5G trends 2020

Here are some 5G trends for year 2020:

It looked like 5G and wireless dominated the airways in 2019. It seems that year 2020 will be a real test for 5G if it will really take on or fails to full-fill the big expectations. It seems that 5G networks are available at some place here and there from many operators, but 5G end user devices are not yet widely available or desired. New year will bring more 5G base stations.

5G: How Much is Real vs. Marketing? Is 5G ready for prime time? Breaking down the marketing hype versus what’s really going on in the industry. Marketing claims 5G is pervasive. The question is when: 2020 or is it 2025?

First, let’s define 5G also known as 5G New Radio, or 5G NR:
There is sub-6-GHz 5G for the cellphone protocol that requires LTE: 5G NSA.
There is sub-6-GHz standalone 5G: 5G SA.
There is 20- to 60-GHz 5G: 5G mmWave.

It seems that 2020 will be the real test for 5G devices as the 5G device mass market has not yet really started. Samsung says it shipped 6.7M+ Galaxy 5G phones globally in 2019, accounting for 53.9% of the 5G phone market (Galaxy S10 5G and the Galaxy Note 10 Plus 5G). 2020 is expected to be an interesting year for 5G growth across the smartphone market. Increased 5G rollouts by carriers means that customers will presumably be more interested in actually buying 5G devices. One June 2019 forecast made by Canalys has global 5G smartphone shipments crossing 4G smartphone shipments in 2023.

5G will be integrated to some PCs. Dell debuts a new Latitude 9510 laptop with built-in 5G, to launch March 26.

Ericsson says they are now 5G networks leader according to Ericsson ylitti odotukset kirkkaasti: ”Olemme 5g-johtaja” article. Nokia has cut its outlook for this year and next because of the need to step up its investments in 5G but ‘We don’t have a 5G problem,’ says Nokia’s head of software.

5G will be a good growing market for test device manufacturers as engineers will once again need to sharpen their skill sets and adopt new design and testing techniques. A lot of 5G Component Characterization and Test will be needed.Delivering 5G Devices to Market Will Bank on OTA Testing.

Network side needs also testing equipment. One approach being adopted to gain ground in the race to 5G involves the rapid prototyping and testing of network architectures. There is need for programmable RF devices. Industry seems to want their own private networks.

5G components are available from many sources already. The typical RF component suppliers are all providing 5G solutions: Avago/Broadcom, Huawei, MediaTek, Murata/pSemi (previously known as Peregrine), Qualcomm, Qorvo, Samsung, and Skyworks.

Challenges: Even the sub-6-GHz versions have technical issues in that the 5G target “air time” latency is 1 to 4 ms. Typical RF component manufacturers appear to be providing components that focus only on the sub-6-GHz frequency bands. The geopolitical situation relative to 5G also adds confusion to the 5G timeline.

There are many technical issues must be considered in the utilization of mmWave: mmWave frequencies travel relatively small distances. the mmWave transmitters consume a considerable amount of transmit power, providing additional challenges for battery-operated devices.

Market size: Several 5G market analyzers place the current worldwide market at approximately $40B (USD) and growing by a 57% CAGR to over $1T (USD) by 2025. With the standards still evolving, what are the likely changes that will occur by 2025?

5G in automotive: The automobile industry is experiencing exponential growth of self-driving features, and this trend is expected to continue. 5G network connections are expected to have a major influence on the development of self-driving cars making them faster, smarter, and safer. Where is car technology going in 2020?

As 5G work has started for many installers and marketers, the the researchers are already thinking about the nest step Beyond 5G chips. They are already planning technologies that could enable high-speed wireless devices beyond the 5G standard.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    USAn kauppasotaa Suomessa
    Teleoperaattorit tyrmäävät USAn kauppasotaa myötäilevän SUPOn kehotukset välttää kiinalaisen Huawein laitteita 5G-verkossa:

    “Syytöksistä huolimatta Huawein tekniikan osalta ei ole mitään konkreettista näyttöä tietoturvakompromisseista kuten ei muidenkaan laitetoimittajien osalta.”


  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Voiko 5G-tukiasemassa olla takaovi?

    100-prosenttinen varmuus?

    Voiko operaattori siis luottaa täysin 100-prosenttisesti siihen, ettei mitään dataa siirry sen verkosta esimerkiksi vihamielisille valtiollisille toimijoille? Ericssonin tuotteiden turvallisuudesta vastaava Mikko Karikytö muistuttaa, että kyberhyökkäykset kehittyvät koko ajan.

    - Hyökkääjät kohtaavat jatkuvasti parantuvia tietoturvaratkaisuja esimerkiksi operaattorien verkoissa. Tämä on jatkuva kilpajuoksu. Hyvin hallittu, kovennettu (hardened) verkko takaa sen, että operaattori tietoturvakeskus tunnistaa liikenteen poikkeavuudet aiemmin ja varmemmin.

    Trend Micron Kalle Salmisen mukaan 100-prosenttista varmuutta ei voi olla. – Parhaiden monitoroinnin työkalujen käyttöönotolla voidaan merkittävästi pienentää riskiä ja nostaa verkkorikollisten kynnystä toimia.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5G Streaming Screen Synch Stinks

    The Super Bowl has also been the launching pad for broadcast technology. The first major sports event broadcast in HD was the 2000 Super Bowl on ABC. I had a Super Bowl party that year, and secured — very carefully and temporarily — a $25,000 42-inch Runco plasma TV for the event to write up for a tech column. My rear-projection analog TV was in the living room. The plasma HD was in the basement. My guests were seeing HD for the first time and most were stunned by the crisp images and vibrant colors.

    This year, Verizon had the tech spotlight, using the wider bandwidth of 5G cellular networks to deliver special features to the 25,000 fans attending the game in person at Raymond James Stadium along with iPhone 12 and select Samsung 5G phone owners viewing at home.

    In a press release the Monday before the game, the wireless carrier bragged about a Fortnite activation for fans attending the game, the $80 million it pumped into the Tampa area for 5G deployments and the ability for fans to watch the game in a “co-viewing experience” with friends via the Yahoo Sports app. The perk that intrigued me most was the chance to select different camera angles from my phone.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mobiiliverkkojen laitemarkkinoilla on käynnissä kaksi isoa muutosta kiihtyvän 5G-rakentamisen lisäksi: Huaweita työnnetään monessa maassa syrjään ja toisaalta verkoissa siirrytään avoimiin O-RAN-järjestelmiin. Tämä voi osoittautua yllättäväksi haasteeksi vanhoille pelureille eli Nokialle ja Ericssonille.

    Hyvä esimerkki löytyy Saksanmaalta ja Englannista. Telefonica on testannut O-RAN-veroja O2-operaattorinsa verkossa japanilaisen NEC:n kanssa. Molemmissa testeissä NEC ei ole pyrkinyt olemaan ensisijainen laitetoimittaja vaan enemmänkin järjestelmäintegraattori.


  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ADI and Marvell Enable Multi-Antenna Radio Units for 5G

    A new technology collaboration between Analog Devices (ADI) and Marvell will offer 4G/5G radio unit solutions to support high antenna profiles and multi-gigabit-per-second throughput for both integrated and Open RAN deployments. The combination of Marvell’s baseband solutions with Analog Devices’ RF transceiver platform will be implemented in ASIC solutions for different deployments.

    In an interview with EE Times, Joe Barry, vice president of the Wireless Communications Business Unit at ADI, and Raj Singh, executive vice president and general manager of Marvell’s Processor Business Group, highlighted that as 5G technology becomes more widely deployed, network operators are looking for higher capacity radio systems to meet customer demands.

    The increased complexity of 5G radio units, due to both the intricacies of high-parallel transceiver techniques (massive MIMO; mMIMO) and the new requirements imposed by the use of millimeter-wave spectrum, poses significant challenges for radio network and RF system designers. Meeting the low power, size and cost requirements for 5G infrastructures will require the optimization of signal processing chains between RF and mixed-signal technology with new digital solutions for the baseband.

    5G for the next cities
    ADI and Marvell highlighted how the upcoming mobile telecommunications industry is exploding in terms of radio unit capacity. The combination of high density and low latency will transform our cities of the future. With 5G, it will be possible to have hundreds of thousands of simultaneously active connections per square mile.

    “5G’s impact on smart cities will be dramatic. The low latency, high bandwidth protocol is capable of thousands of connections. In the future we can envisage traffic flow and patterns being automatically controlled, lighting and security improved, public transportation optimized for routes and demand,” said Singh.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5G NR Design eMBB
    Design challenges for eMBB products and how to overcome them.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Elisa ja Nokia ovat aloittaneet yhteistyön tavoitteenaan saavuttaa markkinajohtajuus nopeasti kasvavalla privaattiverkkojen palvelualueella. Yhteistyössä tähdätään erityisesti Suomen markkinoille 5G- että LTE-teknologioilla sekä IoT-ratkaisuilla.

    Elisa ja Nokia tähtäävät Suomen privaattiverkkojen ykköseksi

    Privaattiverkko tarkoittaa LTE- tai yhä useammin 5G-tekniikkaan perustuvaa mobiiliverkkoa, jossa organisaatio ajaa toimintakriittisiä sovelluksiaan rajatulla alueella. Elisa ja Nokia haluavat nyt näiden nopeasti kasvavien markkinoiden kärkeen Suomessa.

    Uusi yhteistyö syventää Elisan ja Nokian pitkäaikaista kumppanuutta ja hyödyntää 5G-verkkoa toimintakriittisten verkkopalveluiden tarjoamiseksi suomalaisyrityksille. Elisan privaattiverkkoja on viimeisen vuoden aikana otettu käyttöön muun muassa sairaaloissa, tehdasalueilla, kaivoksissa ja satamissa. Yhteistyö Nokian kanssa keskittyy erityisesti näiden alojen tarpeisiin ja auttaa asiakkaita kehittämään muun muassa työympäristön turvallisuutta ja tuottavuutta digitaalisuutta hyödyntäen.

    – Elisa ja Nokia ovat koko maailman edelläkävijöitä verkon laadussa ja 5G-teknologiassa. Nyt aiomme nostaa privaattiverkkototeutukset uudelle tasolle. Privaattiverkot yleistyvät nyt vauhdilla, ja olemme Nokian kanssa jo alkaneet toimittaa suomalaisyrityksille 5G- ja LTE-verkkototeutuksia erilaisiin käyttötarpeisiin useilla teollisuudenaloilla

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    GSMA Highlights Cost Efficiency of mmWave for 5G

    Millimeter-wave (mmWave) bands can be cost-effective for numerous 5G use cases, particularly when deployed in combination with the mid-band spectrum, the Intelligence Unit of the GSMA suggested in a study released this week.

    The study considered the total cost of ownership (TOC) for three important use cases in different regions, in each case comparing deployment of 3.5GHz-only against a mix of mmWave with 3.5 GHz.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    2021: The Year When OpenRAN Becomes Mainstream
    Pushing past lab experiments and field trials toward commercial deployments, O-RAN technology is set to ramp up significantly this year. However, successful expansion will bank on continued growth of a supportive ecosystem.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    6 Reasons to Move to a Complete Modem-to-Antenna Solution in the Era of 5G
    To help tame complexity as 5G continues to expand, network operators and OEMs should consider complete modem-to-antenna solutions.

    What you’ll learn:

    How the smartphone industry is transforming with 5G.
    How 5G complicates RF design.
    How to tame 5G RF complexity.

    With multi-gigabit 5G speeds, reliability, security, and ultra-low latency, the 5G rollout will impact consumers, businesses, governments, and institutions all over the world, transforming every industry and life as we know it. In fact, according to recent data from IHS Markit, the 5G value chain will support 22.8 million jobs and deliver $3.8 trillion in economic output by 2035.

    Surging demand for 5G smartphones—Qualcomm expects over 750 million 5G smartphones to be shipped by 2022—will accelerate the race toward one billion 5G connections globally by 2023, outpacing 4G adoption by two years. Behind these dizzying stats lies a herculean challenge: Taming complexity as new smartphones are required to support legacy 2G/3G/4G and a host of new 5G frequency bands, such as sub-6-GHz and mmWave. Such capabilities will ultimately help deliver broader coverage, multi-gigabit speeds, and high-speed internet access to mobile devices and many new segments as automotive, infrastructure, connectivity, and industrial IoT.

    The adoption of 5G will enable many industries to fast track their digital transformation, leading to better efficiencies and competitiveness. However, 5G is much more complex than previous generations. Smartphone OEMs and new wireless providers offering 5G solutions can no longer rely on component-centric approaches to meet customer expectations. To reap the full benefits of 5G, OEMs must look to a complete modem-to-antenna system solution.

    Complexity Tsunami

    The promise of delivering 5G globally can only be realized by taming RF front-end (RFFE) complexity in 5G devices. In the early stages of 4G, there were just 16 RF band carrier aggregation combinations. By contrast, we expect over 10,000 band combinations with 5G in the next few years alone, a complexity tsunami that has a direct impact on the design, assembly, and certification of 5G smartphones.

    From modem to antenna, new 5G mobile devices must dance between myriad frequency bands and RF technologies, including MIMO (4×4 DL, 2×2 UL); Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS); E-UTRAN New Radio – Dual Connectivity (EN-DC); beamsteering; carrier aggregation; and mmWave.

    Moreover, the RFFE is a tangled web of existing and new low-, mid-, and high-spectrum bands, unlicensed bands (CBRS, etc.), navigation technologies, and short-range connectivity solutions including Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth. A broad range of RF technologies and frequency bands will demand a host of new filters/power amplifiers/low-noise amplifiers on the smartphone RFFE architecture, allowing 5G smartphones to tune all of these frequencies simultaneously, precisely, and with less disturbance while requiring minimum battery power consumption.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Such a cool tool. Cell tower distribution. Be great to see 5G update

    OpenCelliD is the world’s largest open database of cell towers with a license CC BY-SA 4.0

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5G-palveluita tarjolla jo yli 80 paikkakunnalla, joka kolmas suomalainen asuu DNA:n 5G-verkon alueella – rakentamista ohjaa verkkodata
    DNA:n 5G-verkko kattaa jo yli 1,8 miljoonaa ihmistä, eli joka kolmas suomalainen asuu jo 5G-verkon palvelualueella. Verkkoa rakennetaan tauotta, ja kymmeniä tukiasemia avataan viikoittain eri puolille Suomea, ja palveluita on jo nyt tarjolla 84 paikkakunnalla.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Itseajavat autot, etäkirurgia, teollisuuden mullistus – milloin 5G-lupaukset lunastetaan?

    5G ja itseajavat autot. 5G ja etäkirurgia. 5G tulee mullistamaan teollisuuden alan. 5G jokaiseen lyhtypylvääseen. Ainakin tuo viimeinen vaatii todella paljon enemmän tukiasemia. 5G on kirvoittanut monen monta otsikkoa, jotka perustuvat siihen, mitä kaikkea standardi mahdollistaa. Mutta miten lähellä jo olemme tätä?

    5G on parantanut merkittävästi nopean laajakaistan saatavuutta ja hintaa. Alueille, jossa vaihtoehtona on ollut vain xDSL-yhteys maksimissaan nopeudella 100 Mt/s, tuo 5G aivan eri luokan nopeudet tarjolle. Kynnys 5G-palvelun käyttöönottoon on merkittävästi pienempi kuin kuituyhteyden, rakennus- ja asennuskustannuksen ollessa merkittävästi edellä mainittuja matalampia.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kim Lyons / The Verge:
    Verizon support advised its users in a now-deleted tweet to “turn on LTE”, which would turn off 5G, to preserve battery life — This, despite the carrier’s relentless promotion of its 5G network — Despite its relentless promotion of 5G phones and the fact that it spent …
    More: The Register, PCMag, KnowTechie, TechRadar, Telecoms.com, The Desk,

    Verizon support says you should turn off 5G to save your phone’s battery
    This, despite the carrier’s relentless promotion of its 5G network

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Facebook, Marvell Partner in 5G Infrastructure Makeover

    Facebook and Marvell have partnered to develop equipment for 5G networks based on the open radio access network (ORAN) model that’s intended to connect more of the world’s people at lower cost.

    ORAN allows the adoption of multiple-vendor hardware and software that’s based on open interfaces and commonly developed standards. Marvell will join Facebook Connectivity’s Evenstar Program to provide a 4G/5G OpenRAN distributed unit (DU) design based on Marvell’s Octeon Fusion baseband processors and Arm-based Octeon multi-core digital processing units (DPUs).

    As 5G service providers in Europe and North America decouple from hardware that was provided by Huawei, Marvell is betting that more companies will adopt Open Ran as part of a disaggregated radio-and-base station concept that doesn’t rely exclusively on one or two gear suppliers. After the administration of former US president Donald Trump designated Huawei’s 5G equipment as a security risk, network providers started evaluating alternatives.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Keysight’s Nemo Backpack Pro Benchmarks 5G End-User QoE in Indoor Environments

    The Nemo Backpack Pro is an in-building measurement solution for benchmarking 5G New Radio (NR) end-user quality of experience (QoE) in enterprise facilities, airports, arenas, and other indoor environments.

    Keysight Technologies unveiled the Nemo Backpack Pro, an in-building measurement solution for benchmarking 5G New Radio (NR) end-user quality of experience (QoE) in enterprise facilities, airports, arenas, and other indoor environments. Mobile operators need in-building wireless test solutions that quickly, consistently, and accurately establish QoE across multiple 5G networks. Keysight’s Nemo Backpack Pro allows users to measure in-building key performance indicators (KPIs) across multiple mobile operators’ 5G networks simultaneously using up to 18 measurement devices.

    An innovative structural design that does not add over-the-air (OTA) path loss to measurements improves the accuracy of captured data, enabling users to compare KPIs such as data-throughput rates, download speeds, quality of voice, streaming services, and over-the-top (OTT) applications between different devices and networks. An expandable, ergonomic design enables users to capture relevant measurements for a comprehensive range of test requirements while walking the route only once.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Facebook haastaa Nokian ja Ericssonin – pitääkö olla huolissaan?

    Kun moni maa estää Huawein verkkolaitteiden käytön 5G-verkoissaan, moni ajatteli sopimusten valuvan Nokian ja Ericssonin käsiin. Näin ei välttämättä käykään, vaan avoimien O-RAN-verkkojen myötä mukaan tulee uusia pelureita. Kuten Facebook.

    Somejätti on kertonut yhteistyöstä Nokiallekin piirejä toimittavan M arvellin kanssa. Marvell toimittaa Facebookin Evenstar-ohjelmaan ns. DU-osan (distributed unit) prosessorit, jotka perustuvat yhtiön Octeon-sarjaan.

    5G RAN -arkkitehtuureissa 3GPP on Release 15 -määrityksistä alkaen mahdollistanut RAN-osan jakamisen eri tavoin operaattorin tarpeiden mukaisesti. RAN-osa voi olla vanhaa ”monoliittista” mallia, jossa koko tukiasema sijaitsee fyysisesti samassa paikassa. Seuraava askel on irrottaa kantataajuuslaskenta antennista, jolloin puhutaan C-RANista.

    Loogisten osien erottaminen voidaan viedä myös pidemmälle, jolloin myös radio-osan toiminnot voidaan jakaa eri yksiköihin. Tässä mallissa RRU viittaa antenniin, CU eli keskusyksikkö kantataajuuslaskentaan ja DU niiden välissä olevaan toiminnalliseen osaan eli jakeluyksikköön. Operaattorin ratkaisu riippuu jopa eri osien fyysisestä sijainnista ja siitä, millaisia latensseja linkkiin tulee näiden ratkaisujen myötä.

    Avoimissa O-RAN-verkoissa liitännät näiden eri osien välillä ovat avoimia. Periaatteessa operaattori voi rakentaa verkon, jossa jokainen komponentti tulee eri toimittajalta. Monien analyytikoiden mukaan ainakin radio-osien piti säilyä ”vanhojen” tukiasemavalmistajien eli Nokian, Ericssonin ja Samsungin ja NEC:n hallussa.

    Mutta mahtaako tämä pitää paikkansa? Facebook kehittää Evenstar-hankkeessaan yleiskäyttöisiä RAN-laitteita O-RAN-toteutuksiin. Viime vuoden lopulla Facebook ilmoitti saaneensa valmiiksi ensimmäisen RRU-radioyksikön, jota seuraavaksi testataan kentällä. Sri Lankalla, jos tarkkoja ollaan.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Vuoden 2023 lopulla jo 2,1 miljardia 5G-käyttäjää

    Norjalaisen AksjeBloggen.comin toimittamien tietojen mukaan 5G-liittymien määrän odotetaan kolminkertaistuvan ja yltävän 2,1 miljardiin vuoteen 2024 mennessä. Kasvuvauhti on kova, kun muistetaan että vuoden 2019 lopulla aktiivisia 5G-tilaajia oli vasta 12 miljoonaa.

    Viime vuonna 5G-käyttäjien määrä kasvoi 217 miljoonaan eli 18-kertaiseksi koronapandemiasta huolimatta. Tämä vuoden lopulla käyttäjien määrän arvioidaan kasvavan 617 miljoonaan.

    Ennusteiden mukaan 5G-käyttäjiä on Koillis-Aasiassa tämän vuoden lopulla 490 miljoonaa. Pohjois-Amerikka on toiseksi suurin alue, sillä siellä 5G-käyttäjien määrä kasvaa vuoden loppuun mennessä 60 miljoonaan. Euroopassa on vuoden 2023 lopulla jo 276 miljoonaa 5G-käyttäjää.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Suomalaiset yliopistot ryhtyvät yhteistyössä kouluttamaan uusia 5G-osaajia. Mukana ovat Aalto-yliopiston lisäksi kahdeksan suomalaisyliopiston FITech sekä Helsingin yliopisto.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:


    Nokia ilmoitti tänään sitoutuvansa vähentämään sekä oman toimintansa että tarjoamiensa tuotteiden ja ratkaisujen tuottamia kasvihuonepäästöjä 50 prosentilla vuoteen 2030 mennessä. Samalla on kiistaton fakta, että 5G-verkkojen myötä mobiiliyhteydet kuluttavat yhä enemän energiaa.

    Nokian ilmastotavoitteet ovat Science Based Targets -aloitteen hyväksymät ja tähtäävät Nokian osalta ilmaston lämpenemisen pysäyttämiseen 1,5 °C asteeseen. Näihin tavoitteisiin Nokia sitoutui jo vuonna 2017, jolloin tavoitteena oli pysäyttää ilmaston lämpeneminen 2 asteeseen.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    When carriers are telling people to turn off 5G to save battery, there’s a problem, and it’s not just power drain.

    Why Are Carriers Telling Us to Turn Off 5G?

    Does 5G really offer so little that support staff think we might as well turn it off?

    When carriers are telling people to turn off 5G to save battery, there’s a problem, and it’s not just power drain.

    Both Verizon and T-Mobile were caught this week telling their users to turn off 5G to save battery, a sort of egg-on-face, foot-in-mouth situation that maybe we shouldn’t read too much into. But I will! I will read more into it, because when a carrier’s tech support people and its marketing people are saying opposite things, something’s clearly up.

    Verizon started the ball rolling with an unfortunate, now-deleted tweet telling people to “turn on [4G] LTE” on their iPhones to conserve battery. On a recent iPhone, that means turning off 5G. T-Mobile’s sin appeared on a slew of device support pages, which suggest going down from 5G to 2G to preserve battery, which is really amusing. That will make your phone basically not work. T-Mobile has reduced its 2G network to an absolute minimum, mostly to support machine-to-machine devices like point-of-sale systems.

    The relationship between 5G and battery drain is…tricky. The first-generation 5G phones based on the Qualcomm X50 modem frequently overheated and consumed battery very quickly, but those problems appeared to be solved with the current X55 and X60 modems. That doesn’t mean 5G mode is as battery-efficient as 4G mode is, even on new phones. The current problems are more in network design.

    But ultimately the big gap here is that people are seeing their batteries dip and don’t feel like they’re getting anything for it. If the existing 5G has similar performance to 4G, and no exclusive applications…why not turn it off?

    A great 5G application like Microsoft Mesh, the crazy-awesome VR collaboration tool Microsoft announced this week, could turn things around. But Mesh is dependent on glasses hardware that probably won’t exist for at least five years. That’s a lot of years of annoyed support calls.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5G-verkko koostuu kolmesta osasta – tiedätkö, mikä on tietoturvan kannalta kriittisin?

    5G-verkot laajentuvat vauhdilla, ja myös DNA:n 5G-verkon väestöpeitto hipoi maaliskuun 2021 alkaessa jo kahta miljoonaa ihmistä. Uuden verkkotekniikan tietoturvasta puhutaan nyt paljon, ja keskustelua ymmärtääkseen on tärkeää tiedostaa, mistä 5G-verkko oikeastaan koostuu, ja millainen merkitys eri osilla todellisuudessa on tietoturvan näkökulmasta. Samalla on hyvä muistaa, että tietoturvan kannalta yksi tärkeimmistä tekijöistä on myös loppukäyttäjä itse.

    5G-verkko koostuu teknisesti kolmesta osasta. Nämä ovat:

    Access- eli liityntäverkot. Näillä yhdistetään asiakkaan päätelaite verkkoon.
    Transport- eli siirtoverkot. Näillä yhdistetään kaupunginosat ja liityntäverkot toisiinsa.
    Core- eli ydinverkot. Näillä yhdistetään kaupungit, maat, maanosat ja muut ydinverkot toisiinsa. Ydinverkossa myös toteutetaan asiakkaan käyttämät palvelut.

    DNA:n 5G-verkkoteknologia perustuu pilvialustaan, jonka päällä kriittiset ohjelmistopohjaiset keskusjärjestelmäpalvelut toimivat. Tämä mahdollistaa sen, että verkossa voidaan tehdä nopeitakin muutoksia ohjelmallisesti. Virtualisoitua verkkoa voidaan myös viipaloida niin, että tietylle yhteyspisteelle pystytään takaamaan haluttu kaistaosuus, eli vaikkapa datansiirron miniminopeus.

    Ydinverkot tietoturvan ytimessä
    Koska juuri ydinverkot yhdistävät toisiinsa kaupungit, maat, maanosat ja operaattoreiden verkot, on sillä myös suurin merkitys valtiollisten tietoturvakysymysten kannalta. Ilman ydinverkkoa liityntä- tai siirtoverkoista ei kulje dataa pieniä, rajattuja alueita edemmäs. Kriittiset tilaaja- ja liikenteenhallintatoiminnot sijaitsevat nimenomaan 5G-ydinverkoissa.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Movandi Adds ex-Broadcom IPO CFO as 5G mmWave Gains Momentum

    Movandi, a developer of 5G millimeter wave (mmWave) technology and RF systems solutions, this week announced the appointment of William (Bill) Ruehle as its chief financial officer, as the company plans to scale up on the back of growing momentum in mmWave solutions.

    In an interview with EE Times, Maryam Rofougaran, CEO and co-founder of Movandi, said, “We’re going to grow very fast in the next two years. Globally mmWave in both 5G and non-5G has been gaining a lot more momentum, and we are seeing a lot of interest in our mmWave solutions – the customers we have been expanding what they are doing with us.”

    In the U.S., Movandi has an exclusive partnership with Verizon to deploy its 5G solution to U.S. consumers. As part of this relationship, last October, Movandi announced the deployment of a 5G extender indoor smart repeater built on its BeamXR mmWave technology, a smart active repeater solution that amplifies coverage and closes the gap in 5G mmWave deployments. It is designed to penetrate physical barriers in urban environments and amplify mmWave coverage in public spaces and inside buildings.

    Movandi has raised $70 million in funding to date and employs over 75 people. Rofougaran said, “Now we are growing to the next phase, this is the time to prepare for scaling, and we are also strengthening our advisory board. We’ll probably need to do another fundraising at some point and the plan is to do an IPO. Bill has been helping us over the last few months, and now coming on full time.”

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Verizon is rolling out an enhancement to 4G that absolutely blows away its own “nationwide” 5G.

    Tested: Verizon’s New 4G Beats 5G, Big Time

    Verizon’s new CBRS airwaves bring 800Mbps downloads to 4G phones, and provide a hint of what next year’s C-band 5G could look like.

    Verizon is rolling out an enhancement to 4G that absolutely blows away its own “nationwide” 5G, and that shows good signs for the new C-band 5G coming in 2022. CBRS, a set of airwaves close to the C-band, has quietly started rolling out nationwide. I got a tip on two locations near me, so I went to check it out.

    I tested CBRS in Fresh Meadows, Queens, a low-rise neighborhood east of me, as well as my own Jackson Heights neighborhood. In both places, CBRS appeared on sites configured for all of Verizon’s latest technologies: 4G, its “nationwide” DSS 5G, and its super-speedy ultra wideband (UWB) 5G.

    My Fresh Meadows CBRS 4G test topped out at 815Mbps on a Samsung Note 20 Ultra, with DSS 5G only hitting 358Mbps on an iPhone 12 in the same location. Verizon’s UWB millimeter wave crushed both of them, with a top speed of 3.4Gbps.

    But CBRS has a major advantage over millimeter wave on range: While UWB carried the usual 800 feet or so from its cell site, the CBRS signal kept up for half a mile.

    In Jackson Heights, the CBRS-enhanced 4G got to 456Mbps, while 5G DSS at the same times and similar locations hit 232Mbps

    From C(BRS) to Shining C(-Band)
    CBRS is a 150MHz swath of airwaves that sits right below the C-band. It’s licensed in a nearly incomprehensibly complicated, multi-tier way that varies from county to county. Many of the CBRS licenses in my area are controlled by companies that are (for now) just sitting on them rather than running a network, specifically Comcast, Charter, and Dish.

    CBRS panels are required to operate at much lower power levels than other cellular frequencies, meaning they have shorter range than C-band will. (Dish, a big owner of CBRS, is currently lobbying to get those power limits raised.)

    4G in the Fast Lane
    Verizon achieves these killer 4G speeds by combining five channels of spectrum for a total of 90MHz. In my test, that was 20MHz of band 2, 20MHz of band 66, 40MHz of CBRS, and 10MHz of band 13.

    That heaping helping of CBRS helps Verizon almost catch up with T-Mobile’s mid-band 5G, at least here in Queens.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    More Wireless Carriers Going Towerless

    For many years, mobile network operators have viewed the masts and towers that house their antennas, radios and switching gear as strategic assets vital for their competitive standing.

    But over the past year or so, the European market has seen a significant shift and carriers there are more likely to consider them as valuable structures that can be — and are being — monetized. This is being achieved by either spinning them off into new entities that they partially control, or selling them off to the existing and already large and influential tower infrastructure specialists. They are following the lead of US carriers, which largely divested their towers 10 years ago.

    European carriers feel the need to share wireless infrastructure, notably in rural areas, and to reduce operating costs and improve coverage. Offsetting their costs in rolling out 5G network , including vast amounts spent on licenses to spectrum, is also a major consideration in this consolidation and restructuring.

    But the jury is very much out on how the large sums that can be raised or saved will impact on the long-term loss of control.

    Just like the existing tower companies (“towercos”), the new entities being created are basically landlords renting out their property, often to the highest bidders.

    Huge sums are involved in many of the recent deals or plans, since investors are keen to back all this market re-orientation, which can generate dependable, long-term returns as wireless infrastructure becomes ever more important.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mike Dano / Light Reading:
    In-flight internet provider Gogo says it is pushing its 5G rollout back a year, to 2022, due to the global chip shortage

    Gogo delays 5G launch due to chipset shortages

    Gogo’s CEO Oakleigh Thorne said Thursday the company will delay the launch of its planned 5G network from this year to 2022 due to problems stemming from the global chipset shortage.

    The company declined to provide details, including which of its vendors might be impacted by the situation. Nonetheless, the development directly ties ongoing global chipset shortages directly to the 5G industry.

    Optical networking company Infinera already has signaled that chipset shortages will cost it up to $10 million over the next three months. Infinera is one of the world’s leading providers of silicon and technology for core telecom networking. The company’s products generally sit inside the fiber networks that crisscross the world, carrying the bulk of the Internet’s traffic.

    In response to the issue, President Joe Biden signed an executive order last month meant to address the shortages. They have affected industries ranging from medical supplies to electric vehicles.

    However, his order won’t have an immediate impact as it instead calls for ways to bolster the supply of chipsets for US companies, including potentially increasing domestic production of chipsets.

    In a related development, Samsung is now considering four sites in the US for a new $17 billion chipset manufacturing plant, according to new reports.

    Gogo, for its part, announced in 2019 that it would construct a 5G network in order to supply in-flight Wi-Fi to airline passengers.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Eric Martin / Bloomberg:
    Sources: the Biden administration has informed some Huawei suppliers it is imposing more explicit prohibitions on the export of 5G components to the company — – Conditions for licensed exporters went into effect this week — Move builds on Huawei prohibitions implemented under Trump

    U.S. Imposes New 5G License Limits on Some Huawei Suppliers

    The Biden administration has informed some suppliers to China’s Huawei Technologies Co. of tighter conditions on previously approved export licenses, prohibiting items for use in or with 5G devices, according to people familiar with the move.

    The 5G ban is effective as of this week, according to the people, who asked not to be identified to discuss nonpublic communications.

    The rules create a more explicit prohibition on the export of components like semiconductors, antennas and batteries for Huawei 5G devices, making the ban more uniform among licensees. Some companies had previously received licenses that allowed them to keep shipping components to Huawei that the Chinese company may have then used in 5G equipment, while other companies were already subject to tighter restrictions.


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