Archive for September 2017
Here is picture of huge electrical switching device I saw today. I believe it is going to be installed inside or next to a big data center. I belive that this is made for controlling several megawatts of three phase 110 kV power. It seems to be made by ABB. → Tech companies lead top U.S. companies in R&D spending. Amazon is No. 1. That’s notable because spending on research and development is a key indicator for U.S. productivity, a measure of how well our economy is doing, and productivity has been decreasing lately. Amazon, Alphabet, Intel, Microsoft and Apple, tech companies spent more on research → Emerging technologies are those technical innovations which represent progressive developments within a field for competitive advantage. This is an interesting list. → We live in an exciting time. Everyday more things become Internet-connected things. They have sensors and can communicate with other things, and help us perform tasks like never before. Especially at home. Home automation is made possible by amaetuer developers and tinkers because the price of microcontrollers with the ability to talk over a network continue to drop. → Hacker Cabe Atwell has come up with a system that texts when the washer or dryer has finished its cycle. The device is, literally, a black box that sticks to either type of unit via a pair or rare earth magnets, then monitors movement using an accelerometer hooked up to a Raspberry Pi. By hooking up the →
I just found out a new useful Arduino IDE feature: Serial Plotter. It allows you to natively graph serial data from your Arduino to your computer in real time (no need for extra software for that).The Arduino Serial Plotter function has been added to the Arduino IDE since version 1.6.7. Here is introduction video on → Funny comic (because it is true) for Friday: Front End vs Back End. →