Electronics design ideas 2019

Innovation is critical in today’s engineering world and it demands technical knowledge and the highest level of creativity. Seeing compact articles that solve design problems or display innovative ways to accomplish design tasks can help to fuel your electronics creativity.

You can find many very circuit ideas at ePanorama.net circuits page.

In addition to this links to interesting electronics design related articles worth to check out can be posted to the comments section.






  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    High Voltage: Dealing with Partial Discharge
    Aug. 29, 2023
    Partial discharge occurs when a small area of insulation, in a high-voltage environment, can’t handle the electrical stress level, leading to breakdown.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How thermal efficiency is helping data centers run more sustainably

    Innovative semiconductor design and packaging technologies are improving efficiencies in data centers as server power demands increase

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    QSPICE Picks Up Where LTSpice Left Us

    [Mike Engelhardt] is a name that should be very familiar to the hardcore electronics nerd. [Mike] is the developer responsible for LTSpice, which is quite likely the most widely used spice-compatible simulator in the free software domain. When you move away from digital electronics and the comfort of software with its helpful IDEs and toolchains, and dip a wary toe into the murky grey waters of analog or power electronics, LTSpice is your best friend. And, like all best friends, it’s a bit quirky, but it always has your back. Sadly, LTSpice development seems to have stalled some years ago, but luckily for us [Mike] has been busy on the successor, QSpice, under the watchful eye of Qorvo.

    QSPICE Revolutionizes Power, Analog Device Circuit Simulation

    Qorvo has raised the bar in the field of circuit simulation with the release of QSPICE. The software’s designed to enhance the design productivity of power and analog device designers by offering improved simulation speed, functionality and reliability.

    Qorvo’s QSPICE is offered free of charge and readily available for download on the official QSPICE website.

    Today, PowerElectronicsNews.com will launch a tutorial on QSPICE consisting of multiple articles that explain this tool in detail and provide schematic examples.



  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Data Acquisition Instruments and AC Sources Enable Refrigerator Test
    July 14, 2023
    In this application note, read about a worldwide appliance manufacturer who performs extensive tests on refrigerators in large walk-in environmental chambers.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Galvanic Isolation Made Easy
    Nov. 17, 2020
    Sponsored by Texas Instruments: Separating power supplies is a crucial factor in modern equipment designs, especially in terms of safety. New analog ICs help simplify meeting those isolated current- and voltage-sensing needs.
    Lou Frenzel

    Galvanic isolation is the process of designing equipment or systems with separate power supplies so that the two don’t exchange power or interact in any way. The idea is to keep the dc power (and/or ac power) separate and independent. One electrical power system should not affect the other. At the same time, it’s usually necessary to transport monitoring signals and control data between the two in a fully isolated way.

    Power isolation is achieved by keeping the two physical sections well apart. And that’s usually implemented by NOT connecting the ground connections of the two systems. This eliminates ground loops and reduces or at least minimizes any noise transference. When both high- and low-voltage subsystems are used, such physical and ground isolation also helps to protect users and service techs from shock, low-voltage circuits from high voltage, and in some cases, protects against lightning.

    A wide range of methods are used to implement galvanic isolation. Perhaps the oldest and still most effective is the transformer. It operates by allowing its two windings to transfer data, messages, and codes by way of magnetic fields between the primary and secondary windings. There’s no direct current flow between the primary and secondary windings.

    Optocouplers or optoisolators are another near ideal device for transferring data at reasonable speed. A voltage data stream drives an LED inside the optoisolator package. A phototransistor captures the light a few millimeters away. The transistor output is fully isolated from the input. Isolation is very complete.

    One of the best isolation techniques is to use capacitors. They block dc but pass ac, making them and their variants extremely efficient. Other devices involved in creating galvanic isolation are special components like Hall-effect sensors and even mechanical relays.

    Modern Galvanic Isolation

    The best way to provide needed galvanic isolation these days is to utilize products designed particularly for that purpose. Examples include the special amplifiers and analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) used to send isolated current- and voltage-sensing data when the system needs it.

    Differential amplifiers monitor the voltage across a sensing resistor to provide a current reading. Usually two power supplies are required in this application (Fig. 2, left). However, having a second supply makes the product larger, heavier, and more expensive.

    Texas Instruments has developed a line of single-supply amplifiers and ADCs to overcome that issue. The AMC3301 isolated amplifier (Fig. 2, right) includes a fully integrated dc-dc converter to deliver the second supply voltage. Isolation is provided by capacitive coupling inside the IC. The AMC3301 meets the high-voltage isolation safety rules for UL 1577 certification up to 4250 V rms and DIN VDEV 0884-11 for up to 6,000 V peak.

    Two types of isolation devices can be used to provide the isolated measurement and control data—an isolated amplifier and an isolated modulator. Both are single-supply types, and each contains an internal delta-sigma (ΔΣ) ADC.

    The monitored analog signal is sent to the chip, amplified, and then digitized by the ADC. The ADC generates a serial bit stream that passes through an on-chip capacitive isolation barrier. This serial bit stream is subsequently sent to a low-pass filter that produces a voltage proportional to the input. At that point, the recovered dc signal may be digitized again in another ADC, perhaps one in the usual system microcontroller,

    An option is an isolated modulator like TI’s AMC1305/06. It takes the current or voltage signal being monitored and amplifies it before digitizing it in a faster ΔΣ ADC. The ADC sends its signal over the internal capacitive isolation barrier to the output. This signal is a series of bits representing the voltage inside the device. An external low-pass filter generates a proportional analog signal that may again be digitized for digital signal processing.

    While both isolated amplifiers and modulators do provide good performance, the isolation modulators are generally a better alternative. They have superior signal-to- noise performance, greater accuracy, and lower latency.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ripple voltage? Add a cap.
    Sporadic oscillation? Add a cap.
    Motor electrically noisy? Add a cap.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    What is a Schottky Diode? How Schottky Diodes Work? Where to Use? ( Schottky Diode Tutorial)

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Miniature Power MOSFETs Thrive in Tight Spaces
    Sept. 5, 2023
    Thanks to innovations in silicon and packaging, these MOSFETs push the limits of power density.
    James Morra

  9. Mechtex says:

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  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Software-defined Test: An Easier Way to Automate and Validate

    improve system-level efficiency through hardware consolidation by:
    • Using LabVIEW to collect raw data, perform post-processing, and deploy multiple test instruments in a single hardware platform.
    • Controlling multiple units with embedded instruments via APIs to synchronize your test bench.
    • Leveraging flexible, FPGA-based processing with a digital-first approach to quickly adapt instrumentation to your measurement requirements with minimal manual intervention.
    • Building automated signal-processing pipelines with multi-instrument capabilities and custom programmability.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Is This the End for the Optocoupler in High-Voltage Isolation?
    Sept. 19, 2023

    Learn more about TI’s new family of opto-emulators and how they differ from traditional optocouplers.

    What you’ll learn

    The importance of signal isolation in high-voltage design
    The difference between optocouplers and opto-emulators
    Details on TI’s silicon dioxide (SiO2) isolation technology
    Isolation is invaluable in everything from industrial motor drives on factory floors to electric-vehicle (EV) traction inverters, where it’s necessary to deter dangerous high voltages from entering the more fragile parts of the system.

    Optocouplers have been the “go-to” for isolating analog and high-speed digital signals traveling through power supplies and systems for decades, enhancing reliability and safety in the process, said Tsedeniya Abraham, VP and GM of interface products at TI. She added that while they can facilitate the safe transfer of signals and data from the input stage in a power supply and its output terminals or load, the optocoupler is no longer cutting it as power levels rise in the automotive and industrial sectors.

    TI is trying to bring the optocoupler into the future with a new family of what it calls “opto-emulators.” Based on its silicon-dioxide (SiO2) isolation technology, the parts are pin-to-pin alternatives to optocouplers for high-voltage signal isolation. And the company claims they bring better power efficiency, signal integrity, and reliability to the table while extending the lifespan of high-voltage industrial and automotive systems.

    TI, which is entering the optocoupler market for the first time with its digital-output ISOM8710 and ISOM8711 and the analog-output ISOM8110, said they can slot into virtually any high-voltage power system where optocouplers are used today.

    That includes EV traction inverters and onboard chargers (OBCs), industrial motor drives, programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and other factory automation and control systems, as well as lighting systems and solar, wind, or other renewable-energy inverters for the grid.

    “These are drop-in replacements for optocouplers that are reliable and robust, and, at the same time, they have better signal performance over a wider range of temperatures,” said Azhar Mohammad, TI’s head of isolation product management.

    “Wherever high voltage is in play, isolation will go hand in hand,” said TI’s Mohammad.

    Oftentimes, designers looking to add high-voltage signal isolation to a system will turn to optocouplers. They’re typically used to isolate the high- and low-voltage zones of a system or eliminate the electrical noise coupling from signals traveling through a power supply or other type of system

    In general, optocouplers can be applied to everything from input and output switching of the processor in a system to DC and AC power control. They’re also useful for regulating the power supply’s output voltage. When output voltage deviates either due to line and/or load changes, the power supply’s MCU adjusts the PWM output. In turn, the PWM directs the power MOSFET on the primary side via the optocoupler.

    Can the Opto-Emulator Take the Optocoupler’s Place?
    Optocouplers are constantly improving. But as higher voltages and power levels become the standard in industrial and automotive systems, TI contends that existing optocouplers aren’t evolving fast enough.

    Voltage levels are rising, including in EVs, where high-voltage battery packs are becoming the rule rather than the exception. But according to TI, high-voltage reliability and long-term robustness are areas where traditional optocouplers are lacking. They also typically consume more power due to variations over time in how efficiently they can transfer current, and they are falling behind in bandwidth, which affects response times to load transients.

    TI explained that it uses semiconductor technologies in its opto-emulators to recreate how optocouplers work. The isolation barrier itself is based on TI’s proprietary SiO2 isolation technology, which is said to deliver more robust insulation properties compared to the usual forms of isolation inside optocouplers.

    As a result, TI claims the opto-emulators are more robust in the long run than standard optocouplers. The optocoupler’s insides tend to degrade over time. Thus, its performance erodes due to aging, too, which can be detrimental to automotive- and industrial-grade power supplies that are designed to remain in use for decades while being subject to harsh environmental conditions. As a result, optocouplers require up-front overdesign to counteract the aging of the LED.

    Even the isolation barrier inside the optocoupler can degrade over time due to the stress of constant exposure to high voltages. In contrast, TI touted the very high dielectric strength of its silicon-based isolation technology, giving the opto-emulators more robust isolation properties that can last 40 years or more without deteriorating.

    One of its other key characteristics is its resistance to moisture. According to TI, SiO2 doesn’t degrade when exposed to ambient moisture for extended periods of time, improving its robustness in the long run.

    Inside the Opto-Emulator: Robust Isolation Ratings
    TI said the first chips in the new opto-emulator family are footprint-compatible with many of the most popular optocouplers on the market, making them easy to integrate into existing designs.

    With operating voltages of up to 500 V RMS, the opto-emulators maintain a maximum isolation rating of up to 3.75 kV RMS. The components can also withstand voltage surges of up to 10 kV.

    TI said the ISOM8710 features a minimum CMTI of ±85 kV/μs, while it typically supports 150 kV/ μs, which helps both sides of a high-voltage power supply operate within specifications even when exposed to fast transient events.

    Furthermore, the chips have a very short propagation delay and reduced pulse-width distortion (PWD).

    TI said the opto-emulators are suited for high-speed systems, as the chips support stable performance over temperature and aging. They can deliver data rates of up to 25 Mb/s and can output 3.3- and 5-V signals with different digital logic outputs: CMOS-compatible output (ISOM8710) or open drain output (ISOM8711). The ISOM8110, which outputs analog signals, has a high bandwidth of 680 kHz.

    TI said opto-emulators consume up to 80% less power at a component level.

    “It ultimately depends on the system design and the voltages being used, but essentially, the more devices that you use to replace optocouplers, the more power savings you will see compared with optocouplers,” said Mohammad.

    As a result, one potential application for the opto-emulators is output regulation on the secondary or high-voltage side of a switched-mode power-supply (SMPS) design based on the flyback converter topology, one of the most widely used power topologies

    A Pin-to-Pin Replacement for the Optocoupler?
    Besides performance, TI said it also focused on ease of use when it was working on the opto-emulators.

    It offers the new opto-emulators in the same packaging footprints as existing optocouplers. According to the company, using them requires no alterations to the system design or the positioning of components on a PCB.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How to enhance power and signal integrity with low-noise and low-ripple design techniques

    Improving accuracy and precision, and minimizing system noise is a common challenge for engineers designing a power supply for noise-sensitive systems for medical applications, test and measurement, and wireless infrastructure that use clocks, data converters or amplifiers. Although the term “noise” can mean different things to different people, in this article I’ll define noise as low-frequency thermal noise generated by resistors and transistors in the circuit. You can identify noise through a spectral noise-density curve in microvolts per square-root hertz, and as integrated output noise in root-mean-square microvolts, typically over a specific range from 10 Hz to 100 kHz. Noise in the power supply can degrade the analog-to-digital converter’s performance and introduce clock jitter.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The symphony of precision: Harmonizing power and signal integrity with low-noise technology

    Innovations in low-noise and precision technologies are contributing to the vast performance improvements of sensitive medical, test and measurement, and electric vehicle battery-management systems

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Understanding Battery-Cell Test System Software
    Sept. 18, 2023
    The system architecture of your battery-cell tester determines how fast and robust the system can be when operating in your test lab.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Emulation Builds Bridge to Future for Programmable AC Power Sources
    June 26, 2023
    As modern programmable power supplies continue to offer “stronger/faster/better” options, what do you do with your systems that still have some life in them? This is where legacy emulation comes into play.

    Emulation can help transition you from a legacy product to a new one, but steps need to be taken along with considerations about upcoming challenges.

    In this white paper, discover more about:

    What emulation is and how it can benefit your application
    Challenges involved in emulation—related to form, fit, and function
    Better understanding your long term solutions – And much more!

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Bringing Isolation, High Efficiency, and Lower Noise to Switching Power Supplies
    Aug. 31, 2023
    Switching power supplies offer significant advantages over their linear counterparts, but they’re not without drawbacks.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    GaN Overvoltage Effects: Degradation and Recovery
    Aug. 30, 2023
    This article presents a comparative study of the parametric recovery and shift of three mainstream GaN HEMTs experiencing repetitive overvoltage switching close to their dynamic breakdown voltage.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Addressing high-voltage design
    challenges with reliable and
    affordable isolation technologies

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Galvanizing the Chip Industry to Go Green
    July 24, 2023
    Schneider Electric wants to help chipmakers curb their ever-expanding carbon footprint.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Precision Current Monitor, Hot-Swap/Ideal-Diode Controller Meet Automotive Standards
    July 25, 2023
    These basic power-related analog components address small, critical, well-defined automotive measurements or functionality.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Addressing Digital and Analog Integration at the Chip Level
    July 26, 2023
    Supporting a range of functions, from sensing and security to power management and data conversion, these configurable IP products are optimized for each application.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    FAQ: Why Transitioning from Legacy to Next-Generation Programmable Power Supplies is no Longer an Option
    June 26, 2023
    Next-generation digital and programmable supplies offer enhanced features and capabilities flexibility, efficiency, integration, tighter specifications, increased reliability, and more, making the transition a crucial step in modern power management.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    “Driving” GaN into High-Density Switching Power Supplies
    July 28, 2023
    Allegro MicroSystems is upgrading its gate drivers to better harness the high switching speeds of GaN.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Dostal’s Designs: Selecting the Right Inductor Current Ripple
    July 28, 2023
    How exactly is the correct inductance value chosen? Frederik Dostal looks at the considerations and what happens when selecting a current ripple that’s too high or too low.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Buck Converter Takes 8V To 100V

    For those living before the invention of the transistor, the modern world must appear almost magical. Computers are everywhere now and are much more reliable, but there are other less obvious changes as well. Someone from that time would have needed a huge clunky machine like a motor-generator set to convert DC voltages, but we can do it with ease using a few integrated circuits. This one can take a huge range of input voltages to output a constant 5V.

    The buck converter was designed by [hesam.moshiri] using a MP9486 chip. While it is possible to use a multipurpose microcontroller like something from Atmel to perform the switching operation needed for DC-DC converters, using a purpose-built chip saves a lot of headache.

    8-100V to 5V-1A DC to DC Buck Converter using MP94
    8-100V to 5V-1A DC to DC Buck Converter using MP9486

    DC-to-DC buck converters are utilized ubiquitously in electronic devices. Three major types of non-isolated DC-to-DC converters are introduced: Buck, Boost, and Buck-Boost. The most frequently employed type is the Buck converter. In this article/video, I introduce a compact buck converter board, capable of accepting input voltages ranging from 8V to 95V and handling 5V-1A at the output

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Triggering: The Digital Edge Over Analog
    Aug. 31, 2023
    Oscilloscopes with digital triggers have many advantages. Understanding them can help you make an informed choice when purchasing your next scope.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Single-Function, Problem-Solving Analog ICs Remain Critical to Successful Design
    Sept. 13, 2023
    Analog Devices recently introduced two new ICs—a digitally trimmed op amp and a 150-A current monitor—to address precision demands in applications ranging from data-storage


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