USB Type-C Connector is on the news today as they have introduced another new type of USB connector that is not directly compatible with any existing connectors. USB Type-C Connector Specifications Finalized article tells that today the USB-IF (USB Implementers Forum) announced that the latest USB connector which we first caught a glimpse of in April has been finalized. This Type-C specification tries to correct many of the issues with previous USB as a connector models. There are a lot of changes coming, with some excellent enhancements. Check USB Type-C Connector Specifications Finalized and Reversible USB Type-C connector finalized: Devices, cables, and adapters coming soon articles for details. The new connector is for example has reversible plug orientation, similar size to micro-USB, ertified for USB 3.1 data rates (10 Gbps) and support higher power charging.
With this new design, existing devices won’t be able to mate using the new cables, so there are specifications for adapter cables. There will be some time until this new connector becomes widely used. One issue on mobile devices might be the the fact that China, the EU, and the GSMA have all agreed that new mobile devices use Micro-USB for charging (solution could maybe be including a Micro-USB-to-Type-C adapter with every new smartphone).
Tomi Engdahl says:
Federico Viticci / MacStories:
Apple’s 29W USB-C power adapter charges an iPad Pro to 80% in just 1.5 hours, compared to 3.5 hours with the included 12W adapter — Testing Apple’s 29W USB-C Power Adapter and iPad Pro Fast Charging — When Apple refreshed its online store with a new USB-C to Lightning cable with support …
Testing Apple’s 29W USB-C Power Adapter and iPad Pro Fast Charging
Tomi Engdahl says:
Dieter Bohn / The Verge:
USB-IF announces new USB Type-C authentication spec so devices can verify certification status of accessories to avoid damage from rogue cables
A software fix for dangerous USB-C cables is coming
Now that it’s becoming clear to everybody that it’s distressingly easy to accidentally buy a USB-C cable that can damage your devices, the group behind the specification is taking some proactive steps to solve the problem. The USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF), which certifies cables as safe, is announcing a new way to ensure that your devices are protected from rogue cables.
That protection comes in the form of the “USB Type-C Authentication specification,” which is a set of software rules that a device can enforce on anything you plug into it. The new protocol will allow “host systems [to] confirm the authenticity of a USB device or USB charger, including such product aspects as the descriptors/capabilities and certification status.”
In plain English? When a device gets certified by the USB-IF, it will then be able to tell your phone or laptop that it’s safe to use via 128-bit encrypted communication. It will happen immediately, before it’s allowed to draw power or transfer data.
Ars Technica points out that it may be possible for current USB-C devices to get software updates so they can use the new authentication specification, allowing them to identify good and bad cables. But that won’t apply to current cables, which were obviously made before the USB-IF came up with this new fix.
Tomi Engdahl says:
5 Reasons to Love the New USB 3.1 Connection System
There’s a sea change coming in connectivity for personal electronics and portable devices. Called USB 3.1, or SuperSpeed Plus, it will bring improvements in power, speed, and usability.
5. Look, Ma, no power cord!
USB 3.1 increases the amount of power that can be transferred up to 100 W (5 Vdc, 20 A) with what is called VBUS, so that, for devices like laptop computers and similar high-power systems, you’ll no longer need a separate power cable to recharge them. In fact, it will be possible to charge your laptop computer using your cell phone!
4. Simpler to plug in.
As shown in the figure below, the new USB standard introduces a type of connector called Type-C. The Type-C connector is ambidextrous, in a sense, in that it has a kind of bilateral symmetry, in which the pin functions on the top are reverse-mirrored on the bottom.
3. You can still use your current USB devices.
The new USB 3.1 Type-C cables will be available with tethered adapters for the earlier types of USB, so you can add the adapter and plug into the older device.
2. Faster data transfers.
USB 3.1 allows for data transfers at a blindingly fast 10 GB/s.
1. Fewer cords for everything!
For today’s mobile society, perhaps the biggest benefit of USB 3.1 is that one cable will work for practically everything.
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB-C adds authentication protocol
When one wire carries data and power, you need to protect against dodgy devices
The USB 3.0 Promoter Group has announced it has devised and will adopt a new “USB Type-C Authentication specification.”
The specification means makers of USB devices will be able to encode them with information about their source and function. When connecting to those devices, machines like computers or phones will be able to read that descriptor and choose to connect, or not, depending on policies.
The USB 3.0 Promoter group says “For a traveler concerned about charging their phone at a public terminal, their phone can implement a policy only allowing charge from certified USB chargers.” Or perhaps you’re worried that your organisation’s laptop fleet could be compromised by rogue USB devices, in which case you “can set a policy in its PCs granting access only to verified USB storage devices.” It’s not clear if that will allow organisations to specify individual devices, or just devices whose manufacturers have implemented the spec.
USB-C needs this spec for two reasons. One is that, not to put to fine a point on it, users are idiots.
The second is that there are lots of scumbags churning out second-rate electronics to make a quick buck. We already know that poorly-wired cables capable of frying kit are enough of a menace that recently banned the sale of non-compliant cables on its digital tat bazaar. If devices flag such kit as sub-standard, or refuse to connect to them, it’s therefore a win for all but the junk-slingers.
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB-IF battles malware and bad chargers with Type-C Authentication spec
Spec will verify the capabilities and certification status of accessories.
So far, adoption of the versatile, reversible USB Type-C connector has been going pretty well. It’s hardly universal, but it’s showing up in an increasing number of smartphones and laptops, and the number of cables and other accessories that support it is slowly growing. One of the problems that has emerged as the port has grown in popularity is non-compliant cables and power adapters, accessories that look like they ought to work but might actually end up frying the device they’re plugged into.
That’s one of the problems the USB-IF is trying to solve with the USB Type-C Authentication specification, announced today at the Intel Developer Forum in Shenzhen, China. When you connect a power adapter, cable, or accessory that supports the specification into a host device (like a phone or laptop) that supports the specification, the host device can verify the accessories’ capabilities and whether the accessory has been fully certified by the USB-IF. This information is transmitted to the host using 128-bit encryption before an actual data or power connection is established, and the specification is designed to work even if your charger and cable are only providing power and not a data connection.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Hackaday Dictionary: USB Type C
First released in 2014, the new USB type C connector is part of the USB 3.1 standard. This new standard is an update to the USB 3.0 standard used by most contemporary devices, and it adds a new type of connector: the USB type C. This new connector is smaller, thinner and more flexible than older versions, but still supports the same data and power connections, as well as adding a couple more ways for devices to talk to each other. It does this mainly by increasing the number of connections between plug and socket to 24, up from the 10 of USB 3 and 4 or 5 of USB 2.0. These extra connections mean that the devices on either end have more ways to send both energy and data down the cable between them.
The Physical Connection
The USB type C connection isn’t physically backwards compatible, though: you can’t use a cable with USB type C connectors on both ends with an older USB 2 or 3.0 port. This is causing some frustration with users
Direct Audio
Another interesting hint of the future is the Audio Adapter mode that the standard includes. Here, an analog audio output (such as headphones) and input (such as a microphone) can be connected directly to the USB type C socket, removing the need for external amplifiers, DACs and ADCs. In other words: you can add a headset socket with a simple adapter that needs no more than a handful of resistors. The resistors identify the connected device as a headset, and the USB host device then feeds analog audio to it and receives analog audio.
Could this mean a smartphone without a headphone socket? In theory, as the standard documents note:
“An analog audio adapter could be a very basic USB Type-C adapter that only has a 3.5 mm jack or it could be an analog audio adapter with a 3.5 mm jack and a USB Type-C receptacle to enable charge-through. The headset shall not use a USB Type-C plug to replace the 3.5 mm plug.”
Roughly translated, this means that a USB type C-only equipped smartphone is allowed, but headsets won’t come with only a USB type C plug on them: you will need an adapter.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Intel Wants To Eliminate The Headphone Jack And Replace It With USB-C
With rumors circulating about how Apple may do away with the 3.5 mm headphone jack on its upcoming iPhone 7, Intel has shared a similar desire, citing “industry singling a strong desire to move from analog to digital.” Intel believes USB-C is the future audio jack. They believe USB-C has more potential than the 3.5mm audio jack as it allows users to add additional smart features to headphones in the future. For instance, a future pair of headphones could monitor one’s pulse or inner-ear temperature for fitness tracking, something that could only be possible if the headphones were connected to a smartphone via a USB-C cable.
Intel wants to eliminate 3.5 mm headphone jack like rumored iPhone 7, suggests USB-C as replacement
However, Intel is pushing USB-C as the future of headphone audio cables. Intel believes USB-C will win out over 3.5mm as it has many modern-day benefits including the potential to add additional smart features to headphones in the future, that can pass data down the same USB-C cable.
Accommodating USB-C components is also smaller than the internals needed for a 3.5 mm headphone jack which is a big issue as devices like phones continue to get smaller. Manufacturers have to be careful in current smartphone designs to shield the 3.5mm analog port from interference — a digital cable would not need such affordances.
USB-C already supports analog audio transfer through sideband pins simplifying the engineering steps necessary to swap 3.5mm with USB-C in device designs. Intel is also finalizing a USB-C standard for digital audio transfer, due in the second quarter. The protocol includes features like automatic device discovery and the ability to update headphones via software with new functionality over time.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Many new products are now being sold partly also by the fact that they support the new faster USB. PCWorld test indicates that the port with C-type for the new connection speeds vary greatly.
According to the magazine port can be labeled with term USB 3.1 and C-type, but the data throughput rate can be everything from a standard 480 Mbps to the maximum possible, ie 10 Gbps.
This is of course a bit misleading for the consumer. The new connector does not automatically guarantee high speeds. Device Control must also support the latest 3.1 bus standard, so the product description should be read carefully.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Converter eases USB Type-C designs
ortable devices can easily evolve to USB Type-C with PD (Power Delivery) using the MAX77596 synchronous buck converter from Maxim. The MAX77596 operates from a supply as low as 3.5 V and as high as 24 V, regulating from conventional 5-V USB power, as well as the 20-V upper end of the PD range.
Previously, designing a power supply for USB Type-C port controllers required two chips: a low input voltage linear regulator in parallel with a higher input voltage switcher to cover the wide voltage range of the PD standard
The converter comes in fixed 3.3-V and 5-V output versions. An adjustable version allows the output voltage to be programmed between 1 V and 10 V with a resistor-divide
24V, 300mA, Buck Converter with 1.1μA IQ
Offers a Unique Combination of Wide VIN Range, Low IQ, High Duty Cycle, and Small Solution Size
Tomi Engdahl says:
For many years, the humble serial port was one of the best ways to communicate with an embedded system. Then USB ports became more popular and serial ports started to vanish. These days, even if you’re using a serial protocol to communicate with the microcontroller, it’s often over USB. And USB provides a convenient source of 5 V too. In short, we’ve made our peace with USB.
And then they go and change it. USB type C is a small connector that is reversible and has more options for power and connectivity. However, it is yet another new interface to figure out. [Scorpia] recently posted an article about USB type C that you may find useful
Using USB Type-C on hobyist projects
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB C Analyzer
USB C allows data transfer, but also has provisions for transferring data related to power distribution. Of course, where there is data, there is a need to snoop on data for troubleshooting or reverse engineering. That’s the idea behind the open source Type-C/PD Analyzer.
USB Type-C/USB PD Analyzer
USB Type-C/PD Analyzer is an Open Source Hardware/Software tool that helps you test, debug and explore USB Type-C/PD Devices.
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB-C vs. USB 3.1: What’s the difference?
With the launch of the Apple MacBook and Google’s Chromebook Pixel, USB-C (also called USB Type-C) and the accompanying USB 3.1 standard are both hitting market somewhat earlier than we initially expected. If you’re curious about the two standards and how they interact, we’ve dusted off and updated our guide to the upcoming technology. The situation is more nuanced than it’s been with previous USB standard updates — USB 3.1 and USB Type-C connectors may be arriving together on the new machines, but they aren’t joined at the hip the way you might think.
USB Type-C: Fixing an age-old problem
USB Type-C promises to solve this problem with a universal connector that’s also capable of twice the theoretical throughput of USB 3.0 and can provide far more power. That’s why Apple is pairing up Type-C and USB 3.1
USB-C, USB 3.1 not always hooked together
The Type-C plug can be used with previous standards of USB, which means manufacturers don’t automatically have to adopt expensive 3.1 hardware if they want to include it in mobile devices.
The disconnect between USB 3.1’s performance standard and the USB Type-C connector is going to inevitably cause confusion. One reason the shift from USB 2.0 to 3.0 was relatively painless is because coloring both the cables and plugs bright blue made it impossible to mistake one type of port for the other.
The upside to decoupling USB 3.1 from USB-C, however, is that companies can deploy the technology on mobile phones and tablets without needing to opt for interfaces that inevitably consume more power.
If I had to bet, I’d bet that the 100W power envelope on USB 3.1 will actually be of more practical value than the 10Gbps bandwidth capability.
The ability to provide 100W of power, as opposed to 10W, however, means that nearly every manufacturers could ditch clunky power bricks.
The higher bandwidth is nice, and a major selling point, but the flippable connector and the power provisioning will likely make more difference in the day-to-day reality of life.
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB C is the last physical connector
The new smart phones and laptops and peripherals usually used to treat both charging and data is associated to USB-C connector. The rapid emergence of technology has come at the same time last consumer electronics physical connector. Since then, the connections will be wireless.
USB-C in addition to ABI Research to bring Thunderbolt 3.0, but in addition to these two major physical connectors no longer come to see. Development will still be quite fast, because by the year 2020 already 93 per cent of new laptops include C-type USB connector.
Also smartphones new connector comes quickly. ABI predicts that after three years nearly half of all new smartphones use USB type C.
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB Type-C in a Micro-B world
Until USB Type-C connectors enjoy widespread adoption, one solution is to include both Type-C and Micro-B connectors in one’s designs.
The recently introduced USB 3.1 specification comes with a new connector that finally solves the biggest problems with the original USB spec — the requirement for mechanical orientation.
Well, maybe this isn’t the “biggest problem,” but it certainly is a nuisance.
USB 3.1 is a significant upgrade, including extra power capability, higher speed data, and reversible smart cables that can be plugged in in any orientation. One of the downsides is extra complexity.
Reading the spec can be a bit intimidating when compared to the USB Micro-B connector and the FTDI USB 2.0 to UART chips most of us microcontroller folks have gotten used to. Upon researching this further, however, I discovered that, while the connectors themselves aren’t compatible with older cables, the 3.1 specification will accommodate basic USB 2.0 data signals with minimal added complexity. It is possible, not difficult, and officially supported, to wire in a Type-C connector to an existing USB 2.0 design.
USB Type-C in a Micro-B world
My first use of the Type-C connector is coming in an electronic ruler that I’m designing with prolific project creator and editorial director of, Max Maxfield. The ruler will be Arduino-compatible and will be programmed via USB. In the original implementation, as I do with most of my designs, I put an FTDI FT231X chip to go between the UART on the MCU and a USB Micro-B connector. In this incarnation of the design, I’m keeping the Micro-B connector, but I’m also adding a Type-C connector.
Tomi Engdahl says:
4K/8K Video Capable USB Type-C Active Cable Solutions
Intersil’s ISL35411 and ISL36411 redriver chips with analog equalizers are the perfect solution for DisplayPort™ USB-C long active cables. With the increasing demand for higher quality video, Ultra-HD (UHD 4K) is becoming more popular, and the emerging 8K video is right behind it. USB 3.1 Type-C combines audio, video, and bi-directional data transfer and power delivery, and is becoming a widely adopted interconnect between mobile devices, personal computers, cameras, monitors and more.
Tomi Engdahl says:
C-type USB connector is now conquering the world at a fast pace. This is also reflected in the provision of connectors, where the focus has shifted to the USB standard, high performance head. New connectors support data transmission at 10 gigabits per second and upload up to 100 watts output.
USB-C’s popularity is leading to, for example, that Apple is moving away from the Thunderbolt – Apple already decided to terminate the Thunderbolt displays manufacturing because signal can transfered with USB type C connector
Tomi Engdahl says:
Special application can use different connector for USB 3:
USB 3.0 memory sticks are IP68-sealed
Ruggedized USB 3.0 flash drives from Fischer Connectors are not only up to five times faster than previous versions, but also smaller and lighter. These durable, encapsulated memory sticks provide IP68 environmental sealing and employ a Fischer UltiMate or MiniMax circular connector interface suitable for instrumentation, test equipment, and military applications.
UltiMate versions endure 10,000 mating cycles, while MiniMax types are rated for 5000 mating cycles.
Fischer Rugged Flash Drive is an extremely tough memory stick, specially designed for safe storage and transportation of sensitive data in harsh environments. It is suitable for use with ruggedized computers. The unique Fischer circular connector interface, combined with durable encapsulation technique, guarantees data safety in case of loss or theft. Fischer Rugged Flash Drive is equipped with high speed flash memory and available from 4 GB to 128 GB.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Transmitting High Quality 4K Video Signals Over a 5 Meter Cable
Intersil’s ISL3x411 USB redrivers offer extended functionality for advanced protocols operating with line rates up to 11.1Gbps. The devices provide a 300% cable extension over passive copper solutions, making them ideal for DisplayPort™ USB-C long active cables.
Signal Integrity ICs for USB Type-C: 4K Video Demo
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB Type-C to replace the 3.5mm head phone jack & introducing USB-IF certified USB-C chargers
During IDF 2016 there was a lot of buzz around USB Type-C. Two of the hot topics were USB Type-C for audio and the announcement by the USB-IF to offer certification for Type-C chargers. Also, Synopsys demonstrated our USB-IF Certified 3.1 Gen 2 (10 Gb/s) host and device solution.
So lets first talk about USB Type-C and the 3.5mm audio jack. There has been some recent press on the possibility that USB Type-C will replace the 3.5mm audio jack completely. My own opinion is that this is the right time to make the switch. There are a couple of reason but one is that most products are pushing to get slimmer and slimmer, smaller and smaller and they just can’t tolerate multiple connectors. Using a slim, small Type-C for power, audio, display and more just makes perfect sense. Added to this the new USB Audio Standard, which is not public yet but Synopsys has access to, forces improved power management lowering power consumption when using USB for Audio making it a net zero vs. the classic 3.5mm audio jack solution. The bonus to product developers is that when using USB Type-C for audio the component count thus bill of material will be reduced. This either means cheaper products or larger margins. We are seeing and servicing many new design starts in this area as the race to deliver products leveraging audio across USB Type-C heats up. What do you think about audio moving to USB Type-C? Post a comment below and voice your opinion.
Comment from page:
The legacy 3.5mm audio jack is also a known entry point for dust and water, interfering with sensitive internal circuitry and possibly destroying the phone. Removing the 3.5mm jack allows phones to be more tolerant to real life conditions without adding costly gaskets and seals in addition to (cumbersome to use) covers and flaps.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The HDMI connection will be lost from laptops in the future
HDMI connection HDMI Licensing technology developer says it has expanded its connection with a new alternative mode (the so-called. Alt mode). It allows the C-type USB connector equipped devices can move the image directly to the HDMI displays without any adapters.
If your device supports HDMI connection, such as a movie can be transferred to it via HDMI directly to a large-screen on a single physical cable. At the same time the future of small devices can be left out of the one connector, the USB Type-C is sufficient.
According to the association with the HDMI interface displays sold this year to nearly 290 million. Its range of projectors, monitors, and practically one hundred percent of Flat Panel TVs.
There are some limitations with a new HDMI technology is. Alt mode supports standard assay 1.4b, 2.0b, but not the newer standard. via the USB interface to the C-4K to transfer the image quality, the 3D image and the HDMI Ethernet data, the HDR example, but not sound, which is part of the 2.0 specification.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Chaim Gartenberg / The Verge:
HDMI Licensing announces Alt Mode, a new standard that will allow USB-C devices to send video to any HDMI display via a single cable
USB-C devices will be able to output to HDMI with new standard
HDMI Licensing, the company that defines hardware rules for HDMI cables, announced today that it’s releasing an HDMI Alt Mode for USB-C products. The specification allows for USB-C-to-HDMI cables to be made with no need for extra dongles or converters, and allow compatible devices to output video directly from a USB-C device to an HDMI display. This means that smartphones, tablets, laptops, cameras, and any other devices with a USB-C port can be built to directly output video to any HDMI display with a single cable.
Alt Mode, which stands for Alternative Mode, allows non-USB signals to be carried through a USB-C cable. Other USB-C Alt Modes support DisplayPort, MHL, and Thunderbolt. USB-C devices that support these Alt Modes can then, with the correct USB-C cable, transfer those signals in addition to regular USB data.
There are a few catches to the HDMI Alt Mode, however: the specification uses the older HDMI 1.4b standard, instead of the newer HDMI 2.0b, meaning that HDMI Alt Mode for USB-C connections will be able to output up to 4K resolution, 3D video, and support HDMI-CEC, but won’t offer things like HDR video and other HDMI 2.0b features.
HDMI has already released the specifications for HDMI Alt Mode for USB-C to its manufacturing licensees, so devices and cables supporting the standard could already be in the works.
Tomi Engdahl says:
HDMI hooks up with USB-C in cables that reverse, one way
One cable to rule them all … and in the darkness stream them
HDMI Licensing, the administrator of the High-Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) spec, has decided that the time has come to do away with dongles and given the thumb’s up to USB-C.
“The HDMI cable will utilize the USB Type-C connector on the source side and any HDMI connector on the display side,” HDMI licensing says. “Unlike the other Alt Mode display technologies which require various adapters or dongles to connect to HDMI displays, HDMI Alt Mode enables an easy connection via a simple USB Type-C to HDMI cable.”
HDMI Licensing says it’s made the decision to hook up with USB-C because gazillions of devices will use it any month now, so it makes sense to give the people what they want and just let their new kit plug straight into tellies and monitors rather than making them pfaff about with dongles.
The new cables will support HDMI 1.4b features such as resolutions up to 4K, Audio Return Channel, 3D, HDMI Ethernet Channel, and Consumer Electronic Control.
All of which is good news for punters and handy for business device-buyers who can now plan on HDMI as a pretty sensible display standard.
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB Power Delivery: Compliance is essential–Compliance-is-essential?_mc=NL_EDN_EDT_EDN_today_20160915&cid=NL_EDN_EDT_EDN_today_20160915&elqTrackId=27b56449c82e4ad990bd66eb67d1a1f8&elq=f3684816c7684e0dbeba0b9c72ebe75e&elqaid=33889&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=29621
Spiderman once said “with great power comes great responsibility.” The USB developer community working on PD (Power Delivery) technology couldn’t agree more. The PD introduction has created a surge in development from OEMs eager to drive the next wave of USB innovation. Yet, a storm of bad publicity for USB Type-C and PD erupted after several reports of damage from poorly designed USB Type-C cable implementations. Amazon’s well publicized decision to ban non-certified USB Type-C cables has underscored the importance of compliance testing for USB products. This has led to a new focus on certification for USB Type-C and PD.
PD is an optional feature for Type-C connected peripherals and allows higher power and faster charging for USB devices. The addition of alternate modes that allow DisplayPort and other connections over Type-C cables has captured the imagination of the consumer electronics market.
The PD capability is one of the key features driving adoption of this new technology in the market. Battery powered devices—smart phones, tablets and laptops—are prime applications for the higher charging power offered in PD. Many of these PD capable devices will also possess DRP (dual-role power) functionality, which brings the ability to operate as both a power source and a power sink.
USB Type-C devices that support USB 2.0 or USB 3.1 will be subject to all the existing USB Compliance requirements including PHY, Link, and Framework. In addition, USB Type-C devices will also be required to meet the Type-C Functional Compliance Specification.
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB-IF announces Certified USB Charger logo and compliance program
The USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF), the support organization for the advancement and adoption of USB technology, has announced its Certified USB Charger Compliance and Logo Program to establish USB chargers for compliant USB Type-C devices including laptops, tablets, smartphones, docking stations, displays and other products.
The Certified USB Charger Program from USB-IF supports the evolving device and computing markets as more products adopt USB Type-C and USB Power Delivery capabilities. Certified USB Chargers, based upon the USB Type-C and USB Power Delivery specifications, will free consumers from the obligation to purchase and maintain multiple chargers.
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB technology manages the USB Implementers Forum has introduced an updated version of the USB-bus audio standard. USB Audio Device Class 3.0 the definition is to be preferred audio transmission technology headsets, smartphones, telankointiasemiin, game machines and virtual reality devices.
The new standard defines how the audio signal is processed by C-type USB interface. This solution significantly reduces the power consumption of audio transmission and can be used to thin device solutions to an average of about tiniest amount.
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB-IF Publishes Audio over USB Type-C Specifications
by Anton Shilov on September 30, 2016 12:00 PM EST
The USB Implementers Forum this week published the USB Audio Device Class 3.0 specification, which standardizes audio over USB Type-C interface. The new spec enables hardware makers to eliminate traditional 3.5mm mini-jacks from their devices and use USB-C ports to connect headsets and other audio equipment. Makers of peripherals can also build their audio solutions, which use USB-C instead of traditional analog connectors. Developers of the standard hope that elimination of mini-jacks will help to make devices slimmer, smarter and less power hungry.
The industry, led by Intel and some other companies, has been mulling about replacing the traditional 3.5mm mini-jack connector for some time now.
this isnot the first time that the industry has tried to use USB instead of the good-old mini-jack. The important difference between contemporary initiative and attempts in the past is the fact that today the primary goal is to replace the 3.5mm jack in portable devices.
As reported, the USB Audio Device Class 3.0 specification supports both analog and digital audio. Analog audio is easy to implement and it does not impact data transfers and other functionality of USB-C cables since it uses the two secondary bus (SBU) pins. Some device makers may find analog audio feature of the standard as a relatively simple way to add certain smart capabilities to their headsets without major redesign of hosts. While analog USB-C audio will not help to shrink dimensions of portables, it could be particularly useful for non-mobile devices
The USB ADC 3.0 defines minimum interoperability across analog and digital devices in order to avoid confusion of end-users because of incompatibility. In fact, all ADC 3.0-compliant hosts should support the so-called headset adapter devices, which allow to connect analog headsets to USB-C. However, digital audio is one of the primary reasons why companies like Intel wanted to develop the USB-C audio tech on the first place, hence, expect them to promote it.
According to the USB ADC 3.0 standard, digital USB-C headphones will feature special multi-function processing units (MPUs), which will, to a large degree, define the feature set and quality of headsets. The MPUs will handle host and sink synchronization (this is a key challenge for digital USB audio), digital-to-analog conversion, low-latency active noise cancellation, acoustic echo canceling, equalization, microphone automatic gain control, volume control and others.
Over the past few months, Conexant has introduced three USB-C Audio MPUs (1, 2) for headsets, docking stations and other equipment.
A number of companies, including Apple and LeEco, have already introduced smartphones that do not use traditional mini-jacks, and Google added support for USB DAC devices to Android over a year ago.
The big question is whether the rest of the industry plans to do the same
Tomi Engdahl says:
Providing USB Type-C connectivity – What you need to know—What-you-need-to-know?_mc=NL_EDN_EDT_EDN_today_20161004&cid=NL_EDN_EDT_EDN_today_20161004&elqTrackId=53515251cfae4c7eb04d131aa2da9543&elq=bf8c0885e1b74954ac210e4fc3238fb8&elqaid=34153&elqat=1&elqCampaignId=29839
USB Type-C promises to be the answer to all our high-speed serial connectivity dreams, and more. Headlines have trumpeted its higher speeds and an increased power delivery capability, but what has probably captured most people’s attention is the fully reversible connector design, which is neither keyed nor needs different connectors at opposite of a cable. The cables and ports that have to provide this functionality can no longer be dumb electromechanical connections, however, but demand additional embedded intelligence to support these enhanced features.
To fully appreciate what USB Type-C can offer and why we need it, we first need to understand how it builds on the previous USB standards, what features are genuinely new, and how to take advantage of the new features.
USB1.x supports a Low Speed data rate of 1.5Mbps and a Full Speed rate of 12Mbps for devices whose requirements range from human interfaces, such as joysticks, mice and keyboards, to printers and external disk drives.
USB 2.0 raised the data rate to 480Mbps
The newer mini and micro AB connectors also allowed for USB On-The-Go (OTG) compliance. OTG makes it possible for two USB devices to communicate with each other by allowing certain devices to act as hosts in a given situation.
USB 3.0 was introduced in November 2008 to provide a further boost to data rates with a 5Gbps SuperSpeed specification. Today this version is more often referred to as USB 3.1 Gen 1 since the release of USB 3.1 in July 2013 upped the data rate to 10Gbps. The higher data rate was billed as SuperSpeed+ but is now more commonly referred to as USB 3.1 Gen 2.
USB 3.0 also brought with it a new format micro-B SuperSpeed plug while maintaining backward compatibility with USB 1.x/2.0
Along with increasing data rates, USB evolution has advanced the standard’s power delivery capability.
A single-unit load supports a low-power device consuming up to 100mA, i.e., 0.5W. A high power device is specified as equivalent to five unit loads, or 2.5W. SuperSpeed (USB 3.x) devices are defined with low- and high-power ratings of 0.75W and 4.5W respectively. USB also now supports battery charging with the ability to provide up to 25W to end-devices
USB Power Delivery (PD) specification
This PD specification allows for up to 10W at 5V, extending through 36W or 60W at 12V to 60W or 100W at 24V.
Clearly, embracing the legacy of USB specifications developed over many years presents a very real challenge for USB Type-C. While the USB-C specification was finalized just a year after USB 3.1, the specification does more than just introduce a new-format reversible connector. The reversible nature of USB Type-C requires some intelligence to ensure power and data signals are correctly identified and routed regardless of which way the cable is connected.
USB-C logic does not have to be embedded in the cable; USB Type-C provides functional support for both passive and active cables.
The USB-C connecter increases pin count from that of the similarly sized 5-pin mini- and micro-USB connectors, to 24 pins.
allow currents of 1.5A and 3.0A at 5V, i.e., up to 15W over the regular VBUS connection. Type-C fully supports the Power Delivery 2.0 specification
USB Type-C presents many different functional models that call for a multitude of potential circuit solutions.
Depending on which of these permutations the logic detects for a particular connection, various signal drivers, receivers and multiplexers or switches come into play. But all of those functions need to be present in a full Type C implementation
USB Type-C brings USB connectivity right up to date with a modern, compact, and reversible connector format. Backward compatibility with earlier implementations — which is inevitably challenging with any standard that has evolved over such a long time period — is achieved in USB Type-C by adding intelligence to the connector ports and, where appropriate, enabling the use of active cables.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Power Tips: USB Power Delivery for Automotive Systems
The new USB Type-C standard has a power delivery portion that could enable portable devices to charge faster.
One of the most exciting aspects of the new USB Type-C standard is the power delivery portion. With USB Power Delivery, devices can negotiate for more power, thus enabling features that were previously not possible. Portable devices like phones, tablets and laptops will be able to charge faster. Higher-power devices like monitors will be able to receive both power and data over the same cable.
Automotive systems will use protection and/or regulation on the input to limit the voltage that loads see. This voltage is usually limited to voltages above truck voltages or double the battery voltages, but below 40 V. Input protection leaves you with an input-voltage range of 3 V-40 V.
USB Type-A devices operate at 5 V only, so a step-down converter can create a charging or communication port. A USB Type-A system does not work during cranking conditions, however. In the past, that was not a huge deal because vehicle operators only cranked vehicles once, and cranking takes only a short time period. But with the adoption of stop-start idling, this interruption is becoming a larger problem
No longer will a simple step-down buck converter be able to perform the power conversion.
A few topologies meet this criteria, including the single-ended primary-inductor converter (SEPIC), flyback or noninverting buck-boost.
The SEPIC and flyback converters offer very similar performance; however, the clamped input voltage and off-the-shelf inductors of the SEPIC make it a little bit more attractive for automotive applications.
SEPIC for lower-power applications (5-50 W) and the four-switch buck-boost for higher-power applications (30-100 W).
Many applications within an automotive environment could benefit from USB Power Delivery. These applications include:
Charge ports in vehicles (5 V, 9 V, 15 V or 20 V) up to 100 W.
Infotainment ports that charge and accept data from a portable device.
Infotainment output ports – for example, a port that connects to a monitor in the rear of the vehicle and provides both power and data over the same cable.
Diagnostic ports that can provide power and data from the automobile.
USB Type-C has not made its way into vehicles just yet, but it will soon. There are many power-supply obstacles to resolve along the way to ensure a trouble-free user experience.
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB-C will now come to screens
C-type USB connector promises to really become the only all equipment for the physical interface. According to the latest laptops and smartphones in addition you attach your computer has started its march displays. 27-inch Eizo FlexScan monitor EV2780 is the manufacturer’s first open C-type USB connectors.
Just still not worth to declare the old interface screens techniques dead – the monitor has USB-C and HDMI connector.
And why the monitor must then be USB-C interface? It is the versatility. A single cable provides transition video, audio and USB signals. Data is transferred at a rate of five gigabits per second. In addition, the interface enables you to download a variety of mobile devices up to 100 watts of power.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Google to prevent the proprietary rapid charging on Android with USB-C?
Android device manufacturers have developed a variety of new protocols, with the USB charging can be accelerated.
Google says the update of Android-compatible document defining the C-type devices recommended “strongly” not to use of charging techniques that modify the bus voltage default. This can lead to problems of compatibility with the USB standard power transmission method (PD, Power Delivery).
Possibly in the future Google will completely prohibit the use of various types of customized quick charging technology with USB C-chargers. This would apply, for example, Qualcomm’s Quick CHARGE and Media Czech Pump Express techniques.
PD is a USB-C’s own fast charge technology, specifically PD, namely Power Delivery.
More: ttps://
Tomi Engdahl says:
Google to OEMs: Don’t use Qualcomm Quick Charge; USB-PD is the future
There are two competing quick charge standards. Google wants to kill one of them.
The proliferation of USB Type-C is making charging various devices easier than ever. Smartphones (other than the iPhone) and laptops are unifying under a single charging port, allowing any charger to plug into anything else. Today you can plug your Type-C phone into your Type-C laptop charger, and charging will happen. But because phones and laptops probably support different quick charging standards, the charging speed will be slower than it could be.
The two competing quick charging methods out there are the proprietary Qualcomm Quick Charge and the USB Power Delivery from the USB-IF standards body. Qualcomm has a near-monopoly in the high-end smartphone SoC market, so nearly every high-end device supports Qualcomm Quick Charge. Qualcomm SoCs don’t really exist in the laptop market, so Type-C laptops from Apple, Google, and others use USB Power Delivery (USB-PD). Neither one is really better than the other, but the incompatibility means you’re only getting basic charging speeds when you swap chargers.
To try aiming for quick charging unity, Google is telling Android OEMs to ditch Qualcomm’s quick charge implementation and switch to USB-PD. Google seems really serious about this, as it has started to write quick charging language into the Android Compatibility Definition Document (CDD) that every OEM licensing Google’s Android apps must follow.
“Proprietary charging methods that modify Vbus voltage” is Google specifically calling out Qualcomm Quick Charge as an unapproved charging method, and “Standard Type-C chargers” is a thumbs up for USB-PD.
Tomi Engdahl says:
TVS device stops ESD in its tracks
Semtech’s RClamp0561Z is a sub-200 femtofarad protection device that safeguards high-speed data interfaces, including USB 3.0/3.1 and 10-Gigabit Ethernet, from ESD, EFT, and cable discharge. This single-line device provides transient protection exceeding IEC 61000-4-2 at ±15 kV air and ±12 kV contact.
The first entry in Semtech’s FemtoClamp platform, the RClamp0561Z is manufactured using an ultralow-capacitance TVS process that enables it to deliver strong ESD suppression on differential data lines operating at up to 5.5 V. Typical capacitance of 0.12 pF allows the RClamp0561Z to be used in high-bandwidth applications, such as HDMI 2.0 4K/2K, Thunderbolt, and USB 3.1.
Semtech RClamp0561Z
RailClamp® 1-Line, 120fF ESD Protection for High-Speed Lines
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB C cables
Tomi Engdahl says:
Type-C USB charger for all devices!
Obsolete chargers are a huge waste problem. Each year, mobile phones and other devices, the old chargers already generated 50 tonnes of WEEE waste. IEC wants to get rid of the problem so that the C-type USB connector on the charging interface for all consumer electronics devices.
IEC aims to this new intelligent charging standard.
C USB charger should be able to download the same type of equipment from other manufacturers, but also other types of equipment. Smartphone charger should be able to download the laptop, although charging will not be as rapid.
The new policy rests on three IEC standard. IEC 62680-1-3 and 62680-2 are based on power transfer in extreme surprises C-type USB connector and the USB bus, or PD-measurements (Power Delivery). These define the general techniques of up to 100 watts of charging power.
IEC 63002 standard defines, in turn, the methods by which devices are identified and signaled charging compatibility between devices.
Tomi Engdahl says:
How to Achieve High-Quality Data/Video Transfer with USB Type-C
The USB Type-C connector specification first appeared in August 2014 as the newest member of a series that stretches back to mid-1990s. Over the next couple of years, it’s expected to replace the profusion of different connectors currently adorning smartphones, laptops, tablets, and many other devices (Fig. 1).
Although the USB Type-C is a connector specification, it’s closely associated with two other specifications that define USB performance: The USB 3.1 Gen 2 standard specifies data rates up to 10 Gb/s; the USB Power Delivery (USB PD) specification allows the transfer of up to 100 W power between devices, ushering in the demise of the power connector.
Video Over USB Type-C
In addition to USB functionality, USB Type-C supports video standards by means of the Alternate (Alt) Mode specification that allows non-USB protocols to be transferred over a USB connection. The USB PD specification defines the Alt Mode use: it specifies a flexible handshake sequence by which two connected ports can enter or exit Alt Mode and configure a communications channel.
A set of structured vendor-defined messages (VDMs) allows vendors to exchange information and set up the correct video protocol. Currently, VDMs and Alt Mode standards cover MHL (Mobile High-Definition Link), Intel’s Thunderbolt, HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface), and the Video Electronics Standards Association’s (VESA) DisplayPort, the first such standard.
At multi-gigabit data rates, maintaining a signal’s integrity over the entire data channel is essential to achieve the maximum supported performance of each device.
It’s vital for the interface to maintain impedance matching throughout the signal path.
Thus, USB 3.1 systems have stringent capacitance limits for any external components in the signal path.
As a result, ESD protection devices become a critical component, but they add extra capacitance to the data lines.
To meet this challenge, manufacturers are introducing diode-based protection devices with very low capacitance specifically for high-speed applications. TI’s TPD1E0B04, for example, is a single-channel device with 0.13-pF I/O capacitance per channel. It’s designed to protect data lines operating at up to 20 Gb/s, including USB 3.1 Gen2, Thunderbolt 3, and TI’s own Antenna Interface (AIF).
The USB 3.1 Data Loss Budget
The USB Implementers Forum (USB IF), the standards body for USB, has established a loss budget for USB 3.1 Gen 2 systems. The loss budget must include anything in the path from the silicon to the connector that can filter or distort the signal. The objective is to ensure that any USB-certified host will work with any USB-certified device when connected through a certified cable assembly across the full range of channel conditions.
Each combination of ports—a USB Type-C connecting to a USB-A via an adapter cable, for example—can potentially have a different total loss budget. The allowable interconnection loss for a USB Type-C port is 8.5 dB, with an additional 6 dB of insertion loss budgeted for the USB Type-C cable, culminating in a total budgeted loss of 23 dB.
This loss budget only allows for a USB Type-C cable of less than one meter, plus a few inches of trace length at the host and device PCBs. Consequently, it limits the placement of devices and size of the PCB board.
Adding a Redriver
A redriver device recovers and boosts a signal that has degraded, allowing the signal to travel a longer distance over a given channel. It’s a cost-effective solution to maintain good signal quality at high data rates while providing more flexibility in component placement.
The lack of a redriver may limit the total transmission channel distance for a given signal. A redriver is directional: It drives the signal in only one direction, so separate Type-C Alt Mode redrivers are required on both source and sink sides.
A linear redriver is ideal for DisplayPort applications
VESA defines several different pin assignments for sending and receiving DisplayPort data with the USB Type-C connector: TUSB1046 supports pin configurations C, D, E, and F from the VESA DisplayPort Alt Mode on USB Type-C Standard Version 1.1.
The USB Type-C connector has been referred to as “one connector to rule them all.” But to ensure that Type-C designs can accommodate the 10 Gb/s of USB 3.1 Gen2 and video standards such as DisplayPort and Thunderbolt, designers must minimize losses by paying close attention to factors such as parasitic capacitance, trace length, component placement, and more.
Tomi Engdahl says:
New USB Audio Class for USB Type-C Digital Headsets
The ¼” phone jack was invented more than 100 years ago to connect people using a new invention called the “telephone.” Today, the modern variant—the 3.5mm phone jack—is widely used. As modern mobile phones are used for more than phone calls and do not have room for multiple connectors, a new approach for audio connectivity is needed, so product designers are retiring the 3.5mm jack.
As designers determine their next move, they consider the multiple proprietary and standard USB audio protocols already in use. This article describes the features and advantages of the latest USB Audio Device Class (ADC) 3.0 specification, which will help the industry standardize on one protocol and accelerate consumer adoption.
Analog audio solutions, typically using a 3.5mm phone jack, are generally low-power, but use power in bursts.
Unlike analog headsets, USB audio headsets use isochronous transfers. Isochronous transfers provide the guaranteed bandwidth which is required for audio streams, but at the cost of a higher power consumption.
Isochronous transfers for legacy USB audio occurs every 1ms for Full Speed USB. The bus is idle between transfers, but cannot enter Suspend L2.
Proof of concept was required to allow the ADC 3.0 specification to progress. However, proving the power savings of ADC 3.0 was challenging because LPM L1 is not widely used nor supported today.
The resulting power profiles based on proof of concept system are shown in Figure 5. This system’s LPM L1 Suspend residency is 87.8% (3.513ms of a 4ms service interval).
To implement ADC 3.0 in low-power products like phones, tablets or laptops, designers will need an ADC 3.0 compliant host controller with Hardware Controlled Link Power Management capability.
One well-documented limitation for analog headsets is that audio quality is limited by the choice of ADC, DAC and audio processing in the phone, tablet, etc. Device manufacturers must carefully balance cost, power and quality.
ADC 3.0 headsets support up to 24bit/192kHz audio format for high audio quality. Headset manufacturers can add a local digital signal processor (DSP) to implement features like microphone beamforming, active noise cancellation, user-defined equalization, hot-word detect, and more.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Mouser – Waterproof USB Type-C cables and connector shield connection from dirt and liquid immersion (Amphenol UC-20AMM-QA8A01)…
The Amphenol LTW waterproof USB Type-C cables, available from Mouser Electronics, feature a waterproof USB Type-C connector on one end and a non-waterproof USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 Type-A connector on the other. The Type-C connector offers IP68-rated protection when mated, shielding the connection from dirt, dust, and long-term immersion in liquids. The cables support the USB 3.1 standard with a top speed of 10Gbps and 1A power supply (3A for the jack connector).
Tomi Engdahl says:
HDMI will become redundant
Audio and video cables manufacturer Elka has introduced the industry’s first cable that supports the HDMI technology alt mode function. As a result, USBC connector can be received in the HDMI data. HDMI era in various portable devices as short as possible.
HDMI interface technology development of HDMI Licensing expanded last year in connection with a new alternative moodillia (the so-called. Alt mode). It allows stocked C-type USB interface devices can move the image directly to the HDMI displays without any adapters.
Cypress was the first such alt mode -controller brought to the market of the company. Now Elka is a Cypress EZ-PD CCG3 driver for the market to take the first cable, which C-type USB connector cell phone or laptop can be connected directly to a TV or monitor HDMI port.
Elka says they chose Cypress controller because of its programmability.
Cypress controller is integrated high voltage regulator and the necessary analog components so that it runs from 2.7 to 21.5 volts.
Tomi Engdahl says:
60 Watt USB Soldering Iron Does it with Type-C
Some time back we ran a post on those cheap USB soldering irons which appeared to be surprisingly capable considering they were really under powered, literally. But USB Type-C is slated to change that. Although it has been around for a while, we are only now beginning to see USB-C capable devices and chargers gain traction.
[Julien Goodwin] shows us how he built a USB-C powered soldering iron that doesn’t suck.
He is able to drive a regular Hakko iron at 20 V and 3 Amps, providing it with 60 W of input power from a USB-C charger. The Hakko is rated for 24 V operating voltage, so it is running about 16% lower power voltage. But even so, 60 W is plenty for most cases. The USB-C specification allows up to 5 A of current output in special cases, so there’s almost 100 W available when using this capability.
Being such a versatile system, we are likely to see USB-C being used in more devices in the future. Which means we ought to see high power USB Soldering Irons appearing soon. But at the moment, there is a bit of a “power” struggle between USB-C and Qualcomm’s competing “Quick Charge” (QC) technology.
Making a USB powered soldering iron that doesn’t suck
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB Type-C: Verification challenges and solutions
The USB Type-C connector is versatile and already gaining traction in laptops, tablets and desktops. Here’s how verification IP plays an important role in achieving the best implementation.
The main advantages of a USB Type-C connector are:
It transports up to 100W of power.
It removes user confusion about plug orientation.
It supports legacy USB standards such as USB2.0, USB3.1, and USB Power Delivery (PD).
It provides alternate-mode support for standards like HDMI, VGA, Display Port, etc.
For these reasons, the USB Type-C connector is expected to replace existing USB, power, and display related connectors on tablets, laptops, and desktops.
USB Type-C is a 24-pin reversible-plug connector for USB devices and USB cabling. Type-C connectors connect to both hosts and devices, replacing various Type-A and Type-B connectors.
While the Type-C interconnect no longer physically differentiates plugs on a cable as being either an A-type or B-type, the USB interface maintains a host-to-device logical relationship.
The standard concept for setting up a valid connection between a source and a sink is based on being able to detect terminations residing in the product being attached. USB Type-C involves cable orientation detection and establishment of the power roles (source-sink) and data roles (host-device). Both of these require monitoring of the voltage (V), resistance (R), and current (I) values on the configuration channel (CC) pins of the connector.
With the Type-C connector, a source may implement higher source current to enable faster charging of mobile devices. The USB host and hubs advertise the level of current presently available via the CC pins. Three current levels are defined by the USB Type-C standard at the default VBUS:
Default values, as defined by a USB standard
(500mA for USB2.0 ports, 900mA for USB3.1 ports)
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USB Type-C: Verification challenges and solutions
USB Type-C: Verification challenges and solutions
By Suraj Parkash Gupta and Zeeshan Yousuf, Mentor Graphics | No Comments | Posted: January 19, 2017
Topics/Categories: IP – Assembly & Integration, EDA – Verification | Tags: USB, USB Type-C, verification IP | Organizations: Mentor Graphics
The USB Type-C connector is versatile and already gaining traction in laptops, tablets and desktops. Here’s how verification IP plays an important role in achieving the best implementation.
The USB connector that we are all most familiar with is Type-A. Even as the USB data interface evolved from USB1 to USB2 and then to USB3, it remained the same. It is a massive connector that can be inserted in only one orientation.
These limitations are resolved by the USB Type-C connector. In addition to flexibility and small size, the Type-C connector handles the greater power requirements of today’s USB ports. It also supports a variety of different protocols using ‘alternate modes’: These enable the use of adapters that can output HDMI, VGA, Display Port, or other types of connection from a single USB port.
The main advantages of a USB Type-C connector are:
It transports up to 100W of power.
It removes user confusion about plug orientation.
It supports legacy USB standards such as USB2.0, USB3.1, and USB Power Delivery (PD).
It provides alternate-mode support for standards like HDMI, VGA, Display Port, etc.
For these reasons, the USB Type-C connector is expected to replace existing USB, power, and display related connectors on tablets, laptops, and desktops.
This paper describes the challenges faced in the verification of USB Type-C connectors and of USB Type-C connectors integrated with USB PD. It provides insights into how Mentor Graphics’ Questa Verification IP (QVIP) with mixed-signal SystemVerilog constructs helps overcome these challenges.
Introduction of USB Type-C
USB Type-C is a 24-pin reversible-plug connector for USB devices and USB cabling. Type-C connectors connect to both hosts and devices, replacing various Type-A and Type-B connectors.
Figure 1. USB Type-C connector
Figure 1. USB Type-C connector
This double-sided connector provides pins for super-speed data, high-speed data, cable orientation detection, and dedicated BMC configuration data channels for USB PD communications. Connecting an older device to a host with a Type-C receptacle requires a cable, or an adapter with a Type-A or Type-B plug, or a receptacle on one end and a Type-C plug on the other.
While the Type-C interconnect no longer physically differentiates plugs on a cable as being either an A-type or B-type, the USB interface maintains a host-to-device logical relationship.
Figure 2: USB Type-C connector pin usage
Figure 2: USB Type-C connector pin usage
The standard concept for setting up a valid connection between a source and a sink is based on being able to detect terminations residing in the product being attached. USB Type-C involves cable orientation detection and establishment of the power roles (source-sink) and data roles (host-device). Both of these require monitoring of the voltage (V), resistance (R), and current (I) values on the configuration channel (CC) pins of the connector.
With the Type-C connector, a source may implement higher source current to enable faster charging of mobile devices. The USB host and hubs advertise the level of current presently available via the CC pins. Three current levels are defined by the USB Type-C standard at the default VBUS:
Default values, as defined by a USB standard
(500mA for USB2.0 ports, 900mA for USB3.1 ports)
Figure 3: USB Type-C source/sink roles are established with pull-up (Rp) and pull-down (Rd) resistors
Figure 3: USB Type-C source/sink roles are established with pull-up (Rp) and pull-down (Rd) resistors
Initially, a source exposes independent pull-up (Rp) terminations on its CC1 and CC2 pins, and a sink exposes independent pull-down (Rd) terminations on its CC1 and CC2 pins. The source-to-sink combination of this circuit configuration represents a valid connection. Once the sink is powered, the sink monitors CC1 and CC2 for a voltage greater than its local ground. The CC pin that is at a higher voltage (i.e., pulled up by Rp in the source) indicates the orientation of the plug, and a valid connection is established.
Figure 4: USB Type-C functional model
Figure 4: USB Type-C functional model
USB Type-C verification challenges
The key challenges faced in the verification of USB Type-C designs and their integration with USB PD have to do with these features:
Establishment of the initial power (source-to-sink) relationship using the two (CC1 and CC2) pins on the USB Type-C receptacle.
Establishment of the initial data (host-to-device) relationship using the two (CC1 and CC2) pins on the USB Type-C receptacle.
Plug orientation and cable twist detection:
Unflipped straight-through connection (CC1 with CC1)
Flipped straight-though connection (CC2 with CC2)
Unflipped twisted-through connection (CC1 with CC2)
Flipped twisted-through connection (CC2 with CC1)
Collision resolution:
This is required when both the ports try to act as source (or sink). In this case, the collision needs to be resolved by making sure that one of the two ports backs out and decides to take up the other role, so that a source-sink connection can be established.
USB Type-C VBUS current range detection:
Default value (500 mA for USB2 and 900mA for USB3.1)
USB PD communication:
The USB PD Bi-phase Mark Coded (BMC) communications are carried on the CC wire of the USB Type-C cable.
Set up and manage power and accessory modes.
Dynamic detach detection and re-attach:
In this scenario, the source monitors the attached CC pin and the sink monitors the VBUS to detect detach.
VCONN detection:
Since only a single CC pin position (either CC1 or CC2) within each plug of the cable is connected through the cable, the other CC pin that is not connected through the standard cable is repurposed to the source Vconn to supply power to the local plug. Initially, the source supplies Vconn and the source of Vconn can be swapped using USB PD VconnSwap.
All these features need to be verified thoroughly to make sure that a USB Type-C design works properly.
“The Type-C plug is a big step forward,” says Jeff Ravencraft, chairman of the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF), the organization that oversees the USB standard. “It might be confusing at first during the transition, but the Type-C plug could greatly simplify things over time by consolidating and replacing the larger USB connectors.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
New USB Audio Class For USB Type-C Digital Headsets
How USB audio headsets can be power-competitive with analog and displace the 3.5mm jack.
The ¼” phone jack was invented more than 100 years ago to connect people using a new invention called the “telephone.” Today, the modern variant – the 3.5mm phone jack – is widely used. As modern mobile phones are used for more than phone calls and do not have room for multiple connectors, a new approach for audio connectivity is needed, so product designers are retiring the 3.5mm jack.
As designers determine their next move, they consider the multiple proprietary and standard USB audio protocols already in use. This article describes the features and advantages of the latest USB Audio Device Class (ADC) 3.0 specification, which will help the industry standardize on one protocol and accelerate consumer adoption. ADC 3.0 enables high quality digital headsets with a local digital signal processor (DSP) for advanced functionality like adaptive noise cancelling, user-defined equalization, and hot-word detect.
Most importantly, compliant ADC 3.0 implementations enable significant system power savings, which are critical to low-power mobile applications. ADC 3.0 is expected to be the new standard for phones using the USB Type-C connector.
USB audio power challenge
Unlike analog headsets, USB audio headsets use isochronous transfers. Isochronous transfers provide the guaranteed bandwidth which is required for audio streams, but at the cost of a higher power consumption.
USB audio power save solution
Isochronous transfers for legacy USB audio occurs every 1ms for Full Speed USB.
Synopsys USB IP supports ADC 3.0
To implement ADC 3.0 in low-power products like phones, tablets or laptops, designers will need an ADC 3.0 compliant host controller with Hardware Controlled Link Power Management capability.
Additional ADC 3.0 features
One well-documented limitation for analog headsets is that audio quality is limited by the choice of ADC, DAC and audio processing in the phone, tablet, etc. Device manufacturers must carefully balance cost, power and quality.
When device manufacturers implement ADC 3.0, there are no analog to digital converters or digital to analog converters in the device. Device manufacturers can concentrate on optimizing power since features, cost and quality have been removed from what they influence.
ADC 3.0 headsets support up to 24bit/192kHz audio format for high audio quality. Headset manufacturers can add a local digital signal processor (DSP) to implement features like microphone beamforming, active noise cancellation, user-defined equalization, hot-word detect, and more.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Can you borrow USB C-charger?
More and more laptop sold in the C-type USB charger, universal charger so the time has finally arrived? That’s right. PCWorld magazine test shows that almost all manufacturers USBC charger can charge a third-party device.
PCWorld magazine test had a total of eight chargers from different manufacturers. Although voltages, amps and watts slightly vary from one device to another, almost every charger was able to download all the laptops.
Universal USB-C charging: How the dream is coming true
We tested a stack of USB-C charging laptops and surprise: They finally work! (Mostly).
USB-C ports were supposed to bring universal charging, but the last time PCWorld dove into it, the results were pretty dismal.
Just a little over a year later, we decided revisit our plug-fest with as many laptop brands as we could get.
The 80 percent
The models you see above are from Acer, Apple, Asus, Dell, HP, and Lenovo, vendors that represent about 80 percent of the laptops sold every year. To this, I added the second-generation Google Chromebook Pixel laptop.
Finally, I added a Huawei Nexus 6P smartphone to see if the laptops’ chargers would work with a different species.
The Results
I’ve long joked that standards are what the industry uses so manufacturers have a uniform way to do everything differently. In 2015, it certainly felt that way, as only the PC makers were the ones that couldn’t get USB-C right.
The good news is we’ve come a long way. Out of eight devices, only the Lenovo Yoga 910’s charger gave me consistent grief. Apple’s new MacBook Pro 13, as well as HP’s Spectre x360 13t and the Asus Zenbook 3, refused to recognize the Lenovo Yoga 910 charger.
The second good news to report is that, according to our USB-C meter, charge rates were high enough that you could use your laptop and charge it at the same time.
With the power meter, we can see exactly how much power is being consumed, and for the most part it’s enough.
Although we had some bad luck with the Lenovo power brick, I’m comfortable declaring that universal laptop charging has finally arrived. Forget your power brick at home? Just borrow a friend’s or buy one at the local electronics store.
Naturally, this doesn’t apply if you don’t have a laptop with USB-C charging.
Tomi Engdahl says:
DisplayPort and USB Type-C (Part 1 of a series)
DisplayPort became a associated USB when USB Type-C was launched. The Type-C connector provides additional pin/signals/wires to run simultaneous lanes of more data. The additional lanes are called Alternate Mode or “Alt-Mode” for short. It is possible to run both USB on the USB lines and and DisplayPort in Alt Mode.
USB Type-C supports both DisplayPort 1.3a and 1.4a. It’s actually transparent to the connector. The connector is designed to be scalable to higher speeds.
VESA announced a compliance program for using USB Type-C with DisplayPort back on December.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Converting An Easy Bake Oven To USB
[Jason] converted an Easy Bake Oven to USB. If you have to ask why you’ll never know.
Easy Bake Ovens have changed a lot since you burnt down your house by installing a 100 Watt light bulb inside one. Now, Easy Bake Ovens are [bigclive] material. It’s a piece of nichrome wire connected through a switch across mains power. Part of the nichrome wire is a resistor divider used to power a light. This light assembly is just a LED, some resistors, and a diode wired anti-parallel to the LED.
This is a device designed for 120 V, but [Jason] wanted it to run on USB-C.
The power supply used for this hack is the official Apple 87W deal, with a USB-C breakout board (available on Tindie, buy some stuff on Tindie. Superliminial advertising) an Arduino Uno connected to the I2C pins. A few bits of code later, and [Jason] had a lot of power coming over a USB cable.
USB-C Easy Bake Oven
I modified an Easy Bake Oven to run off USB-C. The obvious question is “Why?”, but I prefer to ask, “Why Not?”. The USB-C spec allows for 100 Watts of power to be transferred through the connector, and that is the power rating for the oven, so it should work.
The major modification I had to make was to the heating element. USB-C spec allows a maximum voltage of 20V, whereas mains is closer to 120V. Rather than step up the USB-C voltage, I instead added some wires to the heating element to divide it into six equal segments, then wired all six segments in parallel. This lowers the resistance by a factor of 36, so at one-sixth the voltage, the current increases by a factor six. Thus, the power is about the same.
At 20V constant voltage, it was drawing about 3.75A, or about 75W total.
I changed the LED assembly to run off 5VDC
I also epoxied my USB-C breakout board onto the metal panel that previously held the strain relief for the mains power cable coming into the unit.
one of the hardest parts of this project was finding a suitable USB-C power source
For the electronics, I used my USB-C breakout board with the FUSB302B PHY and an Arduino Uno.
I consider this project a complete success. During this project, I had to touch on a variety of aspects of the USB-C spec. Getting close to 100W involves USB Power Delivery communications, electronically marked cables, and some thought in board layout to handling the higher than normal amps. I had to work with over 4000 lines of code and thousands of pages of specifications. I also had to redesign my breakout board to better handle the power. In the end, I hope this project can help other people understand USB-C more deeply.
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB Type-C Power Delivery PHY Breakout Board
A breakout board for the FUSB302, a USB-PD PHY for BMC communication used in USB-C connectors
Want to play around with the new USB Type-C connector? You’ll need a chip to manage the CC pins. This board allows you to use I2C and an interrupt line to perform all necessary USB-C functions. At the heart of this board is the Fairchild FUSB302, a Type-C port controller and BMC PHY. You can use this chip to do any and all of the following:
Determine plug orientation (normal or reversed)
Determine or advertise Type-C power levels (5 V at 0.5, 1.5, or 3.0 A)
Use BMC communication to negotiate USB Power Delivery Explicit Contracts up to 20 V and 5 A (100 W of power)
Negotiate Alternate Modes to reuse the pins in the Type-C connector for other purposes
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB Type-C came to card computers
C-type USB connector is quickly conquering the consumer electronics, but now the bus makes its way to the card industry computers. Congatec introduced the Embedded World trade fair in Nuremberg the first SMARC -card 2.0, which supports the latest USB bus.
SMARC ( “Smart Mobility Architecture”) is a credit card-sized card format. Its physical dimensions are either 82 x 50 or 82 mils x 80 mils. The card was introduced Version 2.0 of last year.
With USB C-type connection with SA5 cards can be connected directly to displays and even power supplies.
Low Power Intel® Atom™, Celeron® and Pentium® processor
High performance Intel® Gen. 9 graphics
Industrial Temperature
Time Coordinated Computing
Enhanced Security Execution
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB PD 3.0 fast role swap switching considerations
The introduction of USB Type-C™ and USB Power Delivery (PD) will forever change the way we interact with our notebooks/tablets/smartphones and accessories A single cable provides both power and data, without any pre-disposition toward which end or device is the host or client. Power can be sourced from both ends or devices and power roles can dynamically change as conditions warrant. With USB PD 2.0 devices hitting the market, we immediately witnessed several uses cases pushing the bounds of what we thought possible.
Figure 1 shows a common configuration of host, hub and peripheral. The intent is to charge the host via the hub while powering both a hard drive and maintaining a lossless image on a monitor. But what happens when you remove the charger plug?
Well it depends, and that is the issue at hand. In many systems, the power role swap was not quick enough; the data and video connection failed for a brief moment as the USB PD host became the power source. Other systems entered an alternate mode (such as TI’s quick swap) upon the establishment of the original power roles, ensuring that a stable voltage was available even if the charger was removed from the USB PD hub.
Although designers found a way to solve this problem using USB PD 2.0, it was clear that a common methodology was necessary to provide interoperability and consistency among devices.
The new USB PD 3.0 specification introduces a solution to provide a more consistent user experience across the USB Type-C and USB Power Delivery ecosystem.
After receipt of the fast role swap message, the host must act very quickly. It has less than 150µs to assume the source role and provide up to 5V at 3A. Under normal conditions and assuming the typical 30mV/µs, the turn-on time for a 5V supply is approximately 158µs. In order to meet the new specification, a much quicker and dynamic solution is required.
USB Type-C and USB PD can now provide the necessary framework to enable to complete the user experience.
Tomi Engdahl says:
USB Type-C™: Will your ESD solution protect the port?
If you are a designer tasked with migrating the USB ports in your system to the latest USB standard and USB Type-C connector, you have likely already considered a couple of things.
ESD protection
First, as with all systems where a connector is exposed externally to users, your system would need to have International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61000-4-2 electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection. You will also need to protect more signal pins than in the previous USB Type-A or USB Micro-B connectors. The 24-pin USB Type-C connector (Figure 1) requires ESD protection for two differential pairs (D+/D-) for USB 2.0 data, four pairs for a SuperSpeed data bus capable of up to 20Gbps (TX/RX), two side-band-use (SBU) pins and two configuration channel (CC) pins for detecting cable orientation.
Second, with the introduction of up to 100 W USB Power Delivery (PD), the VBUS pins can now carry up to 20V, a voltage level that could do considerable damage to the downstream USB Type-C controller if VBUS shorts to the adjacent CC or SBU pins. To prevent hard system failure, overvoltage protection is needed at the connector in addition to ESD protection. Sounds straightforward, right?
Consider that with the risk of an overvoltage protection (OVP) event, the ESD diode itself must also be tolerant to 20VDC. Many higher-voltage tolerant protection options available today clamp at voltages too high to protect the downstream controllers in the event of an IEC ESD strike.
The solution must protect the system when the cable induces ringing that could exceed 40V. In short, robust USB Type-C connector protection will require not just a standard ESD diode but a higher voltage, DC-tolerant transient voltage suppressor (TVS) diode.
If your system is battery-powered, relying on a Type-C connector as the power source, the solution has to protect the CC lines from an overvoltage condition even in the case of a dead battery.
Circuit Protection for USB Type-C
Tomi Engdahl says:
Introduction to USB Power Delivery
Since its early days, USB has been positioned as an external bus standard for fast data communications. When observing how the standard has evolved over the years, one can notice a distinct bias toward increasing the speed of data communications
However, another area of evolution for USB was sidelined earlier in its development—power delivery. With the focus on speed, power delivery was never the priority for USB. In fact, the first time a specification was made specifically for power delivery occurred only a few years ago in 2010: The Battery Charging Specification – BC 1.2 increased USB power delivery from 4.5 W to 7.5 W. This specification introduced a mode called CDP (charging downstream port) that allowed for higher charging current (up to 1.5 A) compared to traditional USB.
Almost at the same time as the USB 3.1 release, the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) released the USB Power Delivery Specification. This new USB power delivery specification allows power transfers of up to 100 W, along with other features and benefits.
In line with this functionality, USB 1.0 described a power source of 5 V @ 100 mA (0.5 W) while USB 2.0 described a power source of 5 V @ 500 mA (2.5 W).
The Future of USB Power Delivery
From 7.5 to 100 W:
Not all peripherals could be powered by a USB cable as long as the maximum power was capped at 7.5 W. Examples include hard-disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives, printers, and monitors. Consequently, these peripherals required independent power sources at an additional cost. With a power-delivery spec that allows for a theoretical 100-W max power budget, many of these peripherals can now be powered by USB cables.
Quoting the USB PD introduction document released by USB-IF: “Extend ease of use, reduce clutter, reduce even more waste.”
The power-delivery spec allows for a maximum voltage of 20 V (4× the previous 5-V spec) and a maximum current of 5 A (more than 3× the previous max of 1.5 A). The power-delivery spec also classifies power sources in terms of profiles:
• Profile 1 (Default Startup): 10 W (5 V @ 2 A)
• Profile 2: 18 W (5 V @ 2 A -> 12 V @ 1.5A)
• Profile 3: 36 W (5V @ 2 A -> 12 V @ 3A)
• Profile 4 (Micro B/AB limit): 60 W (5 V @ 2 A -> 20 V @ 3 A)
• Profile 5 (Standard B/AB limit): 100 W (5 V @ 2 A -> 20 V @ 5 A)
When a device is connected to a host, an initial power supply of 10 W occurs to initiate the power negotiation. Based on the final profile selected, the power transfer is 18, 36, 60, or 100 W.
Tomi Engdahl says:
A primer on USB Type-C and Power Delivery applications and requirements
This introduction to USB Type-C™ and Power
Delivery dives deep into various applications
and their data and power requirements