5G trends 2020

Here are some 5G trends for year 2020:

It looked like 5G and wireless dominated the airways in 2019. It seems that year 2020 will be a real test for 5G if it will really take on or fails to full-fill the big expectations. It seems that 5G networks are available at some place here and there from many operators, but 5G end user devices are not yet widely available or desired. New year will bring more 5G base stations.

5G: How Much is Real vs. Marketing? Is 5G ready for prime time? Breaking down the marketing hype versus what’s really going on in the industry. Marketing claims 5G is pervasive. The question is when: 2020 or is it 2025?

First, let’s define 5G also known as 5G New Radio, or 5G NR:
There is sub-6-GHz 5G for the cellphone protocol that requires LTE: 5G NSA.
There is sub-6-GHz standalone 5G: 5G SA.
There is 20- to 60-GHz 5G: 5G mmWave.

It seems that 2020 will be the real test for 5G devices as the 5G device mass market has not yet really started. Samsung says it shipped 6.7M+ Galaxy 5G phones globally in 2019, accounting for 53.9% of the 5G phone market (Galaxy S10 5G and the Galaxy Note 10 Plus 5G). 2020 is expected to be an interesting year for 5G growth across the smartphone market. Increased 5G rollouts by carriers means that customers will presumably be more interested in actually buying 5G devices. One June 2019 forecast made by Canalys has global 5G smartphone shipments crossing 4G smartphone shipments in 2023.

5G will be integrated to some PCs. Dell debuts a new Latitude 9510 laptop with built-in 5G, to launch March 26.

Ericsson says they are now 5G networks leader according to Ericsson ylitti odotukset kirkkaasti: ”Olemme 5g-johtaja” article. Nokia has cut its outlook for this year and next because of the need to step up its investments in 5G but ‘We don’t have a 5G problem,’ says Nokia’s head of software.

5G will be a good growing market for test device manufacturers as engineers will once again need to sharpen their skill sets and adopt new design and testing techniques. A lot of 5G Component Characterization and Test will be needed.Delivering 5G Devices to Market Will Bank on OTA Testing.

Network side needs also testing equipment. One approach being adopted to gain ground in the race to 5G involves the rapid prototyping and testing of network architectures. There is need for programmable RF devices. Industry seems to want their own private networks.

5G components are available from many sources already. The typical RF component suppliers are all providing 5G solutions: Avago/Broadcom, Huawei, MediaTek, Murata/pSemi (previously known as Peregrine), Qualcomm, Qorvo, Samsung, and Skyworks.

Challenges: Even the sub-6-GHz versions have technical issues in that the 5G target “air time” latency is 1 to 4 ms. Typical RF component manufacturers appear to be providing components that focus only on the sub-6-GHz frequency bands. The geopolitical situation relative to 5G also adds confusion to the 5G timeline.

There are many technical issues must be considered in the utilization of mmWave: mmWave frequencies travel relatively small distances. the mmWave transmitters consume a considerable amount of transmit power, providing additional challenges for battery-operated devices.

Market size: Several 5G market analyzers place the current worldwide market at approximately $40B (USD) and growing by a 57% CAGR to over $1T (USD) by 2025. With the standards still evolving, what are the likely changes that will occur by 2025?

5G in automotive: The automobile industry is experiencing exponential growth of self-driving features, and this trend is expected to continue. 5G network connections are expected to have a major influence on the development of self-driving cars making them faster, smarter, and safer. Where is car technology going in 2020?

As 5G work has started for many installers and marketers, the the researchers are already thinking about the nest step Beyond 5G chips. They are already planning technologies that could enable high-speed wireless devices beyond the 5G standard.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 888 Plus will speed up gaming, AI in high-end 5G phones
    And it will arrive in devices in the third quarter of 2021.

    Phones are getting a speed boost. Qualcomm on Monday unveiled its newest, highest-end smartphone processor, the Snapdragon 888 Plus. The chipset supercharges the Snapdragon 888, which arrived earlier this year in premium phones like the Samsung Galaxy S21.

    Qualcomm increased the clock speed on the Snapdragon 888 Plus’s CPU — the brains of the chipset — to 3GHz from 2.84GHz in the Snapdragon 888.

    Device makers are working on more than 130 designs using the Snapdragon 888 and 888 Plus, Qualcomm said. The 888 Plus will be in devices starting in the third quarter.

    “It fuels profoundly intelligent entertainment experiences with AI-enhanced gameplay, streaming, photography and more,” Qualcomm’s incoming CEO, Cristiano Amon, said during a virtual presentation at Mobile World Congress 2021. “It’s all designed to bring the most premium mobile experiences to flagship Android devices across the globe.”

    While MWC is proceeding in person in Barcelona this week, most major companies have opted to participate virtually instead of sending employees to Spain. That includes Qualcomm, as well as Samsung, Google and Ericsson. 5G is expected to be a major topic at the conference, with typically gathers executives from handset designers, chipmakers, networking providers, app and software designers and various other mobile-focused companies.

    The continued advance of 5G is more critical than ever now that the coronavirus has radically changed our world. The next-generation cellular technology, which boasts anywhere from 10 to 100 times the speed of 4G and rapid-fire responsiveness, could improve everything from simple video conferencing to telemedicine and advanced augmented and virtual reality.

    In the US, few phones have hit the market this year without 5G, and the ultra-fast, millimeter-wave version has come standard in devices like Apple’s iPhone 12 lineup. While many consumers now have 5G phones, there still isn’t yet the “killer app” that shows consumers what the connectivity can really do.

    Along with the Snapdragon 888 Plus, Qualcomm unveiled its second-generation 5G RAN platform for small cells. The technology will expand mmWave to more places indoors and outdoors, as well as new locations around the globe. And it also will introduce new lower band 5G capabilities with small cell densification in public and private networks. Qualcomm’s new 5G DU X100 Accelerator Card will let operators and infrastructure vendors take advantage of high performance, low latency and power efficient 5G.

    Verizon has been mmWave’s biggest proponent while virtually all other carriers across the globe have favored slower but more reliable versions of 5G. Even in the US, mmWave is only in dense parts of cities or in venues like sports arenas. But mmWave’s footprint should improve, Qualcomm said.

    “5G mmWave is many times perceived as a technology that’s very US centric,” Ignacio Contreras, Qualcomm senior director of product marketing, said during a meeting with reporters ahead of MWC. “But if you look at the composition of these companies explicitly that are stating their support … this is anything but a US-centric picture.”

    The connectivity will be in China, Europe, Japan, Korea, North America and South East Asia, Qualcomm said. China Unicom plans to roll out mmWave for the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, while Oppo said it plans to launch 5G mmWave devices “in the near future,” possibly as soon as next year, Contreras said.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Qualcomm: millimetriaallot löytävät jatkossa käyttäjän sisältä ja nurkan takaa

    Barcelonassa alkoi eilen ainakin osin fyysiset Mobile World Congress -messut. Moni on jäänyt tiukkojen turvatoimien hybriditapahtumasta pois, mutta tuote- ja innovaatiojulkistuksia Barcelonassa nähdään entiseen tapaan. Esimerkiksi Qualcomm esittelee 5G:n tulevaisuuteen liittyviä innovaatioitaan.

    Messujen ennakkotilaisuudessa Qualcomm näytti erityisesti tapoja toistaa millimetrialueen linkkejä. 5G:n mmWave-taajuuksilla ongelma on se, että nopein datayhteys vaatii käytännössä näköyhteyttä tukiaseman ja päätelaitteen välillä. Useinkaan tämä ei ole mahdollista.

    Avuksi tulevat älykkäät toistimet. Qualcommin mukaan tyypillisintä on kasvattaa verkon peittoa LOS-toistimella (line-of-sight), joka periaatteessa vain kasvattaa solun kokoa. Jos puhutaan sokkeloisesta alueesta – vaikkapa toimistorakennusten kompleksista – parempi ratkaisu on älykäs keilanmuodostukseen kykenevä toistin, joka osaa seurata käyttäjää. Näiden avulla myös mmWave-signaali voidaan viedä rakennusten sisälle.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5G Backscatter Breakthrough Could Give Battery-Free IoT Devices High-Speed Data Links at a Low Cost
    “We can literally print a mmWave antenna array that can support a low-power, low-complexity, and low-cost transmitter.”

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Telenorin tutkimusyksikkö viipaloi 5G-verkkoa – yhteistyötä tehdään esimerkiksi Norjan puolustusvoimien ja sairaaloiden kanssa

    Telenor Research -tutkimusyksikkö tekee yhteistyötä useiden eri toimijoiden kanssa varmistaakseen, että 5G lunastaa varmasti lupauksensa. Yhteistyötahoja ovat televiestintäalan laitevalmistajat, muut operaattorit, tutkimuslaitokset sekä Norjan puolustusvoimat ja sairaalat. Verkkojen viipalointi on laajaa huomiota saanut 5G:n ominaisuus. Miksi sen tutkiminen on niin tärkeää?

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ericsson Expands Cloud RAN with Intel Tech

    Ericsson and Intel strengthen their partnership to produce comprehensive Cloud RAN solutions in mid-band that meet today’s and tomorrow’s needs.

    Ericsson announced that it is expanding its cloud radio access network (Cloud RAN) portfolio through a partnership with Intel, further accelerating the shift to a virtualized RAN.

    Ericsson strengthens Cloud RAN portfolio with 5G mid-band support

    Adding mid-band and Massive MIMO support to the Ericsson Cloud RAN portfolio will increase its 5G performance
    Introducing Ericsson Cloud Link, the software capability allowing Cloud RAN deployments to use existing network hardware and software to increase performance and reach
    Boosting high-performance Cloud RAN in mid-band with Intel technology

    These latest enhancements to Ericsson’s portfolio were developed in close collaboration with customers such as Verizon. They will enable service providers to seamlessly evolve towards cloud-native technologies and open network architectures and meet the demand for more deployment flexibility. Service providers will also be able to extend Ericsson Cloud RAN reach with seven million 5G-ready Ericsson Radio System radios already in the field globally.

    Since the introduction of Ericsson Cloud RAN at the end of last year, Ericsson has the capability to introduce a virtualized RAN solution across all deployment scenarios including existing footprints – also known as ‘bluefield deployments’. Bluefield deployments enable service providers to deploy Cloud RAN into their networks and capitalize on the full interworking between the two network architectures. This is driven by Ericsson Cloud Link, which enables value-add network technologies such as Ericsson Spectrum Sharing, Uplink Booster and Carrier Aggregation to operate across platforms.

    Boosting Cloud RAN performance with Intel

    A high-performing mid-band 5G deployment requires 150 times more compute power than 4G, in half the time. With the addition of hardware accelerators to deliver part of this needed compute power, cloud infrastructure becomes a feasible option for mid-band deployments. To meet the high-performance standards in 5G and beyond, Ericsson and Intel are pioneering the Cloud RAN space together.

    Ericsson Cloud RAN creates more options for communications service providers and delivers a truly cloud agnostic platform, supported by its long-term strategic partner, Intel. The portfolio will leverage Intel’s compute – across multiple product generations of Intel Xeon Scalable processors and accelerator technology, to enable high-density capacity solutions. This enables both companies to deliver the type of performance seen in the most demanding RAN environments in the world.

    Navin Shenoy, Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Data Platforms Group, Intel, says: ”Intel’s technologies such as Xeon processors have fueled the massive growth of the cloud and are now playing a pivotal role in vRAN momentum. Our long-standing partnership with Ericsson is entering an exciting new phase with the shared goal of unleashing richer user experiences with 5G.”

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A 5G Shortcut Leaves Phones Exposed to Stingray Surveillance
    You may not have the full story

    IN NORTH AMERICA and many other parts of the world, high-speed 5G mobile data networks dangled just out of reach for years. But as 5G coverage becomes ubiquitous, the rollout comes with an important caveat. Even if your phone says it’s connected to the next-generation wireless standard, you may not actually be getting all of the features 5G promises—including defense against so-called stingray surveillance devices.

    To get 5G out to the masses quickly, most carriers around the world deployed it in something called “non-standalone mode” or “non-standalone architecture.”

    The approach essentially uses existing 4G network infrastructure as a jumping off point to put out 5G data speeds before the separate, “standalone” 5G core is built.

    As long as your 5G connection is in non-standalone mode, a lot of what you’re getting is still actually 4G, complete with security and privacy weaknesses that actual 5G aims to address.

    “It’s a false sense of security,” says Ravishankar Borgaonkar, a research scientist at the Norwegian tech analysis firm SINTEF Digital and associate professor at University of Stavanger. “Currently a lot of the 5G deployed all over the world doesn’t actually have the protection mechanisms designed in 5G. You’re getting the high speed connection, but the security level you have is still 4G.

    In practice, that means one of 5G’s top-billed privacy benefits—the ability to stymie stingray surveillance—does not yet apply for most people. Also known as “IMSI catchers” for the “international mobile subscriber identity” number assigned to every cell phone, stingrays act like legitimate cell towers and trick devices into connecting. From there, the tools use IMSI numbers or other identifiers to track the device, and even listen in on phone calls. Stingrays are a popular choice among US law enforcement

    While the distinctions between the types of 5G matter a great deal, there’s no easy way to tell whether you’re on a standalone network just by looking at your phone. Android users can download apps that analyze a device’s network connection and can flag non-standalone mode, but that’s an onerous extra step. And those tools are less common on iOS because of Apple’s app restrictions.

    The security benefits you miss while on a non-standalone 5G network extend beyond stingrays. You’re potentially susceptible to tracking, eavesdropping, and so-called “downgrade attacks” that push target devices onto older, more vulnerable data networks like 3G.

    And none of this gets communicated to mobile data users, despite enhanced security features being a key 5G selling point.

    The inherent challenge of implementing a massive infrastructure overhaul is the key issue

    “As long as we need seamless connectivity, continuous connectivity, we’ll need backward- compatibility using 4G,” he says. “4G stingray attacks, downgrading, man-in-the-middle attacks—those will exist for years even though we have 5G. And trying to move away from non-standalone mode to standalone mode everywhere will take some time.”

    So far 90 network operators in 45 countries have committed to making the switch to standalone mode, says Jon France, head of industry security at the telecom standards body GSMA.

    “The full picture, the full protections of 5G security come over time and do require the standalone to gain full benefit,” he says.

    The industry can’t languish in non-standalone mode, says SINTEF Digital’s Borgaonkar. He suggests that smartphone vendors be required to build in options so users can set which types of mobile data networks they want their phone to connect with. Similar to roaming options

    “As the end user I don’t have any option to only get 5G standalone mode,” Borgaonkar says. “If 2G is not secure why can’t I stop my phone from connecting to 2G? There is no requirement or coordination among the vendors about giving users these options—giving them the freedom to choose privacy.”

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    While the blazing speeds and low latencies of 5G shouldn’t be dismissed, the wireless generation’s real contribution is the infrastructure it will contribute to 6G, 7G and beyond, writes Ted Rappaport.

    5G’s “Killer App” Will Be 6G Massive MIMO, millimeter waves, and small cell infrastructure will pay off for future tech generations

    Much of 5G’s buzz centers on the potential it offers society: Lightning-fast downloads, barely-there latencies, and new and improved technologies like virtual reality and self-driving cars. Behind the buzz, however, one amazing fact is all but disregarded—the fundamental technological breakthroughs of 5G. Millimeter wave technology, small cell densification, and massive multiple-input multiple-output (massive-MIMO) antenna systems are paving the way for the next several decades of the wireless industry. Together, these technologies will futureproof wireless networks as we enter an era of wireless cognition and human-style computing. In fewer than 20 years, wireless networks will carry information at the speed of the human brain.

    It’s true that average download speeds have increased in obedience with Cooper’s law from a few megabits per second in 2010 to about 50 Mbps in 2020. However, peak throughput data rates over the same time frame have scaled by more than a factor of 1000, from megabits per second to gigabits per second. In fact, the wireless industry trade association CTIA has shown that the total capacity carried over the US cellular network increased a staggering 96 times from 2010 to 2019, with the average smartphone user consuming 9.2 gigabytes of data per month in 2019.

    What is astounding is that this nearly hundredfold increase in carried capacity happened, in the United States at least, with only 40 percent more available spectrum in the past 10 years as consumers embraced smart phones. What’s more, it happened before the industry’s adoption of the key 5G enablers: small cells, millimeter wave spectrum, and M-MIMO antenna technology. The vast spectrum resources available at frequencies above 100 GHz promise many orders of magnitude of additional spectrum in the U.S. alone in the decades to come.

    Just like how Moore’s law brought millions of times more processing power over four decades, the three technological pillars of 5G will unleash an exponential expansion that will bring vast new capacity and use cases in the coming decades. 5G will support average and peak data rate increases for each user, as well as carried traffic across the network, such that in ten years from now, industry metrics will surely be one hundred times today’s levels

    This means that the average smart phone user in 2031 is likely to consume more than a terabyte per month, and the typical 2 to 3 Gbps peak wireless download speeds in today’s nascent 5G networks will in 2031 approach peak data rates of 1 terabit per second.

    Lastly, the third technology pillar for 5G, massive-MIMO, will shift base station antennas from having 2-by-2 antenna elements to 16-by-16 arrays and eventually 64-by-64 arrays and beyond

    the extensive work to densify cell sites today will pay a huge dividend in future networks that operate above 100 GHz. Networks won’t likely require further densification, and today’s new tower sites for 5G will be usable for decades to come without the need to build many more.

    Additionally, it’s a myth that for a given distance traveled, radio energy becomes more lossy in free space as we increase above millimeter frequencies. We’ve shown that up to around 400 GHz, typical air only has a 10 decibels of loss per kilometer. This is merely a loss of only 1 decibel per 100 meters, which is about the range for a typical 5G small cell today. Even up to 900 GHz, we’ve shown that much of the spectrum suffers a 100 dB/km loss, or, for a small cell, only 10 decibels over 100 meters. 10 dB will be relatively easy to make up for with directional antennas at such high frequencies.

    While rain and foliage are problematic, once 5G cells are engineered to alleviate the effects of rain for transmissions up to 70 GHz, there is no further degradation beyond those frequencies up to 1 THz.

    Future 6G and 7G cellular networks will be able to use the same cellular infrastructure—and the same fundamental breakthroughs in radio circuits and antenna technologies—needed for 5G. Yet those cellular generations will do so with much greater data rates that will create massive data capacities and new use cases in the coming decades. This alone should motivate governments, funding agencies, wireless providers, and citizens to make the rollout of 5G a priority.

    vast capabilities of 5G and beyond should also motivate both the industry and governments to formulate new architectures, like Open RAN, as well as a new emphasis on security.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tämä radiopiiri ratkaisee 5G:n massakäytön haasteet

    5G-verkkojen uudet haasteet edellyttävät mukautuvia ratkaisuja, jotka pystyvät vastaamaan erilaisiin vaatimuksiin samalla kun ne kehittyvät markkinoiden tarpeiden mukaan. Xilinxin Zynq-perheen UltraScale + RFSoC DFE eli digitaalinen etupää vastaa näihin haasteisiin arkkitehtuurinsa ansiosta.

    Uudet haasteet edellyttävät mukautuvia ratkaisuja, jotka pystyvät vastaamaan erilaisiin vaatimuksiin samalla kun ne kehittyvät markkinoiden tarpeiden mukaan. Xilinxin Zynq-perheen UltraScale + RFSoC DFE eli digitaalinen etupää vastaa näihin haasteisiin arkkitehtuurinsa ansiosta. Piirillä on integroitu enemmän kovakoodattua IP:tä kuin perinteistä ohjelmistopohjaista logiikkaa. Tämä tekee siitä kilpailukykyisen ASIC-toteutusten kanssa sekä kustannusten että tehon suhteen. Lisäksi piiri tukee Xilinxin adaptoitavaa DNA:ta.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mediatekin uutuudet tuovat lisää tehoa keskihintaluokkaan

    Taiwanilainen Mediatek on esitellyt kaksi uutta 5G-piiriä keskihintaluokan älypuhelimiin. Dimensity 920- ja 810-piirit on valmistettu 6 nanometrin prosessissa. Arm Cortex-A76-ytimiin perustuvat suorittimet nostavat taas edullisemman luokan puhelimien suorituskykyä.

    5G-tuki on nyt erittäin kattava. Piirisarja tukee kaksi 5G-SIM-korttia, kantoaaltojen yhdistämistä ja myös toisen polven SA-yhteyksiä (stand-alone). Lisäksi Dimensity 920 tuo laitteisiin kuuden polven 2×2 kanavan wifi-yhteydet, Bluetooth 5.2:n ja tuen useille satelliittipaikannusverkoille.

    Uusien piirisarjojen vauhdittamat puhelimet ovat tulossa markkinoille vuoden kolmannella neljänneksellä.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ericssonin 5G-ennätys: 500 megabittiä verkkoon päin

    5G-tekniikkaa on mainostettu ja myydään nopeammilla datayhteyksillä. Jo nyt Suomessa pääsee monin paikoin useaan sataan megabittiin sekunnissa. Ericssonin ja Mediatekin demo osoittaa, että millimetriaalloilla myös datanopeus verkkoon päin eli ns. uplink-yhteys kiihtyy melkoisesti.

    Testissään yhtiöt yhdistivät neljä eri kantoaaltoa yhdeksi linkiksi. 5G NR -linkin kaista kasvoi näin jopa 495 megabittiin sekunnissa. LTE-yhteydessäkin mitattiin 70 megabitin sekuntinopeus.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Huawei loses, Qualcomm gains in China’s 5G rollout

    Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei previously had a strong domestic base and alliance with state-owned carriers to fall back on when the US targeted its global 5G infrastructure ambitions as a security threat and blocked its access to advanced chips. 

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:


    DNA kertoi sulkevansa 3G-verkkonsa vuoden 2023 loppuun mennessä ja ottavansa taajuudet sekä laiteresurssit 4G- ja 5G-verkkojen käyttöön. Myös Elisa ja Telia ovat ilmoittaneet lopettavansa 3G-verkot 2023 loppuun mennessä.

    GSM-verkkojen jälkeen käyttöönotetut 3G-verkot ovat ehtineet palvella televiestintää jo liki 20 vuotta, mutta asiakkaiden liikenne on siirtynyt jo 4G ja viime aikoina 5G-verkkoihin. Esimerkiksi DNA:lla 3G-verkossa siirrettiin viimevuoden lopulla enää vain reilu kaksi prosentti kaikesta DNA:n asiakkaiden käyttämästä mobiilidatasta.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5G compatible Arm Pico-ITX SBC is expandable through multi-function I/O board

    IBASE IBR215 is a 2.5-inch Pico-ITX SBC powered by NXP i.MX 8M Plus quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 AI processor that supports 5G cellular connectivity via an M.2 3052 socket, and can be extended with an I/O expansion board with support for WiFi/BT, 4G/LTE, LCD, camera, NFC & QR-code functions.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:


    Piilaaksolainen EdgeQ on esitellyt ensimmäisen tuotteensa, joka lupaa mullistaa mobiiliverkkojen tukiasemien suunnittelun ja toteutuksen. Kyse on RISC-V-pohjaisesta piiristä, joka on täysin ohjelmoitava. Yhtiö itse kutsuu sitä ”5G-tukiasemaksi yhdellä sirulla”.

    täysin C- ja C++-kielisesti ohjelmoitava piiri, jossa myös RAN-pino on ohjelmoitava. Joustava arkkitehtuuri ja softaohjelmoitava radio takaavat sen, että asiakas maksaa vain niistä ominaisuuksista, jotka vastaavat heidän todellisia tarpeitaan.


  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Threat Modeling: The Key to Dealing With 5G Security Challenges https://securityintelligence.com/articles/threat-modeling-5g-security-challenges/
    With 5G reshaping the smartphone market, 5G security needs to keep up.
    Almost one in three smartphones sold in the first quarter of 2021 can connect to a 5G network. Threat modeling is critical in the age of 5G because it’s essential in any telecommunications revolution. If 5G is going to catch on, security teams need to prevent malicious actors from misusing it. It also means that operators need to address the privacy concerns of 5G from the start. These efforts require a proactive approach that only threat modeling can provide.That’s just one year after the world’s first commercial 5G network emerged in South Korea. Such growth helped annual shipment numbers of 5G-enabled smartphones exceed 200 million units in just one year.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sascha Segan / PCMag:
    Testing of carriers across the US shows T-Mobile with a commanding lead in 5G, winning speed tests in 24 cities and rural regions to AT&T’s eight, Verizon’s two — For our 12th annual test, we drove more than 10,000 miles, speed-testing AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon 4G and 5G in cities, towns, and rural regions all over the US.

    Fastest Mobile Networks 2021

    For our 12th annual test, we drove more than 10,000 miles, speed-testing AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon 4G and 5G in cities, towns, and rural regions all over the US. We found a radically new landscape—and a surprising winner.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering researchers have announced a successful project to boost the throughput and reliability of mmWave radio signals — including those used in 5G cellular networks.

    Researchers Split mmWave Signals Into Multiple Beams to Offer the Best 5G Connectivity

    The “mmReliable” system splits signals into multiple beams, offering the best of both worlds: high throughput and reliability.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uusi 5G-verkko uhkaa häiritä GPS-signaalia USA:ssa

    Amerikkalainen Ligado on operaattori, joka on tähän asti tuottanut satelliittipuhelinyhteyksiä lähinnä amerikkalaisille L-kaistalla. Nyt USA:n tietoliikennekomissio FCC on hyväksynyt, että Ligado saa käyttää taajuuksiaan uuden 5G-verkkonsa liikenteeseen.

    L-taajuudet ovat yksi alhaisimmista satelliittikäytössä oleva taajuusalue. 1,530 – 2,7 gigahertsin alueelle tuleva 5G-dataliikenne uhkaa kuitenkin häiritä GPS-signaaleja. Paikannusmoduuleja valmistava sveitsiläinen u-blox vastustaakin tiukasti FCC:n päätöstä sallia 5G-liikenne L-kaistalla.

    U-bloxin mukaan FCC:n päätös merkitsee sitä, että Ligado voi vapaasti käyttää näitä taajuuksia, jotka ovat hyvin lähellä GNSS-vastaanottimien käyttämiä taajuuksia, siirtämään dataa torneista päätelaitteisiin ja takaisin uplink-suuntaan. Näiden signaalien lähetysteho on u-bloxin mukaan vaarallisen korkealla tasolla verrattuna läheisten GNSS -vastaanottimien vastaanottamiin signaaleihin.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A very exciting project in the mining industry: Next Generation Mining (NGMining) that we get to be a part of. Etteplan’s contribution to the project will be a unique integrated vehicle-side communication, positioning, and edge computing platform for Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles. Looking forward to the collaboration across the wide ecosystem!
    #mining #5G

    VTT, Nokia, Sandvik on board with 5G-powered underground mining research project

    VTT, Nokia and Sandvik, recognising the potential of faster network coverage for unlocking efficiencies in mining for improved productivity, safety, environmental sustainability and global competitiveness, are to collaborate in a 5G-powered research project on next generation underground mining technology.

    These benefits will be realised through the introduction of next generation mining technology, including autonomous, connected machinery, digital automation and advanced analytics for real-time situational awareness and control, to enable safety, productivity and sustainability improvements in mining operations.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nokia laittoi avointen verkkojen kehityksen jäihin

    Nokia on ollut aktiivinen jäsen avoimia mobiiliverkkojen kehittävässä Open RAN Alliancessa. Nyt yhtiö on useiden lähteiden mukaan jäädyttänyt yhteistyönsä järjestössä. Syy löytyy järjestön kiinalaisjäsenistä, joista moni kuuluu Joe Bidenin hallinnon kieltolistalle.

    Asiasta raportoi esimerkiksi Politico-lehti. Nokia on vahvistanut lehdelle keskeyttäneensä työskentelyn O-RAN-järjestön teknisissä työryhmissä. Syynä on nimenomaan se, että järjestön jäseniä on Bidenin kieltolistalla.

    Politicon mukaan Nokian on saanut reagoimaan kolme uutta kiinalaista O-RAN-jäsentä. Inspur, Kindroid ja Phytium ovat kaikki amerikkalaisten mukaan kansallisen turvallisuuden kannalta vaarallisia, sillä ne kehittävät tekniikoita, joilla Kiinan armeijaa modernisoidaan. Nokian on siksi liiketoiminnan takia hankala tehdä yhteistyötä tällaisten yritysten kanssa.

    Tanskalainen analyytikkoyritys Strand Consult uskoo, että moni muu yritys seuraa Nokian esimerkkiä. Jo joulukuussa 2020 Strand raportoi, että peräti 44 O-RAN-jäsentä liittyy tavalla tai toisella Kiinan hallitukseen tai armeijaan.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:


    China has set up 961,000 5G base stations as of June 2021. 5G networks have covered more than 95% of county-level regions.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ericsson leikkasi 5G-radion tehonkulutuksen puoleen

    5G-tukiaseman läpi kulkee valtavat määrät dataa, joten sen rauta joutuu työskentelemään täydellä tehola. Tämä tarkoittaa suurta tehonkulutusta, minkä operaattori maksaa laitteittensa sähkölaskussa. Ericsson ja Vodafone ovat nyt onnistuneet pienentämään tukiaseman tehonkulutusta selvästi.

    Lontoon keskustassa sijaitsevan Vodafonen pääkonttorin katolla yhtiöt ovat testanneet Ericssonin integroitua aktiiviantenniradiota (AIR 3227). Sen myötä Vodafonen päivittäinen verkon energiankulutus ko. saitilla väheni keskimäärin 43 prosenttia verrattuna aikaisempiin radiosukupolviin. Ruuhka-aikoina tehonkulutus laski jopa 55 prosenttia.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tamperelaisyhtiölle 10 miljoonan euron lisärahoitus 5G-kehitykseen

    Tamperelainen teollisen internetin teknologioita (IoT) tarjoava Wirepas on saanut sijoittajiltaan Karmalta ja Tesiltä (Suomen Teollisuussijoitus) kymmenen miljoonan euron lisärahoituksen kasvuun ja 5G-tekniikoiden kehitysinvestointeihin.

    Wirepas sai jo kaksi vuotta sitten Teollisuussijoitukselta ja muutamilta muilta sijoittajilta 14,9 miljoonan euron rahoituksen osana Euroopan investointipankin (EIP) ESIR-kanssasijoitusohjelmaa.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5G Wireless Module Serves Smart-City Buildouts
    Aug. 31, 2021
    Advantech’s versatile AIW-355 5G module is a step toward ubiquitous connectivity for edge computing, mobile gateways, and globally deployed mobile devices.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Autojen robottipysäköinti onnistuu 5G-privaattiverkossa

    Tamperelainen Unikie demoaa parhaillaan täysin automaattista ajoneuvojen pysäköintiä Münchenin IAA Mobility -messuilla. Yhtiö kertoo, että sen Turun testilaitoksessa ajoneuvoja etäohjataan hyödyntämällä Ericssonin 5G-yksityisverkkoa, reunalaskentaa ja Unikien automatisoitua tehdaspysäköintiratkaisua.

    Ericssonin 5G-verkko mahdollistaa Unikien automaattisen pysäköintiratkaisun optimaalisen toiminnan. Alhaisen latenssin tietoverkot ja turvallinen tiedonsiirto ovat edellytys Unikien korkeatasoisten tekoälyratkaisujen kehittämiselle.

    Unikien anturien ja ohjelmistojen avulla autovalmistajat voivat ohjata ja valvoa auton reittiä tehtaassa ja automatisoida pysäköintiä. Ericssonin 5G-yksityisverkon luotettavan yhteyden, turvallisuusvaatimukset täyttävän matalan latenssin sekä korkeiden tietoturvastandardien ansiosta ajoneuvojen logistiikan hallinta tehtaalla voidaan automatisoida täysin.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hurja ennuste: AR-lasit korvaavat älypuhelimen

    Viime vuonna maailmassa myytiin eli 1,3 miljardia älypuhelinta. Kun keskihinta oli 309 dollaria, puhutaan jättimäisestä lähes 400 miljardin dollarin liiketoiminnasta. Tutkimuslaitos GlobalData kuitenkin ennustaa, että keinotodellisuuden lasit eli AR-lasit korvaavat tulevaisuudessa älypuhelimet suosituimpana mobiililaitteena.

    GlobalData arvioi, että seuraavien kymmenen vuoden aikana AR-alasta kasvaa 152 miljardin dollarin teollisuus. Nykytasoon kasvua tulee 22-kertaisesti.

    Viime vuonna AR-laitteiden markkina oli kooltaan noin 7 miljardia dollaria. Seuraavina vuosina kasvu tulee olemaan 36 prosenttia. Tällä hetkellä markkinaa hallitsevat kuluttajasovellukset, erityisesti pelit, mutta jo 3-4 vuoden kuluttua yrityksistä tulee AR-tekniikan tärkein hyödyntäjä.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mediatek nousi kännykkäpiirien ykköseksi

    Kysyy lähes keneltä tahansa, Qualcommin pitäisi olla älypuhelimien järjestelmäpiirien ykkönen. Ja Samsungin kakkonen. Mutta lukujen mukaan markkinajohtaja on taiwanilainen Mediatek. Counterpoint Researchin mukaan Mediatekin markkinaosuus oli toisella vuosineljänneksellä 43 prosenttia.

    Tutkimusjohtaja Dale Gain mukaan MediaTekin nousu älypuhelinpiirien ykköseksi perustuu ennen kaikkea keskihintaluokan ja edullisempien piirien hyvällä valikoimalla. Lisäksi 4G-piiirien kysyntä on edelleen vahvaa monilla kehittyvillä markkinoilla, mikä auttoi Mediatekiä.

    Qualcomm hallitsi 5G-kantataajuuspiirien markkinoita 55 prosentin osuudella. Tämän vuoden ensimmäisellä puoliskolla Qualcomm on kuitenkin kärsinyt tuotanto-ongelmista. Yhtiö on yrittänyt paikata vajetta varaamalla lisäkapasiteettia sekä TSMC:n että muiden sopimusvalmistajien linjoilta, ja onnistunutkin tässä.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    OTDOA Positioning Test for 5G New Radio Verified
    Sept. 2, 2021
    Anritsu and MediaTek verify industry-first observed time difference of arrival, or OTDOA, positioning test for 5G New Radio.

    With the expanding role of the cloud in an increasing number of markets, 5G New Radio (NR) is expanding functionality in application spaces such as industrial automation, automotive, and mil/aero, with additional positioning mechanisms added to the NR standards defined by 3GPP Release 16. OTDOA (observed time difference of arrival) is one such method, originally introduced for 4G LTE.

    OTDOA relies on measuring the time difference of positioning reference signal (PRS) from multiple cells, using it to help compute its location. Recently Anritsu Corp. and MediaTek revealed a OTDOA Protocol Conformance Test (PCT) for 5G NR was verified using a MediaTek M70 5G modem and Anritsu’s 5G NR Mobile Device Test Platform ME7834NR.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    IoT With Evolution of 5G, Edge Computing Is Driving Industrial Innovation.
    The huge amount of data generated by Industrial IoT devices constitutes the fuel for optimising production, improving the delivery quality, introducing predictive maintenance, automating the supply chain and more.

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