There are very many cool Arduino projects and project sites in Internet (make Google search to see). Here are some interesting links to check out:
Arduino Projects at indestructables
Top 40 Arduino Projects of the Web
Arduino Rising: 10 Amazing Projects People Are Doing With The Tiny Microcontroller
Electronics For The Everyman: 25 Kick Ass Arduino-Powered Projects
10 Simple-But-Fun Projects to Make With Arduino
Internet of Thing with Arduino
11 Arduino projects that require major hacking skills—or a bit of insanity
I will be posting more links to more interesting projects as comments to this post, like I did in my Cool uses for the Raspberry Pi posting. Some of the most interesting that spend some more time at can get their entire own postings this blog in Arduino section.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Arduino Library Makes Digital Rain Like It’s 1999
There’s going to be a new Matrix movie in theaters next month, and you know what that means: we’re about to see a whole new generation get obsessed with the franchise’s iconic “Digital Rain” effect. Thanks to modern advertisement technology, expect to see lines of glittering text pouring down the displays of everything from billboards to gas pumps pretty soon.
For those of us who’ve just been looking for an excuse to break out the old Matrix screensavers, you might as well get a jump on things using this handy Arduino library for the ESP8266 and ESP32. Developed by [Eric Nam], it lets you start up a digital rainstorm on displays supported by the TFT_eSPI library as easily as running digitalRainAnim.loop().
Tomi Engdahl says:
Shutter Speed Tester for Film Cameras © MIT
Build a simple shutter speed tester for film cameras.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Jigglypuff IoT Carbon Dioxide and Dust Monitor w/ Telegram © CC BY
Based on Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect, display the dust density (mg/m3) and the carbon dioxide (CO2) density (ppm) via a Telegram bot.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Arduino Plays The Glasses
Tomi Engdahl says:
Compact Adapter Board Brings 5ms-Latency 60GHz Live Video Streaming to the Raspberry Pi
Designed around a commercial module, this Raspberry Pi Zero-format add-on offers 5ms video transmission from a Raspberry Pi’s HDMI port.
Pseudonymous maker “NotNoiceComments” has designed an adapter board, which takes a 60GHz wireless video transmitter module and converts it for use with a Raspberry Pi — allowing for ultra-low-latency streaming from the Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera Module.
“I’m using it to stream 1080P up to 60fps [frames per second] from the RPI HQ Camera,” NotNoiceComments explains of the compact board, designed to mimic the rough footprint of a Raspberry Pi Zero or Zero. [The latency] is 5ms or less.”
The key to that low latency transmission: A commercial 60GHz video transmission module, designed to accept an HDMI input and transmit it wirelessly to a paired receiver, which converts it back into HDMI again.
“The reason why I’m using 60GHz is because of the extremely low latency. Normal Wi-Fi devices have 150-500[ms] delay depending on the network adapter,” the maker explains. “Second thing is the cost of these modules. I was able to acquire a set of TX and RX for $30 vs $200 a set. It’s a very [niche] use case.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
DIY Photoshop Editing Console using Arduino Nano RP 2040 © Apache-2.0
Easy way to control Adobe Photoshop using Arduino HID Functionality – Make it easier for you to edit images in photoshop!
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Connect to Arduino IoT Cloud – Arduino Nano 33 IoT
A simple blink program to connect to Arduino IoT Cloud using the Arduino Nano 33 IoT
Tomi Engdahl says:
RFID Race timer © GPL3+
A race timing system using RFID to time and identify athletes!
Tomi Engdahl says:
Did you know that you can convert your new Nicla Sense ME into a MKR shield? Here’s how:
Tomi Engdahl says:
An Arduino is actually powerful enough to emulate a C64. With only a few external components, it outputs PAL or NTSC video and can be connected to any TV or composite input of an analog monitor.
Arduino Emulates a Commodore 64!
Arduino is actually powerful enough to emulate a C64. With only a few external components it outputs PAL or NTSC video and can be connected to any TV or composite input of an analog monitor.
0:00 Introduction
1:07 Emulation of the MOS 6510 CPU
1:40 Memory mapping: How 64 Kilobytes are squeezed into a Arduino RAM
3:17 Composite video output (VIC II emulation)
5:05 Connecting a USB or PS/2 keyboard and entering a simple BASIC program
5:57 Compare with the original C64
7:04 320×200 Hi Resolution mode on Arduino Mega
Tomi Engdahl says:
Nick Bild came up with a script that analyzes your physical breadboard to automatically generate a KiCAD schematic.
A breadboard is, at its core, a series of connectors. This script’s purpose is to identify every connection and associate it with the corresponding pin on a component. It is able to do that using a special breadboard that has every row of pins connected to an Arduino Due board I/O pin. A Python script running on a connected PC then checks every row for continuity. The user then inputs the component located at connection, and the script will draw a KiCAD schematic with wires between every component’s pins.
This script does have some serious limitations.
To overcome that, the user must insert jumpers in place of some components. The user must also enter the component associated with each connection, because the script has no way of identifying components — it only checks for continuity.
Schematic-o-matic automatically creates KiCAD schematics from your breadboard
Breadboards are the first tool you break out in any prototyping journey and almost every project will utilize a breadboard at some point. Those breadboards often turn into a rats’ nest of overlapping wires that are difficult to trace, which makes it difficult to create an accurate schematic when it is time to design your PCB. To make your life easier, Nick Bild came up with a script that analyzes your physical breadboard to automatically generate a KiCAD schematic.
Automatically draw a KiCad schematic for a circuit prototyped on a breadboard.
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB-GPIB Interface v2.1
Tomi Engdahl says:
3 Phase Inverter Circuit Using Arduino
Project link:
Tomi Engdahl says:
DIY Air Quality Monitor – PM2.5, CO2, VOC, Ozone, Temp & Hum Arduino Meter
Poor air quality can lead to many negative health effects as well as can cause tiredness, headaches, loss of concentration, increased heart rate and so on. Monitoring the quality of the air may actually be more important than you realize. So, in this tutorial we will learn how to build our own Air Quality Monitor which is capable of measuring PM2.5, CO2, VOC, Ozone, as well as temperature and humidity.
Tomi Engdahl says:
An Easy Music Visualizer With The Arduino Nano
Flashing LEDs are all well and good, but they’re even better if they can sync up with ambient sounds or music. [mircemk] has built the LUMAZOID visualizer to do just that, relying on some staple maker components to do so.
The build is open-source, and designed to work with strings of 60, 120, or 180 WS2812B LEDs. An Arduino Nano is charged with running the show, capturing audio via its analog-to-digital converter. A sensitivity pot enables the input level to be set appropriately.
DIY LUMAZOID Arduino Music Visualiser
A real-time music visualizer that lets you display an awesome light show that is synchronized to your music.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Classic film cameras have a mechanical shutter that doesn’t require a battery. However, shutters that have not been used for many years may not work properly. This Arduino-based setup will help test things out.
Shutter Speed Tester for Film Cameras © MIT
Build a simple shutter speed tester for film cameras.
The shutter Speed Tester uses Arduino as the main controller and the phototransistor as the light sensor to capture the light transmitted by the flashlight behind the camera body. The captured shutter speed is shown on the SSD1306 OLED display.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Get Rid of Some Nervous Energy with a DIY Electronic Fidget Cube
This special fidget cube is full of various circuits that allow users to experiment with logic gates, tactile buttons, and LEDs.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Windows Login Using RFID Module And Arduino | RFID Project
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Arduino Self Balancing Robot Using MPU6050 Accelerometer
Tomi Engdahl says:
Doctor Volt has created an Arduino sketch that emulates a Commodore C64. Connect a PS/2 or USB keyboard to a TV and run simple BASIC programs!
The Arduino Commodore 64 © GPL3+
An Arduino sketch that emulates a Commodore C64. Connect a PS/2 or USB keyboard and a TV and run simple BASIC programs!
Tomi Engdahl says:
Voice Alert For Distance Measurement Using Ultrasonic Sensor HCSR04 + ISD1820 + Arduino
Link of Video :
In today’s video, I have shown how you can build a Voice Based Alert System Using an Ultrasonic Distance Sensor and an ISD1820 Module.
I have shown it using an Arduino. You can use it in any of the similar types of Project, like Water Tank voice Alarm, Visitor Counter, No Entry Zone Alert etc..
Tomi Engdahl says:
Build an Arduino EEPROM programmer
In this video, we’ll use an Arduino Nano to make programming EEPROMs (e.g., 28C16) much easier.
Parts list for the programmer:
- 1x Arduino Nano (or most any other kind)
- 2x 74HC595
- 1x 28C16 EEPROM (should also work for 28C64 or 28C256)
All the code is available here:
This is a simple circuit for programming the 28C16, 28C64, 28C256, and similar parallel EEPROMs using an Arduino. Since the Arduino doesn’t have enough pins to directly control all of the address, data, and control lines of the EEPROM, two 74HC595 shift registers are used for the 11 address lines (15 for the 28C256) and the output enable control line.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Alcohol Detector Using Arduino And MQ3 Sensor…more details and code
Tomi Engdahl says:
Retrofit your light switch with this remote-controlled device
It can be extremely annoying and frustrating to finally get comfortable somewhere only to realize that you forgot to turn off a light, thus requiring a short journey to and from the wall switch. Mechanical engineering student and Instructables user alanmerritt ran into the same problem in his dorm room, so he responded by creating a device that could remotely operate a light switch without any modifications to the switch itself.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Automatic Plant Watering System With Arduino
15 December 2021 by Electro Gadget
Are you forgot to water your plants? It is a big problem in those days. We all are busy in our daily life. So most of us forgot to maintain home plants like indoor and outdoor. By adding an Automatic Plant Watering System in the garden or agricultural field, we can help all plants reach their fullest potential as well as reduce water wastage.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Produce pretty patterns with this Arduino-powered project
Tomi Engdahl says:
The PneuMod Is a Specialized Haptic Feedback Device for Several Applications
The PneuMod supports localized pressure and temperature sensations that allow for physical interactions to be sent remotely.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Arduino Industrial 101 is an Evaluation board for Arduino 101 LGA module. The ATmega32u4 microcontroller is integrated in the baseboard. The module supports a Linux distribution…
Tomi Engdahl says:
Easy and Affordable Track Timing System © GPL3+
An affordable and automatic system letting athletes time themselves or their peers quickly and easily.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Check out the new Cloud Scheduler function in your Arduino Cloud, which lets you set up automated events by time, date, frequency and duration.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Arduino Commodore 64
An Arduino sketch that emulates a Commodore C64. Connect a PS/2 or USB keyboard and a TV and run simple BASIC programs!
Tomi Engdahl says:
How To Make An Arduino LED Cube 4x4x4….
More details and code
Tomi Engdahl says:
Gnat-Stats Tiny OLED PC Performance Monitor
Arduino OLED PC Performance Monitor with Client software
Tomi Engdahl says:
Sign Language Translator Project….. more details and code