5G trends 2020

Here are some 5G trends for year 2020:

It looked like 5G and wireless dominated the airways in 2019. It seems that year 2020 will be a real test for 5G if it will really take on or fails to full-fill the big expectations. It seems that 5G networks are available at some place here and there from many operators, but 5G end user devices are not yet widely available or desired. New year will bring more 5G base stations.

5G: How Much is Real vs. Marketing? Is 5G ready for prime time? Breaking down the marketing hype versus what’s really going on in the industry. Marketing claims 5G is pervasive. The question is when: 2020 or is it 2025?

First, let’s define 5G also known as 5G New Radio, or 5G NR:
There is sub-6-GHz 5G for the cellphone protocol that requires LTE: 5G NSA.
There is sub-6-GHz standalone 5G: 5G SA.
There is 20- to 60-GHz 5G: 5G mmWave.

It seems that 2020 will be the real test for 5G devices as the 5G device mass market has not yet really started. Samsung says it shipped 6.7M+ Galaxy 5G phones globally in 2019, accounting for 53.9% of the 5G phone market (Galaxy S10 5G and the Galaxy Note 10 Plus 5G). 2020 is expected to be an interesting year for 5G growth across the smartphone market. Increased 5G rollouts by carriers means that customers will presumably be more interested in actually buying 5G devices. One June 2019 forecast made by Canalys has global 5G smartphone shipments crossing 4G smartphone shipments in 2023.

5G will be integrated to some PCs. Dell debuts a new Latitude 9510 laptop with built-in 5G, to launch March 26.

Ericsson says they are now 5G networks leader according to Ericsson ylitti odotukset kirkkaasti: ”Olemme 5g-johtaja” article. Nokia has cut its outlook for this year and next because of the need to step up its investments in 5G but ‘We don’t have a 5G problem,’ says Nokia’s head of software.

5G will be a good growing market for test device manufacturers as engineers will once again need to sharpen their skill sets and adopt new design and testing techniques. A lot of 5G Component Characterization and Test will be needed.Delivering 5G Devices to Market Will Bank on OTA Testing.

Network side needs also testing equipment. One approach being adopted to gain ground in the race to 5G involves the rapid prototyping and testing of network architectures. There is need for programmable RF devices. Industry seems to want their own private networks.

5G components are available from many sources already. The typical RF component suppliers are all providing 5G solutions: Avago/Broadcom, Huawei, MediaTek, Murata/pSemi (previously known as Peregrine), Qualcomm, Qorvo, Samsung, and Skyworks.

Challenges: Even the sub-6-GHz versions have technical issues in that the 5G target “air time” latency is 1 to 4 ms. Typical RF component manufacturers appear to be providing components that focus only on the sub-6-GHz frequency bands. The geopolitical situation relative to 5G also adds confusion to the 5G timeline.

There are many technical issues must be considered in the utilization of mmWave: mmWave frequencies travel relatively small distances. the mmWave transmitters consume a considerable amount of transmit power, providing additional challenges for battery-operated devices.

Market size: Several 5G market analyzers place the current worldwide market at approximately $40B (USD) and growing by a 57% CAGR to over $1T (USD) by 2025. With the standards still evolving, what are the likely changes that will occur by 2025?

5G in automotive: The automobile industry is experiencing exponential growth of self-driving features, and this trend is expected to continue. 5G network connections are expected to have a major influence on the development of self-driving cars making them faster, smarter, and safer. Where is car technology going in 2020?

As 5G work has started for many installers and marketers, the the researchers are already thinking about the nest step Beyond 5G chips. They are already planning technologies that could enable high-speed wireless devices beyond the 5G standard.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Zynq RFSoC DFE is an adaptive #radio platform that combines hardened digital front-end blocks with programmable logic #5G #wireless Xilinx, Inc.


  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Lisenssiriita voi koputtaa ovellesi, jos et ymmärrä IoT- ja 5G-ajan uusia sääntöjä. Asiantuntijamme kertovat, miten Nokian ja Daimlerin tapaus vaikuttaa yrityksesi strategisiin valintoihin.

    Kuka maksaa ja kenelle? IoT ja 5G-aikana kansainväliset lisenssiriidat väijyvät varomattomia – myös sinua

    Esineiden internetissä pyörii lukemattomia mahdollisuuksia ja miljardeittain euroja. Muiden kehittämää teknologiaa hyödyntävien yritysten on kuitenkin omaksuttava uudenlaiset pelisäännöt. Yritysten tulevia strategisia valintoja tulee määrittämään omalta osaltaan käynnissä olevan Nokian ja Daimlerin lisenssiriidan lopputulos, kertovat eurooppapatenttiasiamiehemme Kati Vesterinen ja Kati Leinonen.

    On väärin kuvitella, että nykymaailmassa teknologia-alueet toimivat eristyksissä. 5G ja IoT eli Internet of Things yhdistävät lukuisat eri teknologia-alueet globaalisti. Yhteen päätyy siten myös sellaisia teknologioita ja toimialoja, joille tietoliikenneteollisuus on tähän saakka ollut vieras tai tarpeeton alue.

    ”Elämme murrosvaihetta, jota moni toimiala ei välttämättä täysin ymmärrä. Kun erilaiset, aiemmin toisistaan erillään olleet teknologiat sekoittuvat, täysin eri toimialoilla toimivista yrityksistä tulee yhtäkkiä kilpailijoita ja potentiaalisia patentin loukkaajia. Muidenkin kuin telekommunikaatioalojen toimijoiden on nyt ymmärrettävä esimerkiksi 5G:n ja IoT:n vaikutukset arkeemme”

    Tietoliikenneyhteyksien taustalla on globaali järjestelmä, joka kannustaa yrityksiä kehittämään maailmanlaajuisesti yhteensopivia ja keskenään kommunikoivia langattomia viestintäjärjestelmiä. Standardipatentit eli SEPit ovat olennainen osa tätä järjestelmää. Niiden rikkominen on suora seuraus standardin mukaisen teknologian hyödyntämisestä.

    ”Sellaisista SEP-patenteista saa lisenssituloja, mutta samalla on velvoitettu lisensoimaan patentit FRAND-säädösten mukaisesti oikeudenmukaisin, kohtuullisin ja syrjimättömin ehdoin”, Vesterinen kertoo.

    ”FRANDin alaisena SEP-patenttiin saa lisenssin kohtuullisen järkevillä ehdoilla. IoT:n ja 5G:n tuomat haasteet eivät liitykään lisenssin saamiseen, vaan isoin kysymys on tällä hetkellä se, kuka maksaa ja kuinka paljon.”

    Eri toimialoille on kehittynyt erilaisia pelisääntöjä siitä, kohdistuvatko lisenssimaksut yksittäisiin komponentteihin vai lopputuotteeseen. Näin ollen on eriäviä käytäntöjä siitä, ottaako lisenssin komponenttien valmistaja vai taho, joka kokoaa ja tuo markkinoille kuluttajille myytävän lopputuotteen. Kulttuurien törmätessä lisenssiriitoja ratkotaan näyttävästi kansainvälisissä oikeudenkäynneissä.

    ”Autoteollisuudessa on esimerkiksi totuttu siihen, että komponenttitoimittajat hankkivat tarvittavat lisenssit. Tietoliikenneteknologian puolella taas oletetaan, että lisenssin ostaa kuluttajalle päätyvän lopputuotteen tekijä.”

    Kysymys lisenssin hankkivasta osapuolesta on käsittelyssä myös Nokian ja Daimlerin pitkään jatkuneesta oikeudenkäynnistä, jossa Daimlerin mukaan tarvittavien lisenssien hankkiminen on autojen komponenttien valmistajan vastuulla. Tuore Saksan tuomioistuimen välipäätös asettuu kuitenkin Nokian eduksi.

    ”Nyt etsitään linjaa sille, kuka maksaa lisensseistä ja kenelle. Nokian ja Daimlerin tapauksessa oikeus kiinnitti huomiota myös siihen, että FRANDiin kuuluu myös, että sekä patentinhaltijan että lisenssin hankkijan on oltava halukkaita lisensointiin. Tässä tapauksessa Saksan tuomioistuin katsoi, että Daimler ei ole tosissaan halunnut neuvotella Nokian kanssa löytääkseen sopivat lisenssiehdot.”

    ”Jos yritys aikoo tuoda markkinoille uutta teknologiaa, ensimmäisenä kannattaakin kehittää IPR-strategia uudella teknologia-alueella toimimiseen. Ketkä ovat relevantit toimijat kyseisellä teknologia-alueella, mitä se tarkoittaa IPR-näkökulmasta ja miten toimia, kun joku lähestyy yritystäsi lisenssipyynnöllä? Riski on olemassa ja siihen on varauduttava”, Leinonen neuvoo.

    Lisenssikoputteluiden alkaessa on tärkeää pysyä rauhallisena ja ottaa välittömästi yhteyttä asiamieheen. Standardipatenttien omistajat eivät ota yhteyttä sattumalta, sillä vastassa on toimija, jolle lisenssiriidat ovat arkipäivää.

    Standardipatenttien loukkaustapauksessa lisenssineuvottelut ovat usein oikeudenkäyntiä kannattavampia. Litigaatiokulut nousevat kansainvälisissä oikeudenkäynneissä huomattavan suuriksi.

    Lisenssimaksuja ei voi paeta, jos standardipatentoitu teknologia on yrityksen keksinnössä välttämätön

    Teknologian rooli tuotteessa nostaa lisenssin hintaa

    Standardipatenttien lisenssimaksut ovat FRAND-sääntöjen ansiosta kohtuullisia. Avanci-patenttipoolin listauksen mukaan esimerkiksi lisenssi hätäpuhelun soittamiseen on kolme dollaria autolta, kun taas viidentoista dollarin 4G-lisenssiin kuuluvat hätäpuheluiden lisäksi myös 2G, 3G ja 4G-yhteys.

    Lisenssineuvotteluissa hinnan perusteena voi silti käyttää patentoidun teknologian tärkeyttä tuotteessa.

    Siksi jokaisen yrityksen, jota 5G ja IoT koskee, kannattaa seurata tilannetta ja toisaalta myös varautua skenaarioon, jossa standardipatentin omistaja ottaakin yhteyttä. Mitä teemme, kun lisenssikoputukset alkavat?”

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    What could possibly go wrong?

    “Pentagon puts 5G at center of US military’s communications future The US military is working to build its own IoT platform to ‘increase lethality.’ According to a wide range of top Pentagon officials, 5G is at the center of the effort.”

    Pentagon puts 5G at center of US military’s communications future

    US military officials are in the early stages of developing a unified, comprehensive, interoperable wireless networking system that would basically connect everything owned and operated by the Pentagon.

    Commanders envision the system connecting “sensors with shooters across all domains, commands and services.” In military parlance, doing so would “increase lethality.”

    The system is called JADC2 (Joint All-Domain Command and Control). And it’s apparently going to run on 5G.

    5G “can enhance something as simple as virtual reality training or as ambitious as the connectivity of systems for JADC2,”

    Esper’s views on 5G – that it’s the linchpin to hold together the JADC2 system – appear to be widely held across the military. “The DoD CIO [Dana Deasy] has stated it plans to use 5G technologies to enable JADC2,” wrote the Congressional Research Service (CRS) earlier this month. The publication serves as a nonpartisan information source for Congress.

    Internet of military things

    The breadth of the Pentagon’s JADC2 vision cannot be overstated.

    “Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) is the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) concept to connect sensors from all of the military services – Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Space Force – into a single network,” wrote the CRS, explaining that traditionally each branch of the US military operates its own communication network, and as a result they often can’t communicate directly with each other.

    Indeed, this is the exact problem – unearthed by communications problems among police, firefighters and others during the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks – that led to the creation of the FirstNet network for public-safety workers.

    “JADC2 envisions providing a cloud-like environment for the joint force to share intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance data, transmitting across many communications networks, to enable faster decision making,”

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Here’s Why Verizon iPhone Users Must Turn Off 5G Right Now

    Verizon’s DSS 5G looks like a loser. We explain why, along with how to turn off or disable 5G on your iPhone.

    Verizon’s “nationwide 5G” may be seriously slowing down your new iPhone, a problem that also affects other new 5G phones such as the Google Pixel 5 and the Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra. The fix? Turning off 5G if you can.

    When 5G Is Slower Than 4G
    Verizon has America’s fastest mobile network based on two systems: a 4G LTE network that gets faster every year, and a blazing-fast, high-capacity millimeter-wave “ultra wideband” (UWB) 5G network. Verizon’s 4G LTE is often faster than T-Mobile’s and AT&T’s low-band 5G. But Verizon’s UWB 5G network has extremely limited coverage, potentially giving Verizon phones a 4G icon in cities where its competitors have 5G—and when you’re choosing a carrier, you’re more likely to want that little 5G icon than to dig into the nuances of network speeds.

    In October, Verizon introduced “nationwide 5G” based on dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS), which reuses parts of 4G channels for 5G. Phones will automatically prefer a 5G network over a 4G one, so Verizon customers will see that coveted 5G icon pop up. But it’s all for show. Our most recent tests, using an iPhone 12 Pro in New York City, show that DSS 5G is frequently slower than 4G, and rarely faster. These results are similar to what we saw in October in Chicago with a Pixel 5.

    “For most customers, performance on our 5G nationwide network will be similar to 4G. [DSS] is new technology and we’re continuing to modify it as we go. We expect performance improvement through 2021 and beyond,” a Verizon spokesperson said.

    DSS: A Desperately Slow System
    The gold standard of 5G is to use broad, dedicated channels for 5G traffic. That’s what Verizon’s UWB and T-Mobile’s mid-band 5G do, setting up wider channels than 4G and letting 5G speed along.

    Verizon’s fast UWB 5G system has been expanding monthly—it’s now available in more than 60 cities—but because it uses very high frequencies, it has short range and doesn’t cover much area in each city.

    If you don’t have any dedicated channels, DSS lets you use the odds and ends of your unused 4G channels for 5G. The 4G and 5G phones compete for the same 4G channel. The only difference is that the 5G ones are running the 5G encoding system on that channel. There are non-speed advantages to DSS—or there will be in the future, once carriers go to standalone 5G systems—but right now, you’re just getting slower performance.

    In our most recent tests, we found that DSS 5G is seriously holding back both iPhones and Android phones.

    DSS is supposed to have lower latency, but many of our DSS 5G tests even had slightly higher latency (by a few milliseconds)

    Verizon isn’t alone in going backward with 5G performance. We also found in our 26-city Fastest Mobile Networks tests that AT&T’s low-band “nationwide” 5G is often slower than AT&T’s 4G network.

    T-Mobile may use these results to crow about its superior mid-band approach, but it should maintain some perspective. Verizon’s LTE performance was still very good. Testing against T-Mobile mid-band 5G at locations with the best performance, I got faster results on T-Mobile—up to 582Mbps compared with Verizon’s 390Mbps. But 390Mbps is still pretty great, especially for 4G.

    In theory, Verizon could even out its 4G and 5G performance simply by pushing all of its traffic over 4G in situations where 5G would be slower, and lying with the icon. As Signals Research discovered, most of the traffic on “DSS 5G” is traveling over LTE anyway. I’m pretty sure the 5G icon was meaningless in my seventh test with the iPhones, which showed exactly the same performance on 4G and DSS 5G.

    For now, I say just turn off 5G unless you have UWB.

    If you don’t have UWB 5G coverage, you’re likely to get better Verizon performance for now by disabling 5G on your iPhone. This may go for AT&T too; it won’t be true for T-Mobile, which uses a different 5G setup.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Not even 5G could rescue smartphone sales in 2020
    Here’s to next year

    This was going to be the year of 5G. It was going to be the year the next-generation wireless technology helped reverse some troubling macro trends for the industry — or at the very least helped stem the bleeding some.

    But the best laid plans, and all that. With about a week left in the year, I think it’s pretty safe to say that 2020 didn’t wind up the way the vast majority of us had hoped. It’s a list that certainly includes the lion’s share of smartphone makers. Look no further than a recent report published by Gartner to answer the question of just how bad 2020 was for smartphone sales.

    Gartner point to some recovery underway for the smartphone market as vendors roll out a raft of new 5G handsets. Q3 smartphone figures from the analysts published today showed that smartphone unit sales were 366 million units, a decline of 5.7% globally

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Wall Street Journal:
    AT&T, Verizon, and other bidders have spent a record $80.9B during the 5G spectrum auction, expected to lead to a wave of borrowing for the indebted sector

    5G Rivals Face an $81 Billion Tab After Spectrum Buying Spree

    AT&T, Verizon expected to turn to bond markets and banks to finance bids in record-setting FCC airwaves auction

    Bidders spent a record $80.9 billion in a U.S. government airwaves-license sale, capping a frenzied auction that will demand a commensurate wave of borrowing in an already-indebted telecom sector.

    AT&T Inc., T -0.41% Verizon Communications Inc. VZ 0.60% and others competed in the Federal Communications Commission’s sale of C-band spectrum rights—a hot commodity for cellphone carriers seeking more frequencies for 5G services. The sale ended Friday ahead of a second phase that determines the specific frequencies each company will receive.

    The public won’t likely learn the names of the auction’s winners for several weeks, but Wall Street is already taking cues from traditional network operators seeking loans or issuing bonds that could be used to foot the bill.

    AT&T is in talks with banks about a possible one-year loan of around $14 billion and recently borrowed about $3.5 billion in the short-term commercial-paper market, according to people familiar with the matter. T-Mobile US Inc. TMUS 2.08% raised $3 billion through a high-yield bond sale earlier this month. Verizon VZ 0.60% is widely expected to issue bonds in the coming weeks, analysts said.

    The new debt this year adds to several billion dollars in bonds that carriers issued in 2020 before the auction started. AT&T’s discussion with banks was earlier reported by Bloomberg News.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:


    The next generation of mobile telecommunications systems is coming – today, the White House released the implementation plan for the National Strategy to Secure 5G: ntia.gov/5g-implementation-plan

    We’re supporting the rollout of 5G by working with various agencies to maximize security of next generation mobile telecommunications systems, infrastructure, and software. View our 5G strategy: cisa.gov/publication/5g-strategy

    Tens of billions of new devices and sensors are expected to be connected to 5G networks in the next few years. This technology has the capability to give up to 100 times faster connections than current 4G networks and is expected to change aspects of our lives and spur economic growth.

    Learn more about our 5G risk mitigation efforts: cisa.gov/5g

    #5G #Technology #4G #CriticalInfrastructure #InfrastructureResilience

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Odotettu 5G-mobiiliverkko jääkin osassa Suomea vain haaveeksi – tukiasemia ei saa rakentaa, koska ne häiritsevät venäläisten yhteyksiä
    Mobiiliverkon rakentajat lupaavat parantaa nykyistä 4G-verkkoa.

    Nopean 5G-verkon piti parantaa koko Suomen tietoliikennenopeuksia ja mahdollistaa esimerkiksi tehokkaan etätyön, tiedonsiirron tai vaativan tietokonepelaamisen käytännössä koko Suomessa. Toisin kuitenkin näyttää käyvän.

    Noin 1 300 kilometriä pitkä ja 60 kilometriä leveä kaistale Suomen ja Venäjän väliseltä valtiorajalta Suomen puolelle jää ilman tehokkainta 5G-nopeutta. Tämä tarkoittaa käytännössä, että muun muassa Lappeenrantaan, Imatralle, Lieksaan, Haminaan, Kuusamoon, Ilomantsiin ja suureen osaan Joensuuta tehokkain 5G ei ole tulossa.

    Syynä on, että itänaapurillamme Venäjällä on käytössä samat taajuudet, joita Suomessa käytetään 5G-verkossa.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Telenor avasi jo 3,5 gigahertsin verkon Ruotsissa – Huawein tukiasemilla

    Telenor on yksi niistä operaattoreista, jotka onnistuivat huutamaan itselleen 100 megahertsin siivun 3,5 gigahertsin alueelta tiistain huutokaupassa. Yhtiön mobiiliverkkojen johtaja Andres Suazo hehkuttaa jo, miten se tarjoaa gigabitin yhteyksiä tilaajilleen uusilla taajuuksilla.

    Telenorin päätös ottaa uudet taajuudet nopeasti käyttöön on kuitenkin ongelmallinen. Operaattorin LTE-verkko on rakennettu täysin Huawein tukiasemilla ja tuki uusille taajuuksille on tuotu juuri näihin tukiasemiin. Tukiasemat ovat siis PTS:n näkemyksen mukaan laittomia.


  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5G boxes are coming to people’s homes, whether they want them or not
    An unwelcome lawn ornament, courtesy of Verizon

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Google on maailman vaarallisin yhtiö, sanoo asiantuntija – nämä seikat ovat siihen johtaneet: “Raharikkaiden valta hallita koneistoa kasvaa”

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hadlee Simons / Android Authority:
    MediaTek announces Helio M80, its first mmWave 5G modem, says it will be sampled to customers “later in 2021”

    MediaTek reveals Helio M80: Its first mmWave modem

    MediaTek debuted its first 5G modem, dubbed the Helio M70, in last year’s Dimensity 1000 series of processors. The modem supports the dominant sub-6GHz flavor of 5G but missed out on the faster, more temperamental mmWave 5G standard.

    Now, MediaTek has finally revealed the Helio M80, and it’s indeed the company’s first 5G modem to support mmWave connectivity with up to eight component carriers (8CC). The firm’s new modem offers downlink speeds of up to 7.67Gbps, while uplink speeds top out at 3.76Gbps. That represents a pretty hefty increase over the predecessor’s 4.7Gbps and 2.5Gbps speeds respectively.

    Otherwise, the new modem still offers sub-6GHz connectivity with “more than two carrier aggregation,” 5G+5G dual SIM connectivity, NSA and SA support, dual 5G NSA and SA, dual VoNR support, and Cat-19 LTE downlink capabilities (with 5CC).

    MediaTek is also touting a variety of extra features, such as UltraSave tech for improved power efficiency. So hopefully 5G power consumption is kept in check compared to 4G connectivity.

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like we should expect the new modem anytime soon. MediaTek says the Helio M80 will be sampled to customers “later in 2021,” suggesting that the first MediaTek-powered phones with mmWave support will arrive at the end of the year or in 2022.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Rohde & Schwarz presents new handheld vector network analyzer up to 26.5 GHzhttps://www.rohde-schwarz.com/fi/about/news-press/all-news/rohde-schwarz-presents-new-handheld-vector-network-analyzer-up-to-26.5-ghz-press-release-detailpage_229356-1004679.html

    Rohde & Schwarz now offers the R&S ZNH, a full two-port handheld vector network analyzer up to 26.5 GHz with cable and antenna analysis and full S-parameter measurements. Both of these functions are included free of charge. The R&S ZNH is user-friendly, easy to configure and has a compact fanless housing for field applications.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ericsson viipaloi verkon tuhat kertaa sekunnissa

    Verkon viipalointi (network slicing) on 5G-standardiin sisältyvät ominaisuus, jonka avulla operaattori voi jakaa dynaamisesti taajuuksiaan tilaajien dedikoituun käyttöön. Ericsson on nyt julkistanut ratkaisun, joka mahdollistaa verkon resurssien viipaloinnin millisekunnin välein.

    Ericssonin mukaan viipalointi onnistuu päästä-päähän eli coresta siirtoverkon kautta aina radioverkkoon asti. Ericssonin ohjelmistossa viipaleiden määrälle ei ole teknisiä rajoituksia. Tämä riippuu operaattorin hallussa olevasta kaistasta eli solujen kapasiteetista.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5G Platform Solutions for Indoor Implementations

    Benetel is developing 5G platform solutions that are compliant with the latest O-RAN interface specification and targeted at indoor deployment. The latest addition of an open radio unit (O-RU) to the company’s RU product family is called RAN550 O-RAN and delivers 100MHz of instantaneous bandwidth, with up to 250mW of output power per transmitter path.

    In an interview with EE Times, Adrian O’Connor, CEO of Benetel, pointed out that RAN550’s modular architecture can support 7.2 split fronthaul network configurations and is equipped with two 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports for fronthaul network interfacing. The built-in antennae support 4T4R MIMO operation.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ReefShark jo lähes joka toisessa uudessa Nokian tukiasemassa

    Nokia yllätti tänään analyytikot odotettua paremmalla loppuvuoden tuloksellaan. Koko vuoden liikevoitto oli lopulta 918 miljoonaa euroa. 5G-laitteissa Nokia on onnistunut nostamaan ReefShark-piirisarjojen toimitusosuuden 43 prosenttiin.

    Toimitusjohtaja Pekka Lundmarkin mukaan ReefShark-toimitusten kasvu laski osaltaan tuotekustannuksia ja paransi 5G-tuotteiden bruttokateprosenttia. – Uskon, että saavutamme 70 prosentin osuuden vuoden 2021 loppuun mennessä, Lundmark arvioi. Täyteen sataan prosenttiin päästään vuoden 2022 loppuun mennessä, Nokia arvioi.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Avoimen koodin Linux-ratkaisu 5G-verkon synkronointiin

    Jotta 5G-verkko toimisi, sen täytyy olla täsmälleen samassa ajassa. Tukiasemat ja runkoverkon laitteet voidaan synkronoida kahdella päätekniikalla: GPS-ajoitussignaalin avulla tai Ethernetin yli, jolloin käytetään IEEE 1588 -standardia.

    Renesasin ohjelmisto on tarkoitettu tähän jälkimmäiseen eli verkkolaitteiden synkronointiin ethernetverkon yli. Linux-pohjainen PTP (Precision Time Protocol) Clock Manager on helppokäyttöinen ajoitussynkronointiratkaisu tietoliikenneverkoille, mukaan lukien 4G, 5G ja uudet avoimet ORAN-radioverkot.

    Ohjelmisto sisältää rajapinnat, jotka yhdistävät Renesasin ClockMatrix-ajoituspiirit mihin tahansa verkkoprosessoriin Linux-standardin PTP-pinon kautta. Näin saadaan laaja pääsy PTP-synkronointiin ilman aikaa vievää mukautusta. Työkalun koodi tarjotaan avoimesti käyttöön, ja Renesasin kellopiirien kanssa ilmaiseksi.

    Linux-pohjainen PTP Clock Manager on nyt saatavana ilmaiseksi. Lisätietoja on osoitteessa renesas.com/clockmanager.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mat-Sing Praise for the Lens Antenna

    MatSing is a company hoping to change the communications landscape with spherical dielectric lens antennas, of a type that Rudolf Luneburg first proposed way back in 1944. The same Wikipedia article from which I lifted that date suggests that Luneburg may have cribbed the idea from the fish-eye lens first described by James Clerk Maxwell in 1854.

    The point is that sometimes old concepts just need a little boost from fresh thinking. The idea of any dielectric lens antenna is to focus electromagnetic radiation in a fashion similar to the way an optical lens focuses light, but at radio frequency wavelengths. Focusing radio frequency waves was more typically accomplished with a parabolic antenna, a technology that might be more familiar to older and rural folks who recall the dish antennas that were used to get satellite TV service; those antennas, once ubiquitous, are rapidly disappearing from the landscape.

    As for the spark the Luneburg lens needed, that’s where a family now in Irvine, Calif., but originally from Moscow by way of Singapore, enters the picture. The Matytsines began developing a Luneberg lens antenna for wireless access after the father, Serguei, invented a new metamaterial.

    If this technology was known for more than a half century, what were we waiting for? The Luneburg lens had been used in select military applications, including ship-borne radars, but the main delay was that the dielectric materials used for lenses made them unsuitably heavy for many installations like communications towers. The invention of new, lighter metamaterials made the Luneburg lens accessible to many additional applications.

    After browsing a few MatSing patents, the metamaterials are created by the addition of metal fibers to a foam polymer matrix. The recipe can be adjusted to tailor the dielectric constant which provides a range to build the lens by grading the refractive index from core to exterior.

    Having proven the potential of an intriguing new antenna material, what comes next? The value of new technology is not always apparent, especially to risk-averse decision makers who may be more prone to incumbent techniques. Why not start at a venue that cuts completely against those conservative lines of thinking? The Matytsines picked Coachella back in 2014.

    The proof, as the say, was in the throughput. Coachella organizers were able to provide network access that greatly exceeded what the festival goers had previously suffered. Big outdoor events like this have provided legendarily poor service, so it was a perfect demonstration for the throughput possibilities of the new technology.

    At Coachella, the MatSing antenna served the site with a single antenna installation. It provided 360 degree coverage with 96 sectors. Improving the throughput Coachella crowds was critical to opening the door to another application.

    Providing access in a large high capacity stadium had typically meant a large number of access points and a large number of antennas. A Luneburg lens antenna allows many fewer installation points — sometimes only single unit. Another advantage is an easier upgrade path as more radios can be added later to a single lens to increase throughput after the initial installation.

    Of course, very few of those event venues were generating much revenue this past year, so I wondered how the lockdowns might have affected the business.

    The last, but by no means least, of the MatSing antenna applications is the macrocell tower. Communications service providers are the company’s big opportunity. Fortunately, with some good demonstrations in other applications and positive test results, the big service providers are not averse to change. In Leo Matytsine’s estimation, “US carriers are willing to try new technology and are generally very supportive.”

    The benefits of MatSing technology may become more obvious in the pursuit of rural broadband. The need to improve access outside major urban centers has grown in prominence as a policy discussion in many jurisdictions around the world.

    MatSing metamaterial developments allow a lighter lens antenna. Since rural networks tend to be deployed for lower frequencies (due to the need for wider service areas per tower), the lens antennas need to be big.

    This makes lens antennas produced with lower density material a natural fit for rural macrocells. Towers need to be taller which drives more engineering requirements about the weight. Another is wind loading, a much easier trade-off with a spherical shape compared to conventional arrays especially for the taller towers deployed for larger coverage areas.

    SuperCell: Reaching new heights for wider connectivity

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Rohde & Schwarz presents new handheld vector network analyzer up to 26.5 GHz

    Rohde & Schwarz now offers the R&S ZNH, a full two-port handheld vector network analyzer up to 26.5 GHz with cable and antenna analysis and full S-parameter measurements. Both of these functions are included free of charge. The R&S ZNH is user-friendly, easy to configure and has a compact fanless housing for field applications.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    2021: The Year When OpenRAN Becomes Mainstream

    Pushing past lab experiments and field trials toward commercial deployments, O-RAN technology is set to ramp up significantly this year. However, successful expansion will bank on continued growth of a supportive ecosystem.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Qualcomm Announces World’s First 10 Gigabit 5G Modem-RF System

    – Fourth Generation Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ X65 is the World’s First 10 Gigabit 5G and First 3GPP Release 16 Modem-to-Antenna Solution Sampling Now –
    – Upgradeable Architecture Allows for Rapid Rollout of New Features and the Expansion of 5G in Mobile Broadband, Compute, XR, Industrial IoT, 5G Private Networks and Fixed Wireless Access –

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Pivotal Commware Raises $50M in C Round

    Pivotal Commware has raised a further $50 million. The company has developed a holographic beam forming (HBF) technology for 5G networks operating in the mmWave spectrum to improve the performance of 5G fixed wireless service.

    The Kirkland, Washington-based company said the additional resources will be used to exploit the technology in other bands, including the recently auctioned C-band, CBRS and Band n53, as well as upcoming frequency bands.

    Band n53 is Globalstar’s 3GPP approved spectrum targeting satellite IoT applications. It received a major boost recently when Qualcomm included support for it in its recent 5G focused X65 modem.

    And Pivotal CEO Brian Deutsch noted “for 5G, ultra-wideband mmWave is the real game-changer and Pivotal has built has built the complete solution for rapid, cost effective deployment of these high-value networks.”

    The company’s portfolio includes outdoor network repeaters, indoor subscriber repeaters, and intelligent beam management systems (IBMS) for remote optimization. Customers are believed to include Verizon.

    The Pivot 5G network repeater captures and redirects mmWave signals from the gNBs (5G New Radio gNodeB base station) around obstacles such as buildings. In this way, the device can reduce gNBs capex and opex, says the company, as well as deployment times as they reduce the number of gNBs required.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uusi tehokas IoT-standardi perustuu suomalaisen Wirepasin tekniikkaan

    Kyse on DECT-2020 NR 5G -standardista. Se on johdottomien puhelimien vanhan DECT-standardin uusin sukupolvi, jolla ei teknisesti ole mitään tekemistä vanhan DECT-standardin kanssa. Teppo Hemiän mukaan uudella standardille on kuitenkin erittäin hyödyllistä olla osa DECT-perhettä, sillä DECT-standardit voivat käyttää niille dedikoitua globaalia 1,9 gigahertsin taajuutta.

    - Tämä on erittäin ainutlaatuinen etu langattomissa standardeissa. Ei oikeastaan ole muuta standardia, jolle on oma globaali, ilmainen taajuus. Wirepasin hajautetulla MESH-protokollalla siitä saadaan eniten irti, sillä se on ylivoimainen spektrin tehokkuuden suhteen.

    DECT-2020 NR 5G -standardin ETSI julkisti viime syksynä. Sen tavoitteena oli saada käyttöön MESH-tyyppinen, alhaisen latenssin IoT-verkko, johon voitaisiin helposti liittää erittäin suuri joukko solmuja.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Alan Boyle / GeekWire:
    Pivotal Commware, which develops mmWave 5G infrastructure products that make use of metamaterials tech, raises $50M Series C led by Tracker Capital Management

    With backing from Bill Gates, Pivotal Commware raises $50M for 5G products

    Pivotal Commware’s Pivot 5G outdoor network repeaters can give a millimeter-wave boost to 5G wireless communications.

    Gates has been investing in Pivotal since 2017, not long after it was spun out from Intellectual Ventures. It’s one of several Gates-backed ventures that make use of metamaterials, an exotic breed of electronics that can channel signals without moving parts.

    Pivotal calls its metamaterials-based technology “holographic beam forming.” The technology is used primarily to support ultra-wideband 5G communications.

    Wireless network providers can use Pivotal’s Pivot 5G outdoor repeaters to beef up service in hard-to-reach corners of their service areas, and can provide subscribers with puck-shaped Echo 5G indoor repeaters for an in-home boost.

    Pivotal’s product ecosystem also includes WaveScape, a network modeling tool; and a platform for remote network management and optimization known as the Intelligent Beam Management System, or IBMS.

    “As the telecom industry evolves globally, we believe that Pivotal is at the forefront of the next wave of telecom infrastructure providers,” Pivotal CEO Brian Deutsch said today in a news release. “For 5G, ultra-wideband mmWave is the real game changer, and Pivotal has built the complete solution for rapid, cost-effective deployment of these high-value networks.”

    The newly raised capital will be used for the expansion of product support, distribution and R&D associated with its millimeter-wave ecosystem, and for extending the company’s products and services into mid-band frequencies including C-band, CBRS and Band n53.

    “This capital will allow Pivotal to become a significant 5G telecom infrastructure provider on a global stage,” said Chris Brandon, Pivotal’s chief operating officer.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Supon päällikkö varoitti 5G-verkkojen Kiina-vaarasta – Operaattorit Elisa ja DNA vastaavat
    Tänään klo 19:25
    Elisan turvallisuusjohtaja: ”Mistään verkon laitteesta ei voi olla täysin varma.”


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