Just like the garage computer explosion of the 70’s through the 80’s, which brought us such things as Apple, pong, Bill Gate’s hair, and the proliferation of personal computers, the maker movement is the new garage hardware explosion. Today, 135 million adults in the United States alone are involved in the maker movement.
Enthusiasts who want to build the products they want, from shortwave radios to personal computers, and to tweak products they’ve bought to make them even better, have long been a part of the electronics industry. By all measures, garage-style innovation remains alive and well today, as “makers” as they are called continue to turn out contemporary gadgets, including 3D printers, drones, and embedded electronics devices.
Making is about individual Do-It-Yourselfers being able to design and create with tools that were, as of a decade or two ago, only available to large, cash-rich corporations: CAD tools, CNC mills, 3D printers, low-quantity PCB manufacturing, open hardware such as Arduinos and similar inexpensive development boards – all items that have made it easier and relatively cheap to make whatever we imagine. For individuals, maker tools can change how someone views their home or their hobbies. The world is ours to make. Humans are genetically wired to be makers. The maker movement is simply the result of making powerful building and communication tools accessible to the masses. There are plenty of projects from makers that show good engineering: Take this Arduino board with tremendous potential, developed by a young maker, as example.
The maker movement is a catalyst to democratize entrepreneurship as these do-it-yourself electronics are proving to be hot sellers: In the past year, unit sales for 3D printing related products; Arduino units, parts and supplies; Raspberry Pi boards; drones and quadcopters; and robotics goods are all on a growth curve in terms of eBay sales. There are many Kickstarter maker projects going on. The Pebble E-Paper Watch raises $10 million. The LIFX smartphone-controlled LED bulb raises $1.3 million. What do these products have in common? They both secured funding through Kickstarter, a crowd-funding website that is changing the game for entrepreneurs. Both products were created by makers who seek to commercialize their inventions. These “startup makers” iterate on prototypes with high-end tools at professional makerspaces.
For companies to remain competitive, they need to embrace the maker movement or leave themselves open for disruption. Researchers found that 96 percent of business leaders believe new technologies have forever changed the rules of business by democratizing information and rewiring customer expectations. - You’ve got to figure out agile innovation. Maybe history is repeating itself as the types of products being sold reminded us of the computer tinkering that used to be happening in the 1970s to 1990s – similar in terms of demographics, tending to be young people, and low budget. Now the do-it-yourself category is deeply intertwined with the electronics industry. Open hardware is in the center in maker movement – we need open hardware designs! How can you publish your designs and still do business with it? Open source ecosystem markets behave differently and therefore require a very different playbook than traditional tech company: the differentiation is not in the technology you build; it is in the process and expertise that you slowly amass over an extended period of time.
By democratizing the product development process, helping these developments get to market, and transforming the way we educate the next generation of innovators, we will usher in the next industrial revolution. The world is ours to make. Earlier the PC created a new generation of software developers who could innovate in the digital world without the limitations of the physical world (virtually no marginal cost, software has become the great equalizer for innovation. Now advances in 3D printing and low-cost microcontrollers as well as the ubiquity of advanced sensors are enabling makers to bridge software with the physical world. Furthermore, the proliferation of wireless connectivity and cloud computing is helping makers contribute to the Internet of Things (IoT). We’re even beginning to see maker designs and devices entering those markets once thought to be off-limits, like medical.
Image source: The world is ours to make: The impact of the maker movement – EDN Magazine
In fact, many parents have engaged in the maker movement with their kids because they know that the education system is not adequately preparing their children for the 21st century. There is a strong movement to spread this DIY idea widely. The Maker Faire, which launched in the Bay Area in California in 2006, underlined the popularity of the movement by drawing a record 215,000 people combined in the Bay Area and New York events in 2014. There’s Maker Media, MakerCon, MakerShed, Make: magazine and 131 Maker Faire events that take place throughout the world. Now the founders of all these Makers want a way to connect what they refer to as the “maker movement” online. So Maker Media created a social network called MakerSpace, a Facebook-like social network that connects participants of Maker Faire in one online community. The new site will allow participants of the event to display their work online. There are many other similar sites that allow yout to present yout work fron Hackaday to your own blog. Today, 135 million adults in the United States alone are involved in the maker movement—although makers can be found everywhere in the world.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Cannonball Mold Makes A Dandy Integrating Sphere For Laser Measurements
It’s an age-old riddle: if you have a perfect sphere with a perfectly reflective inner surface, will light bounce around inside it forever? The answer is pretty obvious when you think it through, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t put the principle to use, as we see with this homemade Ulbricht sphere for optical measurements.
If you’ve never heard of an Ulbricht sphere, don’t worry — it’s also known as an integrating sphere, and that makes its function a little more apparent. As [Les Wright] explains, an integrating sphere is an optical element with a hollow spherical cavity that’s coated with a diffusely reflective coating. There are two ports in the sphere, one for admitting light — usually from a laser — and one for light to exit. The light bounces around inside the sphere and becomes perfectly diffuse, and creates a uniform beam at the exit port.
Home Made Integrating or Ulbricht Sphere
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Coolest Controller Mod, Hands Down
Tomi Engdahl says:
Linux-tietokone 15 dollarilla
Brian Benchoff -niminen rakentelija ja valkokaulushakkeri on rakentanut Linux-tietokoneen, jolla on hintaa vain 15 dollaria. Kone koostuu näppäimistöstä, näytöstä, USB-portista ja microSD-korttipaikasta. Virtansa laite saa paristoista.
Jos hakee itselleen näyttävää grafiikkaa pyörittävää pelikonetta, 15 dollarin Linux-kone ei ehkä ole oikea valinta. Näyttö on 2,3-tuumainen ja erottelee 320 x 240 pikseliä. Sillä sopii ajaa komentotulkkia, jonka kautta onnistuu yhteys palvelimiin, skriptien ajo ja USB-laitteen käsittely.
Kehittäjä itse kutsuu Allwinner F1C100 -prosessoriin pohjaavaa laitettaan ”Sveitsin armeijan Linux-veitseksi”
A Minimum Viable Computer, or Linux for $15
This is a ‘Linux Swiss Army Knife’, offering maximum utility while still being able to fit in your pocket. Is it fast? No. Can it run a GUI? Also no. But it can run scripts, ping a server, toggle a few GPIOs, and interact with a USB device. This is a minimum viable computer that can:
Run Linux. Just command line.
Has a keyboard. No touchscreen display.
Has a USB port. To connect to other things.
Some sort of battery power, I guess.
That’s about it. Could you do all of this with a smartphone? Yeah, kinda, if you root prepaid Android phone, but even that would cost more than $30. I know I can build something cheaper.
I think I’ve cracked this problem, and I’ve come up with a computer that runs Linux and costs about $15 USD.
The most consequential design decision is the Linux SoC. For this I chose the Allwinner F1C100s, an ARM9 core running at 533MHz with an integrated 32MB of DDR (the F1C200s bumps the memory up to 64MB and is drop-in pin compatible).
The schematic is based on a now-discontinued dev board, the LicheePi Nano and a board from Jay Carlson’s Embedded Linux series, with a few changes. Basic system bring-up is simple – just get three power rails (3.3V, 2.5V, 1.1V), add a clock and sprinkle some caps and resistors on the board. After that, you have a Linux console over serial. Alterations to the reference designs include changing the display connection from 16-bit RGB to SPI, deleting the SPI flash, and adding a microSD card. These changes were made to add additional GPIOs (for the keyboard) and to aid in programming and assembly (now everything runs off the SD card, flashing a ROM no longer required).
I have Buildroot running on this chip thanks to the efforts of others. It boots from an SD card and puts a terminal on a SPI display. Everything kinda just works thanks to some very cool people working on the sunxi stuff for Linux.
The design of the keyboard is unconventional, as a suite of tact switches would be expensive both in component cost and assembly cost. Instead, I’m using a silicone membrane keyboard, much like what you would find on a TV remote control. Because the electrical connections for the keyboard is printed on the circuit board, this type of keyboard is essentially free.
Powering the device is challenging, as using lithium cells would mean more stringent requirements in regards to shipping and transport. Instead of lithium cells, this device uses AAA NiMH cells. While providing less overall power per unit mass of lithium, it’s significantly less expensive than lithium. This design can also be modified for AA NiMH cells for more than twice the runtime at the expense of a slightly thicker enclosure.
Does it really cost $15?
The answer to the big question, “How much does it cost?” is, “What the market will bear”. In short, yes, if you’re counting the BOM cost in quantities greater than 10,000. That said, let’s go into the cost breakdown.
There you go, a full Linux computer for under fifteen bucks parts. Assembly is not included, and better component selection (caps, another crystal, and a generic version of the battery clip) would drop a few cents off the build. But I’ll call this a $15 computer for the clickbait headline. Speaking of clickbait, if you want to build one of these things, It’ll cost you about ten grand. The first one costs ten grand, the ten thousandth one costs fifteen bucks.
I can buy all of the components for this device right now at the beginning of 2022, in the depths of a component shortage. Give me six months and I’ll give you a tens of thousands of these things.
What can a $15 Linux computer do? First off, yes, it can run Doom. Chocolate Doom is actually a default package in Buildroot, which is awesome.
Instead of me telling you what this device can do, instead let me ask what you can do with command line Linux, a keyboard, and a USB port. Do you want software defined radio? Sure thing, there’s a package for that. Do you want this thing to be a crypto wallet? No problem, in fact you can display your expensive monkeys on the screen. Want to compile your own code on this thing? Go ahead. There’s even a few GPIOs left open and broken out, have fun with that. There’s one SPI and a few I2Cs that aren’t connected to anything.
Do I plan to make this thing available? Yes, eventually.
Tomi Engdahl says:
This Man is Genius! Fix Broken Plastics With Plastic Welding Method
Many items in the house and workshop are made of plastic. These plastics stretch and break over time, and most people throw away their broken plastic items. However, since plastic is a material that melts easily, you can easily repair it with plastic welding or soldering. If you have broken plastic items and you want to throw them away, be sure to watch this video called Repair your broken plastics with plastic welding method and learn how to repair your broken, cracked plastics.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Is Your Flashlight A Lumen Liar? Build A DIY Integrating Sphere
A lamp used to be simple thing: just stick a filament in a glass bulb, pass a current through it and behold! Let there be light. A bigger lamp meant a larger filament, taking more power and a larger envelope. Now we’ve moved on a bit, and it’s all about LEDs. There really isn’t such a thing as ‘just an LED,’ these are semiconductor devices, made from relatively exotic materials (OK, not just plain old silicon anyway) and there is quite a lot of variety to choose from, and a bit of complexity in selecting them.
For [Torque Test Channel] the efficiency of conversion from electrical power to radiant power (or flux) is the headline figure of interest, which prompted them to buy a bunch of lamps to compare. To do the job justice that requires what’s known in the business as an integrating sphere (aka an Ulbricht sphere), but being a specialist device, it’s a bit pricey for the home gamer. So naturally, they decided to build the thing themselves.
Firstly they did the sensible thing, and shipped off their test units to a metrology lab with the ‘proper’ equipment, to get a baseline to calibrate against. Next they set about using some fairly common materials to construct their sphere. The basic idea is quite simple; it has a uniform diffuse internal surface, which ensures that all photons emitted by a source can be measured at the appropriate measurement port, regardless of the angle they are emitted from the source. This way, the total radiated power can be determined, or at least estimated, since there will be a degree of absorption.
Anyway, after a couple of false starts with coating the internal surface, they came to the conclusion that mixing barium sulphate into the paint, and then a bit of a rub-down with sandpaper, gave the required pure white, diffuse surface.
The results from their testing, using a lux meter inserted into one of the other ports, showed a pretty good correspondence between their measured lux figure and the lab-determined lumens figure.
Are Lumens Fake? We Built a Light Lie Detector: Snap on, Streamlight LT Ep1
Lumen numbers on rechargeable lights have gotten to the point where they could say anything now and no one would know the wiser. On the episode 1 of our new Light Test series, we build a light integration sphere very DIY style then put 3 hopefully “reputable” brands to the test to sort of dial it in, so that in future multi head-2-heads we can find the biggest fibbers and maybe just some good useful lights along the way! Featuring Streamlight 88083 ProTac 2L-X, Snap-On ECPRB042 & Astro 65SL.
How Much are Flashlights Lying to You? Best Selling on Amazon: LT Ep2
Cannonball Mold Makes A Dandy Integrating Sphere For Laser Measurements
It’s an age-old riddle: if you have a perfect sphere with a perfectly reflective inner surface, will light bounce around inside it forever? The answer is pretty obvious when you think it through, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t put the principle to use, as we see with this homemade Ulbricht sphere for optical measurements.
If you’ve never heard of an Ulbricht sphere, don’t worry — it’s also known as an integrating sphere, and that makes its function a little more apparent. As [Les Wright] explains, an integrating sphere is an optical element with a hollow spherical cavity that’s coated with a diffusely reflective coating. There are two ports in the sphere, one for admitting light — usually from a laser — and one for light to exit. The light bounces around inside the sphere and becomes perfectly diffuse, and creates a uniform beam at the exit port.
Home Made Integrating or Ulbricht Sphere
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Invisible 3D Printed Codes Make Objects Interactive
An interesting research project out of MIT shows that it’s possible to embed machine-readable labels into 3D printed objects using nothing more than an FDM printer and filament that is transparent to IR. The method is being called InfraredTags; by embedding something like a QR code or ArUco markers into an object’s structure, that label can be detected by a camera and interactive possibilities open up.
Invisible machine-readable labels that identify and track objects
An MIT team develops 3D-printed tags to classify and store data on physical objects.
Tomi Engdahl says:
PlottyBot: A DrawBot That Plots A Lot
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Handyman Tips & Hacks That Work Extremely Well
Now and again, all of us have to do a little repair or DIY around the house, glue something together or replace a fastener or two. These workers know what they are doing, so here i bring you some the best tips and hacks. Watch this 5 minutes crafts video of Tips&Hacks and tell me what you think. Enjoy!!!
Tomi Engdahl says:
DIY rope making machine | Arduino project
Hello guys in this video I am making a yarn twister or rope making machine, 4 yarn spools are mounted on a big rotating disc, and yarn form each spool passed through this disc and passes through a Encoder then passes through a guider and finally winding on a big spool.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
3D Printed Maglev Switches Are So Hot Right Now
Thanks to this phenomenon we’re happy to report that yet another 3D printable magnetic levitation switch has come to light. Developed by [famichu], this take on the concept is markedly different from what we’ve seen previously, which in a way makes the whole thing even more impressive. It’s one thing for multiple hackers to develop similar projects independently of each other, as the end goal often dictates the nature of the design itself. But here we’re seeing a project that took the same core concepts and ran in a different direction.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Working Model Reveals Amazing Engineering Of Webb’s Mirror Actuators
Tomi Engdahl says:
How To Make Simple RC Airplane For Simple Radio Control. DIY RC Aiplane & Arduino RC
Can model aircraft be controlled with a simple Arduino radio controller?
Arduino simple radio control. DC 180 Brushed motor
Tomi Engdahl says:
Minamil: a minimal CNC mill – HaDPrize 2021
Minamil: a minimal 3-axis CNC mill that works. Build from laser-cut hardboard with a screwdriver (mostly). Mill fine-pitch PCBs.
Designed for building your own from ready-to-assemble parts & few simple tools. Structural parts laser cut from 1/8″ (3mm) hardboard/HDF. No fabrication needed for working parts – only make a rough, loosely dimensioned frame from available material. Footprint can be smaller than a sheet of paper.
Mill 3D parts from real materials and PCBs with fine-pitch features down to limit of cutter size+runout.
Z axis clamp holds your general-purpose rotary tool.
Tomi Engdahl says:
PiEEG for converting RaspberryPi to Brain-Computer
The easiest way to the neuroscience world with the shield for RaspberryPi – PIEEG
Tomi Engdahl says:
Build Your Own CRT TV
There was a time following the Second World War when TV sets for the nascent broadcast medium were still very expensive, but there was an ample supply of war-surplus electronic parts including ex-radar CRTs. Thus it wasn’t uncommon at all for electronics enthusiasts of the day to build their own TV set, and magazines would publish designs to enable them. With a burgeoning consumer electronics industry the price of a new TV quickly dropped to the point of affordability so nobody would consider building one themselves today. Perhaps that should be amended to almost nobody, because [Retro Tech or Die] has assembled a small black-and-white CRT TV from a kit he found on AliExpress.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Mystery Effect Causing LEDs To Glow During Reflow
Sometimes you notice something small that nevertheless you can’t explain. [Greg Davill] found himself in just such a situation this week when he noticed some green LEDs glowing dimly when reflowing some boards. Naturally, [Greg] set out to investigate.
The green LEDs were wired up as power indicators, and [Greg] suspected that the polymer caps on the board might be generating a small current somehow that was causing the LEDs to light up ever so slightly. A simple test hooked a polymer cap directly up to a multimeter. When warmed with a heat gun, the meter showed a small current “in the 5-10 uA range.”
Going further, [Greg] soldered an LED to the cap and once again heated it up, this time to 100° C. The LED glowed, continuing to do so for around 60 seconds with heat removed. The mystery also grew deeper – [Greg] noticed that this only happened with “fresh” capacitors. Once they’d been through one heat cycle, the caps would no longer light an LED when warmed up.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Modular heating bed
Modular heating bed for 3d printer
Tomi Engdahl says:
That Clock On The Wall Is Actually A Network Ping Display
We’ve all been online from home a bit more than usual lately, in ways that often stretch the limits of what our ISP can muster. You know the signs — audio that drops out, video sessions that make you look like [Max Headroom], and during the off-hours, getting owned in CS:GO by pretty much everyone. All the bandwidth in the world won’t make up for high latency, and knowing where you stand on that score is the point of this ping-tracking clock.
This eye-catching lag-o-meter is courtesy of [Charl], who started the build with a clock from IKEA. Stripped of pretty much everything but the bezel, he added a coaxial clock motor and a driver board, along with a custom-printed faceplate with logarithmic scale. The motors are driven by an ESP32, which uses internet control message protocol (ICMP) to ping a trusted server via WiFi, calculates the proper angles for the hands, and drives the motors to show you the bad news. There’s also an e-paper display in the face, showing current server and WiFi settings.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Spin Some Spudgers From Secondhand Silverware
Tomi Engdahl says:
Machining Waveguides For 122 GHz Operation Is Delicate Work
Millimeter-wave Radars used in modern cars for cruise control and collision avoidance are usually designed to work at ranges on the order of 100 meters or so. With some engineering nous, however, experimenters have gotten these devices sending signals over ranges of up to 60 km in some tests. [Machining and Microwaves] decided to see if he could push the boat out even further, and set out machining some waveguide combiner cavities so he could use the radar chips with some very high-performance antennas.
Machining 53dBi antennas for 122 GHz mmWave Radar chips!
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Weather Station Predicts Air Quality
Measuring air quality at any particular location isn’t too complicated. Just a sensor or two and a small microcontroller is generally all that’s needed. Predicting the upcoming air quality is a little more complicated, though, since so many factors determine how safe it will be to breathe the air outside. Luckily, though, we don’t need to know all of these factors and their complex interactions in order to predict air quality. We can train a computer to do that for us as [kutluhan_aktar] demonstrates with a machine learning-capable air quality meter.
O3 & BLE Weather Station Predicting Air Quality
Via Nano 33 BLE, collate local weather data, build and train a TensorFlow neural network model, and run the model to predict air quality.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Printing Magnets
3D-Printed Magnets Made from Recycled Materials
Tomi Engdahl says:
As Fast As A Speeding Bullet
Tomi Engdahl says:
3D Printing Tiny Metal Parts
It may sound like a pop band, but μ-WAAM is actually a 3D printing technique for making small metal parts from the NOVA University Lisbon. Of course, WAAM stands for wire arc additive manufacturing, a well-known technique for 3D printing in metal. The difference? The new technique uses 250 μm wire stock instead of the 1mm or thicker wires used in conventional WAAM.
Micro wire and arc additive manufacturing (µ-WAAM)
Tomi Engdahl says:
Few people know about this MOBILE PHONE feature!
What can be done from a mobile phone. A useful homemade idea for home or summer cottages from an old mobile phone. Such a homemade product will be able to protect your home from fire, flood, and even from intruders. Few people know about this feature of the phone.
Tomi Engdahl says:
how to make robot eye moving using sound at your home
Welcome to my channel “Robotics Kanti” where you will learn how to know Electronics is work? and make handmade crafts, New Invention, Mechanical, Computer software. The main thing is that one can make it at Circuit. You are interested in “Robotics Kanti”? You have found the channel you really need. Here you can find lots of Electronics Projects, hand made circuit items, and the main thing is that they all made of make-shifts and at the lowest cost!
Tomi Engdahl says:
Building a liquid crystal display (LCD)
DIY Custom LCD
how to make liquid crystal display at your home
Tomi Engdahl says: