2014, The Year That Was: Science + Technology | IFLScience
http://www.iflscience.com/technology/2014-year-was-science-technology Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://www.iflscience.com/technology/2014-year-was-science-technology Posted from WordPress for Android →
In few years there’ll be close to 4bn smartphones on earth. Ericsson’s annual mobility report forecasts increasing mobile subscriptions and connections through 2020.(9.5B Smartphone Subs by 2020 and eight-fold traffic increase). Ericsson’s annual mobility report expects that by 2020 90% of the world’s population over six years old will have a phone. It really talks about the →
The platform wars is over: Apple and Google both won. Microsoft wanted to be the third mobile ecosystem, and it has got clear solid third position, but quite small market share of overall smart phone market. Apple now sells around 10% of all the 1.8bn (and growing) phones sold on Earth each year and Android →
http://avc.com/2015/01/what-is-going-to-happen/ Posted from WordPress for Android →
Here are my collection of trends and predictions for electronics industry for 2015: The computer market, once the IC growth driver per se, apparently is approaching saturation status. Communications industry is still growing (6.8%.). Automotive V2X, LED lighting and smart domestic objects are set to drive semiconductor market growth through the year 2020, according to →
http://www.iflscience.com/space/top-10-space-science-stories-2014 Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://numeralnine.wordpress.com/2013/10/09/a-brief-guide-to-audio-for-the-skeptical-consumer/ Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://spectrum.ieee.org/at-work/innovation/how-to-crowdfund-your-hardware-startup Posted from WordPress for Android →