Electrical safety

Yesterday I passed SFS6002 electrical safety course and got SFS 6002 käytännössä book. SFS 6002 electrical safety training is for all electrical work in Finland engaged in compulsory education, which must be renewed every five years. Now I know somewhat more than before on electrical safety related to electrical installations.

SFS6002 is a Finnish standard how electrical work should be performed safely. It is based on European general standard EN 50110-1 (Operation of electrical installations – Part 1: General requirements) plus Finnish national additions to it.

If you want to get your hands on the original European EN 50110-1 standard, you need to buy it. There are also free information on standard available: British edition of the standard BS EN 50110-1:2004 can be found on-line.



  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kuolemaan johtaneet sähkötapaturmat Suomessa 1980–2019

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Väärin asennettu aurinkopaneeli voi olla maanviljelijälle kohtalokas – ”kaikenlaisia virityksiä on nähty”
    Aurinkopaneelibuumi on lisännyt isojen palovahinkojen riskiä maatiloilla. Virheellisesti asennettuja paneeleja on paljon, ja pahimmassa tapauksessa vaakalaudalla on viljelijän koko elinkeino.


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