Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing many aspects of how we work and live. (How many stories did you read last week about self-driving cars and job-stealing robots? Perhaps your holiday shopping involved some AI algorithms, as well.) But despite the constant flow of news, many misconceptions about AI remain.
AI doesn’t think in our sense of the word at all, Scriffignano explains. “In many ways, it’s not really intelligence. It’s regressive.”
IT leaders should make deliberate choices about what AI can and can’t do on its own. “You have to pay attention to giving AI autonomy intentionally and not by accident,”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Real-Time AI Object Detection Testing (Pi5 AI Kit vs. NVIDIA Jetson)
00:00 – Intro
01:04 – Technical Considerations
02:50 – Pi5 Install Setup
05:22 – Pi5 Tech Demo
11:36 – Jetson Install Setup
14:06 – Jetson Tech Demo
19:45 – Observations
20:58 – Closing Thoughts
In this video, we dive into the real-time object detection and classification capabilities of small AI-capable edge devices. Specifically, we explore the Raspberry Pi 5 with the Hailo AI kit and the NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano Super, showcasing how these devices perform in edge AI applications.
We begin by walking through the setup process for both devices, showing the steps needed to get the provided object detection and classification examples up and running. Afterward, we run technical demos to test and compare the performance of each device. Finally, we discuss the differences between the two, including price considerations, technical capabilities, and the overall user experience with low-power edge devices for AI.
Whether you’re considering the Raspberry Pi 5 or Jetson Orin Nano for your next AI project, this video will give you a clear understanding of their capabilities, limitations, and real-world performance.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Is the new Raspberry Pi AI Kit better than Google Coral?
I’ve got my hands on the new Raspberry Pi AI Kit, an M.2 Hat with the Halio 8L module onboard. This brings advanced AI capabilities to the Raspberry Pi 5, and offloads this to the Neural Processing Unit.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Todd Bishop / GeekWire:
Microsoft is creating a new “CoreAI – Platform and Tools” unit led by Jay Parikh, the ex-Lacework CEO and Meta engineering executive who joined in October 2024 — Microsoft is creating a new engineering division, led by the former global head of engineering at Facebook (now Meta)
Microsoft creates new AI platform and tools division, led by former Facebook engineering chief
Tomi Engdahl says:
Marina Temkin / TechCrunch:
Raspberry AI, which uses AI to turn fashion designer sketches into realistic images and has ~70 clients including Under Armour, raised an a16z-led $24M Series A
Raspberry AI raises $24M from a16z to accelerate fashion design
Tomi Engdahl says:
New York Times:
OpenAI publishes a “economic blueprint” for “AI in America”, calling on the new Trump admin to spur investment from the Middle East and avoid strict regulations
Tomi Engdahl says:
Suomi jäämässä jälkeen GeAi-tekoälyn käytössä
Suomi on vaarassa jäädä jälkeen generatiivisen tekoälyn (GenAI) hyödyntämisessä, selviää Boston Consulting Groupin (BCG) tuoreesta raportista. Selvityksen mukaan vain 18 prosenttia suomalaisista työntekijöistä hyödyntää generatiivista tekoälyä viikoittain, kun muissa Euroopan maissa sitä käyttää jo 54 prosenttia työntekijöistä.
Generatiivisen tekoälyn hidas käyttöönotto näkyy Boston Consultingin mukaan myös muissa Pohjoismaissa ja koko alue on jäämässä selvästi jälkeen Euroopan ja globaalien kilpailijoiden vauhdista.
”Suomi on jäämässä odotettua kauemmas kansainvälisestä tekoälykilpailusta. Kyse ei ole pelkästään teknologian käyttöönotosta, vaan siitä, miten säästetty aika suunnataan yritykselle arvoa tuottaviin tehtäviin. Tällä on suora yhteys talouskasvuun”, toteaa BCG:n osakas Santeri Kirvelä.
Hyödyntämisen suurin este on sopivan ohjauksen ja tuen puute merkittävin. Suomessa vain 24 prosenttia työntekijöistä on saanut työnantajalta koulutusta generatiivisen tekoälyn käyttöön, mikä on alhaisin prosentti jopa koko Pohjoismaissa. Tehokkaan ajansäästön saavuttaminen edellyttää kahta avaintekijää: kohdennettua tukea ja ohjausta sekä työkalujen integrointia osaksi arkea.
BCG:n raportin mukaan Suomen konservatiivinen lähestymistapa generatiiviseen tekoälyteknologiaan voi johtaa kilpailukyvyn heikkenemiseen. Hitaus teknologian omaksumisessa saattaa yrityksen mukaan vähentää yritysten markkinaosuutta ja siirtää korkeapalkkaisia työpaikkoja muille alueille.
Tomi Engdahl says:
OpenAI Nears Launch of AI Agent Tool to Automate Tasks for Users
The new software, codenamed “Operator,” is set to be released in January.
OpenAI is preparing to launch a new artificial intelligence agent codenamed “Operator” that can use a computer to take actions on a person’s behalf, such as writing code or booking travel, according to two people familiar with the matter.
In a staff meeting on Wednesday, OpenAI’s leadership announced plans to release the tool in January as a research preview and through the company’s application programming interface for developers, said one of the people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal matters.