16 Blockchain Disruptions (Infographic)

Blockchain technology is claimed to be according to blockchain proponents to be one of the most impactfull discoveries in the recent history. It is promised to have a massive potential to change how we handle online transactions. Despite some skeptics, the majority of experts agree that blockchain has the potential to disrupt the banking and financial industry, and many other ones! To put it simply, blockchain enables decentralized transactions across a P2P network. There are applications where those propertied can be very useful, but there are many cases where blockchain migh not be the best solution even though it is hyped to be solution for very many application (remember to ask Do you need a blockchain? often).

This 16 Blockchain Disruptions (Infographic) by bitfortune.net tries to help you understand how the blockchain technology can and will improve 16 different industries, from music to government.

Infographic by bitfortune.net


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Financial Times:
    Crypto adoption is accelerating in the developing world, especially in regions with a history of financial instability, like sub-Saharan Africa and Asia Pacific

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Spend Bitcoin at Amazon? You already can (and elsewhere too)!

    There was a news article a few weeks ago which suggested that Amazon may be preparing to accept cryptocurrency payments. Newsflash, people: you already can!

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mastercard to Acquire Blockchain Analytics Firm CipherTrace

    Payments giant Mastercard (NYSE: MA) announced Thursday that it has agreed to acquire cryptocurrency intelligence and blockchain analytics company CipherTrace for an undisclosed sum.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jamie Crawley / CoinDesk:
    Spain’s La Liga soccer league partners with French platform Sorare to offer NFTs of all its players, the first major European soccer league to do so

    La Liga Becomes First Top Soccer League to Offer NFTs of All Players

    Fans will be able to trade and play fantasy tournaments with NFTs representing players from the top 20 clubs in Spain.

    Spain’s La Liga has become the first of Europe’s top soccer leagues to offer non-fungible tokens (NFTs) of all its players.

    A partnership with French digital soccer collectibles platform Sorare will allow fans to trade and play fantasy tournaments with NFTs representing players from the 20 biggest clubs in Spain, including Barcelona, Real Madrid and Atlético Madrid.
    The collaboration is the first such deal Sorare has struck with one of the top European soccer leagues, according to an announcement Thursday.
    Sorare plans to strike similar deals with the top 20 leagues worldwide by the end of 2022.
    A number of the world’s elite individual teams already have NFTs on the platform, including Bayern Munich, Juventus and Liverpool.
    The platform’s game allows users to build a team made up of five players represented by NFTs, which they enter in various fantasy football tournaments to earn prizes based on the players’ real-life performances.
    Sorare was reportedly set to receive $532 million in funding in June, which would value the platform at over $3.8 billion.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Matt Levine / Bloomberg:
    While SEC rules are hazy, Coinbase’s Lend product likely does constitute a security; to avoid SEC oversight, Coinbase would need to be regulated like a bank


  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tässä on omaa pohdintaani liittyen bitcoiniin. https://miljonaariksi25vuodessa.com/onko-bitcoin-kupla/

    Eli bitcoinin suhteellinen arvo laskee sen markkinaosuuden alentuessa parempiin kryptovaluuttoihin nähden, eikä se sovi luotettavaksi vaihdannan välineeksi suurten kurssivaihteluiden takia, ja sitä on helppo käyttää rikolliseen rahaliikenteeseen eikä sillä ole mitään pysyvää arvoa kuten kullalla.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kyllä. Markkina on muutautumassa aika pitkälti siihe suuntaan, että sijoitat lohkoketjuprojektiin kun ostat sen kryptoja.

    El Salvador on ottamassa bitcoinin vertaivaluutaksi käyttöön

    Sitten Etiopian valtion ottaa Cardano (ADA) lohkoketjun heidän koulutusjärjestelmän tueksi. Cardanon “louhinta” ei kuluta sähkö juurikaan, koska sen “louhinta” malli on Proof of Stake. Ei niin kuin bitcoinin Proof of Work.

    Afrikka on muutenkin todella hyvä alue lohkoketju teknologian laajenemiselle päivittäiseen käyttöön, koska siellä ei ole mahdollisuus pankkitiliin 20% väestöstä ja lohkoketju ratkaisisi tämän ongelman.

    Kryptojen perusajatushan on pankittomat ajat. Lohkoketju ja siihen tehdyt sovellukset korvaisi pankit.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Cryptocurrency & Mining
    Chia Coin price crash forces miners to sell SSDs and HDDs at a loss
    Chia Coin cryptocurrency price crashes, miners start offloading their SSDs and HDDs — for well below what they paid for them.

    Read more: https://www.tweaktown.com/news/81500/chia-coin-price-crash-forces-miners-to-sell-ssds-and-hdds-at-loss/index.html

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    This Toilet Turns Your Shit Into Shitcoins

    In 2021, joke cryptos seem to be in a never-ending turf war to see which one can be the most ridiculous. Aside from the classic DogeCoin, crypto-fans can now try to get rich off of CumCoin, PissCoin, ASS Tokens, and god knows what else. Now one South Korean professor is taking the trend one step further, with a cryptocurrency that actually pays you to poop. Yes, really.

    Scientist Invents Toilet That Turns Human Feces Into Cryptocurrency

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Even Garbage Is Using Blockchain Now

    Pilot projects that use innovative data collection to encourage recycling and responsible waste management are underway in Argentina, India and the U.S.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sources: US officials are considering a Financial Stability Oversight Council review into whether Tether and other stablecoins threaten financial stability


  12. Tomi Engdahl says:



    Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has officially adopted a furry companion friend named Floki — and, of course, the internet is aflame.

    But not just because Musk got a dog. Floki is a Shiba Inu, the face of the alternative cryptocurrency Dogecoin, Musk’s much beloved crypto.

    And, hands to our hearts, that’s one cute puppy.

    “I like him,” Dogecoin creator Billy Markus, who goes by the handle Shibetoshi Nakamoto, commented in a tweet.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Solana Has Been Down for Hours Due to ‘Resource Exhaustion’
    Validators may have to restart the recently-rising blockchain network after it was overwhelmed by transactions.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Dean Takahashi / VentureBeat:
    Sydney-based Immutable, which develops Ethereum-based tools to monetize NFTs in games, raises $60M


  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    “Ethereum markkina-arvo tätä kirjoitettaessa on 413 miljardia dollaria. Se on Bitcoinin jälkeen markkina-arvoltaan toiseksi suurin krypto. Vuosi sitten sen hinta oli noin 330 dollarissa, tällä hetkellä se treidaa noin 3 300 taalassa huolimatta rajusta (ja odottamattomasta) pudotuksesta viimeisen viikon aikana. Nousua vuoden aikana on silti tullut huimat 1 000 prosenttia.”

    Ethereum jatkaa nousemistaan?

    Ethereum on Non-Fungible Token (NFT)-buumin myötä noussut uutisiin. Ethereum alustana tarjoaa tällä hetkellä monipuolisimman vaihtoehdon rakentaa tulevaisuuden internetiä, jossa arvoa voidaan vaihtaa aiempaa paremmin.

    Kävin aiemmassa artikkelissani läpi Ethereumin perusteita, mutta otetaan muistin virkistämiseksi lyhyt yhteenveto.

    Ethereum, kuten Bitcoin, on kryptovaluutta. Termi on kuitenkin hämäävä, sillä Bitcoin ja Ethereum eivät niiden yhteisöjen molemminpuolisesta nokittamisesta huolimatta kuitenkaan ole suoranaisia kilpailijoita. Siinä missä Bitcoin on “kova raha”, jota luodaan vain rajoitettu määrä, Ethereum on alusta jolle Web 3.0, eli tulevaisuuden internet, voidaan rakentaa.

    Ethereumin suoria kilpailijoita ovat muut smart contracts-alustat kuten Solana, Cardano, Polkadot ja Binance Smart.

    Bitcoin on varsin jäykkä, eikä sen protokolla juuri muutu. Ethereum on jatkuvassa muutoksessa kehittäjien muokatessa protokollan toimintaa entistä paremmaksi, sujuvammaksi ja halvemmaksi. Ether, ETH, on kryptovaluutta, jota Ethereum-verkko käyttää toimeksiantojen toteuttamiseen.

    Ethereum on lohkoketju, eli hakkeroimattomaksi suunniteltu tietokanta. Lohkoketjuun informaatio tallennettiin kronologisessa ketjussa, joka muodostuu lohkoista dataa. Jokainen ETH-kolikolla toteutettava transaktio tulee todentaa ja tallentaa lohkona ketjun uniikkiin lohkoketjuun. Tämän prosessin ansiosta lohkoketjua verrataan usein tilikirjaan.

    Ethereum-lohkoketjuun tallennetaan enemmän dataa kuin pelkät ETH-kolikoilla tehtävät transaktiot. Lohkoketjun älysopimukset mahdollistavat kehittäjien rakentavan dAppseja, eli hajautettuja sovelluksia kuten pelejä tai bisnessovelluksia. Ethereum-verkkoon voidaan mintata myös NFT:tä ja rakentaa DeFi-sovelluksia.

    Ethereum markkina-arvo tätä kirjoitettaessa on 413 miljardia dollaria. Se on Bitcoinin jälkeen markkina-arvoltaan toiseksi suurin krypto. Vuosi sitten sen hinta oli noin 330 dollarissa, tällä hetkellä se treidaa noin 3 300 taalassa

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Fake Walmart press release causes cryptocurrency price surge https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/fake-walmart-press-release-causes-cryptocurrency-price-surge/
    The cryptocurrency Litecoin soared in value earlier this week upon the news that supermarket giant Walmart would accept it as a form of payment at its retail stores across America. The only problem was…
    it simply wasn’t true.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    This Father-Son Hacker Duo Is Helping People Crack Into Their Lost Bitcoin Wallets
    It’s estimated that there’s about $140 billion USD in unclaimed Bitcoin.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Yogita Khatri / The Block:
    As bitcoin falls to ~$43K, El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele says the country “bought the dip” and acquired 150 more BTC, taking its total holding to 700

    El Salvador buys 150 more bitcoins, worth $6.8 million

    El Salvador has purchased 150 more bitcoins (worth $6.8 million at current prices), President Nayib Bukele said on Twitter Monday, tweeting, “We just bought the dip.”

    El Salvador now holds a total of 700 bitcoins, worth about $32 million at current prices. One bitcoin is currently priced at around $45,600, according to TradingView.

    El Salvador legalized bitcoin on September 7, becoming the first country to do so. The Central American nation is also the first country in the world to hold bitcoin on its balance sheet and hold it in its reserves.

    El Salvador has taken several initiatives in recent weeks to grow the adoption of bitcoin in the country. It operates a wallet app called Chivo, which citizens can use to transact in bitcoin. El Salvador also brought bitcoin ATMs dubbed Chivo to several U.S. cities to make remittances easier and cheaper.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The cryptocurrency has a hidden cost.

    One Bitcoin Transaction Produces Double The E-Waste Of Discarding An iPhone, Finds Study

    Cryptocurrency has taken the digital world by storm, with over 1,000,000 individual users throwing their computer rigs – no matter how small or powerful – into mining Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more. However, a new report outlines the hidden cost of cryptocurrency transactions.

    A single transaction of Bitcoin produces 272 grams (9.59 ounces) of electronic waste, equal to the weight of two iPhones being thrown away – and when scaled up to the enormous number of transactions per year, Bitcoin now produces 30.7 metric kilotons of e-waste a year.

    Alongside the electricity used, mining generates e-waste. E-waste encompasses toxic chemicals leaching into soil and water systems, poor recycling of electronic hardware, and any other environmental impacts of discarded devices.

    At present, the researchers state the e-waste produced by Bitcoin rivals the amount made by the Netherlands, but even this huge number could be much worse.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tatum lets you interact with blockchains using API calls

    Meet Tatum, a blockchain infrastructure startup that wants to make it much easier to develop your own blockchain-based product. The company operates a platform-as-a-service product so that you don’t have to manage your own nodes and learn how to interact with each client.


  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    China Officially Backs A CryptoCurrency And Establishes It As Their Official Coin

    The government of China just informed that they have chosen a preferred firm for the purchase and marketing of their new coin – YuanPay Group. The sales of China’s coin officially started September 21 of 2021 and currently these coins can be bought only from YuanPay Group.

    In fact, China deputy minister of finances, Liu Kun, informed that their new official coin stating price is just CNY 0.12!


  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    China says all cryptocurrency-related transactions are illegal and must be banned

    China’s central bank said on Friday that all cryptocurrency-related transactions are illegal in the country and they must be banned, citing concerns around national security and “safety of people’s assets.” The world’s most populated nation also said that foreign exchanges are banned from providing services to users in the country.

    In a joint statement, ten Chinese government agencies vowed to work closely to maintain a “high pressure” crackdown on trading of cryptocurrencies in the nation. The People’s Bank of China separately ordered internet, financial and payment companies from facilitating cryptocurrency trading on their platforms.

    The central bank said cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Tether, cannot be circulated in the market as they are not fiat currency. The surge in usage of cryptocurrencies has disrupted “economic and financial order,” and prompted a proliferation of “money laundering, illegal fund-raising, fraud, pyramid schemes and other illegal and criminal activities,” it said.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    China rules all crypto transactions illegal, causing value of Bitcoin to fall

    The notice bans all related financial activities involving cryptocurrencies

    Bitcoin sank by as much as 8.9 per cent to $41,019 in European afternoon trading

    China said crypto had given rise to laundering, fraud and pyramid schemes

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Daily Crunch: Chinese regulators issue blanket ban on crypto trading, mining

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A hamster has been trading cryptocurrencies in a cage rigged to automatically buy and sell tokens since June — and it’s currently outperforming the S&P 500

    A hamster named Mr. Goxx has been trading cryptocurrencies in a rigged box since June.
    The hamster determines which crypto to buy or sell by running on a wheel and strolling through one of two tunnels.
    Since it started trading on June 12, Goxx’s crypto portfolio returned 24% as of Friday

    A hamster in Germany is redefining “A Random Walk Down Wall Street” author Burton Malkiel’s belief that a blindfolded monkey throwing darts at a stock ticker list in the newspaper could do just as good as a human investment professional.

    The livestreamed hamster, named Mr. Goxx, has been independently trading a portfolio of various cryptocurrencies since June 12, and so far its performance has been impressive. As of Friday, the portfolio was up nearly 24%, according to the @mrgoxx twitter feed that documents daily performance, along with every trade made by the hamster. Mr. Goxx’s performance outpaces bitcoin and the S&P 500 over the same time period.

    Mr. Goxx has so far generated profits of 77 euros as of Friday afternoon. Its portfolio hit a high of nearly $580 in mid-September, when its performance was up nearly 50% in less than three months, according to performance data compiled by Protos. But since then, the recent crypto sell-off put a dent into the hamster’s profits.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Bitcoin Miners Eye Nuclear Power as Environmental Criticism Mounts

    Some cryptocurrency miners are striking deals with operators of struggling nuclear plants, which are carbon-free and have excess power capacity to spare

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Zheping Huang / Bloomberg:
    Cryptocurrency exchanges Huobi and Binance have stopped letting traders use mainland China mobile numbers to register new accounts

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    China’s Tough Stance on Crypto Mining Is a Boon for Miners Elsewhere

    Cryptocurrency miners in China are turning off their machines after Beijing warned it would tighten its control over the industry. This has created an opportunity for miners elsewhere, as the power behind crypto becomes less dependent on one place.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Why Is Facebook Getting Into Cryptocurrency? The company says the Diem coin can help fix our payment system, but experts are unconvinced

    Facebook is on the cusp of launching an ambitious new cryptocurrency-based payment system that it says will boost financial inclusion and slash transaction fees. But experts have questioned whether the technology will really achieve those goals.

    At the center of the company’s plan is a digital wallet called Novi designed to let people trade Diem—a “stablecoin” whose value is pegged to the US dollar. The project is essentially a re-branding of the Libra cryptocurrency and Calibra wallet, which the company unveiled in June 2019 but quickly put on the backburner following significant pushback from lawmakers and regulators.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    $89 million in crypto was mistakenly sent out to users of a decentralized finance platform, and now its CEO is asking users to voluntarily send it back

    Users of DeFi lending platform Compound were erroneously sent $89 million worth of cryptocurrency.
    A glitch in a recent platform update led to some users receiving too much “COMP.”
    “This is the greatest opportunity, and greatest risk for a decentralized protocol,” Compound’s CEO tweeted.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Richard Waters / Financial Times:
    Ethereum is becoming the platform of choice for DeFi projects, but remains behind schedule with complex technical upgrades, as nimbler rivals emerge

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Cryptocurrency expert admits aiding North Korea

    A cryptocurrency expert who gave a talk at a Pyongyang conference has admitted conspiring to help North Korea evade sanctions.

    Virgil Griffith, a former senior researcher with the Ethereum Foundation, pleaded guilty on Monday.

    The US Department of Justice said he had “jeopardised the national security of the United States” by undermining sanctions.

    His lawyer told the Wall Street Journal Griffith was “sincerely remorseful.”

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Eli Tan / CoinDesk:
    Coinbase announces it will let users buy, sell, and showcase Ethereum-based NFTs by the end of the year — Coinbase is joining the non-fungible token (NFT) arms race. — The U.S. crypto exchange is launching “Coinbase NFT,” a marketplace that will allow its users to buy …

    Coinbase Follows FTX.US Into NFT Trading

    The exchange’s marketplace will support Ethereum-based NFTs and comes a day after the release of an NFT marketplace from rival exchange FTX.US.

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The U.S. now accounts for around a third of bitcoin’s hashrate, the computing power required to create the cryptocurrency.

    U.S. Claims Top Spot For Bitcoin Mining As Miners Flee China Crackdown — Here Are The World’s Biggest Mining Hubs

  35. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Eleanor Olcott / Financial Times:
    Research: China’s bitcoin hashrate share fell from 44% to 0% between May and July, as the US rose from 17% in April to 35% in August and Kazakhstan rose to 18% — Crackdown on digital currencies knocks country’s share of crypto production to zero — The US overtook China as the world’s biggest source …

  36. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Danny Nelson / CoinDesk:
    Stripe begins hiring a crypto team to “build the future of Web3 payments”, three years after ending bitcoin support — Payments company Stripe has begun assembling a crypto engineering team to chart its future in digital assets. — The team – described in LinkedIn posts and job listings …

    Stripe Is Hiring a Crypto Team 3 Years After Ending Bitcoin Support

    “Crypto is a brand new team at Stripe,” one job post says.

    Payments company Stripe has begun assembling a crypto engineering team to chart its future in digital assets.

    The team – described in LinkedIn posts and job listings – will be run by Guillaume Poncin, Stripe’s former head of engineering for banking and financial products. He is looking to hire at least four staffers to help plot Stripe’s crypto strategy.

  37. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mitchell Clark / The Verge:
    Valve quietly updates Steam’s rules to ban games “built on blockchain technology that issue or allow exchange of cryptocurrencies or NFTs” — Your move, Epic Games Store — Games that use blockchain technology or let users exchange NFTs or cryptocurrencies won’t be allowed on Steam …

    Valve bans blockchain games and NFTs on Steam, Epic will try to make it work
    Your move, Epic Games Store

    Games that use blockchain technology or let users exchange NFTs or cryptocurrencies won’t be allowed on Steam, according to a rule added to Valve’s “What you shouldn’t publish on Steam” list. The change was pointed out by SpacePirate, a developer working on an NFT-based game, who said that the change was because the company doesn’t allow game items that could have real-world value. But Steam could also be avoiding controversy with the move.

    Steam is one of the most well-known PC game stores, but it’s not the only one. While Epic’s CEO Tim Sweeney has said that the company isn’t interested in touching NFTs, that policy doesn’t seem to apply to games in its store: Epic told The Verge that it’s “open” to the idea of games that use NFTs or cryptocurrencies in an email on Friday.

  38. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Chavi Mehta / Reuters:
    Jack Dorsey says Square is considering building an open source Bitcoin miner, using custom silicon, for individuals and businesses

    Square CEO Dorsey says looking to build a bitcoin mining system – tweet

    Square Inc (SQ.N) Chief Executive Officer Jack Dorsey said on Friday the fintech firm is looking to build a bitcoin mining system based on custom silicon and open source for individuals as well as businesses.

    This would add to Square’s existing bitcoin-focused projects including a business to build an open developer platform, as well as a hardware wallet for the cryptocurrency. (https://reut.rs/3plRcbh)

    “If we do this, we’d follow our hardware wallet model: build in the open in collaboration with the community,” Dorsey said in a tweet.

  39. Tomi Engdahl says:

    US links $5.2 billion worth of Bitcoin transactions to ransomware https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/us-links-52-billion-worth-of-bitcoin-transactions-to-ransomware/
    The U.S. Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
    (FinCEN) has identified roughly $5.2 billion worth of outgoing Bitcoin transactions likely tied to the top 10 most commonly reported ransomware variants. Lisäksi:

  40. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Moni bitcoin-omistaja rikastui – tästä suuri arvonnousu johtuu
    Bitcoinien futuurikauppa voi muuttaa kryptomarkkinoita merkittävästi.

    Bitcoinin arvo on noussut yli 62 000 dollarin eli yli 53 000 euroon. Kyseessä on maailman suurimman kryptovaluutan suurin arvonnousu puoleen vuoteen. Asiasta uutisoi muun muassa Cnet.

    Arvoa ovat nostaneet perjantaiset uutiset Yhdysvaltain arvopaperi- ja pörssikomissio SEC:stä, jonka odotetaan hyväksyvän etf-arvopaperikaupankäynnin bitcoin-futuureista tällä viikolla. Futuurikaupassa kaupan osapuolet tekevät sopimuksen hinnasta, jolla tuote myydään tiettynä hetkenä tulevaisuudessa.

    Käytännössä ostaja voi siis sopia myyjän kanssa maksavansa tulevaisuudessa yhdestä bitcoinista esimerkiksi 100 000 dollaria. Jos arvo onkin tuona aikana 200 000 dollaria, voittaa ostaja kaupassa. Arvo voi kuitenkin luonnollisesti myös laskea.

    Bitcoin price nears $63,000 all-time high: Here’s why
    It’s the first time the cryptocurrency has hit $60,000 since April.

    Bitcoin is at it once again. The original cryptocurrency broke the $60,000 barrier over the weekend, to a brief high of $62,600, for the first time in six months. The price of Bitcoin stands at $62,300 at the time of writing, putting it in range of the all-time high price of $64,800 reached on April 14.

    The uptick was caused by news on Friday that the SEC is set to greenlight Bitcoin futures exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Bitcoin futures will allow investors to speculate on the price of Bitcoin without having to actually buy any of the cryptocurrency and are theoretically less volatile than investing in Bitcoin itself.

    Futures are contracts that commit investors to buy or sell a commodity at a certain price on a certain date. For instance, you could commit to buying a 1 Bitcoin for $100,000 in 5 years. If the price of a Bitcoin on that date is $200,000, you’d have made money. If the price of a Bitcoin on that date is $50,000, you’d have lost money.

    A futures ETF is notably different from a standard exchange-traded fund, which Bitcoin enthusiasts have been lobbying for. A typical ETF would give investors exposure to the underlying asset, in this case Bitcoin, whereas a Futures ETF allows investors to speculate on the price of the asset. Policymakers have said in the past that cryptocurrencies are too prone to fraud and manipulation to be approved for ETFs backed by actual Bitcoins.

  41. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nano Ledger X on kryptolompakkojen ykkönen

    Kryptovaluutat ovat saaneet osakseen paljon huomiota viime aikoina ja oleellisena osana niiden käyttöön liittyy varojen säilytys. Digivaluuttaa voi säilyttää monella eri tapaa, mutta niin sanottu fyysinen kylmälompakko on yleensä turvallisimpia vaihtoehtoja. Tutustumme Ledger Nano X -lompakkoon, joka tarjoaa turvallisen tavan säilyttää kryptovaluuttaa.

    Ledger Nano X on kryptovaluuttalompakko, jonka on valmistanut ranskalainen Ledger-niminen yhtiö. Se on jatkoa Ledger Nano S -lompakosta ja sitä alettiin toimittaa markkinoille keväällä 2019.

  42. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Michael Wursthorn / Wall Street Journal:
    ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF gained nearly 5% in its NYSE debut, with ~$981M in trading volume, making it the second most traded ETF debut ever per FactSet — ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF advances nearly 5% following its closely watched launch — The first bitcoin-focused exchange-traded fund rose …

    First Bitcoin Futures ETF Rises in Trading Debut
    ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF advances nearly 5% following its closely watched launch

    The first bitcoin-focused exchange-traded fund rose in its trading debut Tuesday after getting a warm reception from investors.

    The ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF climbed most of the day, gaining nearly 5% to settle at $41.94. About $981 million of shares changed hands over the session, making it the second-most highly-traded ETF debut ever, according to Elisabeth Kashner, director of ETF research at FactSet.

    The launch is being closely watched on Wall Street, where finding a way to sell securities linked to bitcoin has been a priority for many firms. Bethesda, Md.-based ProShares rang the bell at the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday to celebrate the launch of its ETF, which goes by the ticker BITO and holds bitcoin futures contracts rather than the cryptocurrency.

    “There are a multitude of investors who have brokerage accounts and are comfortable buying stocks and ETFs,” said ProShares Chief Executive Michael Sapir in an interview. “We think this will appeal to them.”

  43. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jared Dillian / Bloomberg:
    ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF is akin to a commodities fund and will have the same risks that investors have been dealing with in the commodities markets


  44. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Bitcoin crosses $66K, an all-time high, after the ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF rose by nearly 5% on the NYSE — The latest rally appears fueled by the successful debut on Tuesday of the first U.S. bitcoin futures exchange-traded fund. — Bitcoin, the world’s largest cryptocurrency …

    Bitcoin Hits All-Time High Above $66K on Strength of ProShares ETF Debut

    The latest rally appears fueled by the successful debut on Tuesday of the first U.S. bitcoin futures exchange-traded fund.

    Bitcoin, the world’s largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, has hit a new all-time high above $66,000, marking a full recovery from a months-long slump and extending the year’s gains to nearly 130%.

    The cryptocurrency pushed past the previous price record of $64,889 set in April and was changing hands at $66,685 as of 15:44 UTC (11:44 a.m. ET).

    The largest cryptocurrency appears to have gotten a push on Tuesday from the launch of the ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF, the first exchange-traded fund approved by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to invest in bitcoin futures.

    The new fund, traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker BITO, hauled in $570 million of assets on its first day and racked up $1 billion of trading volume, ranking it among the most successful launches of all time.

    In the coming weeks, several more bitcoin futures-based ETFs may debut in the U.S., opening the potential for savvy U.S. crypto investors to partake in what is known as a “cash and carry” arbitrage strategy.


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