Samsung recall: Tech solutions to enhance lithium-ion battery safety | EDN–Some-possible-tech-solutions-to-enhance-lithium-ion-battery-safety-

Exploding lithiun batteries are in headlines every now and then. How they can be made safer?


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    This DIY Device Will Keep You From Overcharging Your Smartphone’s Battery

    To maintain battery life sacrificing the convenience of overnight charging, Bornach built a device for “Calorie Restricted Phone Charging.”

    Calorie Restricted Phone Charging

    Stop overcharging your phone battery overnight. This puts your lipo batteries on a strict diet by limiting the mAh passing over a USB cable

    Ever since buying a smartphone with an unremovable battery, I’ve become acutely aware of how overcharging the internal lithium polymer battery could prematurely shorten its lifespan. I would always plug in my tablet and phone just before going to bed, so that they are charged to 100% when I wake up the next morning. Various articles on the Internet state that this practice is not optimal for lipo battery health. My phone and tablet might charge fully within a couple hours and thus may spend several more hours above 80% capacity per day. Some guidelines advise that I should aim to keep the lipos below 70-80% and above 20-30% – different sources suggested slightly differing safety ranges.

    What I needed was a timer switch that shut off not after a pre-set duration had passed, but after a pre-set amount of milliamp-hours

    I’m using a MAX471 to measure current passing through a USB charge cable. This is an analog current sensing chip.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Yikes. Maybe I’ll get a Motorola for my next phone instead of a Samsung? [](

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Inside a Znter lithium 9V battery.

    It’s a rechargeable PP3 style 9V battery that has a built in micro USB charging connector and a generous lithium battery that gives the unit a capacity of around 400mAh at 9V.

    The use of a boost circuit to step the voltage up to 9V means that it remains at that level for the full discharge until the lithium cell’s protection circuitry shuts it off.

    It’s refreshing seeing nicely designed stuff alongside the horrors

    “Batteries are the perfect noise free DC source.” We used to say.
    That’s gone now. Here is a battery with AC ripple on it; a switch mode battery! Please scope the output to see what frequency and amplitude is that ripple.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    TP4056 3V7 Lithium Battery Charging/Discharging Module

    TP4056 is a complete constant current-voltage linear charging module for single-cell 3.7 V lithium batteries. It will continuously monitor the voltage level of the battery during charging and discharging. The module operates with 5V 1A DC voltage, can be provided by the USB mini cable, commonly used in Smartphone chargers. Due to the low number of the external component count, make the TP4056 module ideally suited for your portable electronics applications.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Battery Explosion Connected to the AC Source (120V/230V AC Wall Plug)

    Let’s See What Happens when Battery Connected to the AC Source of Supply Voltage?


    Note: Graphic Content. Viewer Discretion is Advised

    Battery Blasted While Connected to the AC Supply

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Building a Cost-Effective, Multifunction Li-Ion Battery Tester
    Li-ion batteries encompass all shapes and capacities, making it difficult to create a single, integrated tester to accurately handle the range of capacities, currents, and physical form factors. We’ll explore the testing challenges and design solutions.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hey, Lithium Dendrites: We’re Looking at You—Very Closely
    Researchers are devising ways to accurately assess the mechanical properties of lithium-battery dendrites, as these nanomaterials limit the usefulness and safety of such power cells.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    New Lithium Battery Solves Two Key Issues

    Current lithium-ion battery designs pose well-documented limitations and challenges so researchers are looking for ways to improve these energy-storage devices.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The engineer thinks the future is in lithium-ion instead.

    Ex-Tesla Engineer Says Solid-State Batteries Are A ‘False Hope’

    Now at the helm of Sila Nanotechnologies, he believes lithium-ion cells will reach $50/kWh in ten years.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Researchers Develop “Relithiation” Technique to Recycle, Restore Old Lithium-Ion Batteries

    Formerly-depleted electrodes show a charge capacity close to that of brand new equivalents, and could solve the battery waste problem.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Dangerous vs. Safe batteries, Explosion and fire test!

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Porin vaarallisen jätepalon syyksi epäillään litium-akkua – jäteyhtiön mukaan väärin kierrätettyjä akkuja löytyy päivittäin

    Akut muodostavat merkittävän turvallisuusriskin jätealalla, kertoo jätehuoltoyhtiö Veikko Lehden yrittäjä Juuso Lehti.

    Vaaratiedotteen Porissa perjantaina aiheuttaneen jätekasapalon syyksi epäillään väärän jätteen joukkoon päätynyttä litium-akkua.

    Jätehuoltoyhtiö Veikko Lehden yrittäjä Juuso Lehti kertoo, että palanut kasa sisälsi rakennusperäistä jätettä. Sen joukossa ei olisi pitänyt olla akkuja.

    – Näemme valvontakameroiden kuvista, että palo syttyi räjähdysmäisesti. Tämä on akkupalossa tyypillistä, Lehti kertoo.

    Yrittäjä Juuso Lehti kertoo, että väärin kierrätettyjä akkuja päätyy heidän kuljetuksiinsa viikoittain.

    – Aiemmin yleisimmin käytetyt nikkeli-kadmium-akut eivät olleet yhtä helposti syttyviä kuin litium-akut, joiden määrä jätteen joukossa on kasvanut merkittävästi tänä vuonna. Pieniä akkuja on vaikea löytää jätteen seasta, Lehti sanoo.

    Juuso Lehti kertoo, että paloturvallisuuden takia yhtiö järjestää jätekasat erilleen toisistaan.

    – Jos palo syttyy, silloin palaa vain yksi jätekasa eikä puoli Poria.

    Kierrätys olisi ilmaista
    Lehti korostaa ihmisten vastuuta akkujen oikeanalaisesta kierrättämisestä, joka ei edes maksa mitään, kunhan akut toimittaa kierrätyspisteisiin.

    – Väärän jätteen joukkoon päätyneet akut ovat nyt riskitekijä koko alalla, yrittäjä Juuso Lehti sanoo,

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Battery monitors supervise voltage & cell #temperature in #BatteryManagement systems for EVs and HEVs Texas Instruments #ElectricVehicles #safety

    Battery monitors improve safety in EVs and HEVs

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Researcher at Stanford University have designed lithium ion batteries based around a new polymer material in the current collectors that increases efficiency and reduces the risks of fires associated with these batteries.

    The Lithium-Ion Battery With Built-In Fire Suppression

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Explosive Problem of ‘Zombie’ Batteries

    The Environmental Services Association (ESA), which represents waste firms like Biffa, Veolia and Suez, says too many batteries are going into either recycling bins or black rubbish bags, where they are easily damaged by sorting equipment and start to burn — so-called “zombie” batteries. The ESA has launched a campaign called Take Charge which encourages people to dispose of batteries properly. “Unfortunately, the majority of batteries thrown away in the UK at the moment are not put in the proper recycling bins. Fires caused by carelessly discarded zombie batteries endanger lives, cause millions of pounds of damage and disrupt waste services,” says Jacob Hayler, executive director of ESA.

    The explosive problem of ‘zombie’ batteries

    The stress levels rocketed for Ian Scott-Browne earlier this month, when one of his colleagues radioed him and told him to call the fire brigade.

    Smoke had been spotted coming from one of the sorting machines at the Smallmead recycling centre, just outside Reading in southern England.

    He knew that a fire in one of the machines could be catastrophic as burning plastic, paper and cardboard could be quickly spread by conveyor belts which connect all the machines in the facility.

    “My concern was that we’d lost control of where the fire was,” says Mr Scott-Browne, who is an operations manager at the recycling facility.

    Small fires like that are surprisingly common at recycling centres. Somewhere in the UK there is one every day, on average.

    As a result the industry has become good at extinguishing them, but they would rather not deal with them at all, particularly as recycling centres are full of combustible materials.

    The problem is that however attentive staff might be to the threat of fire, they can’t control what people put in their recycling bins.

    The ESA has launched a campaign called Take Charge which encourages people to dispose of batteries properly.

    “Unfortunately, the majority of batteries thrown away in the UK at the moment are not put in the proper recycling bins. Fires caused by carelessly discarded zombie batteries endanger lives, cause millions of pounds of damage and disrupt waste services,” says Jacob Hayler, executive director of ESA.

    Lithium-ion batteries, which power mobile phones, tablets and toothbrushes, can be extremely volatile if damaged. CCTV footage taken at several recycling centres shows explosions sending flames and debris shooting across sorting areas.

    And those sorts of batteries are a growing menace. Between April 2019 and March 2020, lithium-ion batteries were suspected to have caused around 250 fires at waste facilities. That is 38% of all fires, up from 25% compared to the previous year, according to the latest data from ESA.

    In many cases the precise cause of a fire is never established but ESA says it is likely that lithium-ion batteries account for an even bigger proportion of fires.
    Smallmead Recycling Centre

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:


    When using 18650 battery as power storage and back up for solar power system what are the safety precautions to observe

    1. Overcharged protection
    2. Undercharged protection
    3. Short circuit protection
    4. Overtemperature protection (optional)
    5. Battery charge balancing (optional)
    6. Do not mix different capacity, old and new battery in each battery pack.

    Numbers 1-5 is just one thing – a good bms

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Charging lithium batteries is not easy. You can’t just connect a power source to them. You need to charge them with the correct voltage AND current. You also need to monitor the battery voltage and cut off charging when the batteries are full. Ideally you would also have a temperature sensor connected that cuts off, or limits the charging if the batteries gets too hot.

    Incorrect charging of lithium batteries can be dangerous. They can easily overheat and start burning, or even explode in extreme cases.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Lithium Ion battery package has the NTC temperature sensor inside the package to monitor its temperature to help limit its charge to a safe and optimum level.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ant2 USB-C LiPo Charger to Power Space Constrained Projects
    Beast Devices’ new charger gets a high-quality USB-C connector from Japan Electronics Aviation

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    “The researchers involved in recycling are very passionate about what they do—it’s a big technical challenge and they want to figure it out because it’s the right thing to do. But there’s also money to be made, and that’s the attraction.”

    Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling Finally Takes Off in North America and Europe

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How does mobile phone fast charging work?

    This video explains the technology behind fast charging in mobile phones, from early phones with linear chargers to the most advanced high power Direct-Charge-Divide/2 systems. We discuss different battery types, special charging systems like Qualcomm’s Quick-Charge QC2.0/3.0 and the new USB-C Power Delivery charging systems, covering Direct Charge and Direct Charge-Divide/2 systems that can deliver charging powers up to 45W without overheating.

    We hook up oscilloscope and USB-PD analysers to different smartphones like Galaxy Note 10+ to examine their charging behaviour in detail. We will also tell you about next generation smartphone charging technology like Direct Charge-Divide/4 and dual cell battery systems.

    Read more about Richtek’s ‘’Fast charging and USB PD’’ :

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Lithium-sulfur batteries, rather than lithium-ion, could hold secret to new electric future

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    For now lithium-ion batteries own consumer electronics and EVs. But storage for data centers, grids, homes is another story. Consider a related chemistry, sodium-ion batteries – cheaper, safer, sustainably sourced & no conflict minerals.

    Sodium-Ion Batteries Poised to Pick Off Large-Scale Lithium-Ion Applications

    Lithium-ion batteries are nowhere close to easing their dominion in the rechargeable battery market. However, development is speeding up on a competing chemistry for larger-scale applications—i.e. not EVs or consumer electronics—the sodium-ion battery.

    Researchers have been promising to make sodium batteries viable for years. The technology might finally be catching up to its promise, with a couple companies now starting commercial deliveries.

    “From a pure performance point-of-view, sodium-ion batteries are not attractive for portable electronics or electric vehicles,” says K. M. Abraham, research professor at Northeastern University and CTO of lithium battery consulting firm E-KEM Sciences. Lithium-ion batteries boast a higher energy density than sodium-ions, which means a compact lithium-ion will have a longer run time between charges. So far, sodium-ions have demonstrated about half the energy density of lithium, which can reach 285 Wh/kg, he says.

    But sodium-ion batteries could give lithium-ions a run for their money in stationary applications like renewable energy storage for homes and the grid or backup power for data centers, where cost is more important than size and energy density. Based on currently available information, Abraham projects the cost of sodium-ion batteries to be about 10–20 percent less than lithium-ion.

    The biggest thing going for sodium batteries is their use of abundant, cheap, and benign materials. There is over one-thousand times more sodium than lithium in the Earth’s crust. It also costs less to extract and purify. Moreover, sodium metal oxide cathodes typically used in batteries—the anodes are carbon just like lithium-ion batteries—can be made from plentiful metals such as iron and manganese. Lithium-ion cathodes, by contrast, use cobalt, a metal with limited geological reserves and an iffy supply chain centered on a handful of countries. And other batteries such as lead-acid and nickel-cadmium contain toxic metals. “The main attraction of sodium is sustainability,” Abraham says.

    Sodium batteries are also more stable and safe than lithium-ion. They have a wider temperature range, are nonflammable, and there is no thermal runaway—which can cause lithium-ion batteries to catch fire—under any condition, says Pouchet.

    Natron is one of only a handful of players developing and commercializing sodium-ion batteries.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Lithium explosion DIY powerwall incident

    While assembling a DIY power wall he had an incident when his friend accidentally drove a screw through a lithium module, resulting in explosive failure.

    With lithium cells, the danger isn’t with the lithium itself, but the energy they store. When you puncture a cell it results in very high current flow that evaporates the flammable electrolyte and then ignites it with sparks from the short circuit. When working with them it’s a good idea to discharge them as low as possible, so there is less energy to dissipate if you have an incident.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ”Akkuteknologialla on keskeinen rooli sähköistymisessä”
    Elämämme ovat täynnä erilaisia akkuja puhelimen akusta sähkötyökaluihin. Litiumioniakut ovat tällä hetkellä nopeimmin kasvava ja ehkä jopa kiinnostavin akkuteknologia. Tutuimmat käyttökohteet näille akuille ovat sähköautot, kännykät ja läppärit. Tämän teknologian ja sen vaatimien raakamateriaalien kysyntä kasvaa jatkuvasti, joten on tärkeää pohtia, miten akkuja tai niiden sisältämiä materiaaleja voi kierrättää.–Et7MwD1RpzsCWfS2HrGHG5h7g_oVEaWMgWUFKcDy7zLJJXTPQzI

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Dangerous vs. Safe batteries, Explosion and fire test!

    Li-Pol (LiPo) are widely used in nearly all Cell phones and other home electronics. Yet, they are unstable and dangerous. In our test, we compare LiPo with available LFP and LTO technologies.

    You may not recognize the danger sitting in your pocket, but consider the danger for projects involving batteries and prevent future issues. Designing machine, device or tool which uses batteries? Choose wisely!

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Can the electricity from Jump Car Starter be as high as the producers write? 1200A?

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kim Lyons / The Verge:
    Verizon is recalling 2.5M Ellipsis Jetpack mobile hotspots, ~1.3M of which are in use, after investigation found batteries could overheat and cause fire hazards — The CPSC says the devices’ batteries are the source of the overheating — Verizon said Thursday it is working …

    Verizon is recalling 2.5 million hotspots that could overheat and cause burn or fire damage
    The CPSC says the devices’ batteries are the source of the overheating

    Verizon said Thursday it is working with the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to recall 2.5 million hotspot devices after an investigation found the devices’ lithium-ion batteries could overheat and pose fire and burn hazards.

    The Ellipsis Jetpack mobile hotspot models MHS900L, MHS900LS, and MHS900LPP were imported by Franklin Wireless Corp. and sold between April 2017 and March of this year, according to the CPSC. The model numbers are all for the same device but vary depending on how the customer purchased the device — through a consumer prepaid or postpaid plan.

    The CPSC bulletin indicated Verizon had received 15 reports of the devices overheating; six of the reports involved fire damage to bedding or flooring. Two incidents included minor burn injuries, the CPSC said.

    A Verizon spokesperson said in an email to The Verge that about 1.3 million of the hotspot devices are currently in use by customers. The recall is focused on the entire device, not just the batteries, and customers should not try to remove the batteries themselves.

    Demand for hotspots increased over the past year during the coronavirus pandemic, with schools and libraries seeking the devices for students who didn’t have internet access at home so they could complete their schoolwork remotely.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Are over-discharged lithium cells safe? (And how to test for damage.)

    This is one of the best Poundland purchases I’ve made in a while, purely because of the Google trek for knowledge that it sent me on. Most of Poundland’s power banks in this style come completely discharged due to the higher than usual quiescent current of the circuitry. I wanted to know if that was a serious issue or not.

    Mechanism of the entire overdischarge process and overdischarge-induced internal short circuit in lithium-ion batteries

    Lithium-ion batteries connected in series are prone to be overdischarged. Overdischarge results in various side effects, such as capacity degradation and internal short circuit (ISCr). However, most of previous research on the overdischarge of a cell was terminated when the cell voltage dropped to 0 V, leaving the further impacts of overdischarge unclear. This paper investigates the entire overdischarge process of large-format lithium-ion batteries by discharging the cell to −100% state of charge (SOC).

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A new startup, #Nanom, has developed a nanoparticle-based process that makes #lithiumion batteries both safer and more efficient. Expect, the company says, to see structural batteries made from this non-flammable tech.

    How to Prevent Batteries From Exploding? Nanoparticles, Says Startup

    There’s a reason luggage on an airplane isn’t supposed to contain lithium-ion batteries—they have a tendency to explode into flames. That’s the same reason recreational vehicle manufacturers are embracing lithium iron phosphate, a battery technology with a lower energy density than lithium-ion, but without the fire risk, trading off capacity for safety.

    Nanom (previously Greenvolt), a startup based in Silicon Valley and Iceland, says that tradeoff isn’t necessary, that you can have both safety and high energy density—plus a few other nice bonus features—through the use of nanoparticles. The company, founded in 2017, came out of stealth this month to hint at how its technology works, without revealing what company executives say are its trade secrets.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Carmarkers and governments are embracing electric vehicles as a cleaner form of transportation, but regulators are calling for better guidance when emergencies arise.

    Houston Tesla Crash Underscores How Little Is Known About The Nature Of Car Battery Fires – And Why They Can Burn For Hours

    Two men were killed in Texas after a Tesla car with reportedly nobody driving crashed Saturday and triggered a battery fire authorities said repeatedly reignited after being put out, with the incident underscoring the need for better guidance on responding to relatively novel and rare car battery fires – here’s what experts say about dealing with such fires as more carmakers switch to electric vehicles.

    Despite responders to electric vehicle incidents often reporting batteries reigniting, it is not peculiar for an electric vehicle battery—which is often a large-scale version of the lithium-ion batteries found in mobile phones—to catch fire again after being put out and serves to underscore how unprepared many responders are to deal with electric vehicle fires. 

    Batteries burn very differently to gasoline and can actually be expected to reignite after being put out due to the fact they still have stored energy, manufacturers say.  

    Tesla, in guidance for first responders, recommends firefighters allow the battery to “burn itself out” rather than continuously trying to put it out. 

    As it stands, electric vehicles make up less than 1% of cars on U.S. roads, according to the New York Times. President Joe Biden, in a bid to reach carbon neutrality by 2050, has made expanding this a policy goal and unveiled new funding for EVs as part of his $2 trillion infrastructure plan. Meanwhile, some of the world’s largest carmakers, including Volkswagen, Ford and Toyota, have pledged to boost their EV production to meet EU carbon emissions targets.


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