These are the most in-demand programming languages | World Economic Forum

“Software is eating the world,” venture capitalist Marc Andreessen famously declared.

Someone has to write that software. Why not you?

There are thousands of programming languages, but some are far more popular than others.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    David Robinson / Stack Overflow Blog:
    Stack Overflow launches Trends to track interest in programming languages and technologies over time, based on volume of questions asked per month

    Introducing Stack Overflow Trends

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    TIOBE Index for May 2017
    May Headline: the pack is closing in on Java and C

    Java and C are in a heavy downward trend since the beginning of 2016. Both languages have lost more than 6% if compared to last year. So which programming languages are taking advantage of this drop? Well, actually all the other languages. Since software is adopted by more and more domains nowadays, C (low level software development) and Java (high level software development) apparently don’t suffice any more. To illustrate this point, a rating of 0.6% was sufficient to reach the top 20 in 2012. Nowadays this would put you at position 33.

    The index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Functional programming languages entering the mainstream- infographic by Appdynamics

    Functional programming languages such as Scala, Clojure, and Haskell are quietly growing in popularity. These languages offer expressive and concise syntax, exceptional compile-time error checking (meaning fewer bugs in production), and strong support for parallel operations. These benefits come at the cost of a comparatively steep learning curve and small hiring pool.


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