AMOLED displays are now cheaper to manufacture than LCDs | Mobile | Interest to LED display will increase. Posted from WordPress for Android → Interest to LED display will increase. Posted from WordPress for Android → Article describing some reasons how and why Windows 10 app store seems to be failing to meet user expectations. Posted from WordPress for Android →
Every now and then situation arises where you need to construct simple filter circuits. Usually a low pass circuit is the most often needed one. A low-pass filter is a filter that passes signals with a frequency lower than a certain cutoff frequency and attenuates signals with frequencies higher than the cutoff frequency. Low-pass filters → Intereresting IoT egg project for this easter.. Posted from WordPress for Android → Self driving connected cars have potential privacy problems. Are you willing to trade your privacy to get self driving car… Posted from WordPress for Android →
The marriage of communications and heavy industry expertise created Industrial IoT in Finland, long before the IoT buzz says Tampere, Finland: The Birthplace Of Industrial IoT? article at Finnish companies were very early adopters of ICT technologies and connected their machines to a network long before the term itself was introduced. Posted from → Posted from WordPress for Android →
Linux command line is productive, useful and interesting but sometimes it may be very much dangerous specially when you are not sure what you are doing. Read article at to be aware of some of the commands which you should think twice before you execute them. Posted from WordPress for Android → page has a a good security check list for web server. It has good set of security question to check out and gives commands to do the testing for many issues. Posted from WordPress for Android → is a site to support development, hacking and playing with electronics: we share exciting open projects and create amazing products! Their mission is to become a reference in Open Source Hacking with ideas and feedbacks. I see some similarity to – The community dedicated to learning hardware. Posted from WordPress for Android →