Sometimes you wish you had a very small basic oscilloscope that would be easy to carry around as tool for those situations where you need to more measuring that can be done with your multi-meter. One day I found an oscilloscope kit DSO150 while browsing the site. This model was originally only available as a kit with a case, but later became available also as ready made device.
I got finally Original JYETech Assembled DSO-SHELL DSO150 Digital Oscilloscope Module 9V 9 that is a ready build pocket scope in case. The packet came with oscilloscope probe.
- Input bandwidth: 0 Hz to 200 kHz
- 2.4-inch color TFT LCD with 320 x 240 resolution
- Number of channels: 1
- Sample rate: max. 1 MS/s
- Input sensitivity: 5mV/Div – 20V/Div
- Input Impedance: 1M ohms
- Maximum input voltage: 50Vpp
- Coupling: DC, AC, GND
- Vertical error: <5 %
- Vertical resolution: 12 bit
- Time base: 10 µs/Div to 500 s/Div
- Memory depth: 1,024 Samples
- Trigger modes: Auto, Normal, Single
- Trigger types: Rising/falling edge
- Trigger position: 1/2 of buffer size fixed
- Calibration signal: 1 kHz / 3.3 V square wave
- HOLD function (capture a transient event)
- Transient store and replay (save/recall waveform function)
- Supply current: 120mA @ 9V
- Dimension: 115mm x 75mm x 22mm
- Weight: 100 gram (not including cables and power supply)
Apart from the input coupling selector switch, the entire operation is controlled by four push buttons and a rotary encoder.
DSO Shell runs on 9V (do not use power voltage higher than 10V!) power supply. Users need to prepare their own power supply since it is not included in the kits. The power jack on the mainboard accepts standare 5.5mm/2.1mm DC plug. Supply current is 120mA @ 9V so I can make it to work with small 9V battery (but not very many hours constant use).
It would be nice to have a battery inside device. There is an alternative 2-pin connector (0.1″ pitch) for supplying power inside device, but inside the small case (115mm x 75mm x 22mm) full of electronics I don’t see there space for batteries. I ended up using external 9V battery that I fixed to the back of case with dual-sided tape. It is not most elegant, but works.
There is one drawback is that the circuit design is not very stable against voltage changes.The zero level disappears easily as the supply voltage levels changed. A quick look at the supplied schematic was enough to identify the problem: the DSO150 doesn’t use voltage regulators to stabilize the input amplifier supplies! Also a Zener diode circuit is used to provide the input voltage offset level for the ADC is less than optimal. The voltage offset is a digital value added or subtracted from the measured input samples by the MCU.
The electronics in this scope is based onSTM32F103C8, which is an ARM Cortex A3 MCU from ST. The MCU also contains a built-in fast ADC (1 Msample per second 12 bits). It offers a resolution of 12 bits and an input voltage range of 0 to 3.3 V so that 1.65 V corresponds to the zero level on the display. In this circuit the offset is a digital value applied to the measured input signal value.
Still even with limitations this mini scope is more than a simple toy and I have found it to be quite usual as a second scope. At €20-30 the unit is really low cost when you consider that includes shipping from the Far East. DSO150 offers quite good performance at low cost as long as you are happy to put up with some minor niggles.The pocket oscilloscope has worked for me well when working with audio frequency circuits. Due the limited bandwidth (only 200 kHz) this scope is not suitable for debugging video circuits or any high speed electronics.
The following videos show clearly what electronics is inside this device (don’t need to do tear-down myself):
DIY $20 Oscilloscope
What is inside
DSO Shell (DSO150) 15001K Oscilloscope Build
Manuals, circuit diagrams and more information:
Firmwares: Click to open
Users Manual: Click to open
Mainboard Schematic: Click to open
Analog board Schematic: Click to open
How to Use the DSO150 Library: Click to open
Source codes: Click to open
FAQ, Tips, and Troubleshooting: Click to open
This is open hardware in a sense that both hardware and software designs are freely available on-line. Source codes for DSO Shell (DSO150) from JYE Tech is available at They are not an exact copy of factory codes (e. g. product testing codes are not included) but have completely the same functions and performance of matching revision. The codes are built with support of the library file libdso150.a, which implements the core DSO functions.
Modification ideas:
DSO150 Shell Li-Po Battery Mod
JYE Tech DSO150 Shell firmware update tutorial
JYE Tech DSO150 Shell firmware update tutorial
Tomi Engdahl says:
DSO Shell (DSO150) Oscilloscope DIY Kit:
Original JYETech DSO-SHELL DSO150 15001K DIY Digital Oscilloscope Unassembled Kit With Housing
Tomi Engdahl says:
New 45$ ‘Scope Meter’ and All-In-One Desoldering Tool
In this video I am testing a demo unit of the new Mustool scope meter. It has a few improvements over the the old ET201 and the same low price.
Tomi Engdahl says:
ET201 Oscilloscope-Multimeter comes with a lot of surprises
The EONE ET201 is one of the most affordable tools to visualize waveforms. It is also a decent multimeter and a safety hazard. In this video I am showing all pros and cons I could find about the scopemeter.
99.9999…% of uses are continuity check and voltage check below 30V. For those this tool is good enough. And if resistance/capacitance measurements are quite precise then all is good.
Who says Germans are not funny? They haven’t seen Marco’s videos.
hey, German humor is no laughing matter.
Tomi Engdahl says:
This touch screen cheaposcope is actually good! DSO112A Oscilloscope
Tomi Engdahl says:
Banggood DS212 2 Channel Pocket Oscilloscope Review!
It’s time for another review! This time when Banggood asked me what I would like to review I thought it was finally time to see if the e-Design series of diminutive pocket oscilloscopes were really worth their pricetag. I choose the DS212 as it is a lower end model that still had 2 channels (the minimum of what I would consider useful). This guys boasts a 1MHz analog bandwidth with 8K sample depth.
DS212: Open source 2-ch oscilloscope and signal generator
Tomi Engdahl says:
#016 – DSO168: a toy or a tool? – review of the pocket 20MHz scope from Banggood
Tomi Engdahl says:
#13 “Banggood-ness” — Review: MUSTOOL MT-8206 DMM with Waveform Display has sent me a new digital multimeter to review. It’s the Mustool MT-8206 DMM with Waveform Display. Does it measure up? Let’s see.
Mustool MT8206 Professional Waveform Meter
I got this inexpensive meter from Banggood that claims to have a built in oscilloscope hoping that it would prove useful in my vintage electronics shop. I’ve been using it for a few weeks and now it’s time to really put it to the test. I’m focusing on the oscilloscope feature as it might apply in my type of shop. Could a meter like this displace much of my vintage shop equipment?
Tomi Engdahl says:
Best Budget Mini Oscilloscope? // MINI DS212 Digital
Tomi Engdahl says:
DSO150 handheld scope tested
JYE Tech has succeeded well in bringing a usable low-frequency scope to the market at a very low price. What surprised us was the exceptionally beautiful representation of small sinusoidal signals. This makes the DSO150 very suitable for signal research in audio equipment such as mixing amplifiers and analog power amplifiers. The only downside we could discover is the small trigger-jitter which results in a stable image appears on the screen only in HOLD mode.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Li-ion power mod
like this little scope for it can be a great tool for low frequency work. Biggest selling point to use it over the big proper scope is that it is small and portable.
Except it’s not quite portable if you also need to carry a power source and look for an outlet, now is it?
Well I decided to fix that
Tomi Engdahl says:
There is more expensive WAVE2 DSO150 dual channel:
[US$84.87 34% OFF]Original JYETech 15801K DIY WAVE2 DSO150 Touch Screen Dual Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope Y-X Mode Available Built-in 2-channel DDS Function Generator Measurement & Analysis Instruments from Tools, Industrial & Scientific on
[US$65.00 48% OFF]Original JYETech 15801K DIY WAVE2 DSO150 Touch Screen Dual Channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope Kit Electronic Components & DIY Kits from Electronics on
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Scope Out These Functioning Mini Oscilloscopes
These small, STM32-powered tools may lack all the capabilities of a traditional oscilloscope, but still provide basic readings.
Tomi Engdahl says:
A small program to connect to JYETech’s DSO 150 / DSO Shell through serial port and plot the data both in Time domain and Frequency domain.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
A small program to connect to JYETech’s DSO 150 / DSO Shell through serial port and plot the data both in Time domain and Frequency domain.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
How good can a new $60 oscilloscope actually be?
I routinely get viewers asking me for a cheap solution to help them fix old machines, so I decided to buy a Hantek 6022BE USB oscilloscope and see if it’s actually sable. When I purchased it from AliExpress, it was just $60 shipped. Let’s see if this thing is even good enough to be usable for fixing old computers.
I’ve been using a National Instruments VirtualBench for the last several months, and while it’s a fantastic piece of gear, it’s extremely expensive so I do not recommend anyone purchase it.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Hantek 6022BE USB oscilloscope
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
using oscillosopes and testing op amps
This video is about using oscilloscopes when we test op amps.
We use three types of scopes and play around with some of the features form each.
#172: Basics of Op Amp Gain Bandwidth Product and Slew Rate Limit
Tomi Engdahl says:
How good can a new $60 oscilloscope actually be?
I routinely get viewers asking me for a cheap solution to help them fix old machines, so I decided to buy a Hantek 6022BE USB oscilloscope and see if it’s actually sable. When I purchased it from AliExpress, it was just $60 shipped. Let’s see if this thing is even good enough to be usable for fixing old computers.
I’ve been using a National Instruments VirtualBench for the last several months, and while it’s a fantastic piece of gear, it’s extremely expensive so I do not recommend anyone purchase it.
Using the Hantek 6022BE to fix a C64:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Testing a new $125 2-channel portable oscilloscope
I recently reviewed and tested a $60 USB 2 channel oscilloscope. While it worked, it did leave something to be desired. This Hantek 2-channel portable scope is twice the price, is it actually twice as good?
Review of the Hantek $60 scope:
Tomi Engdahl says:
KORG NTS-2 oscilloscope
Tomi Engdahl says:
KORG Introduces Four-Channel Oscilloscope Kit Targeting Synthesizer Musicians
Solderless kit with support for FFT and two-channel waveform generator.
Tomi Engdahl says:
A 110MHz Oscilloscope for under $70! Is It For Real And Is It Any Good?
Let’s take a look at the FNIRSI 1C15 Handheld Oscilloscope. This has some impressive specifications like 110HMz bandwidth, and an equally impressive low price, under $70. So is it any good, does it live up to the hype and is it actually useful? Wanna find out? You just gotta press PLAY!
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
EEVblog 1540 – The $80 Zotek ZT-702S Osciloscope Multimeter REVIEW
Is an $80 combo oscilloscope/multimeter any good? A look at the Zotech ZT-702S, with street price around US$60
00:00 – Zotek ZT702S Oscilloscope Multimeter unboxing
01:51 – Just STOP IT, ok! LOL
04:16- Teardown
08:31 – Oscilloscope front end and processor
11:43 – First turn on
14:53 – WTF! FAIL!
15:27 – The bargraph is hopeless
17:45 – The oscilloscope function
21:17 – USB drive mode and screen capture
23:01 – I can’t screw the BNC in!
24:45 – Oscilloscope Overload issue
25:48 – Multimeter overload testing
26:34 – The battery life really sucks
Tomi Engdahl says:
Budget Tools Review: $125 OWON HDS242 2 Channel Oscilloscope
Scope Stats:
As noted in the HDS2102S review, the scope is the main feature of the unit, even more so here as there’s no signal generator. Specs for this device are listed as:
Bandwidth: 40MHz
Sample Rate: 250 MSa/s (single channel) 125 MSa/S (dual channel)
Record Length: 8k samples
Interface-wise, both devices tested in the HDS2xx series appear to work exactly the same. There are no knobs, and you may have to poke through a few menus to set things up just how you want.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Is it the new king of cheap mini oscilloscopes?
FNIRSI sent for review the DSO-138 PRO that is a small, compact and portable oscilloscope.
00:00 – Intro
00:34 – Welcome
01:30 – Feature Highlights
02:00 – Whats on the box?
03:55 – First impressions
04:35 – Buttons & Sockets
05:20 – Screen informations
07:00 – Operation
13:50 – DSO-138 PRO vs DSO-150
15:15 – PWM signal generator
18:55 – Teardown
21:55 – Battery charging
22:17 – Conclusion!
FNIRSI-138 PRO Handheld Digital Oscilloscope 2.5MSa/s 200KHz Analog Bandwidth Support AUTO,80Khz PWM And Firmware Update
Tomi Engdahl says:
FNIRSI-138 PRO Handheld Digital Oscilloscope 2.5MSa/s 200KHz Analog Bandwidth Support AUTO,80Khz PWM And Firmware Update$e0db70b660124c6ab0269b1cf23cb53f&ck=in_edm_other
Tomi Engdahl says:
Four DIY scopes in practice – are they worth it?
This video firstly separates scopes into 11 cathegories for us to better understand the differences between their architectures. Then we’ll have a look at two basic scopey thingeys, and what they are able and unable to do. Then comes Mustool MT8208 and MDS8207, which ar one from other more different than one would guess. We will also look at some waveforms, like from cheap function generator, then from cost effective DC/AC inverter, but also commercial pure sine wave inverter, and also inspect PWM regulator behavior.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Four DIY scopes in practice – are they worth it?
This video firstly separates scopes into 11 cathegories for us to better understand the differences between their architectures. Then we’ll have a look at two basic scopey thingeys, and what they are able and unable to do. Then comes Mustool MT8208 and MDS8207, which ar one from other more different than one would guess. We will also look at some waveforms, like from cheap function generator, then from cost effective DC/AC inverter, but also commercial pure sine wave inverter, and also inspect PWM regulator behavior.
0:00 Intro
1:07 Oscilloscope categories
2:04 1 Tamagotchi / PCB
2:49 2 Fast acquiring multimeter
4:06 3 DMM with scope-like functionality
4:52 4 DMM + scope in one
5:41 5 Portable battery scope
5:58 6 Tabletoid
6:34 7 Battery operated bench scope
7:10 8 Classic bench scope
9:24 9 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
9:35 10 PC oscilloscope
11:25 11 Special purpose scopes
11:49 PCB scopey-thingy
17:00 Fnirsi 150
19:48 Mustool MT8208
25:33 Mustool MDS8207
31:25 Basic function generator
33:15 DC/AC inverter from UPS
36:56 Pure sine wave inverter
37:48 PWM Regulator
39:16 Final chapter
Tomi Engdahl says:
SRT Amplification Product Review: KM 828 O-scope Meter
Tomi Engdahl says:
KKmoon kkm828 High Definition Intelligent Graphical Digital Oscilloscope Multimeter 2 in 1
KKmoon kkm828 High Definition Intelligent Graphical Digital Oscilloscope Multimeter 2 in 1 with 2.4 Inches Color Screen 1MHz Bandwidth 2.5Msps Sampling Rate for DIY and Electronic Test
Tomi Engdahl says:
Understanding Oscilloscopes – XY Mode
This video explains the fundamentals of XY mode on oscilloscopes and the four most important applications of XY mode.
Learn more R&S Oscilloscopes:
00:00 Introduction
00:14 “Normal” oscilloscope operation
00:51 XY mode
01:41 Main applications of XY mode
02:03 About Lissajous patterns
02:44 Lissajous pattern setup
03:19 Lissajous pattern examples
03:54 About I-V curves
04:46 I-V curve setup (for a diode)
05:52 I-V curve measurement results
06:23 About constellation diagrams
07:16 Constellation diagram setup
08:07 Constellation diagram results
08:37 Effect of timebase: points vs. vectors
09:14 About AM modulation depth
10:24 Calculating AM modulation depth
11:04 AM Modulation depth measurement setup
11:38 AM Modulation depth measurement results
12:07 Summary
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Best Gets Even Better! OWON HDS2102S 100MHz OSC/DMM/AWG Review/Teardown, Compared to HDS272S
Tomi Engdahl says:
Review/Teardown of a ZOTEK ZOYI ZT-702S Budget Handheld Oscilloscope/Digital Multimeter
Tomi Engdahl says:
A first look at the FNIRSI DSO-TC3 mini scope, signal generator and component tester. I also run a basic bandwidth test.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Four DIY scopes in practice – are they worth it?
This video firstly separates scopes into 11 cathegories for us to better understand the differences between their architectures. Then we’ll have a look at two basic scopey thingeys, and what they are able and unable to do. Then comes Mustool MT8208 and MDS8207, which ar one from other more different than one would guess. We will also look at some waveforms, like from cheap function generator, then from cost effective DC/AC inverter, but also commercial pure sine wave inverter, and also inspect PWM regulator behavior.
0:00 Intro
1:07 Oscilloscope categories
2:04 1 Tamagotchi / PCB
2:49 2 Fast acquiring multimeter
4:06 3 DMM with scope-like functionality
4:52 4 DMM + scope in one
5:41 5 Portable battery scope
5:58 6 Tabletoid
6:34 7 Battery operated bench scope
7:10 8 Classic bench scope
9:24 9 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
9:35 10 PC oscilloscope
11:25 11 Special purpose scopes
11:49 PCB scopey-thingy
17:00 Fnirsi 150
19:48 Mustool MT8208
25:33 Mustool MDS8207
31:25 Basic function generator
33:15 DC/AC inverter from UPS
36:56 Pure sine wave inverter
37:48 PWM Regulator
39:16 Final chapter
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
DS212: Open source 2-ch oscilloscope and signal generator
After seeing their ‘side projects’ TS100 soldering iron and ES120 screwdriver, I finally got a pocket scope from miniware aka Is it as good as my previous experiences with their products suggest? I’ll put it through its paces and take it apart to find out. I’ll also try to modify its open source firmware to add another waveform option to signal generator.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
FNIRSI DSO152 Mini Handheld Digital Oscilloscope 2.5MSa/s 200KHz Analog Bandwidth 800VPP Support Firmware Upgrade PWM Output,scm-url:1007.40000.327270.0,pvid:7725c6ff-a110-45f0-866d-6ed3fae67ffb,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238111%231996&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21EUR%2131.37%2118.82%21%21%21240.78%21%21%402103246616940953790523765eb215%2112000033864905256%21rec%21FI%212528467667%21S&search_p4p_id=202309070702590908609305075796353509_7
The oscilloscope has a real-time sampling rate of 2.5MS/s, abandwidth of 200KHz, and complete trigger functions (single, normal, and automatic).
It can be used freely for both periodic analog signals and non-periodic digital signals, and can measure voltages up to ±400V.
Equipped with an efficient one-key AUTO, it can display the measured waveform without cumbersome adjustments.
Equipped with a 2.8-inch 320*240 resolution high-definition LCD screen.
Built-in 1000mAh high-quality lithium battery, can be used continuously for about 4 hours after fully charged.