What exactly is a problem?
http://www.quora.com/What-exactly-is-a-problem/answer/Steven-Dillard Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://www.quora.com/What-exactly-is-a-problem/answer/Steven-Dillard Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/biomedical/devices/silkbased-implants-fight-bacterial-infection-then-vanish- Dissolving electronics in your body.. Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://www.latesthackingnews.com/2014/10/16/top-android-apps-hacking/ Interesting app list… Posted from WordPress for Android →
As I expected the flow of security bugs continues this year. Now first serious open source bug disclosed this year following last year’s Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL, the Shellshock bug in Bash and the POODLE bug related to the the SSL v3 fall back issue. The GHOST vulnerability is a serious weakness in the Linux →
http://venturebeat.com/2015/01/27/youtube-ditches-flash-for-html5-video-by-default/ Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://m.bbc.com/news/magazine-22751415 And it is a good thing… Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://spectrum.ieee.org/energy/the-smarter-grid/flexible-ac-transmission-the-facts-machine Posted from WordPress for Android →
Introduction to Hearing Aids is a good introduction to technology inside hearing aids. The two basic types of technology for hearing aids are analog and digital. Analog hearing aids process electrical sound in the analog domain; the more recent digital hearing aids process electrical sound in the digital domain. The earliest analog hearing aids simply →
Broken Denver tablet teardown This tablet is built using A13 SOC. Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/new_scientist/2015/01/mass_surveillance_against_terrorism_gathering_intelligence_on_all_is_statistically.html Understand the statistics of mass surveillance. Posted from WordPress for Android →