Germany Banning all Vehicle Emissions by 2030| Interesting Engineering No new gasoline engines in cars after 2030. → No new gasoline engines in cars after 2030. → Google’s AI neutral networks make very interesting looking images. →
Latest-generation drones now cost around $1,000, if not more. Or how about … $10? Seriously! Teardown: A tiny drone and its controller article tells about Cheerson CX-10 Quadcopter that can be picked for around $10. I picked one at slightly higher price (around €15) from Banggood or DX, to get the idea of today’s drones. I →
Some fun for this Friday: If coding language were an essay… on 9GAG →
Mobile apps boom was clearly started by Phone introduced 2007 (there were some attempts earlier but they were not hat successful). The mobile app boom kicked off in July 2008, when Apple introduced the App Store. Not it seems that the interest in apps seems to be fading. Recode article The app boom is over → Most modern x86 CPUs have a separate management processor in them, and it can potentially damage your system security. → There is IKEA effect also in robotics. → Interesting article on open source 4K camera. → This device looks for open WiFi networks. It is built using ESP8266. → How Windows 10 will run Linux binaries by mapping Linux kernel calls to Windows NT kernel. →