Cool uses for Arduino

There are very many cool Arduino projects and project sites in Internet (make Google search to see). Here are some interesting links to check out:
Arduino Projects at indestructables

Arduino user projects

Arduino Project Ideas

Top 40 Arduino Projects of the Web

Arduino Rising: 10 Amazing Projects People Are Doing With The Tiny Microcontroller

Electronics For The Everyman: 25 Kick Ass Arduino-Powered Projects

10 Simple-But-Fun Projects to Make With Arduino


Codeduino projects

Internet of Thing with Arduino

11 Arduino projects that require major hacking skills—or a bit of insanity

I will be posting more links to more interesting projects as comments to this post, like I did in my Cool uses for the Raspberry Pi posting. Some of the most interesting that spend some more time at can get their entire own postings this blog in Arduino section.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    HID-Compliant UPS with Arduino © GPL3+
    Simulating HID-compliant UPS with help of Arduino.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    This DIY MagicBand Reader Brings a Bit of the Disney Park Magic Into Your Home
    Dominick Civitano’s 3D-printed NFC band reader controls lighting, or other devices, with a relay.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tinkercad | How to blink LED with out delay () | LED blink without delay Arduino | Millis()

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Arduino – Control Fan
    Arduino can not only turn on/off the fan but also control the fan’s speed.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    This robotic melodica listens to YouTube melodica tutorials and tries to reproduce what it hears in real-time.

    Self-Playing Melodica

    Turn your melodica into a compressed-air melodica controlled by Max and Arduino. It tries to follow the melodic contour it listens to!

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Our new OTA feature is now available through the Arduino IoT Cloud and Web Editor.

    Upload your sketch over-the-air with the Arduino IoT Cloud!

    If you have connected an Arduino Nano 33 IoT or a MKR WiFi 1010 to the Arduino IoT Cloud, you can now update the sketch using a wireless connection from the web.

    To use OTA, you need to do two things: enable a device and create a Thing.

    To enable a device, you need to connect a board to the IoT Cloud and update the firmware. Just plug the device into the USB, go to the Device tab, and click Add Device. A wizard will guide you through the process — at the end, your board will be available as a target for the upload over-the-air and you will be able to update the sketch remotely!

    A Thing is a component that manages the dialogue between the cloud and the physical device thanks to a dedicated library (the Arduino Connection Handler), and stores the data into the cloud. Creating a Thing is simple: just select the voice from the IoT Cloud’s main menu, configure the variables that you want to exchange with the device, and pair the board that you have just enabled.

    Devices that can be updated via OTA will appear in the dropdown list of all updatable devices in the online editors of Create — the full Web Editor and the new Sketch Editor have been introduced in the Thing configuration page to make minor changes to the code.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Never lose your musical noodling again! This Arduino circuit can be plugged in between your MIDI out and some MIDI in, recording all the data that gets sent over the wire to an SD card.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    These researchers created a low-cost autonomous car using an Arduino and a phone camera, capable of navigating indoor environments with AI:

    (via U of T – Department of Computer Science)

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Automatic Wire Cutter and Stripper
    Mr Innovative’s Arduino Nano-based machine cuts and strips wires using 3D-printing feed technique.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Laser Guitar © MIT
    In this project, we replaced the strings of an old guitar with lasers and DIY beam splitters.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Cereal Monitor
    Drop-in replacement for Arduino’s serial monitor with variable watches.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:


  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    TOF10120 Laser Range Sensor with Arduino to Measure Distance + Oled Display. laser for measurements

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ApproxFFT: Fastest FFT Function for Arduino © CC BY-NC
    This function performs FFT with very good speed while maintaining accuracy.

    some of the significant observation on the test:

    Speed is more than 3 times faster than conventional FFT,
    Memory consumption is low (almost half),
    The output is comparable with exact values (low error),

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Extend an Arduino with a CF Card or IDE Drive © CC BY
    Interface an Arduino Mega with an IDE drive or CF Card! It is easier than you might have thought!

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Radar System using Arduino … Full detail & code also given click the link

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The echoTrek is an 8-bit digital delay / lo-fi Bitcrusher / reverse speech DSP pedal effects module for guitars, voice, synths, and more.

    echoTrek – Digital Delay / Echo – Audio Effects with Arduino © GPL3+

    8Bit Digital Delay / LO-FI Bitcrusher / Reverse Speech DSP Pedal Effects for Guitar, Voice, Synths, etc.

    The operation is analogous to the bucket brigade (BBD) principle used by the famous MN3005 integrated circuit, used in the classic analog pedals of the 70s and 80s.

    The audio signal coming from a source, such as a tablet, cell phone, mp3 player, keyboard, mixer, guitar amplifier, etc. goes to the input of circuit and filtered by a capacitor and then applied to the analog pin A0 – 10Bit A/D converter, where it is sampled and converted to bytes (values ​​from 0 to 255). These bytes ​​are stored in Arduino’s SRAM memory, through a 1900 bytes buffer (array), which forms a delay line for the original signal.

    When this buffer is full, the first byte that entered (and the subsequent bytes) that are stored in the buffer are sent to the 8Bit D/A converter. The 8Bit D/A outputs the audio as PWM that is retrieved at pin D5 of the Arduino where is filtered by a capacitor and the reconstructed audio is ready to go to the output of circuit.

    To improve the audio quality, I set the PWM frequency to ~64kHz and Timer 1 to ~16kHz, so we have a pratical sampling rate of ~6.3kHz.


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