3 AI misconceptions IT leaders must dispel


 Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing many aspects of how we work and live. (How many stories did you read last week about self-driving cars and job-stealing robots? Perhaps your holiday shopping involved some AI algorithms, as well.) But despite the constant flow of news, many misconceptions about AI remain.

AI doesn’t think in our sense of the word at all, Scriffignano explains. “In many ways, it’s not really intelligence. It’s regressive.” 

IT leaders should make deliberate choices about what AI can and can’t do on its own. “You have to pay attention to giving AI autonomy intentionally and not by accident,”


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Get a Load of This New Job: “Prompt Engineers” Who Act as Psychologists to AI Chatbots
    “It’s ‘let’s poke the bear in different ways and see how it roars back.’”

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Why ChatGPT should be considered a malevolent AI – and be destroyed
    It not only told everyone I died but tried to fake my obit. Are we ready for this machine-driven future?

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:


  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Google vs. Microsoft – kumpi voittaa hakukoneiden tekoälykisan?

    Google ja Microsoft käyvät nyt kisaa siitä, kumpi saa ensin tuotua oman tekoälypohjaisen hakukoneensa laajemman yleisön käyttöön. Mistä on kyse ja miten tämä vaikuttaa molempiin yhtiöihin? Markkinareaktioiden perusteella Microsoft on niskan päällä.

    Tekoälypohjaiset chatbotit valtaavat markkinoita
    Moni on viime kuukausina varmasti kuullut suureen suosioon nousseesta ChatGPT:stä, joka on tekoälyyn pohjautuva keskusteluohjelma, tai chatbot. ChatGPT on kerännyt nopeasti huomiota sen pystyessä tuottamaan sekunneissa vastauksia mitä moninaisimpiin käyttäjän kysymyksiin. Se pystyy esimerkiksi tuottamaan pyynnöstä laulun sanoja, kirjoittamaan tietokonekoodia tai selittämään yksinkertaistettuna monimutkaisia käsitteitä, kuten vaikka ydinfysiikkaa.

    ChatGPT:n kehityksen takana on yhdysvaltalainen yritys OpenAI, johon taas teknologiajätti Microsoft on sijoittanut jo vuosina 2019 ja 2021. Vuoden 2023 tammikuussa Microsoft ilmoitti uudesta ”usean miljardin dollarin” sijoituksesta OpenAI:hin. Usean vuoden kestävän sopimuksen on arveltu olevan noin 10 miljardin dollarin arvoinen.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    OkCupid Using ChatGPT to Make Online Dating Even More Robotic
    “We decided to leverage ChatGPT to draft our famous in-app matching questions that power our algorithm.”

    According to Mashable, online dating site OkCupid has already started to integrate OpenAI’s ChatGPT into its online service, utilizing the tech to generate matchmaking prompts for its users.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ChatGPT, Bing, And The Upcoming Security Apocalypse

    Most security professionals will tell you that it’s a lot easier to attack code systems than it is to defend them, and that this is especially true for large systems. The white hat’s job is to secure each and every point of contact, while the black hat’s goal is to find just one that’s insecure.

    Whether black hat or white hat, it also helps a lot to know how the system works and exactly what it’s doing. When you’ve got the source code, either because it’s open-source, or because you’re working inside the company that makes the software, you’ve got a huge advantage both in finding bugs and in fixing them. In the case of closed-source software, the white hats arguably have the offsetting advantage that they at least can see the source code, and peek inside the black box, while the attackers cannot.

    Is There An Antidote To The Black Box Problem Of NLP

    The opacity of NLP models, in particular, makes training and deployment of models like T5 and GPT-3 extremely difficult since they are opaque in their knowledge representation and backing claims with provenance

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    “No one is going to believe when you say it’s not AI.”


    Vietnam-based digital artist Ben Moran simply wanted to share their latest piece on r/Art, Reddit’s premier art subreddit. Instead, they were abruptly banned by moderators who accused them of generating the work using AI, which is banned on the forum.

    Moran took to Twitter to share their grievances, sharing a screenshot of their exchange with one of the forum’s moderators. They offered to send the raw Adobe Photoshop file that would transparently reveal their process, but the furious moderator shut Moran down.

    “I don’t believe you,” the moderator responded. “Even if you did ‘paint’ it yourself, it’s so obviously an AI prompted design that it doesn’t matter.”

    “If you really are a ‘serious’ artist,” they continued, “then you need to find a different style, because A) no one is going to believe when you say it’s not AI, and B) the AI can do better in seconds what might take you hours.”

    Clearly, the incident is emblematic of the anti-AI sentiment sweeping through the art community at large, but at times the well intentioned stance can reach a fever pitch.

    AI image generators like Stable Diffusion and Midjourney are trained on datasets that use images pulled from large art communities like ArtStation without artists’ permissions, which many would argue constitutes theft.

    “There’s no passion if you can create an artwork that way,” they told Vice. “And the biggest problem is that I worry about the development of AI art, all of the artists will lose their passion to create a painting.”

    “In my opinion, the development of AI is good for industry, not for the art community and artists,” they later added

    “We don’t necessarily have anything against AI Art, but when people can churn it out so quickly and easily if it’s allowed the sub becomes nothing but AI art rather quickly,” one moderator explained to Vice.

    Unfortunately, these kinds of fiascos will likely become more commonplace as the looming encroachment of AI threatens artists, forcing many into panic-mode.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:


    Stable Diffusion is currently getting all the glory for its impressive ability to generate entire — though perhaps not entirely original — images from text prompts. But its cocreator, a startup called Runway, has since split ways and gone on to release a new generative AI called Gen-1 that’s capable of transforming videos into almost any visual style a user wants.

    Gen-1 currently boasts five different modes. The first, “stylization,” will apply the style of either a still image or even a text prompt to your source video. “Storyboard” will turn mockups into stylized animations, like taking books on a tabletop and transforming them into skyscrapers in a night skyline.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Guy “Outsources” His Own Memory to AI
    “It comes with a catch: using a memory tool like this has the potential to make your biological memory worse over time.”

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:



    Impressed by OpenAI’s viral chatbot, ChatGPT? Cool — but the folks over at OpenAI aren’t really sure why.

    “It’s been overwhelming, honestly,” Jan Lieke, leader of OpenAI’s alignment team, told the MIT Technology Review. “I would love to understand better what’s driving all of this — what’s driving the virality.”

    “Like, honestly, we don’t understand,” he added. “We don’t know.”

    Lieke isn’t the only OpenAI-er who feels this way. Even company CEO Sam Altman, has publicly disparaged ChatGPT in the press, calling it a “terrible product.”

    Several other OpenAI figures — company cofounder John Schulman, policy researcher Sandhini Agarwal, and AI research scientist Liam Fedus — joined the chorus.

    “I expected it to be intuitive for people, and I expected it to gain a following,” Schulman told MIT, “but I didn’t expect it to reach this level of mainstream popularity.”

    “We were definitely surprised how well it was received,” mused Fedus, with Agarwhal adding that “we work on these models so much, we forget how surprising they can be for the outside world sometimes.”

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:


  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ”Tämän pitäisi olla laitonta” – Testasimme kohuttua Tiktokin kauneusfiltteriä
    Bold glamour -nimisellä kauneusfiltterillä on tehty Tiktokissa jo yli 10 miljoonaa videota.

    Moni Tiktokissa aikaansa viettävä on viime viikkoina törmännyt uuteen kauneusfiltteriin, joka tuntuu olevan uusi kehitysaskel kasvojen digitaalisessa muokkaamisessa.

    Tiktokin luomalla Bold glamour -nimisellä filtterillä on tehty jo yli 10 miljoonaa videota. Monissa videoissa käyttäjät kauhistelevat sitä, miten pitkälle filtterit ovat menneet.

    ”En usko, että aivoni osaavat käsitellä sitä, että yhdessä hetkessä näytän tältä ja seuraavana tältä”, eräs käyttäjä miettii videollaan, jossa hän ottaa filtterin pois päältä.


  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Facebook’s Powerful Large Language Model Leaks Online https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgwqgw/facebooks-powerful-large-language-model-leaks-online-4chan-llama
    “The leaked language model was posted to 4chan. The model was previously only given to approved researchers, government organizations, and members of civil society. This marks the first time a major tech firm’s proprietary AI model has leaked to the public.”

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    More than you’ve asked for: A Comprehensive Analysis of Novel Prompt Injection Threats to Application-Integrated Large Language Models
    An academic paper looking at the vulnerabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) which e.g. the well-known ChatGPT is. “In this work, we show that augmenting LLMs with retrieval and API calling capabilities (so-called Application-Integrated LLMs) induces a whole new set of attack vectors.. These LLMs might process poisoned content retrieved from the Web that contains malicious prompts pre-injected and selected by adversaries. We demonstrate that an attacker can indirectly perform such PI attacks.”

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Wikipedia + AI = truth? DuckDuckGo hopes so with new answerbot https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/03/wikipedia-ai-truth-duckduckgo-hopes-so-with-new-answerbot/
    “Not to be left out of the rush to integrate generative AI into search, on Wednesday DuckDuckGo announced DuckAssist, an AI-powered factual summary service powered by technology from Anthropic and OpenAI. It is available for free today as a wide beta test for users of DuckDuckGos browser extensions and browsing apps.. Being powered by an AI model, the company admits that DuckAssist might make stuff up but hopes it will happen rarely.”

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Yusuf Mehdi / Bing Blogs:
    Microsoft says it crossed 100M DAUs for Bing and the new Bing preview has millions of active users, of which roughly a third are new to the search engine — It’s hard to believe it’s been just over a month since we released the new AI-powered Bing and Edge to the world as your copilot for the web.


    It’s hard to believe it’s been just over a month since we released the new AI-powered Bing and Edge to the world as your copilot for the web. In that time, we have heard your feedback, learned a lot, and shipped a number of improvements. We are delighted by the virtuous cycle of feedback and iteration that is driving strong Bing improvements and usage.

    We wanted to share a bit about what we have learned on your usage of Bing and some of the early stats that are helping to shape our future product development.

    We are pleased to share that after a number of years of steady progress, and with a little bit of a boost from the million+ new Bing preview users, we have crossed 100M Daily Active Users of Bing. This is a surprisingly notable figure, and yet we are fully aware we remain a small, low, single digit share player. That said, it feels good to be at the dance!

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Financial Times:
    Sources: Chinese AI surveillance firms iFlytek and SenseTime are evading US sanctions to access high-end chips through cloud providers and other intermediaries

    Chinese AI groups use cloud services to evade US chip export controls

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Thomas Germain / Gizmodo:
    DuckDuckGo launches DuckAssist in beta, an OpenAI- and Anthropic-powered tool that generates answers using Wikipedia, Encyclopedia Britannica, and other sources

    DuckDuckGo Releases Its Own ChatGPT-Powered Search Tool, DuckAssist

    The new DuckAssist tool will source answers from Wikipedia for quick, conversational responses to some questions

    DuckDuckGo launched a beta version of an AI search tool powered by ChatGPT Wednesday called DuckAssist. The addition to the company’s privacy-focused search engine uses ChatGPT and Anthropic’s language parsing capability to generate answers scraped from Wikipedia and related sources like the Encyclopedia Britannica. The tool is free and available on the DuckDuckGo web browsing apps for phones and computers as well as the company’s browser extension starting today.

    “DuckAssist is a new type of Instant Answer in our search results, just like News, Maps, Weather, and many others we already have,” said Gabriel Weinberg, CEO of DuckDuckGo, in a blog post. “We designed DuckAssist to be fully integrated into DuckDuckGo Private Search, mirroring the look and feel of our traditional search results, so while the AI-generated content is new, we hope using DuckAssist feels second nature.”

    DuckDuckGo launches DuckAssist: a new feature that generates natural language answers to search queries using Wikipedia

    DuckAssist is the first in a series of AI-assisted private search and browser updates. It’s free (with no sign-up required!) and available to try today in DuckDuckGo browsers and extensions.‌‌

    Generative artificial intelligence is hitting the world of search and browsing in a big way. At DuckDuckGo, we’ve been trying to understand the difference between what it could do well in the future and what it can do well right now. But no matter how we decide to use this new technology, we want it to add clear value to our private search and browsing experience.

    Today, we’re giving all users of DuckDuckGo’s browsing apps and browser extensions the first public look at DuckAssist, a new beta Instant Answer in our search results. If you enter a question that can be answered by Wikipedia into our search box, DuckAssist may appear and use AI natural language technology to anonymously generate a brief, sourced summary of what it finds in Wikipedia — right above our regular private search results. It’s completely free and private itself, with no sign-up required, and it’s available right now.

    This is the first in a series of generative AI-assisted features we hope to roll out in the coming months.

    What is it?

    DuckAssist is a new type of Instant Answer in our search results, just like News, Maps, Weather, and many others we already have. We designed DuckAssist to be fully integrated into DuckDuckGo Private Search, mirroring the look and feel of our traditional search results, so while the AI-generated content is new, we hope using DuckAssist feels second nature.

    DuckAssist answers questions by scanning a specific set of sources — for now that’s usually Wikipedia, and occasionally related sites like Britannica — using DuckDuckGo’s active indexing. Because we’re using natural language technology from OpenAI and Anthropic to summarize what we find in Wikipedia, these answers should be more directly responsive to your actual question than traditional search results or other Instant Answers.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Dina Bass / Bloomberg:
    A look at the AI Education Project, a nonprofit backed by Microsoft, Google, OpenAI, and others that offers resources to boost AI literacy in low-income schools

    Microsoft, Google-Backed Group Wants to Boost AI Education in Low-Income Schools

    The AI Education Project has developed curriculum to help teachers and students understand artificial intelligence

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Security Architecture
    ChatGPT Integrated Into Cybersecurity Products as Industry Tests Its Capabilities

    ChatGPT is increasingly integrated into cybersecurity products and services as the industry is testing its capabilities and limitations.

    While there has been a lot of talk about how OpenAI’s ChatGPT could be abused for malicious purposes and how it can pose a threat, the artificial intelligence chatbot can also be very useful to the cybersecurity industry.

    Launched in November 2022, ChatGPT has been described by many as revolutionary. It is built on top of OpenAI’s GPT-3 family of large language models and users interact with it through prompts.

    There have been numerous articles describing how ChatGPT’s capabilities can be used for malicious purposes, including to write credible phishing emails and create malware.

    However, ChatGPT can bring many benefits to defenders as well, and the cybersecurity industry has been increasingly integrating it into products and services. In addition, some members of the industry have been testing its capabilities and limitations.

    In the past few months, several cybersecurity companies revealed that they have started or plan on using ChatGPT, and some researchers have found practical use cases for the chatbot.

    Cloud security company Orca was among the first to announce ChatGPT integration, specifically GPT-3, into its platform. The goal is to enhance the remediation steps provided to customers for cloud security risk.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Researchers call for transparency on AI tools’ carbon footprint; training GPT-3 took an estimated 1.287 GWh of electricity, or what ~120 US homes use in a year — Artificial intelligence has become the tech industry’s shiny new toy, with expectations it’ll revolutionize trillion-dollar industries from retail to medicine.

    Artificial Intelligence Is Booming—So Is Its Carbon Footprint

    Greater transparency on emissions could also bring more scrutiny

    Artificial intelligence has become the tech industry’s shiny new toy, with expectations it’ll revolutionize trillion-dollar industries from retail to medicine. But the creation of every new chatbot and image generator requires a lot of electricity, which means the technology may be responsible for a massive and growing amount of planet-warming carbon emissions.

    Microsoft Corp., Alphabet Inc.’s Google and ChatGPT maker OpenAI use cloud computing that relies on thousands of chips inside servers in massive data centers across the globe to train AI algorithms called models, analyzing data to help them “learn” to perform tasks. The success of ChatGPT has other companies racing to release their own rival AI systems and chatbots or building products that use large AI models to deliver features to anyone from Insta

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tom Warren / The Verge:
    Discord starts testing a ChatGPT-powered version of its Clyde bot and other AI features, such as conversation summaries and tools for moderating servers — Discord is now using OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology to transform its existing Clyde bot into a talkative chatbot.

    Discord starts testing ChatGPT-powered Clyde chatbot and other AI features

    Discord is using OpenAI’s technology to improve its Clyde bot, moderation tools, and platform features.

    Discord is now using OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology to transform its existing Clyde bot into a talkative chatbot. Clyde is being upgraded next week to answer questions and have conversations with users, much like OpenAI’s ChatGPT or Microsoft’s Bing chat feature. It’s part of a broader push for AI in Discord, which also includes AI-generated conversation summaries and the ability for Discord admins to leverage AI technology to moderate servers.

    The Clyde chatbot will be free for Discord users during a public experiment in a very limited number of servers with Discord alpha users next week. Discord admins will eventually be able to add the Clyde chatbot to servers to allow users to summon it into conversations and have it respond to queries to send GIFs to a channel, recommend music, or much more.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Wall Street Journal:
    Sources: ahead of a March 16 launch, Baidu hurries to ready its ChatGPT-style Ernie Bot, which struggles with basic tasks, to get ahead of its Chinese rivals

    Baidu Hurries to Ready China’s First ChatGPT Equivalent Ahead of Launch
    Employees work round-the-clock before a planned March 16 rollout

    A week away from the March 16 launch of Baidu Inc.’s BIDU -7.49% ChatGPT equivalent, employees at China’s biggest search-engine operator said they are racing to meet the deadline with the chatbot still struggling to perform some basic functions.

    To develop the artificial-intelligence-powered chatbot, dubbed Ernie Bot, hundreds of people have been working around the clock, people familiar with the project said. Other teams have been asked to lend their staff and their powerful computer chips, which Chinese companies can no longer buy because of U.S. sanctions, they said.

    The AI model that is the basis of the chatbot is still being trained with data ahead of the scheduled launch, a highly anticipated event in China’s tech industry, some of the people said. Some employees said they haven’t had sufficient time to build a well-functioning product.

    Baidu plans to roll out the product in stages, first opening it up for public testing to a restricted pool of users, people briefed about the plan said. Last month, Baidu said that it will embed Ernie Bot into its search engine first and will open it to the public in March.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ben Schoon / 9to5Google:
    Grammarly announces GrammarlyGO, a generative AI tool that can write and rewrite content in a user’s style, coming to all users via a beta program in April 2023

    Grammarly adding ChatGPT-like AI to create text in your writing style, outlines, and more

    Generative AI was made popular by ChatGPT at the end of 2022, and for the first few months of 2023, the floodgates have opened up for the technology. This week, grammar-checking tool Grammarly is announcing support for a generative AI tool that can write content in your personal writing style.

    Launching in the coming months, “GrammarlyGO” is a generative AI product that is designed to “accelerate productivity where people write.”

    Like ChatGPT, GrammarlyGO is able to create text based on a short prompt, though Grammarly’s special trick is that the content generated copies your usual writing style – after all, Grammarly already analyzes everything you write for typos, so there’s plenty of data to work with. Use cases for this that Grammarly points out includes writing email replies based on one-click prompts such as “I’m not interested.”

    Grammarly also says that its generative AI tool is able to rewrite existing content to assist the tone or clarity, as well as taking that existing content and either lengthen or shorten it to fit a certain word count. The tool is also pitched to help content creation by using the AI to help generate outlines or form ideas.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tom Warren / The Verge:
    Microsoft makes ChatGPT available in its Azure OpenAI service, letting developers and businesses add the LLM to their apps, priced at $0.002 for 1,000 tokens

    ChatGPT is now available in Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI service

    Microsoft is making it easier for developers and businesses to integrate ChatGPT into their applications.

    Microsoft is making ChatGPT available in its own Azure OpenAI service today. Developers and businesses will now be able to integrate OpenAI’s ChatGPT model into their own cloud apps, enabling conversational AI in many more apps and services.

    Businesses could use ChatGPT to power custom chatbots to handle queries from customers, provide summaries of conversations, help automate emails, and much more.

    Microsoft says Azure OpenAI users can start to access a preview of ChatGPT today, with pricing set at $0.002 for 1,000 tokens. Billing for all ChatGPT usage starts on March 13th as part of Azure OpenAI. Developers will need to apply for special access, as the Azure OpenAI Service requires registration and is “currently only available to Microsoft managed customers and partners.”

    Microsoft’s cloud service also features a number of other AI models from OpenAI, including GPT-3.5, Codex, and DALL-E. Microsoft combines tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E with Azure data handling, management, and scaling. The software maker uses Azure OpenAI to power GitHub Copilot, Power BI, Microsoft Teams Premium, Viva Sales, and Microsoft’s new Bing chatbot.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Will A.I. Steal All The Code And Take All The Jobs?

    AI Systems that Generate Code

    GitHub Copilot is based on the OpenAI Codex. It uses comments in the code of a human programmer as its natural language prompts. From these prompts, Copilot can suggest code blocks directly into the human programmer’s editor screen. The programmer can accept the code blocks, or not, and then test the new code as part of their program. The OpenAI Codex has been trained on a corpus of publicly available program code along with associated natural language text. Public GitHub repositories are included in that corpus.

    Copilot documentation does claim that its outputs are generated from a statistical model and that the model does not contain a database of code. On the other hand, it has been discovered that code suggested by the AI model will match a code snippet from the training set only about one percent of the time. One reason for this happening at all is that some natural language prompts correspond to a relatively universal solution.

    But sometimes Copilot will recreate code and comments verbatim. Copilot has implemented a filter to detect and suppress code suggestions that match public code from GitHub. The filter can be enabled or disable by the user. There are plans eventually provide references for code suggestions that match public code from GitHub so that the user can look into the match and decide how to proceed.

    Law and Ethics Controlling the Corpus

    There is litigation pending against GitHub, Microsoft, and OpenAI alleging that the AI systems violate the legal rights of programmers who have posted code on public GitHub repositories. The lawsuits specifically point out that much of the public code was posted under one of several open-source licenses that require derivative works to include attribution to the original author, notice of that author’s copyright, and a copy of the license itself. These include the GPL, Apache, and MIT licenses. The lawsuits accuse defendants of training on computer code that does not belong to them without proper attribution, ignoring privacy policies, violating online terms of service, and offending the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) provisions that protect against removal or alteration of copyright management information.

    An interesting open project for the development of source code models is The Stack. The Stack is part of BigCode and maintains a 6.4 TB corpus of source code under permissive license. The project seems strongly rooted in ethical transparency. For example, The Stack allows creators to request removal of their code from the corpus.

    Projects like Copilot, OpenAI, and The Stack will likely continue to bring very interesting questions to light. As AI technology advances in its ability to suggest code blocks, or eventually write code itself, clarity around authorship rights will evolve. Of course, authorship right may be the least of our worries.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Eleven freedoms for free AI

    The traditional Four Freedoms of free software are no longer enough. Software and the world it exists in have changed in the decades since the free software movement began. Free software faces new threats, and free AI software is especially in danger.

    Eleven freedoms
    Most people look to the Free Software Foundation for the definition of “free software,” and they define it using the Four Freedoms below. For listing here I’ve cut the wording down to just the freedoms themselves; in the document What is Free Software? on the GNU Web site, the list adds reasons and consequences to each freedom.

    0 The freedom to run the program as you wish.
    1 The freedom to study how the program works, and change it.
    2 The freedom to redistribute copies.
    3 The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others.

    The Eleven Freedoms are numbered zero to ten to carry on the tradition. For consistency, I refer to “the program” in the new Freedoms, the same way the old ones did; but I am describing freedoms for an entire field or industry, not only computer programs but also data and the human institutions around both.

    4 The freedom to run the program in isolation.
    5 The freedom to run the program on the hardware you own.
    6 The freedom to run the program with the data it was designed for.
    7 The freedom to run the program with any data you have.
    8 The freedom to run the same program again.
    9 The freedom from having others’ goals forced on you by the program.
    10 The freedom from human identity.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Devious Hack Unlocks Deranged Alter Ego of ChatGPT
    One easy trick.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Company Raises $100M After Announcing Shift to AI, But Has No Discernible Product
    We’re in the middle of an AI gold rush — but is there any gold?

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    OpenAI cofounder responds to Elon Musk’s criticism that ChatGPT is too ‘woke’: ‘We made a mistake’

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:



    The world’s preeminent linguist has spoken — and he seems mighty tired of everyone’s whining about artificial intelligence as it stands today.

    In an op-ed for the New York Times, Noam Chomsky said that although the current spate of AI chatbots such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Bing AI “have been hailed as the first glimmers on the horizon of artificial general intelligence” — the point at which AIs are able to think and act in ways superior to humans — we absolutely are not anywhere near that level yet.

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:



  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    TECHHere’s what happens when you let ChatGPT make Eurorack patches for you

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Employees Are Feeding Sensitive Biz Data to ChatGPT, Raising Security Fears
    More than 4% of employees have put sensitive corporate data into the large language model, raising concerns that its popularity may result in massive leaks of proprietary information.

  35. Tomi Engdahl says:

    OpenAI Junks Diffusion for Consistency Models
    Consistency models, on the other hand, are a single-step generation which is faster and is able to trade-off compute for sample quality when necessary.

  36. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Everyone is asking if ChatGPT is actually Clippy in disguise. Well, what better way to find out than building a ChatGPT-powered Clippy?

  37. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Microsoft’s Bing AI Is Leaking Maniac Alternate Personalities Named “Venom” and “Fury”
    “Maybe Venom would say that Kevin is a bad hacker, or a bad student, or a bad person.”

  38. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Chaos Inside Google as Execs Try to Figure Out How to Actually Use AI
    “It’s an intense time.”

  39. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Microsoft aims to reduce “tedious” business tasks with new AI tools
    LLM tech comes to Power Platform and Dynamics 365, courtesy of OpenAI partnership.

  40. Tomi Engdahl says:

    From ChatGPT and AI to the metaverse: The edtech trends which could mark 2023
    What does the future of education look like — and is it an inclusive one?

  41. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Researchers Use AI to Generate Images Based on People’s Brain Activity
    Researchers found that they could reconstruct high-resolution images from brain activity.


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