Archive for February 2015 Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android → Interesting free space optics communication system. Posted from WordPress for Android →
The perceived perversity of the universe has long been a subject of comment, and precursors to the modern version of Murphy’s law are not hard to find. Murphy’s Laws for the 21st Century article shows one modernized version for this Firday 13th Check also somewhat related The 10 Commandments of Electronics article. →
Valentine’s day is coming so it is a good time to check out this: An Engineer’s Love Poem. →
What could be considered a reliable design nowadays? It is seems to be that thing are somwwhat different in today’s interconnected world compared to earlier times. Reliability Definition Is Changing article at Semiconductor Engineering magazine is a good introduction on what is changing in embedded systems design. The complexity and vulnerabilities in systems are raising → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →
Why do digital oscilloscopes appear noisier than traditional analog oscilloscopes? In EEVblog #601 – Why Digital Oscilloscopes Appear Noisy posting Dave busts the myth that digital scopes are noiser than analog scopes, and demonstrates what inherent advantages digital scopes can have over analog scopes in terms of true waveform capture. And how long exposure camera shots → Posted from WordPress for Android →