Here are some web trends for 2020:
Responsive web design in 2020 should be a given because every serious project that you create should look good and be completely usable on all devices. But there’s no need to over-complicate things.
Web Development in 2020: What Coding Tools You Should Learn article gives an overview of recommendations what you learn to become a web developer in 2020.
You might have seen Web 3.0 on some slides. What is the definition of web 3 we are talking about here?
There seems to be many different to choose from… Some claim that you need to blockchain the cloud IOT otherwise you’ll just get a stack overflow in the mainframe but I don’t agree on that.
Information on the web address bar will be reduced on some web browsers. With the release of Chrome 79, Google completes its goal of erasing www from the browser by no longer allowing Chrome users to automatically show the www trivial subdomain in the address bar.
You still should target to build quality web site and avoid the signs of a low-quality web site. Get good inspiration for your web site design.
Still a clear and logical structure is the first thing that needs to be turned over in mind before the work on the website gears up. The website structure for search robots is its internal links. The more links go to a page, the higher its priority within the website, and the more times the search engine crawls it.
You should upgrade your web site, but you need to do it sensibly and well. Remember that a site upgrade can ruin your search engine visibility if you do it badly. The biggest risk to your site getting free search engine visibility is site redesign. Bad technology selection can ruin the visibility of a new site months before launch. Many new sites built on JavaScript application frameworks do not benefit in any way from the new technologies. Before you go into this bandwagon, you should think critically about whether your site will benefit from the dynamic capabilities of these technologies more than they can damage your search engine visibility. Well built redirects can help you keep the most outbound links after site changes.
If you go to the JavaScript framework route on your web site, keep in mind that there are many to choose, and you need to choose carefully to find one that fits for your needs and is actively developed also in the future.
JavaScript survey: Devs love a bit of React, but Angular and Cordova declining. And you’re not alone… a chunk of pros also feel JS is ‘overly complex’
Keep in mind the recent changes on the video players and Google analytics. And for animated content keep in mind that GIF animations exists still as a potential tool to use.
Keep in mind the the security. There is a skill gap in security for many. I’m not going to say anything that anyone who runs a public-facing web server doesn’t already know: the majority of these automated blind requests are for WordPress directories and files. PHP exploits are a distant second. And there are many other things that are automatically attacked. Test your site with security scanners.
APIs now account for 40% of the attack surface for all web-enabled apps. OWASP has identified 10 areas where enterprises can lower that risk. There are many vulnerability scanning tools available. Check also How to prepare and use Docker for web pentest . Mozilla has a nice on-line tool for web site security scanning.
The slow death of Flash continues. If you still use Flash, say goodbye to it. Google says goodbye to Flash, will stop indexing Flash content in search.
Use HTTPS on your site because without it your site rating will drop on search engines visibility. It is nowadays easy to get HTTPS certificates.
Write good content and avoid publishing fake news on your site. Finland is winning the war on fake news. What it’s learned may be crucial to Western democracy,
Think to who you are aiming to your business web site to. Analyze who is your “true visitor” or “power user”. A true visitor is a visitor to a website who shows a genuine interest in the content of the site. True visitors are the people who should get more of your site and have the potential to increase the sales and impact of your business. The content that your business offers is intended to attract visitors who are interested in it. When they show their interest, they are also very likely to be the target group of the company.
Should you think of your content management system (CMS) choice? Flexibility, efficiency, better content creation: these are just some of the promised benefits of a new CMS. Here is How to convince your developers to change CMS.
Here are some fun for the end:
Did you know that if a spider creates a web at a place?
The place is called a website
Confession: How JavaScript was made.
Tomi Engdahl says:
adminslot says:
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Tomi Engdahl says:
Kate Knibbs / Wired:
Originality AI: 88%+ of the top US news outlets now block AI companies’ web crawlers; leading right-wing outlets, like Breitbart and Newsmax, mostly permit them — Nearly 90 percent of top news outlets like The New York Times now block AI data collection bots from OpenAI and others.
Most Top News Sites Block AI Bots. Right-Wing Media Welcomes Them
Nearly 90 percent of top news outlets like The New York Times now block AI data collection bots from OpenAI and others. Leading right-wing outlets like NewsMax and Breitbart mostly permit them.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Noam Cohen / Bloomberg:
As Wikimedia Russia shutters, a look at the Kremlin-compliant Wikipedia alternative Ruwiki, led by a former Wikimedia Russia director and launched on January 15 — A campaign to replace the country’s Wikipedia with a more pliant alternative seems near completion.
Wikimedia Russia Shuts Down, Putting Local Site in Peril
A campaign to replace the country’s Wikipedia with a more pliant alternative seems near completion.
Getcontact numbers says:
We cater to a diverse and dynamic audience who are always on the lookout for informative and engaging content. Our readers are interested in a wide range of topics, from the latest business trends to lifestyle tips, tech innovations to financial insights. We believe our guest bloggers can enhance our content by bringing fresh perspectives, unique experiences, and valuable knowledge to our platform. We accept guest posts on various subjects, including business, tech, lifestyle, and finance, because we know that our readers’ interests are as diverse as your expertise.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
TikTok Tests Feature That Could Make All Videos Shoppable
Feature links products to any posts, not just influencers
TikTok has swiftly expanded its US e-commerce business
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Pakollinen Google Consent Mode V2: toimi ennen 6.3.2024
Googlen Consent Mode V2 tulee pakolliseksi Euroopassa, mikäli haluaa jatkaa datan keräämistä Google Analytics ja Google Ads -järjestelmillä.
Consent Mode välittää analytiikan ja mainonnan järjestelmille tiedon seurannan suostumuksista, joita käyttäjät ovat antaneet evästekyselyssä. Ilman sitä uusista EU-alueen käyttäjistä ei tallenneta tietoja Googlen alustoille 6.3.2024 jälkeen. Tämä uusi vaatimus perustuu Googlen tulkintaan eurooppalaisesta lainsäädännöstä.
Consent Mode V2 pähkinänkuoressa
Consent Mode V2 on pakko ottaa käyttöön verkkosivuston datan keruussa, jotta mainonta säilyy tehokkaana ja datan kerääminen Googlen alustoilla on ylipäätään mahdollista.
Uusi versio Consent Modesta edellyttää, että kaiken kerätyn datan mukana välitetään suostumustila analytiikan ja mainonnan järjestelmiin. Välitetyn suostumustilan perusteella Google päättelee kerätäänkö dataa evästeiden kera vai anonyymisti ilman evästeitä.
Tämä ei tarkoita, että Googlelle pitäisi lähettää anonyymiä dataa ilman käyttäjän suostumusta, mutta tieto käyttäjän suostumustilasta on pakko lähettää.
Uusi Consent Mode -vaatimus ei muuta evästekyselyyn kohdistuvia vaatimuksia, mutta myös evästehallintatyökalun täytyy olla jo kunnossa Consent Moden käyttämiseksi. Tämä on kuitenkin ollut vaatimus jo pitkään.
Advanced-vaihtoehdossa kaikkien tapahtumien tiedot lähetetään Google Analytics ja Google Ads -palveluihin riippumatta siitä, onko käyttäjä antanut luvan seurantaan.
Tässä mallissa ‘luvattomat’ tapahtumat lähetetään anonyymisti ja ‘luvalliset’ evästeidentifikaattoreita käyttäen.
Siihen liittyy kuitenkin kaksi haastetta:
Juridisessa mielessä ei ole mitenkään taattu, että tämä olisi laillinen menetelmä tai pysyisi sellaisena laintulkintojen kehittyessä. Google käyttää eri termejä ja lupailee anonyymiyttä, mutta dataa kuitenkin kerätään. Se ei muutu.
Voidaan kysyä, onko tiedon kerääminen edes anonyymina oikein ilman käyttäjän suostumusta?
Vaaditut toimenpiteet
Jos et tiedä jo varmasti Consent Mode -asian olevan uusien vaatimusten mukaisessa kunnossa sivustosi analytiikassa, tulee se tarkistaa digianalyytikon toimesta ja tarvittaessa ottaa käyttöön Consent Mode ennen 6.3.2024.
Huomioi, että vähänkään vanhemmat analytiikka-asennukset eivät todennäköisesti ole uusien vaatimuksien mukaisia, vaikka ne olisi tehty aikansa vaatimusten mukaisesti täysin oikein. Consent Moden ensimmäinen versio julkaistiin syyskuussa 2020 ja uusi V2 marraskuussa 2023.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Google’s retiring of Internet archiving tool draws ire of China researchers
The search giant’s cached links long helped researchers keep track of China’s heavily censored internet.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Meta plans to deprecate the Facebook News tab in the US and Australia in early April 2024 and stop signing deals for traditional news content in those countries — Meta Platforms Inc. is winding down its news feature in the US and Australia, part of a broader shift away from the category for the social media giant.
Meta to Wind Down Its News Feature in the US and Australia
Meta Platforms Inc. is winding down its news feature in the US and Australia, part of a broader shift away from the category for the social media giant.
The Facebook News tab, which lets users see headlines and stories, will be “deprecated” in those two countries in early April, Meta said in a blog post on Thursday. That means the company is withdrawing support for the feature, but news won’t disappear from the site.
“People will still be able to view news on Facebook in feed in these countries, and publishers will continue to have access to their Facebook accounts and pages, where they can post their news article links and content,” Meta said in the post. The change also doesn’t affect existing agreements that Facebook has with news publishers, at least until those deals expire.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Social media are how people experience the internet. But platforms are no longer very social—and hyperactive videos, fake news and private group chats are on the rise
The end of the social network
As Facebook turns 20, social apps are being transformed
Facebook may be turning 20 on February 4th, but it is just as much of a magnet for controversy and cash today as when it was a brash, break-everything teenager. On January 31st Mark Zuckerberg, the social network’s founder, was harangued by American senators over the spread of harmful material. The next day he announced another set of glittering results for Meta, Facebook’s parent company, which is now valued at $1.2trn. Yet even as social media reliably draw vast amounts of attention from addicts and critics alike, they are undergoing a profound but little-noticed transformation.
Nivedha Varun says:
Sparkout Tech is a custom software development company contributing to the massive tech adoption in Fintech, Banking, Manufacturing, Food, travel, Entertainment, and more. Curating exemplary tech solutions for various business sectors. Connect to expand your expertise in the digital era.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Emily Anderson says:
Thanks for sharing this informative post. Visit us today for web app development services
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Shivam Jha says:
Reading about the advancements in web development during 2020 is truly fascinating. The focus on technologies like JavaScript frameworks and serverless architecture reflects the industry’s drive towards faster, more efficient, and user-friendly web experiences. The integration of AI and machine learning further underscores the dynamic nature of web development, promising exciting possibilities for future innovations. Looking forward to seeing how these trends continue to shape the digital landscape!
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
From a few stories on Business Insider the HTML itself comes down to about 75 kB compressed, so for their approximately 200 million visitors a month they’d churn through 30 TB of bandwidth for the HTML assuming two articles read per visitor.
This comes down to 11 MB/s of HTML, which can be generated dynamically even with slow interpreted languages, or as [Thomas] says would allow for the world’s websites to be hosted on a system featuring single 192 core AMD Zen 5-based server CPU. So what’s the added value here? The reduction in latency and of course increased redundancy from having the site served from 2-3 locations around the globe.
In this scenario [Thomas] also sees no need for Docker, scaling solutions and virtualization, massively cutting down on costs and complexity. For those among us who run large websites (in the cloud or not), do you agree or disagree with this notion? Feel free to touch off in the comments.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Paljastus halpaverkkokaupan verkkomainonnasta kohottaa kulmakarvoja
Suvi Korhonen30.3.202409:02VERKKOKAUPPAMAINONTA
Temu mainosti Metan palveluissa viime vuonna suuremmalla summalla kuin yksikään toinen yritys. Onko “verkkomainosalan elpyminen” oikeastaan vain Temun ansiota?
Tomi Engdahl says:
Turn browsers into buyers using the power of chat
Manage customer conversations, create automated messages, and get insights to focus on chats that convert, all from Shopify Inbox.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Digipalvelun kehitysprojekti usein onnistuu tai kuolee teknologian valintaan
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Molly White / Citation Needed:
As people yearn for the web’s “good old days”, bringing those days back is possible with new tech, the possibility of new protocols, and more internet users
We can have a different web
Many yearn for the “good old days” of the web. We could have those good old days back — or something even better — and if anything, it would be easier now than it ever was.
As a lifelong lover of the web, it’s hard not to feel a little hopeless right now.
Search engines — the window into the web for many people — top their results with pages containing thousands of words of auto-generated nothingness, perfectly optimized for search engine prominence and to pull in money via ads and affiliate links while simultaneously devoid of any useful information.
Social networks have become “the web” for many people who rarely venture outside of their tall and increasingly reinforced walls. As Tom Eastman once put it, the web has rotted into “five giant websites, each filled with screenshots of the other four”.1 Within those enclosures, the character limits, neutered subset of web functionality, and constant push to satisfy the enigmatic desires of an algorithm tuned to keeping eyeballs on the platform encourage sameness, vapid engagement farming, and rage bait while stifling creativity.
Newspapers, whose evolution towards online models once stoked optimism for more accessible and dynamic journalism that could lead to a more informed and democratically engaged citizenry, have become luxury goods as aggressive paywalls and expensive subscription models are increasingly deployed by the hedge funds and other profit-hungry entities that control these papers. Some use the excuse that they’re trying to protect their journalism from the unsanctioned scraping by companies training ever-hungrier artificial intelligence models. Yet those same media outlets hasten their own demise with wave after wave of layoffs, or by chasing harebrained schemes like churning out tedious clickbait or their own AI-generated soup even as their executives continue to cash huge checks.
Screenshot of a Wall Street Journal post titled “People are Sick and Tired of All Their Subscriptions”, with a subscription paywall obscuring all beyond the first few sentences
Many websites now require one to steel themselves for battle against the advertisements and trackers and GDPR cookie consent popups and AI-powered chatbot windows that interrupt you to offer to helpfully bungle whatever you ask of them. AdBlock is no longer optional, and even with it, trackers and advertisements slither through the cracks. Browsing the web brings with it the ever-present feeling that you’re being watched — your activities and preferences and habits all being logged and funneled into a giant vat of horrifying data soup, all just to help more companies serve you more of these intrusive ads that you must endlessly swat away as you try to find whatever it was you were looking for.
It is tempting, amid all of this decay, to yearn for the good old days.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Imperva Report Claims That 50% Of The World Wide Web Is Now Bots
Automation has been a part of the Internet since long before the appearance of the World Wide Web and the first web browsers, but it’s become a significantly larger part of total traffic the past decade. A recent report by cyber security services company Imperva pins the level of automated traffic (‘bots’) at roughly fifty percent of total traffic, with about 32% of all traffic attributed to ‘bad bots’, meaning automated traffic that crawls and scrapes content to e.g. train large language models (LLMs) and generate automated content as well as perform automated attacks on the countless APIs accessible on the internet.
According to Imperva, this is the fifth year of rising ‘bad bot’ traffic, with the 2023 report noting again a few percent increase.