Friday Fun: Darude’s Sandstorm 20 years

Darude’s classic dance hit ‘Sandstorm’ turns 20 years old today or some days earlier depending on the source. It is perhaps one of dance music’s most famous creations – a timeless classic from the so-called “golden era” of trance in the late 90s and early 00s. That music was made by Finnish DJ and musician Darude. This 90s dance banger is to be played on repeat for 24 hours by Finnish radio station HitMix that is holding a big celebration to mark the 20-year anniversary of Darude’s Sandstorm this Friday. The tune was released in Finland in 1999 and later on other countries. It is easily one of the most recognizable tracks in the history of EDM: It’s possible you won’t recognise the name of the song, but it’s almost certain you will have heard it. Here is the music video:

Why I am writing on this. Because this is a known song and it is from Finland. And because I have met Darude many years ago at Assembly computer festival when his new hit was played for the first time in year 2000 (and I was involved in making that happen on the event so that would be played on the screen and in broadcast).

Back to sandstorm. How Darude’s “Sandstorm” Became the EDM Track Everyone on the Web Knows. It was part of official NYE celebrations as Finland Timed The Exact Stroke Of 2017 With The Drop In ‘Sandstorm’.

Over years there has been very many versions of the song made. Here are links to some of them:

Darude’s Sandstorm has been remixed by a Finnish orchestra.

Darude – Sandstorm on Eight Floppy Drives

Sandstorm with electric toothbrushes

Darude Sandstorm – 8051 Microcontroller

Darude – Sandstorm (Live Keyboard Playing Remix)



  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Darude “Sandstorm” Deconstructed

    The most abused song on youtube, scientifically dissected. Good job. Exceptional work. :)

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Darude watching the internet’s best ‘Sandstorm’ memes

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Darude – Sandstorm (Electric Toothbrush Cover)

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Some later music

    Darude – Out Of Control (Original)

    Darude – Out Of Control (Back For More)

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A star of the global EDM community since the late 1990s, Darude has been touring the world for 18 years since achieving worldwide fame with his number one hit, Sandstorm.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Story of Sandstorm by Darude • 2017, Vice

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Darude – Sandstorm on bagpipes!?!? This was a challenge

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Darude – Sandstorm in the style of Rammstein (Feat. BreenMachine)

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    On a chilly November evening, the Vermo race track in Espoo, Finland, became the stage for a record-breaking spectacle. Here, 687 Teslas, from Model 3s to Model Xs, lit up the night in a synchronized dance of lights and music, setting a new world record for the largest Tesla light show.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kaksi suomalaista kappaletta soi edelleen maailmanlaajuisesti – Ylen puhelu paljasti merkillisen yhteensattuman
    Kansainväliseen suosioon nousseet suomalaiset hittikappaleet Sandstorm ja Freestyler julkaistiin peräkkäisinä päivinä 25 vuotta sitten.

    Kyse on yhä maailmanlaajuista suursuosiota nauttivien Freestylerin ja Sandstormin 25-vuotispäivästä.

    – Tämä oli minullekin pitkän ajan jälkeen yllätys. On aika maaginen juttu, että niiden julkaisu on ollut noin lähekkäin. Se kaikki tapahtui niin räjähdysmäisesti, Salovaara hämmästelee.

    Hän päättää kilauttaa kaverille, Darudena tunnetulle Ville Virtaselle ja tarkistaa asian. Ja toden totta: hän tietää, että Salovaaran oma tuotantoyhtiö 16inch Records julkaisi kansainvälisen tanssimusiikin ikivihreäksi nousseen Sandstormin 26. lokakuuta 1999.

    Sony Music Finlandilta puolestaan vahvistetaan Ylelle, että Bomfunk MC’s -yhtyeen Freestyler-single julkaistiin edellisenä päivänä eli 25. lokakuuta 1999.

    Salovaara toimi Daruden Sandstormissa tuottajana ja sovittajana. Bomfunk MC’s -yhtyeen Freestylerissa hän oli säveltäjä ja tuottaja.

    – Molemmat hitit on tehty isolla palolla, Salovaara toteaa nyt.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Darude ‘Sandstorm’ | The Making Of A Dance Anthem

    Darude’s ‘Sandstorm’, originally released in 1999, remains one of dance music’s most recognisable tracks 25 years later.

    “It went viral, before viral was a thing”, Darude reflects when asked about the legacy of ‘Sandstorm’; from its early chart success and Top of the Pops glory, to its seemingly never-ending social media attention and cult following of today.

    Electronic music history is rich with unforgettable and timeless classics. In our series, DJ Mag explores the tales behind some of the world’s favourite dance tracks, told by the people that made them.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sandstorm by Darude remains an iconic masterpiece in electronic music history, and it just hit an incredible milestone—500 MILLION streams on Spotify!

    A track that defined a generation and continues to electrify dance floors worldwide.

    #tbt #electronicmusic #Spotify #Darude #DarudeSandstorm


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