unlikely to be true as new findings show that those full of BS are actually more likely to fall for such nonsense themselves.
The study published in the British Journal of Social Psychology shows that people who try and impress others with frequently misleading exaggerations and distortions are more likely to be impressed themselves by similar kinds of misinformation, and less able to identify it as BS.
“It probably seems intuitive to believe that you can’t bullshit a bullshitter, but our research suggests that this isn’t actually the case,” said Shane Littrell, lead author of the paper and cognitive psychology PhD candidate at Waterloo, in a statement. “In fact, it appears that the biggest purveyors of persuasive bullshit are ironically some of the ones most likely to fall for it.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Feedback Whole Foods CEO John Mackey Says Will ‘Devastate Morale’ in 10 SecondsIt’s not just what, but when. And where.
Research often confirms what you already know. Like how feedback improves performance.
If that feedback is provided in the right way.
“I can give 10 compliments,” Mackey said, “but one criticism devastates morale. Because I am the founder, the CEO, I have a larger-than-life impact on the team members. They want (me) to really love the store, and they don’t want criticism.”
So what does Mackey do? He only offers praise. In fact, he goes out of his way to find things and people to praise. If he sees problems or issues, he later shares them privately with the store manager.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Coca-Cola: yrittäkää olla vähemmän valkoisia
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Miten korona on vaikuttanut työntekijöille merkityksellisiin asioihin?
Tomi Engdahl says:
Bisnesketteryys on uusi musta – onko Gartnerin bimodaali vanhentunut?
Onko Gartnerin vuonna 2014 esitelty kaksiosainen kehitysmalli tuttu? Mallin ajatus oli, että yrityksen ketterä transformaatio voidaan tehdä kaksiosaisena niin, että toinen malli tukee stabiiliutta ja toinen malli ketterää kehittämistä. Tällainen ajattelu alkaa olla mennyttä maailmaa, sillä kaiken kattava ketterä kehittäminen on tullut jäädäkseen.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
To Have Better Remote Meetings, Create A Team Communication Charter
Who enjoys meetings? Even before Covid-19 upended how we work, meetings were one of the most dreaded aspects of the working day. Since Covid-19, we have been having more meetings, but they have been shorter, with the net effect that we spend 11.5% less time in meetings every day. That is welcome news!
Tomi Engdahl says:
This Is Not a Joke: The Cost of Being Humorless
Humor has tremendous benefits for physical health, mental well-being, and your bottom line.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Meghan, Harry And Buckingham Palace Are Providing Key Crisis Communication Lessons
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Hardest Part Of The Job Search (And The Secret To Get Beyond It)
Tomi Engdahl says:
Learn Who We Have to Thank for the Term Work-Life Balance
Tomi Engdahl says:
Luvanvaraista sijoitusneuvontaa, luvatonta vedätystä…, pörssistä ei saa puhua ihan mitä tahansa…-porssista-ei-saa-puhua-ihan-mita-tahansa/
Tomi Engdahl says:
Finanssivalvonta varoittaa somekeskustelijoita – markkinoiden manipulointikielto koskee kaikkia henkilöitä
Finanssivalvonta paaluttaa sijoittamisesta käytävän some-keskustelun pelisääntöjä. Keskustelu ja sijoittamisen edistäminen on hyvästä, mutta esimerkiksi sijoitussuositusten pelisääntöjä on jokaisen keskusteluun osallistuvan noudatettava.
Someen ei sovi kirjoitella sijoittamisesta mitä hyvänsä. Finanssivalvonnalle on viime aikoina tullut johtaja Anneli Tuomisen mukaan aiempaa enemmän yhteydenottoja sijoituskeskusteluista ja -kirjoittamisesta sosiaalisessa mediassa. Fiva valvoo some-kirjoittelua kurssimanipulaatio- ja sijoitussuositussääntelyn noudattamisen näkökulmasta.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Notes from the nine to five – the hybrid team and public sector edition
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tiedän omasta ja asiakkaideni toiminnasta, että ulospääsyä hankalasta tilanteesta estävät kolme ikävää tunnetta.
epävarmuus – ei ole selkeitä kiintopisteitä ja on vaikea tietää, mitä kannattaa tehdä. Tarjolla on liian paljon vaihtoehtoja – tai liian vähän.
turhautuminen – nykytila ei vastaa sitä, mitä oikeasti haluat. Tiedät, että kaikki ei ole ok. Et kuitenkaan tiedä, miten muuttaa tilannetta paremmaksi.
riittämättömyys – mitä ikinä teetkin, se ei riitä. Ei riitä aika, eikä oikein riitä rahkeetkaan. Koet vain, että sinun pitäisi tehdä enemmän ja olla tehokkaampi.
Mitä tukalammaksi tilanne muuttuu, sitä enemmän kolme tunnetta sekoittuvat keskenään. Joukkoon saattavat sekaantua myös huonouden ja saamattomuuden tunteet.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Was just in a meeting where my boss used the word ‘solutionise’, when I’m pretty sure he meant ‘fix’
I have noticed that the IT field is full of these types of word adaptation. People want others to think they are smart.
Our sales manger used phrases like , “lets blue sky this” . One of many completely laughable marketing bullshit phrases that caused much mirth in the office.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Corporate B.S. Generator
Tomi Engdahl says:
dramatically pontificate cloud-based metrics
Tomi Engdahl says:
This is my favourite:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Kudos Weird Al
Tomi Engdahl says:
Can you really “fake it till you make it”? Research says maybe so—some people’s success is owed to confidence, not competence.
The Hidden Social Advantage
We tend to reward the overconfidence of upper-class individuals, even when they get it wrong.
“We really need to be more discerning about confidence,” says Peter Belmi, a former PhD student at Stanford GSB who co-authored the study with Neale and is now an assistant professor of business administration at the University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business. “Just because somebody can speak very assertively, or can speak in a very confident way, doesn’t mean that person’s smart.”
As a result of our tendency to be swayed by displays of overt confidence, we may be reinforcing an already unfair social hierarchy. When overconfident people from upper-class backgrounds walk into a job interview or are vying for a leadership role, they have an immediate advantage, the researchers say. We can’t help but fall for their bravado, endowing them with greater talent and skills than they in fact possess.
Neale points to a body of research showing that people with skills and expertise are ironically more tentative and uncertain in their area of specialty precisely because they know so much. People who are not experts, however, often exude far more confidence in their beliefs than their skills and experience would justify.
Our nation’s struggle with COVID-19 has brought these imbalances to the forefront.
“More than anything, this pandemic has fully, finally torn back the curtain on the idea that so many of the folks in charge know what they’re doing,” former President Barack Obama said this month in his virtual commencement address to graduates of historically black colleges and universities. “A lot of them aren’t even pretending to be in charge.”
Uncoupling Confidence From Competence
In their study, Neale and Belmi set out to capture people’s views about themselves, compared to their mastery of a particular subject and their social class.
Just because somebody can speak very assertively, or can speak in a very confident way, doesn’t mean that person’s smart.
Peter Belmi
Participants with relatively high social class were very confident that they’d done well on the trivia test. But when the researchers calculated the test scores, they found that participants with relatively high social class were just as bad at the trivia game as their lower-class counterparts.
When asked to classify the interviewees, the independent observers concluded that the overconfident, upper-class students were smarter and more hirable, despite any objective evidence that they were more capable.
“It’s a really interesting and powerful demonstration of the upside for the individual, and potentially the downside for society,” Neale says. “An inclusive environment is beneficial for organizations because you get access to more human resources, human capital.
A Message to Leaders
Even though people who come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds tend to act more collaboratively and less independently, they still have significant contributions to make at work, Neale says. “It just means they make them in a different way.” But our deep-seated conviction that leaders behave assertively and independently compromises organizational performance and society at large, she says.
Belmi agrees, adding that interviewers in the real world should be more discerning and skeptical when meeting with job applicants. “We need to be really mindful about confidence,” he says. “It does not necessarily always represent competence.” He recommends giving recruits work samples to better assess their competency. To find the best accountant, he says, don’t ask applicants, “When was the last time you shined as an accountant?” Instead, give applicants the same accounting problem to solve — to set candidates from varying backgrounds on a more level testing ground.
Anyone in a position of power, Belmi says, can teach underrepresented individuals how to speak up more. “But,” he emphasizes, “as leaders, we can also be quieter and learn how to listen.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Koodialalla voi tulla vastaan tilanne, että koodarit ovat niin hyviä, että heidän toivottaisi voivan kloonata itseään. Tätä lähimpänä on nostaa koodari esimies asemaan johtamaan muuta koodipatalijoonaa. Ehkä taidot saadaan tällä tapaa tarttumaan?
On kuitenkin tilanteita jossa koodarin intohimoihin ei kuulu perinteinen urakehitys tai valta-aseman saaminen työyhteisössä. Joskus koodari haluaa vaan koodata kaikessa rauhassa rautaista koodia.
Tämmöiselle henkilölle ylennys on outo palkkio.
Tomi Engdahl says:
For 50 Years, Tech Companies Have Tried to Increase Diversity by Fixing People Instead of the System
Offering entry-level digital skills training to Black and Latino Americans did nothing to challenge the hierarchy of tech work already being established.
In short, just because Black men and women receive digital skills training—whether in the 1960s or the 2020s—it provides no guarantee of employment, compensation, health insurance, job stability, job mobility, and overall power in the labor market. Perhaps some of the women trained by Google will get jobs. Some of their lives may improve. But it’s not a meaningful challenge to centuries of institutionalized segregation, separation, and subordination.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Sopimuksella yhteiseen lopputulokseen
Jos olet tekemässä sopimusta, kannattaa siis tutustua millaista sopimusta olet laatimassa. Olen nähnyt salassapitosopimuksen, joka pyydettiin allekirjoittamaan ennen kuin pääsee tutustumaan yrityksen materiaaleihin. Tässä tapauksessa oli kyse mahdollisesta tarjouksesta ja projektin määrittelystä. Sopimus oli salassapitosopimus, joka oli valmis netissä löytyvä sopimuspohja. Lähettäjä ei ollut tutustunut kunnolla sopimuksen sisältöön, vaan toimitti allekirjoitettavaksi. Salassapito olisi tullut voimaan vain, jos tehdään kirjallinen projektisopimus ja koskee projektin aikana liikkuvaa tietoja. Tämä salassapitosopimus olisi vaatinut voimaantullakseen kirjallisen projektisopimuksen. Lisäksi ei ollut määritelty, jos tulee sopimusrikkomus, niin mitä se tarkoittaa.
Joten vaikka sopimuksen olisi allekirjoittanut, niin yrityksen tietoja salassapitosopimus ei olisi suojannut. Jos suositellaan, että tehdään salassapitosopimus, niin paneudu mitä se vaatii, että on voimassa ja mitkä ovat sanktiot.
Sopimuksia on joskus vain vaikea ymmärtää, niitä välillä on vaikea myös tehdä. Tunnista siis miksi tarvitaan sopimus ja mitä sillä halutaan määrittää. Tämä on yksinkertainen ohje. Suulliset sopimukset ovat päteviä, riitatilanteissa ne vain ovat vaikeita todentaa miten on tullut sovittua. Helpointa olisi vain, että voisi kaikki olla ”sanansa mittaisia henkilöitä”, mutta kun me olemme erilaisia ja tulkitaan asioita eri tavalla – tarvitaan sopimuksia tukemaan yhteistä tavoitteita. Ei tehdä sopimuksista ongelma vaan mahdollisuus keskittyä työhön ja projektien onnistuneisiin lopputulemiin.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Systeemityö tai tietojärjestelmätyö tarkoittaa organisaatioiden yksilöllisten tarpeiden analysointiin perustuvaa tietojärjestelmien suunnittelu- ja kehitystyötä, joka tähtää automatisoitavaksi soveltuvien prosessien toteuttamiseen ohjelmistojen avulla. Systeemityö voi sisältää tietojärjestelmien suunnittelua, toteutusta, integrointia, hankintaa, käyttöönottoa, hallintaa ja ylläpitoa sekä organisaation tietojärjestelmäkokonaisuuden ja sen arkkitehtuurin suunnittelua, ylläpitoa ja kehittämistä. Systeemityö on suomalaisessa kirjastoluokituksessa luokka 61.2.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
You’re Not Lazy; You’re Scared: How To Finally Stop Procrastinating
You’re not alone.
According to Psychology Today, procrastination is a common human tendency. For the occasional offender, finding the willpower to buckle down and power through is usually enough to boost productivity and focus on accomplishing the task at hand.
But while everyone may procrastinate, not everyone is a procrastinator
Tomi Engdahl says:
A Microsoft study finds 41% of workers may quit this year, while business leaders are “out of touch.”
Bosses Are Clueless That Workers Are Miserable and Looking to Leave
A Microsoft Corp. survey of global workers found the majority feel they are struggling or just surviving in pandemic work conditions and a large percentage are considering leaving their employer this year. Meanwhile most business leaders polled said they are “thriving.”
A total of 46% of respondents said they are planning to move to a new location this year, a reflection of the greater flexibility to work from home. And 41% of those surveyed said they’re mulling leaving their jobs, according to Microsoft’s Work Trend Index released Monday, which polled 30,000 people from a variety of companies in 31 countries and used trillions of data points around labor and productivity from Microsoft’s 365 software and LinkedIn network. The data found burnout is widespread — 54% of workers said they are overworked, 39% said exhausted.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Why Written Communication Is Important When Working Remotely and Other Productivity Hacks From the Best Remote-First Startups
2020 was a year of disruption in so many ways (no kidding!), one of which was shock therapy in remote working, especially for those who weren’t used to home-office life.
Many leaders who were skeptical at first, quickly realized the potential of this new era and reacted by improving own and teams’ quality of life, launching new products and services, and generated major cost savings.
If you are leader who is looking to implement best practices in your company while working remotely and on a global scale, here are three lessons you can take from the best remote-first startups who have been doing this for a while:
Focus on written communication
Plan Around Time Zone Differences
Reserve Face to Face Meetings Only For Special Occasions
In sum, effective remote work requires many adjustments
Running a remote company effectively is not trivial but is certainly doable with the right leadership behaviors, hiring practices, systems, processes, and rituals.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Etäkokousapatia yleistyy työpaikoilla – Kannattaako kamera pitää päällä vai kiinni? Näillä asiantuntijan vinkeillä henki pysyy yllä etäpalavereissa
Miljoona suomalaista on puurtanut jo vuoden etätöissä koronan takia. Etätyöväsymys on nyt vallannut alaa.
Vuosi sitten iskenyt koronapandemia heitti jopa miljoona suomalaista jatkamaan työntekoa etänä, yleensä omassa kodissa. Alkuajan gallupeissa iso osa ilmoitti haluavansa jatkaa etänä myös koronan kaikottua.
Nyt vuotta myöhemmin on alkanut ilmetä myös muuta. Tunnettu työelämäkouluttaja, tamperelainen organisaatiopsykologi Pekka Järvinen on havainnut työpaikoilla selvää kyllääntymistä etätyöhön ja apaattisuutta etäkokouksissa.
– Alkuun etätyöstä ja -kokouksista oltiin niin innostuneita: on helppoa ja aikaa säästyy. Nyt on alkanut selvästi ilmetä etätyöväsymystä, joka on ruvennut heijastuman etäkokouksiin esimerkiksi niin, että ihmiset eivät pidä tietokoneen kameraa päällä ja puuhaavat muuta, Järvinen kertoo.
Näin onnistut etäpalaverissa:
Alkuun pieni rupattelu ja tutustuminen, jos kaikki eivät tunne toisiaan.
Selkeä asialista, jonka mukaan edetään. Kaikkien pitää tietää palaverin tarkoitus.
Puhujalla katsekontakti kameraan, ei pälyilyä ympäriinsä.
Sovi puheenvuorojen käytöstä. Kaikkien kamerat on hyvä pitää päällä.
Osallistujien aktivointi ja suorat kysymykset. Huolehdi, ettei kukaan ala dominoida keskustelua.
Varmista, että puheenvuorot on ymmärretty oikein. Yhteenveto palaverin lopuksi.
Karta näitä mokia:
Vältä yksinpuhelua. Älä dominoi, vaan haasta muita osallistumaan.
Ei etäkokousta liian kevyin perustein, jos saman voi hoitaa puhelimitse tai sähköpostitse.
Sovitut kestorajat. Tunti on hyvä maksimimitta. Jos venyy, niin taukoja.
Tomi Engdahl says:
How To Make Faster Decisions In Your Team Meetings
Tomi Engdahl says:
Dear Managers: Here’s How To Get Your Team To Do Their Best Work
Good management is as critical for work success today as Zoom is for communication. Being a great manager is the holy grail, because if your people are happy, they will be more likely to stay at their jobs longer—and more importantly, do their best work while they are there. However, knowing how, exactly, to manage well isn’t easy, and management trainings often fall short when it comes to traversing workplace situations that shift every minute.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Millainen on operatiivisesti kyvykäs organisaatio?
Keskeistä on, että koko työyhteisölle on selvää, mikä on organisaation tehtävä ja minkä tyyppisille asiakkaille se tuottaa millaista arvoa, sanoo operatiivisen kyvykkyyden pioneeri Risto Lintula.
Lintulan mukaan tietyt johtamisen ominaispiirteet ja toimintamallit korostuvat operatiivisesti kyvykkäissä, joustavissa työpaikoissa. Esihenkilö ei esimerkiksi kävele ohi havaitessaan ongelmia vaan selvittää, mistä on kyse, ja järjestää oppimistilanteita.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tom Warren / The Verge:
Microsoft introduces new settings in Outlook to allow breaks between back-to-back meetings after its own research showed that “digital overload is real”
Microsoft Outlook now lets you end all meetings early to give your brain a rest
Back-to-back meetings can now have a break in between
Microsoft is updating Outlook to give companies the option to automatically start or end all meetings early to ensure employees have a break between back-to-backs. New settings in Outlook are rolling out to help reduce the digital overload of working remotely.
Companies can set their own scheduling defaults, and they’re fully customizable. That means you could have five minutes blocked off before or after a 30-minute meeting, or 10-15 minutes after hourlong meetings. Individuals can also set their own scheduling defaults, but the company-wide option is the significant change here.
Calendar software like Outlook has defaulted to on-the-hour meetings for decades, often inadvertently promoting the idea of back-to-back meetings with default settings that don’t consider the need for a break in between. If you create a new meeting in Outlook today it will default to on the hour and a 30-minute length. Even the drop-down menu doesn’t make it easy to select a custom time without manually entering it.
Microsoft is making these changes after carrying out its own research on digital overload, in response to the millions of people working from home during the pandemic. Video meetings have become a popular way for workers to communicate, but this change to the way we work has its drawbacks. “More remote work is challenging our wellbeing,” says Jared Spataro, corporate vice president of Microsoft 365. “Digital overload is real, and something has to change.”
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