Computing at the Edge of IoT – Google Developers – Medium
We’ve seen that demand for low latency, offline access, and enhanced machine learning capabilities is fueling a move towards decentralization with more powerful computing devices at the edge.

Nevertheless, many distributed applications benefit more from a centralized architecture and the lowest cost hardware powered by MCUs.

Let’s examine how hardware choice and use case requirements factor into different IoT system architectures.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Why is edge computing more relevant in 2021 than ever before?

    While cloud computing will continue to play a vital role in driving the future of modern network architecture and for enterprises, edge computing will open up exciting possibilities.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    IoT With Evolution of 5G, Edge Computing Is Driving Industrial Innovation.
    The huge amount of data generated by Industrial IoT devices constitutes the fuel for optimising production, improving the delivery quality, introducing predictive maintenance, automating the supply chain and more.

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  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Revolutionize Remote Wireless Monitoring with AI and High-Energy Lithium Batteries
    Sept. 10, 2021
    With our nation’s hard infrastructure, there’s a growing need for battery-powered, AI-enabled remote wireless devices that communicate bidirectionally, helping decision makers apply resources more strategically to repair and maintain these assets.

    What you’ll learn:

    Our nation’s aging infrastructure requires the implementation of Infrastructure 4.0 to better manage and maintain these valuable assets.
    Remote wireless devices are being used to improve management and maintenance of hard infrastructure to provide greater insight enhanced by AI.
    Ideally, low-power wireless devices deployed throughout hard infrastructure need highly energetic batteries capable of supporting bidirectional communications necessary to provide actionable real-time data to better manage and maintain these assets.
    Bobbin-type LiSOCl2 batteries deliver high capacity, high energy density, an extended temperature range, and very low annual self-discharge rate, suiting them for long-term deployments in harsh environments.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Dieter Bohn / The Verge:
    Amazon’s head of hardware Dave Limp underscores how Amazon’s new devices aid its push toward a future with “ambient intelligence”

    Amazon’s race to create the disappearing computer
    Ambient computing is here; now what?

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Optimizing Networks to Resolve IoT and Edge Challenges
    Oct. 1, 2021
    What are the latest IoT and edge-computing trends, and how can enterprises optimize their network and maintain optimized connectivity? Wyebot CEO Roger Sands weighs in on the edge-computing landscape.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    IoT and Edge Computing Challenges

    Operational: According to the Eclipse Foundation, enterprises’ largest operational challenges when it comes to IoT and edge tech are end-to-end IoT solution monitoring and management; device management; and network, devices, and data security.

    Security: These technologies help unify business processes, but a proliferation of IoT devices also leads to security challenges. For example, many of these devices don’t support WPA2-Enterprise, which is considered the leading option for Wi-Fi network security. Furthermore, different edge devices will have different built-in authentication and security capabilities. To alleviate any cyberattack possibilities, businesses should pursue complete network visibility, and plan to both certify all connected devices before they can connect and determine how to isolate or segment different groups of devices.
    Privacy: Companies must ensure the privacy of individuals, as well as that of the business, when collecting data. With more and more IoT devices entering the scene, some of which may connect to individual laptops or tablets, or even people themselves, companies must make sure that their privacy practices evolve equally as fast as device adoption.
    Geographic: While edge-computing platforms can be beneficial for remote sites that would otherwise spend lots of time and money sending data back and forth to distant cloud systems, companies might find managing these systems challenging if there aren’t IT teams onsite, and if there’s no remote way to monitor the platform.
    Potential loss of data: Edge platforms can discard any data considered useless, rather than taking the time and energy to send all processed data to a cloud storage center. This could, in the long run, mean that a company doesn’t have access to data that has suddenly moved from useless to useful.


  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Consolidate Your Edge with Dell EMC VxRail
    New VxRail satellite node generates value where it’s needed most by bringing VxRail efficiency, automation and operational simplicity to single node edge use cases.

    Dell Technologies Edge Advancements Extend IT Beyond the Data Center

    Dell EMC VxRail satellite nodes extend automation and lifecycle management capabilities to smallest configuration to date for edge workloads
    Dell Technologies Validated Design for Manufacturing Edge with Litmus helps manufacturers make quick decisions to improve quality and reduce costs
    Dell EMC Edge Gateway connects multiple edge devices across operational technology and IT environments to deliver real-time data insights
    Dell EMC Streaming Data Platform optimizes GPUs to ingest streaming video and supports real-time analytics on Dell EMC VxRail and PowerEdge systems
    Dell Latitude Rugged laptops can withstand harsh edge environments while maintaining high levels of performance and connectivity

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Laptops, VxRail And 5G: Dell Launches New Edge Computing Products
    Dell Technologies launches a slew of new edge computing hardware, software and offerings that channel partners, investors and customers need to know about.

    VxRail Satellite Nodes

    VxRail is the world’s market leading hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI). With research firm IDC estimating that 50 percent of new IT infrastructure will be deployed at the edge by 2023, Dell is looking to make VxRail broadly available in all forms with the launch of its new VxRail satellite nodes.

    The new Dell EMC satellite nodes bring VxRail’s operational model and efficiencies to edge sites with a reduced infrastructure footprint. As the only HCI solution jointly engineered with VMware, VxRail satellite node single-node deployments automate day-to-day operations, health monitoring and lifecycle management from a centralized location without the need for local technical and specialized resources. Dell says business verticals including retail, manufacturing and remote branch offices can now get started with VxRail for less.

    The new VxRail satellite nodes extend automation and lifecycle management capabilities to Dell’s smallest configuration to date for edge workloads.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Modular edge computing for workload consolidation
    July 1, 2021
    Industrial edge server designs must perform diverse tasks. Computer-on-Modules offer the flexibility to scale the computing power to fit the application, enabling application-specific price and performance balancing next to load balancing.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NVIDIA Embedded has unveiled its next-generation edge AI Jetson module and developer kit, the Jetson AGX Orin, promising “server-class” performance in the palm of your hand and a sixfold boost over its predecessor.

    NVIDIA Unveils Jetson AGX Orin — and Boasts of Sixfold Performance Boost

    New module and developer kit due to hit shelves in Q1 2022, but the company isn’t sharing pricing just yet.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tekoäly voi avittaa reunalaskentaa

    Reunalaskennalla voidaan täydentää ja tehostaa esimerkiksi teollisuuden pilvipalveluratkaisuja ja anturiverkkoratkaisuja. Kun mukaan tuodaan tekoäly- ja koneoppimismenetelmät samalla vaateet laadukkaista yhteyksistä korostuvat. Lisää aiheesta voit lukea Oulun yliopistossa perjantaina 12.11.2021 tarkastettavasta väitöskirjatyöstä.

    Oulun yliopiston tutkija, filosofian maisteri Lauri Lovén väitöstyön aihe on uusi tieteenala, jossa tutkitaan, kuinka reunalaskenta sekä tekoäly- ja koneoppimismenetelmät voidaan yhdistää. Hyötyjä ja sovellusalueita löytyy virtuaalitodellisuudesta (VR) ja täydennetystä todellisuudesta (AR) sekä muista paljon laskentaa ja lyhyttä viivettä vaativista toteutuksista esimerkiksi lääketieteellisistä etäleikkauksista ainaisojen liikennevirtojen ennustamiseen.

    Siinä missä pilvilaskenta perustuu kaukaisiin datakeskuksiin, ottaa reunalaskenta huomioon myös laskentaresurssit matkalla paikallisista laitteista pilveen. Reunalaskennan resurssit ovat ominaisuuksiltaan kirjavia: niiden kapasiteetit saattavat olla hyvin erilaisia, niiden yhteydet saattavat katkeilla ja ne saattavat olla saatavilla satunnaisesti. Kun reunalla ollaan niin eri laitteiden tarjoamat laskentaresurssit vaihtelevat voimakkaasti.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Process This: How to Build a DIY Home-Monitor Edge AI Box

    In this webinar, follow along as we build a simple, do-it-yourself (DIY) edge AI box application. Using the new $199 SK-TDA4VM edge AI starter kit—enabling 8 TOPS of hardware-accelerated deep learning—you can create an application that detects and counts people or other objects in an office, room or in your backyard.

    We cover the build from end-to-end, and will demonstrate how easy the software is to program, whether you are a new or experienced developer.

    Webinar topics:

    Step-by-step guide to program a DIY edge AI box application
    Considerations for customizing your application for various environmental monitoring use-cases
    Overview of video input/output pipeline architecture using GStreamer
    Introduction to TI’s new $199 SK-TDA4VM edge AI starter kit
    Accessing free demos and resources to extend your development

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Edge AI is the new buzzword of the information world. There is always a lot of hype associated with new technology, but there are several concrete reasons for the growth of the Edge AI market.

    In this article, we explain what the hype is all about and present four use cases from different industries.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Edge Computing and 5G: Will Security Concerns Outweigh Benefits?
    You’re probably hearing a bunch of chatter about edge computing these days and how it, along with 5G, are the latest pieces of technology to redefine how we conduct our business. In fact, you may even be hearing people say that edge computing will replace cloud computing. Let’s separate the facts from the speculation.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    TI Edge AI demos
    Add embedded intelligence to your design using TI Edge AI and robotics software demos created with TDA4x processors.

    Smart cameras & AI boxes

    Explore demos for smart cameras and edge AI boxes created by Texas Instruments and third party hardware and software vendors in the TI Edge AI ecosystem.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jillian Deutsch / Bloomberg:
    EU details the Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud, with 39 founding companies—none from the US or China—in a bid to improve European cloud prowess

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Leveraging Advanced Software in Edge Computing
    Dec. 17, 2021
    In this episode of TechXchange Talks we chat with IoTech CTO Jim White and Andrew Foster, co-founder and Product Director, about leveraging software functionality in Edge Computing.

    In this episode of TechXchange Talks we chat with IoTech CTO Jim White and Andrew Foster, co-founder and Product Director, about leveraging software functionality in Edge Computing, and how their solutions can address development issues in IoT devices.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    OEM delivers automated pressure testing with edge computing
    An oil and gas original equipment manufacturer (OEM) uses edge computing for integrated data and control to maintain the safety and integrity of drilling facilities.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Reunalaskenta vauhdittaa datan kulkua ja mahdollistaa koneiden välisen kommunikaation

    Teknologisista innovaatioista puhuttaessa termi reunalaskenta nousee usein esiin. Reunalaskennalle ei ole olemassa vielä virallista ja kaiken kattavaa määritelmää – ja määritelmä saattavaa vaihdella sen mukaan, keneltä sitä kysyy.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Reunalaskenta vauhdittaa datan kulkua ja mahdollistaa koneiden välisen kommunikaation
    Teknologisista innovaatioista puhuttaessa termi reunalaskenta nousee usein esiin. Reunalaskennalle ei ole olemassa vielä virallista ja kaiken kattavaa määritelmää – ja määritelmä saattavaa vaihdella sen mukaan, keneltä sitä kysyy.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Edge computing in 2022: Double-digit growth
    Manufacturing and retail are driving sales of edge technology as advanced computing sees greater use.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning based vision and voice technology at the edge

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kevyt Kubernetes
    Sertifioitu Kubernetes-jakelu, joka on rakennettu IoT- ja Edge-laskentaan

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Equinix tuo virtuaalisen pilven Suomeen

    Julkaistu: 16.02.2022

    Nopeita datayhteyksiä tarjoava Equinix laajentaa Suomen asiakkaiden palveluita uudella Network Edge -konseptilla. Kyse on käytännössä virtuaalisesta palvelimista, joiden avulla yritykset voivat käsitellä dataa lähempänä käyttäjää, ilman fyysistä datakeskusta, kertoo yhtiön Suomen toimitusjohtaja Sami Holopainen.

    Holopaisen mukaan nämä verkon reunapalvelut sopivat hyvin moniin sovelluksiin sekä moni- että hybridipilviympäristössä. – Pilvipalvelujen käyttöönotto, pilvien välinen dataliikenne, VPN-yhteydet, liikennöinti toisten asiakkaiden suuntaan ja palveluiden laajentaminen uusille markkinoille, hän luettelee esimerkiksi.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Edge Security in an Insecure World
    By M. Tim Jones for Mouser Electronics

    As the cost of embedded networked devices falls—consider the Raspberry Pi as one example—they become ubiquitous. But, a hidden cost in this proliferation is that these devices can lack security and therefore be exploited. Without the investment in security, devices can leak private information—such as video, images, or audio—or become part of a botnet that wreaks havoc around the world.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Can Edge Controllers Bring Balance to the Industrial IoT?

    When it comes to analyzing data, it is possible to put some of the computational capability needed at the edge.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    congatec and Etteplan join forces to digitalize smart mobility in rugged environments
    First joint project: Edge computer for mobile intralogistics

    Deggendorf, Germany, 22 March, 2022 * * * congatec – a leading vendor of embedded and edge computing technology – and Etteplan – a technology service company specializing in software and embedded solutions for manufacturing industry – enter into strategic partnership to digitalize smart mobility and robotic applications in rugged environments such as industrial machinery and agriculture. The partnership combines congatec’s capabilities in designing and building edge computing ready Computer-on-Modules for rugged applications and Etteplan’s comprehensive expertise in embedded software and rugged system platform engineering. The partnership aims to provide mobility OEMs and system integrators with application ready solutions designed for the digitalization of mobility in rugged environments. Typical targets include fleets of intralogistics vehicles in factories, warehouses and distribution hubs, heavy construction machinery, and agricultural machinery for farmers and cooperatives.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Power at the Edge: the role of the data centre in sustainability

    In this webinar, learn how you can significantly reduce the power consumption in your data centre and dramatically contribute to your sustainability goals.

    The data center industry is responsible for approx 1-3% of the total electricity consumed around the world, with no sign of abating. And, while the amount of power per processing unit has been reducing, in reality, the real, actual amount of power has been increasing in line with total processing demands.

    External and internal pressures for transparency in sustainability practices are increasing, forcing organizations to declare their intentions and demonstrate the practical steps they are taking to make change. The data center is a natural place for organizations to start, and making fundamental, positive change is more achievable than ever before.

    The way that IT infrastructure is changing at the moment is more of it is going to be built in smaller, more distributed “edge” locations – locations that still pose very practical constraints when it comes to space, accessibility, power and cooling.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Leveraging Insights from Edge Analytics

    The ability to analyse data as it’s generated, in real time, and improve the scalability of this data, are just some of the benefits of edge analytics. Edge analytics are particularly useful in the realm of IoT, especially when you consider that by 2025, 55 billion IoT devices are predicted to be in households and businesses (TechTarget). Being able to identify and use relevant data is crucial.

    But what are the limitations of edge analytics?

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Managing Cloud Migration: Lift & Shift or Going Cloud Native?

    An increasing number of organizations are deciding to move their digital operations into the cloud, but this is only the first step in a long migration process. Today’s companies are presented with several options on how to get to the cloud and this choice carries seriously high stakes. Get it right and the business will see cost savings and improved performance. Get it wrong and join McKinsey’s estimated 70% of companies whose digital transformation efforts failed.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Microchip Introduces a One-Core 1 GHz MPU with MIPI Camera Interface for Edge Machine Learning
    Arm Cortex-A7 based processor can handle 30 fps 720p video or 8 megapixel still images.

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Edge Controllers Address Advanced Automation at Hannover Messe 2022
    June 20, 2022
    The latest controllers provide the foundation for industrial Internet connectivity. These devices feature a single control engine and a universal programming environment for application portability across multiple hardware platforms.

    The latest controllers from Emerson provide the foundation for industrial Internet connectivity. They feature a single control engine and a universal programming environment for application portability across multiple hardware platforms. For example, their RX3i controllers have built-in security protocols with cybersecurity tools to help protect against unauthorized code as well as man-in-the-middle and denial of service attacks.

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ADLINK Launches Edge AI SMARC-Standard Computer-on-Module Built Around MediaTek’s Genio 1200
    Designed for high-performance compute at the edge, ADLINK’s latest SMARC board slots straight into its Raspberry Pi-inspired I-Pi carrier.

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Why edge computing matters for modern software development

    The next stage of cloud computing brings computing power closer to users, paving the way to better user experiences and more intelligent applications.

  35. Tomi Engdahl says:

    AI on the Edge
    Scaling Machine Learning Solutions

    Improving Convolutional Neural Networks at the Edge
    Sept. 7, 2022
    Artificial intelligence and more specifically, machine learning, with human augmentation requires a thorough strategy to achieve a breakthrough.

    Falling for AI at the Edge
    Aug. 2, 2022
    The machine-learning support from Synaptics’ Katana SoC can visually detect actions like falling.

  36. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Better Together: Exploring Cloud and Edge Computing Synergies

    According to Statista, ‘the total installed base of Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices worldwide is projected to amount to 30.9 billion units by 2025, a sharp jump from the 13.8 billion units that are expected in 2021.’ The amount of data that these devices produce that needs to be processed is almost hard to fathom, and cloud alone cannot cope with the sheer number of data sets. Which is where Edge computing comes in.

    Edge computing sees the deployment of computing and storage at the location where data is produced, be that a supermarket, a factory or a university. With Edge vs Cloud being a hotly debated topic in recent years, it’s time to address their definitions and how they can strengthen each other – and the businesses that utilize them.

  37. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Allwinner, AWOL, WhyCan Prepare to Launch a V853 Dual-Camera Computer Vision Development Board
    Currently available exclusively in China, the V853 Dev Board is to launch internationally — bringing with it some handy edge AI features.

  38. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Power-Efficient Edge AI Processing Targets Next-Gen HMI
    Sept. 21, 2022
    Sponsored by Texas Instruments: Featuring low-power modes and low active power consumption, the AM62x processor family brings AI-enabled human machine interface to industrial and IoT apps.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R


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