A Simple IoT Project with the ESP8266 WiFi module – electronut.in
http://electronut.in/an-iot-project-with-esp8266/ Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://electronut.in/an-iot-project-with-esp8266/ Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://gizmodo.com/how-to-teach-an-autonomous-car-to-drive-1694725874 Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://m.instructables.com/id/ESP8266-Wifi-Temperature-Logger/ Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://youarenotsosmart.com/2010/07/27/anchoring-effect/ Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://m.space.com/29352-nasa-vehicle-changes-everything-about-driving-video.html?adbid=10152801168236466&adbpl=fb&adbpr=17610706465&cmpid=514630_20150508_45446546&short_code=2yd3z Cool four wheel drive and steering technology. Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/transportation/self-driving/cheap-centimeterprecision-gps-for-cars-and-drones Intersting if this can be realized as cheap commercial solution. Posted from WordPress for Android →
https://resin.io/blog/two-factor-authentication-in-the-real-world/ How to build a safe with two factor mobile authentication. Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://mobile.geek.com/latest/256706-worlds-first-6tb-ssd-will-be-available-to-buy-in-july?origref= SSDs are getting as big as hard disks, but are still expensive. Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://mobile.geek.com/latest/256705-chip-is-a-computer-that-costs-9-dollars?origref= Looks intresting if they get this project shipped in time and budget. Posted from WordPress for Android →
IEEE has an interesting working group and web page called Rebooting Computing. “Rebooting Computing” was coined by IEEE Life Fellow Peter Denning as part of his National Science Foundation-sponsored initiative to revamp computing education. The group will work from a holistic viewpoint, taking into account evolutionary and revolutionary approaches. Why this is important? Computing Needs →