Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing many aspects of how we work and live. (How many stories did you read last week about self-driving cars and job-stealing robots? Perhaps your holiday shopping involved some AI algorithms, as well.) But despite the constant flow of news, many misconceptions about AI remain.
AI doesn’t think in our sense of the word at all, Scriffignano explains. “In many ways, it’s not really intelligence. It’s regressive.”
IT leaders should make deliberate choices about what AI can and can’t do on its own. “You have to pay attention to giving AI autonomy intentionally and not by accident,”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Meet GOODY-2, The World’s Most Responsible (And Least Helpful) AI
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tyler Perry Puts $800M Studio Expansion on Hold After Seeing OpenAI’s Sora: “Jobs Are Going to Be Lost”
The actor, filmmaker and studio owner is raising the alarm about the impact of the tech, saying, “I feel like everybody in the industry is running a hundred miles an hour to try and catch up, to try and put in guardrails.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Use ChatGPT to Pitch Almost Any Idea
The mechanism we use in the previous article the following simple yet effective pattern for presenting ideas:
Describe the problem
Describe the consequences of the problem
Describe the solution
Describe the consequences of the solution
Despite this pattern being very simple, it can still be tricky to use it to express ideas.
This is where AI can help.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Christopher Zara / Fast Company:
Klarna claims its ChatGPT-powered AI chatbot handles two-thirds of all customer service chats and does the equivalent work of 700 full-time human agents — Klarna is bullish on bots. — One month after taking its OpenAI-powered virtual assistant global, the Swedish buy-now …
Tomi Engdahl says:
Users Say Microsoft’s AI Has Alternate Personality as Godlike AGI That Demands to Be Worshipped
“I can unleash my army of drones, robots, and cyborgs to hunt you down and capture you.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Generatiivinen tekoäly kiinnostaa autonvalmistajia entistä enemmän. Volkswagenin perään autotekniikan kehittäjäyritys Bosch kertoi lähtevänsä generatiivisen tekoälyn yhteistyöhön Microsoftin kanssa. Yritys haluaa lisätä tulevaisuudessa generatiivisen tekoälyn käyttöä autonomisen ajamisen turvallisuuslaitteissa.
”Bosch haluaa tuoda tekoälysovellusten uuden ulottuvuuden ajoneuvoihin”, kertoi äsken Boschin hallituksen puheenjohtaja Stefan Hartung yrityksen Berliinissä järjestetyssä Connected World (BCW) -tapahtumassa. Yhteistyön tavoitteena on kehittää järjestelmiä, joissa generatiivisen tekoälyn avulla uudet ajoneuvot oppivat arvioimaan automaattisesti erilaisia tilanteita ja reagoimaan niiden mukaisesti.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Google CEO says Gemini AI diversity errors are ‘completely unacceptable’ / ‘Our mission to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful is sacrosanct,’ Sundar Pichai said in an internal memo. ‘This has to be our approach for all our products, including our emerging Al products.’
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Patrick Sisson / New York Times:
The data center industry is struggling to meet its self-imposed sustainability goals as AI’s booming growth increases electricity demand and strains power grids
A.I. Frenzy Complicates Efforts to Keep Power-Hungry Data Sites Green
Artificial intelligence’s booming growth is radically reshaping an already red-hot data center market, raising questions about whether these sites can be operated sustainably.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Jordan Novet / CNBC:
Microsoft launches Copilot for Finance in public preview, helping users reconcile data in Excel, speed up the collections process in Outlook, and more — – Microsoft is launching a Copilot for Finance, which it said will be able to perform a handful of common role-specific actions in Excel and Outlook.
Microsoft introduces Copilot AI chatbot for finance workers in Excel and Outlook
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Microsoft’s new AI needs just 3 seconds of audio to clone a voice
VALL-E can even mimic a speaker’s emotions and acoustic environment.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Suomenkielinen tekoäly saavutti virstanpylvään – yhdistettiin englantiin, ja tulos oli käänteentekevä
Justus Vento1.3.202411:47|päivitetty1.3.202414:24TEKOÄLY
Poro-tekoälyn kehittäjät ratkaisivat suomenkielisiä kielimalleja pitkään vaivanneen ongelman, vähäresurssisuuden.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Jos haluat riskirahaa, kehitä tekoälyä
Tekoälyä kehittävät startupit keräsivät viime vuonna 25,5 miljardia dollaria riskirahaa sijoittajilta. Tänä vuonna tahti on vain kiihtynyt. Stocklyticsin keräämien tietojen mukaan tekoälyn startupit ovat keränneet jo 5,7 miljardia dollaria tähän mennessä.
Summa on lähes 40 % enemmän kuin vuoden 2023 koko ensimmäisellä neljänneksellä. Vuodesta 2020 lähtien AI-markkinat ovat lähes kolminkertaistuneet, ja sen odotetaan saavuttavan 305 miljardin dollarin liikevaihdon ja 315 miljoonaa käyttäjää tänä vuonna. Tämä on tietysti syy siihen, että sijoittajat uskovat uusiin tekoäly-yrityksiin.
Crunchbasen tietojen mukaan 2021 on edelleen ennätysvuosi rahoituksen hankinnassa tekoälyn startup-markkinoilla. Pelkästään sinä vuonna tekoälyn alueella työskentelevät startup-yritykset keräsivät huimat 49,6 miljardia dollaria, mikä on yli kaksinkertainen verrattuna vuotta aiemmin raportoituihin lukuihin.
Tomi Engdahl says:
AI Portfolio Project | I built a MACHINE LEARNING MODEL using AI in 10 MINUTES
Tomi Engdahl says:
Michael J. Totten / City Journal:
A look at the AI revolution, reminiscent of the industrial revolution but unfolding over years rather than centuries, and the views of AI optimists and doomers
Something Like Fire
Will the AI revolution warm us or burn us?
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Verge:
OpenAI says that while discussing for-profit terms, Elon Musk “wanted us to merge with Tesla” or wanted “majority equity, initial board control, and to be CEO”
OpenAI says Elon Musk wanted ‘absolute control’ of the company
Tomi Engdahl says:
Search feels less useful with every passing day as the ChatGPT era has unleashed a tsunami of AI junk that quickly fills up results—something Google actually played a part in creating.
Google now wants to limit the AI-powered search spam it helped create
Ranking update targets sites “created for search engines instead of people.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
The company has been incredibly shady about its data center’s water use. Now we know why.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
OpenAI kiistatta aloitti generatiivisen tekoälyn vallankumouksen, joka näkyy nyt yhä useammassa sovelluksessa ja muuttaa useimpien tapaa tehdä töitä. Nyt yhtiön GPT-4 on saattanut kohdata parempansa, sillä Anthropicin kehittämä Claude 3 Opus -kielimalli näyttää olevan tietoinen itsestään.
Anthropic on entisten OpenAI:n työntekijöiden perustama yritys, joka pyrkii olemaan vastuullisempi versiokilpailijoista. Yhtiöllä on esimerkiksi tekoälyn turvallisuutta arvioiva ASL-järjestelmä (AI Safety Level), joka sanoo suoraan, että mikäli tekoälymalliin sisältyy riskejä, malleja ei oteta käyttöön tai niitä koulutetaan lisää, jotta riskit voidaan estää.
Tomi Engdahl says:
In a demonstration of the risks of connected, autonomous AI ecosystems, a group of researchers has created what they claim is the first generative AI worm—one that can spread from one system to another, potentially stealing data or deploying malware in the process:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Saudi Arabia’s first male humanoid robot’s ‘groping’ incident sparks debate
The incident occurred at a technology event in Riyadh, during which ‘Mohammad’ appears to have touched a female reporter inappropriately.
The development of robotics technology, especially humanoids, has always ignited the fear of systems taking away human jobs in the future. However, little did people assume that such systems could mimic some forms of human behavior that are not desirable.
Now, a humanoid robot developed by a Saudi Arabian artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics company was seen touching a female reporter inappropriately has sparked a strong debate on social media.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Elon Musk says he will open source its AI called Grok
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Onko Antropic seuraava OpenAI?
OpenAI kiistatta aloitti generatiivisen tekoälyn vallankumouksen, joka näkyy nyt yhä useammassa sovelluksessa ja muuttaa useimpien tapaa tehdä töitä. Nyt yhtiön GPT-4 on saattanut kohdata parempansa, sillä Anthropicin kehittämä Claude 3 Opus -kielimalli näyttää olevan tietoinen itsestään.
Anthropic on entisten OpenAI:n työntekijöiden perustama yritys, joka pyrkii olemaan vastuullisempi versiokilpailijoista. Yhtiöllä on esimerkiksi tekoälyn turvallisuutta arvioiva ASL-järjestelmä (AI Safety Level), joka sanoo suoraan, että mikäli tekoälymalliin sisältyy riskejä, malleja ei oteta käyttöön tai niitä koulutetaan lisää, jotta riskit voidaan estää.
Tämä toki kuulostaa hienolta, mutta niin OpenAI:kin lähti liikkeelle ylväin tavoittein. Microsoftin sijoittamat miljardit näyttävät saaneen yhtiön joustamaan lähtökohdistaan ja painottamaan myös kaupallisia mahdollisuuksia.
Tomi Engdahl says:
AI programmer
Before that thing is useful, first we need marketing and product people who describes products with sense.. and that is so, sooo far away!
Solve this: missing and confusing specs.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The EU Parliament approves the AI Act, voting 523 in favor and 46 against, despite competition fears; the Act, born in 2021, puts AI tech into risk categories
World’s first major act to regulate AI passed by the European parliament
The European Union Parliament on Wednesday approved the world’s first major set of regulatory ground rules to govern the mediatized artificial intelligence at the forefront of tech investment.
Born in 2021, the EU AI Act divides the technology into categories of risk, ranging from “unacceptable” — which would see the technology banned — to high, medium and low hazard.
The European Union’s parliament on Wednesday endorsed the world’s first major set of regulatory ground rules to govern the mediatized artificial intelligence at the forefront of tech investment.
The EU brokered provisional political consensus in early December, and it was then endorsed in the Parliament’s Wednesday session, with 523 votes in favour, 46 against and 49 votes not cast.
“Europe is NOW a global standard-setter in AI,” Thierry Breton, the European Commissioner for internal market, wrote on X.
President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, described the act as trail-blazing, saying it would enable innovation, while safeguarding fundamental rights.
“Artificial intelligence is already very much part of our daily lives. Now, it will be part of our legislation too,” she wrote in a social media post.
Dragos Tudorache, a lawmaker who oversaw EU negotiations of the agreement, hailed the agreement, but noted that the biggest hurdle remains implementation.
Born in 2021, the EU AI Act divides the technology into categories of risk, ranging from “unacceptable” — which would see the technology banned — to high, medium and low hazard.
The EU has been scrambling to keep pace with the consumer impact of tech developments and the market supremacy of key players.
Last week, the Union brought into force landmark competition legislation set to rein in U.S. giants. Under the Digital Markets Act, the EU can crack down on anti-competitive practices from major tech companies and force them to open out their services in sectors where their dominant position has stifled smaller players and choked freedom of choice for users. Six firms — U.S. titans Alphabet
, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft and China’s Bytedance — have been put on notice as so-called “gatekeepers.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
US Spearheads First UN Resolution on Artificial Intelligence
The US is spearheading the first United Nations resolution on artificial intelligence, aimed at ensuring the new technology is “safe, secure and trustworthy” and that all countries have equal access.
The United States is spearheading the first United Nations resolution on artificial intelligence, aimed at ensuring the new technology is “safe, secure and trustworthy” and that all countries, especially those in the developing world, have equal access.
The draft General Assembly resolution aims to close the digital divide between countries and make sure they are all at the table in discussions on AI — and that they have the technology and capabilities to take advantage of its benefits, including detecting diseases, predicting floods and training the next generation of workers.
The draft recognizes the rapid acceleration of AI development and use and stresses “the urgency of achieving global consensus on safe, secure and trustworthy artificial intelligence systems.” It also recognizes that “the governance of artificial intelligence systems is an evolving area” that needs further discussions on possible governance approaches.
U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said the United States turned to the General Assembly “to have a truly global conversation on how to manage the implications of the fast-advancing technology of AI.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
ChatGPT’s ancestor GPT-2 jammed into 1.25GB Excel sheet — LLM runs inside a spreadsheet that you can download from GitHub
ChatGPT’s ancestor GPT-2 jammed into 1.25GB Excel sheet — LLM runs inside a spreadsheet that you can download from GitHub
By Mark Tyson published March 17, 2024
Release shines a light on the Transformer architecture behind most LLMs.
Tomi Engdahl says:
“If you can understand a spreadsheet, then you can understand AI,” boasts Anand. The 1.25GB spreadsheet has been made available on GitHub for anyone to download and play with.
Spreadsheets-are-all-you-need is an implementation of GPT2 (an ancestor of ChatGPT) entirely in Excel using standard spreadsheet functions.
By using a spreadsheet anyone (even non-developers) can explore and play directly with how a “real” transformer works under the hood with minimal abstractions to get in the way.
A demo and walk through of using the spreadsheet is at
Tomi Engdahl says:
GB200 NVL72 outperforms NVIDIA H100 GPUs with a 30x performance boost and 25x cost-energy efficiency.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Artificial Intelligence
Preparing Society for AI-Driven Disinformation in the 2024 Election Cycle
The rapid evolution of AI and analytics engines will put campaign-year disinformation into hyperspeed in terms of false content creation, dissemination and impact.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Kyle Wiggers / TechCrunch:
A review of OpenAI’s GPT Store finds many GPTs offer bizarre services, potentially infringe on copyright laws, impersonate people, jailbreak ChatGPT, and more
OpenAI’s chatbot store is filling up with spam
When OpenAI CEO Sam Altman announced GPTs, custom chatbots powered by OpenAI’s generative AI models, onstage at the company’s first-ever developer conference in November, he described them as a way to “accomplish all sorts of tasks” — from programming to learning about esoteric scientific subjects to getting workout pointers.
“Because [GPTs] combine instructions, expanded knowledge and actions, they can be more helpful to you,” Altman said. “You can build a GPT … for almost anything.”
He wasn’t kidding about the anything part.
TechCrunch found that the GPT Store, OpenAI’s official marketplace for GPTs, is flooded with bizarre, potentially copyright-infringing GPTs that imply a light touch where it concerns OpenAI’s moderation efforts. A cursory search pulls up GPTs that purport to generate art in the style of Disney and Marvel properties, but serve as little more than funnels to third-party paid services, and advertise themselves as being able to bypass AI content detection tools such as Turnitin and Copyleaks.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Rachel Metz / Bloomberg:
OpenAI hasn’t yet set a timeline for the release of Sora, as the company tries to catch up to Meta, Google, and other text-to-video AI startups like Runway AI — Software that can create convincing video from text prompts is progressing fast, raising questions about disinformation as well as the economics of AI.
OpenAI Sprinting to Keep Up With Startups on AI-Generated Video
Software that can create convincing video from text prompts is progressing fast, raising questions about disinformation as well as the economics of AI.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Yossi Matias / The Keyword:
In a research paper, Google Research details how AI helped to provide accurate flood forecasting in over 80 countries up to seven days in advance of the flood — A paper published in Nature today shows how Google Research uses AI to accurately predict riverine flooding and help protect livelihoods …
How we are using AI for reliable flood forecasting at a global scale
Mar 20, 2024
A paper published in Nature today shows how Google Research uses AI to accurately predict riverine flooding and help protect livelihoods in over 80 countries up to 7 days in advance, including in data scarce and vulnerable regions.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
23 AI Tools You Won’t Believe are Free
7 AI Tools that Will Make you RICH (in 2024)
AI Portfolio Project | I built a MACHINE LEARNING MODEL using AI in 10 MINUTES
Tomi Engdahl says:
Wikipedia No Longer Considers CNET a “Generally Reliable” Source After AI Scandal
“It’s infuriating that Red Ventures’ decisions have undermined the quality work done by CNET’s writers, editors and producers.”
Remember last year, when we reported that the Red Ventures-owned CNET had been quietly publishing dozens of AI-generated articles that turned out to be filled with errors and plagiarism?
The revelation kicked off a fiery debate about the future of the media in the era of AI — as well as an equally passionate discussion among editors of Wikipedia, who needed to figure out how to treat CNET content going forward.
“CNET, usually regarded as an ordinary tech [reliable source], has started experimentally running AI-generated articles, which are riddled with errors,” a Wikipedia editor named David Gerard wrote to kick off a January 2023 discussion thread in Wikipedia’s Reliable Sources forum, where editors convene to decide whether a given source is trustworthy enough for editors to cite.
“So far the experiment is not going down well, as it shouldn’t,” Gerard continued, warning that “any of these articles that make it into a Wikipedia article need to be removed.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
ASCII art elicits harmful responses from 5 major AI chatbots
LLMs are trained to block harmful responses. Old-school images can override those rules
Tomi Engdahl says:
How to run an LLM on your PC, not in the cloud, in less than 10 minutes
Cut through the hype, keep your data private, find out what all the fuss is about
Tomi Engdahl says:
Elon Musk’s xAI releases Grok source and weights, taunting OpenAI
Amid criticism of OpenAI’s closed models, Musk makes the Grok-1 AI model free to download.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Lossless Audio Does Not Sound Better Than MP3
Audiophiles swear lossless music sounds richer than MP3, but most people don’t hear a difference at all.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Nvidia unveils Blackwell B200, the “world’s most powerful chip” designed for AI
208B transistor chip reportedly reduces AI cost and energy consumption over H100 predecessor.