Yesterday I passed SFS6002 electrical safety course and got SFS 6002 käytännössä book. SFS 6002 electrical safety training is for all electrical work in Finland engaged in compulsory education, which must be renewed every five years. Now I know somewhat more than before on electrical safety related to electrical installations.
SFS6002 is a Finnish standard how electrical work should be performed safely. It is based on European general standard EN 50110-1 (Operation of electrical installations – Part 1: General requirements) plus Finnish national additions to it.
If you want to get your hands on the original European EN 50110-1 standard, you need to buy it. There are also free information on standard available: British edition of the standard BS EN 50110-1:2004 can be found on-line.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Hand tools maintenance requirements for electrical work
Hand tools are the tools that are used in the technical field through the use of physical energy. Engineers or technicians work hand-in-hand. Therefore, hand tools are essential for an engineer or skilled electrical technician to solve any construction or maintenance work properly and efficiently. It is not possible to do any technical work without hand tools.
Hand tools maintenance requirements
As important as hand tools are in the technical field, so is maintenance. If hand tools are not maintained, their performance is lost.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Are High-End Receptacles Worth The Money? | Power Port Classic
I will provide an overview of the Power Port Classic design which is sold by PS Audio. This receptacle is designed for audio and visual applications with a focus on audiophiles. I will open up the $50 receptacle and show you the internals in addition to comparing the design to a $6 Leviton commercial-grade receptacle.
Additionally, we will discuss the actual manufacturer of this receptacle and what model is closest to the PowerPort Classic as a possible alternative.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Should An Outlet Be Installed Ground Down Or Up
You might have noticed over the years some receptacles (outlets) are installed with the ground down and others with the ground up. Sometimes this changes from room-to-room or home-to-home. The question is what way is correct? Is there a code that gives guidance? Is one way safer than another? Are there any drawbacks I should be aware of when picking during install?
Tomi Engdahl says:
You CAN Get SHOCKED by a Neutral Wire! This is How…
Hey Gang! In today’s video we tackle a serious problem in this bathroom and that is this shared neutral. In this video we do our best to explain what a shared neutral is, why it’s wrong and what can go bad. This was a critical step in the renovation and we’re glad to have it knocked out!
Tomi Engdahl says:
What Outlet Should You Buy For Your Home | Commercial vs Residential
Tomi Engdahl says:
Electrical Outlet Basics | How To Wire
Tomi Engdahl says:
What Decora Switch Should You Buy | Residential vs Commercial
What Switch Should You Buy | Toggle vs Rocker (Decora)
Tomi Engdahl says:
What Outlet Should You Buy | Commercial vs Hospital Grade
Tomi Engdahl says:
Markkinoilta poistettiin viime vuonna 118 vaarallista sähkölaitetta
Turvallisuus- ja kemikaalivirasto Tukes määräsi viime vuonna yrityksiä poistamaan markkinoilta yhteensä 118 vaarallista sähkölaitetta. Eniten puutteita oli latureissa, muuntajissa ja erilaisissa led-valaisimissa. Samat tuoteryhmät toistuvat vuodesta toiseen vaarallisimpien tuotteiden listalla.
Tukesin tarkastajat tekivät vuoden 2020 aikana valvontaa yli 1200:een sähkölaitteita myyvään liikkeeseen. Kivijalkakauppoihin tehtyjen valvontakäyntien määrä on vähentynyt viime vuosina. Valvonta kohdistuu nykyisin yhä enemmän verkkokauppaan.
Tukes testautti viime vuonna 346 sähkölaitetta ja testausten perusteella yhteensä 118 sähkölaitetta poistettiin markkinoilta. Näistä vakavimmin vaaralliset 15 kerättiin takaisin käyttäjiltä. Vuonna 2019 näitä takaisinvetoja oli 19 ja sitä edellisenä vuonna 46.
Tomi Engdahl says:
My house dam near burned down. Let’s find out why
Check your electrical outlets used by major appliances. Over time the screwe connection can fail and lead to overheating.
Yes! Dont ignore intermittent shutdowns
at 5:45 it appears the screw has turned blue , which might mean it has gotten into the 500-700 degree’s f range for heat
Looks like the screw untightened causing an arc and heating when the appliance kicked in…
Wow nasty, You are right the socket was not at fault, crap installer!.
A loose connection is a higher resistance, so you have a heating element that gets worse
So it’s a wire clean and new socket time.
IR camera would probably have picked it up.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Consumer Unit Fire
emergency job to investigate following a fire caused by a loose electrical connection. In this video we show you what happened.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Shall I Use a 15A or a 20A Receptacle on a 20A Circuit? + 2020 NEC 210.21(B)(1) and 210.21(B)(3)
Tomi Engdahl says:
Ground Neutral and Hot wires explained – electrical engineering grounding ground fault
Ground neutral and hot wires explained. In this video we look at the difference and purpose of the ground wire, the hot wire and the neutral wire in a north american residential electrical system. We look at ground faults, GFCI, current, voltage and simple examples for each.
Ground, Neutral and Hot wires (US/Can)
Tomi Engdahl says:
Electrical Wire Color Coding Used By Electricians
Have you ever wondered why electrical wires and circuits have so many colors? What does it all mean? Let’s dig in.
USA colors
Tomi Engdahl says:
Chinese Wire Connectors
A selection of wire connectors direct from China. Tested at 3750 volts, and opened to see what’s inside.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Incorrectly Wired Outlet Found In Newly Built Home
I changed out a failed outlet (properly called a receptacle) in a friend’s home where I found 3 different mistakes made by the home builder/electrician. These mistakes don’t go against NEC but are not following best practices. I will quickly review what these 3 mistakes are and how to correct each.
0:00 Intro
1:00 Mistake 1
2:13 Mistake 2
4:03 Mistake 3
6:30 Closing
Tomi Engdahl says:
How To Wire A Residential 200 Amp Main Panel
In today’s how-to, we will be making up a residential 200 amp main electric panel.
Tomi Engdahl says:
How to Upgrade an Electric Meter to 200-Amp Service (Part 1) | This Old House
How to Upgrade an Electrical Panel to 200-Amp Service (Part 2) | This Old House
Tomi Engdahl says:
120V 240V Electricity explained – Split phase 3 wire electrician
How 120V / 240V electricity is distributed from the power station and to your property. We look at how it is connected to power domestic appliances as well as the main components such as the electricity meter, main service panel, main breaker, circuit breaker, bus bars, neutral ground bar, light switches and lighting circuits, transformers, GFCI circuit breakers, AFCI circuit breakers. The purpose of the hot wire, neutral wire and ground wire as well as the ground rod and the water pipe bonding.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
/r/Hmmm – key cleaner
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Wiring 480V/277V, 1 & 3-Phase Panel:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
How to Wire 277V & 480V, 1-Phase & 3-Phase, Commercial Main Service Panel?
What is 277 & 480V Commercial Supply?
277V is a standard single phase voltage derived from 480V three phase voltage system available in commercial applications. It can be achieved by three transformers connected in Wye (Star – connection) having a neutral point. The transformer’s secondary provides 277V single phase and 480V single phase and three phase voltage levels. Generally, 277V is not available in typical homes for residential purposes.
For 480V & 277V three phase supply, the electric power providers install three transformers in Wye-Wye configuration. The primary side of the transformer (configured in Wye) is connected to the 7.2 kV distribution lines. The output voltages levels of the transformer (from the secondary side wires in Wye) are 277V, 1-Phase and 480V, 1-Phase & 3-Phase.
In this kind of power distribution system, the following three types of levels of voltage are available as three phase, four wires (three hot wires + neutral).
277V Single Phase, 3 Wires (One Hot wire + Neutral wire + Ground wire)
480V Single Phase, 3 Wires (Two out of phase Hot wires + Ground wire)
480V Three Phase, 4-5 Wires (Three out of phase Hot wires + Neutral wire + Ground wire)
Tomi Engdahl says:
Should You Wrap Outlets In Electrical Tape?
One of the most frequent comments on my electrical videos is pointing out that I didn’t wrap the receptacle in electrical tape. This isn’t something I have done in the past but I was interested to get feedback from viewers. I put out a poll on the channel and got responses from over 1400 people on their opinion if you should or shouldn’t wrap receptacles in electrical tape. This video outlines the results of the poll, proper application of electrical tape, and wrapping wire nuts.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Wagos vs Wirenuts – Head to Head TEST : Overloaded
Wagos? I pulled them, cooked them & overloaded them. Did they survive? Are Wire Nuts better? See the results & how I tested them to address all the myths about them.
Tomi Engdahl says:
How To Replace An Old 2 Prong Outlet Using 3 Prong GFCI
This video will demonstrate how to swap out an old 2 prong receptacle with a new 3 prong GFCI receptacle. This install follows NEC 406.4(D)(2) Non-Grounding-Type Receptacles code and we will go from start to finish.
Tomi Engdahl says:
How to Ground a Two-Prong Electrical Outlet | Ask This Old House
Ask This Old House master electrician Heath Eastman explains the purpose of a ground wire and then grounds an outlet for a homeowner.
Any work that involves working on the electrical panel can be dangerous and should only be done by a licensed professional.
In this scenario, Heath found that none of the surrounding receptacles or their wiring were to code, so he removed and replaced them with a 12-2 NM cable and a single GFCI outlet. These materials can be found at any home center or electrical supply store.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Electrocution in Water
How Dangerous is it to swim in a pool when there is live wire in the water? What are the chances of electrocution? Take a look and you may get some ideas!
Tomi Engdahl says:
Finding HIGH POWER 240V in a 120V Country
Traveling around and need a power adapter to run your 240V hair drier? GOOD LUCK!
Tomi Engdahl says:
Switching 11kV VCB Tamco
Tomi Engdahl says:
Why Do Electric Plugs have 1 Big Prong? Answered
Why do some outlets have a larger slot? Some plugs have one bigger prong, but why don’t they all of them? Do you think you know? I received hundreds of requests to make this video & I hope you enjoy seeing the mystery solved & the question ANSWERED! Why do Polarized Plugs Exist?
Tomi Engdahl says:
2020 NEC changes series: 110.14 Conductor Terminations
This video covers the changes in the 2020 NEC to section 110.14, conductor terminations. It includes the rules for copper-clad aluminum and for proper termination torque.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
ADJ PC-4 | Who are they for and what’s going on inside? First look & Teardown
The ADJ PC-4 is a light duty power switching center that costs less than an extension cord. The online reviews are a mixed bag, with some worrying outliers. But they’ve been on sale forever & some of the negative stories just don’t add up. So, what’s the deal? Are the folks writing bad reviews at fault? Does UL listing really matter for gear like this? We’ll take it apart and talk through what we find together in this episode. But who’s buying these?…
Tomi Engdahl says:
Charging Phone DANGEROUS?! ElectroBOOM Crew EXPOSED!!! (LATITY-004)
Tomi Engdahl says:
Dangers of Using Electronics in Bathroom, the Case of the Teenage Girl
This is the sad tragedy of the teenage girl, Madison Coe, who passed away while using her mobile phone in the bathroom. I hope her story provides awareness around the dangers of using electronics in the bathroom.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Why You Should Not Use Speed Wiring | Back Wiring Is Preferred
Speed wiring, aka backstabbing or push-in wiring, is commonly called out by professionals as a shortcut and not the best way to wire a receptacle or switch.
With this in mind, the speed and convenience of speed wiring can be tempting but is also known to be a common source of failures and possibly a fire hazard. Is there another option that combines the speed and convenience of speed wiring and the dependability of side wiring? There actually is and this feature is called back wiring found on most commercial-grade (spec grade) receptacles and other devices like a GFCI receptacle.
Tomi Engdahl says:
How to Wire Combo of 3 & 1-Φ, 400V/230V Distribution Board?
Tomi Engdahl says:
Main fuse was a Nail, Electrician
Back in the unit to see what happens when a nail is used as a main fuse
Tomi Engdahl says:
Fuseboard Fire, House Fire, Exotic life of an Electrician