Archive for December 2013
Yesterday evening tech news were all about Standardized Laptop Charger Approved By IEC. The IEC, the standards body which wrote the phone charger specification used in the EU, has approved a standardised laptop charger. IEC is optimistic that it will lead to a reduction in electronics waste and make it easier to find a replacement →
Christmas coming and different web publications give tips what to buy. Here are links to some high-tech gift ideas articles: 11 Holiday Gift Ideas for IT Executives: The holidays are here and if you are still shopping for gifts for the tech pro in your life (or maybe you’re making your own Christmas wish list), →
Just because new computers no longer include the venerable serial port doesn’t mean it’s dead. The Serial Port: It Just Keeps Going article tells (and I can agree to that that) in fact, the serial port is still thriving in many test instruments, industrial controls and medical devices. You’ll find RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 serial →
Yesterday I got my hand on friend’s Jolla Sailfish OS smartphone. Jolla smartphone is the first handset that runs Jolla’s Sailfish OS, which is essentially a reworked version of Nokia’s now defunct Meego OS. The Sailfish OS is compatible with Android apps. The general quick fell on the phone is that it is pretty good →
We spend a lot of time watching and listening to our smartphones and tablets, but the audio quality of many such product seems to be quite bad. How to find out what is good and what is bad? The answer is testing. Smartphone Audio Quality Testing article tells how the audio quality of smart phones →
Your smartphone is an amazing piece of technology, but it would be nothing without a cellular network which gives you the ability to text, talk, and browse the web. You may not see most of the massive infrastructure used by your cellphone provider, but it’s there. What If You Could See Your Cellular Network? What →
22 Ways Finland Wins Christmas article shows with pictures that you won’t find anywhere more beautiful at this time of year. Most of those picture descriptions on the article are pretty accurate. →
There seems to be push for x86 based Arduino compatible boards. Not long ago Intel announced Intel Galileo board. Now there is a new $40 x86 Arduino. 86Duino is like bringing old Pentium II-class machine capable of running DOS, Windows, and Linux into the space of an Arduino. The 86Duino Zero features an x86 Vortex86EX →
Here’s a cool hack to get you in the December holiday mood! Time to set up some Christmas lights, maybe even computer controlled LED lights. First idea to try: Arduino controlled Christmas lights! How about this Gemmy Lightshow LED Christmas Lights Or a Pedal Powered Menorah Other videos: 2012 Christmas Lights Show (GE Color Effects →
A better way to use datasheets than old-fashioned paper and pdf documents lying around? Hack Your Datasheets Using article tells about a new service to view, snip, annotate and share information from millions of datasheets with engineers around the world. Take a look the introduction video: The biggest feature the service brings →