Archive for November 2017

New Laser Technique Promises Photonic Devices Inside of Silicon – IEEE Spectrum When a laser beam modifies a material, those modifications can either be temporary or permanent, and the change can also be either extremely subtle or drastic. The modified material starts responding differently to the laser beam. Scientists have taken advantage of these interactions to create structures within silicon that enable photonic devices. “We can also imagine

Perl is the most hated programming language / Boing Boing Perl, the Old Spice of programming languages, is the most disliked by a significant margin, reports Stack Overflow. Delphi, and Visual Basic are running neck-and-neck for second place. I think Perl is OK. I quess that most of those who hate it have never really tried it. There are many much worse programming languages that are

Industrial IoT Gateway Based on Android Things – This project is a proof of concept of an Industrial Gateway based on Android Things.  Android Things allow to cut development time of the gateway by facilitating the integration with required interfaces such as Ethernet, UART, SPI and I2C. Android Things can be used in common SBC such as Raspberry Pi to have a quick

AI-based upsampling tech creates high-res versions of low-res images: Digital Photography Review Upsampling image and video files usually leads to pixelation and soft textures, simply because algorithms are not capable of replacing non-existing image detail. But scientists at the Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany have come up with a clever solution that is capable of producing better results than anything we’ve seen so far.