Here are some 5G trends for year 2020:
It looked like 5G and wireless dominated the airways in 2019. It seems that year 2020 will be a real test for 5G if it will really take on or fails to full-fill the big expectations. It seems that 5G networks are available at some place here and there from many operators, but 5G end user devices are not yet widely available or desired. New year will bring more 5G base stations.
5G: How Much is Real vs. Marketing? Is 5G ready for prime time? Breaking down the marketing hype versus what’s really going on in the industry. Marketing claims 5G is pervasive. The question is when: 2020 or is it 2025?
First, let’s define 5G also known as 5G New Radio, or 5G NR:
There is sub-6-GHz 5G for the cellphone protocol that requires LTE: 5G NSA.
There is sub-6-GHz standalone 5G: 5G SA.
There is 20- to 60-GHz 5G: 5G mmWave.
It seems that 2020 will be the real test for 5G devices as the 5G device mass market has not yet really started. Samsung says it shipped 6.7M+ Galaxy 5G phones globally in 2019, accounting for 53.9% of the 5G phone market (Galaxy S10 5G and the Galaxy Note 10 Plus 5G). 2020 is expected to be an interesting year for 5G growth across the smartphone market. Increased 5G rollouts by carriers means that customers will presumably be more interested in actually buying 5G devices. One June 2019 forecast made by Canalys has global 5G smartphone shipments crossing 4G smartphone shipments in 2023.
5G will be integrated to some PCs. Dell debuts a new Latitude 9510 laptop with built-in 5G, to launch March 26.
Ericsson says they are now 5G networks leader according to Ericsson ylitti odotukset kirkkaasti: ”Olemme 5g-johtaja” article. Nokia has cut its outlook for this year and next because of the need to step up its investments in 5G but ‘We don’t have a 5G problem,’ says Nokia’s head of software.
5G will be a good growing market for test device manufacturers as engineers will once again need to sharpen their skill sets and adopt new design and testing techniques. A lot of 5G Component Characterization and Test will be needed.Delivering 5G Devices to Market Will Bank on OTA Testing.
Network side needs also testing equipment. One approach being adopted to gain ground in the race to 5G involves the rapid prototyping and testing of network architectures. There is need for programmable RF devices. Industry seems to want their own private networks.
5G components are available from many sources already. The typical RF component suppliers are all providing 5G solutions: Avago/Broadcom, Huawei, MediaTek, Murata/pSemi (previously known as Peregrine), Qualcomm, Qorvo, Samsung, and Skyworks.
Challenges: Even the sub-6-GHz versions have technical issues in that the 5G target “air time” latency is 1 to 4 ms. Typical RF component manufacturers appear to be providing components that focus only on the sub-6-GHz frequency bands. The geopolitical situation relative to 5G also adds confusion to the 5G timeline.
There are many technical issues must be considered in the utilization of mmWave: mmWave frequencies travel relatively small distances. the mmWave transmitters consume a considerable amount of transmit power, providing additional challenges for battery-operated devices.
5G in automotive: The automobile industry is experiencing exponential growth of self-driving features, and this trend is expected to continue. 5G network connections are expected to have a major influence on the development of self-driving cars making them faster, smarter, and safer. Where is car technology going in 2020?
As 5G work has started for many installers and marketers, the the researchers are already thinking about the nest step Beyond 5G chips. They are already planning technologies that could enable high-speed wireless devices beyond the 5G standard.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Nokian nestejäähdytys tositoimiin
Nokian nestejäähdytys tositoimiin
Julkaistu: 02.03.2022
Devices Networks Power
Nokia kertoo, että Liquid Cooling -jäähdytys on tulossa kaupallisesti tarjolle. Ratkaisu on suunniteltu tekemään radioverkoista kestävämpiä ja kustannustehokkaampia vähentämällä tukiaseman jäähdyttämiseen tarvittavaa energiaa. Jäähdytysjärjestelmän energiankulutusta voidaan vähentää jopa 90 prosenttia ja tukiaseman CO2-päästöjä jopa 80 prosenttia verrattuna perinteisiin aktiivisiin ilmajäähdytysjärjestelmiin.
Tekniikka tukee Nokian tavoitteita saada alan energiatehokkain ja päästötön 5G-tuotevalikoima. Kaupalliset tuotteet ovat saatavilla vuoden 2022 kolmannesta neljänneksestä alkaen. Nokia ilmoitti myös, että AT&T pilotoi ratkaisua live-verkossaan Philadelphiassa.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Analog Devices Eyes Bigger Role in 5G Base Stations With Radio SoC
Feb. 18, 2022
Wireless carriers are buying 5G base stations by the thousands, and companies are vying to supply the chips that go inside them.
Telecom giants are buying wireless base stations by the thousands to install in new 5G networks in the U.S., China, Europe, and other regions around the world. But they are still in the early stages of 5G deployments.
Against that backdrop, companies are vying to supply more of the chips at the heart of these base stations. Analog Devices, for its part, is trying to get a larger slice of the market with its first family of 5G radio SoCs.
The semiconductor maker said the ADRV9040 is the first in a new series of RadioVerse SoCs. The chip has a wideband RF transceiver with eight transmit and receive channels with 400 MHz of bandwidth and a high dynamic range. The chip also adds on a range of internal accelerators to run digital-signal-processing jobs like digital predistortion (DPD) that usually require the use of a field-programmable gate array (FPGA).
Analog Devices said ADRV9040 stands out by placing everything on a power-sipping system-on-a-chip (SoC). The chip folds in its ZiF radio architecture to simplify RF filtering and other signal-chain components.
“RadioVerse SoCs are designed to optimize the full radio solution rather than just a single component or interface,” said Joe Barry, VP of the wireless communications unit at Analog Devices.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tektronix lisäsi 5G-tuen huippuskooppiinsa
Mittauslaitevalmistaja Tektronic on julkistanut SignalVu 5G NR -analyysiohjelmistonsa 6-sarjan B MSO -oskilloskoopeille. Insinöörit voivat nyt suorittaa kriittisiä 5G NR -mittauksia 3GPP-spesifikaatioiden mukaisesti Tekin huippuluokan oskilloskoopeilla.
RF-järjestelmien suunnittelijat suosivat 6-sarjan MSO-oskilloskooppeja tehokiskojen, digitaalisten ohjausväylien ja I/O-signaalien katseluun RF-signaalien lisäksi. Jokaisen kanavan taustalla on digitaalinen alasmuunnin, joka mahdollistaa spektrianalyysin synkronoituna aika-alueen aaltomuotojen kanssa. Tämä antaa suunnittelijoille ajallisesti yhtenäisen kuvan signaaleista.
Tämä tarkoittaa, että 5G-järjestelmien suunnittelijat voivat nyt lisätä Tektronixin oskilloskoopeihin 5G NR -signaalianalyysin, jonka avulla he voivat nopeasti diagnosoida vialliset signaalivuorovaikutukset yhdellä oskilloskoopilla. Muutoin tämä edellyttäisi huolellista korrelaatiota useiden instrumenttien välillä.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Avoin O-RAN tulee privaattiverkkoihin
Irlantilainen Benetel on laajentanut Open RAN -tekniikkaa tukevien radioyksiköiden (RU) valikoimaansa RAN650-laitteella. Tämä Barcelonassa esillä oleva radioyksilkkö on tarkoitettu tuomaan 5G-kapasiteettia yksityisiin, kampus- ja teollisuusverkkoihin sekä maaseudun verkkoihin ja julkisiin hotspotteihin.
RAN650 on 4T4R-antennijärjestely, jossa lähtötehoa on jopa 5 wattia antenniporttia kohden (vastaa yhteensä 20 W). Toiminnallinen 7.2-laitejako auttaa minimoimaan radioverkkototeutuksiin liittyvät kustannukset, kun taas 100 MHz:n hetkellisen kaistanleveyden tuki mahdollistaa maksimaalisen peiton saavuttamisen.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Nokian nestejäähdytys tositoimiin
MWC2022: Nokia adds Liquid Cooling to latest AirScale Base Station. More:
Nokia adds Liquid Cooling technology to latest AirScale Base Station portfolio outlining commitment to sustainability #MWC22
Nokia adds Liquid Cooling technology to latest AirScale Base Station portfolio outlining commitment to sustainability #MWC22
Nokia’s unique Liquid Cooling baseband solution is now commercially available in latest Nokia AirScale product line-up
AT&T is piloting the solution in a live customer trial in Philadelphia, U.S
Liquid Cooling technology underlines Nokia’s commitment to sustainability and combatting climate change
1 March 2022
Espoo, Finland – Nokia today announced the commercial availability of its innovative Liquid Cooling AirScale portfolio. Nokia’s first-of-its-kind solution is designed to make radio networks more sustainable and cost-efficient by reducing the energy required to cool a base station. Cooling system energy consumption can be reduced up to 90 percent and base station CO2 emissions up to 80 percent compared to traditional active air-cooling systems1. The move supports Nokia’s ambitions to have the most energy-efficient, zero-emission 5G product portfolio in the industry. Commercial products will be available from Q3 2022. Nokia also announced that AT&T is piloting the solution in a live network trial in Philadelphia, U.S.
Nokia’s liquid-cooled AirScale baseband solution can accommodate any liquid-cooled common or capacity plug-in unit and supports all radio access technologies from 2G to 5G. It supports the reduction of base station-related CO2 emissions by up to 80 percent. Nokia’s Liquid Cooling solution is also almost completely silent and maintenance-free making it ideal for apartment buildings, whereas more traditional air-cooling systems are typically noisy and require regular maintenance. Liquid is much more efficient in the transmission and transfer of heat. Nokia’s solution carries the captured waste heat produced by the base station during operation. This can then be circulated and reused for other purposes, for example, it can be redirected to a building’s heating system for free, at a price, or even traded.
Nokia is committed to leading the decarbonization of the telecommunications industry and helping other industries and communities to decarbonize and dematerialize through digitalization. Digitalization is critical for making industries more sustainable resulting in less waste, more resource-efficient, and more productive. Nokia has set a science-based target to reduce its emissions by 50 percent by 2030 across its value chain, including its operations, products in use, logistics, and final assembly supplier factories. Nokia has also been increasing its share of renewable electricity and is committed to reaching 100 percent by 2025.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Extend Existing RF Analyzers to mmWave 5G Frequencies
Feb. 14, 2022
Defense agencies, mobile network operators, and others have already invested heavily in spectrum-analysis solutions for cellular and Wi-Fi networks. Learn one of the most cost-effective methods to extend the performance of existing RF equipment to 5G.
What you’ll learn:
Why 5G is pushing the limits of current RF equipment.
Implementing RF downconverters can alleviate many challenges, but simple approaches have limitations.
Why a more sophisticated approach to downconversion helps existing equipment easily contend with 5G.
After years of research and testing, 5G wireless networks are being deployed in cities around the world. Leveraging mmWave frequencies well above the bands used before, 5G wireless promises rapid speeds, wide bandwidths, near real-time latency, and extremely high capacity.
The Changing Requirements for 5G Wireless
From the early 1G networks in the 1980s up to the 4G/LTE networks most of us connect to every day, each generation of wireless technology has boosted performance, functionality, and coverage.
However, while performance and bandwidth increased with every new standard, the frequencies they each operated on generally remained the same (Fig. 1). Mobile networks typically operated at bands below 6 GHz. As a result, the equipment used to analyze these signals was designed to capture signals up to 6 GHz as well.
5G wireless, on the other hand, is expected to operate in different bands depending on the application and performance requirements. Low- and mid-band signals under 6 GHz will continue to be used in rural environments or other applications where range, penetrability, and coverage are more important than speed or bandwidth. These bands also will be important as mobile operators leverage existing 3G/4G/LTE infrastructure to build out their 5G networks.
However, the real 5G experience will be delivered with networks operating in the mmWave bands currently operating in the 24- to 40-GHz range. These high-frequency signals will be used in dense, urban environments or other applications that require increased speed, bandwidth, and capacity.
The propagation characteristics of such high-band signals are less well-understood, and higher-frequency signals are more affected by barriers such as buildings, walls, trees, and even people. Mobile operators will therefore need to conduct extensive testing and optimization as they deploy mmWave 5G networks.
Over-the-Air Measurements
Channel propagation and characterization are critical for a new 5G deployment as the properties of mmWave signals are less known than those under 6 GHz. In one case, a user was interested in running channel-propagation measurements in the field at 28 GHz. The user had transmitters, antennas, and a 6-GHz spectrum analyzer. By integrating with an RF downconverter (such as thinkRF’s D4000 RF downconverter/tuner), they were able to downconvert the 28-GHz signals and process them without any changes to their equipment, code, or setup.
This means that mobile operators are left with a choice. They can decide to replace their existing equipment with spectrum analyzers that capture up to 40 GHz; or they can choose to extend the life and performance of their existing hardware by integrating with an RF downconverter/tuner.
Simple Downconversion Approaches are Limited
RF downconverters extend the performance of existing analysis equipment by capturing high-frequency signals and converting them to a lower range. By integrating with a downconverter, a spectrum analyzer can process signals that would otherwise be outside of its frequency range.
Only a few components are needed to build a simple downconverter. As shown in Figure 2, a basic downconverter can be designed using a low-noise amplifier (LNA), a mixer, and a fixed oscillator.
While this approach may be simple, it ultimately creates more challenges for users because it only enables block downconversion. The entire frequency range captured by the downconverter is converted into a block of spectrum, which is then input into the analyzer operating over a lower frequency range.
For example, a 24- to 40-GHz RF downconverter designed using this simple approach captures a 16-GHz block of spectrum. The 24-GHz band is converted to dc, while the 40-GHz band is converted to 16 GHz. A 6-GHz analyzer would be unable to process the entire block of downconverted spectrum.
Even if the signal of interest falls within the range of the analyzer, a simple approach raises additional challenges. Because every LNA and mixer has gain characteristics that change with frequency, the downconverted signal would not be calibrated. This makes it impossible to see key properties, such as the amplitude of the signal at the RF input port.
A More Sophisticated Approach
Unlike a typical downconverter that converts a block of spectrum, thinkRF’s D4000 RF downconverter/tuner outputs to a single IF frequency centered at 1.5 GHz. The user simply tunes their receiver or spectrum analyzer to 1.5 GHz, tunes the D4000 to the desired frequency of interest between 24 and 40 GHz, and processes the signal using their existing equipment and test setup.
Tomi Engdahl says:
5G Baseband Platform IP for Mobile Broadband and IoT Streamlines 5G NR Design
Feb. 24, 2022
Platform integrates low-power DSPs with specialized programmable accelerators for optimal modem processing chains, delivering up to a 4X improvement in power efficiency versus predecessor.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Telian virtuaalinen privaattiverkko on maailman ensimmäinen
Telia on ottanut ensimmäisenä operaattorina maailmassa 4G- ja 5G-verkon viipalointiin ja reunalaskentaan perustuvan virtuaalisen yksityisverkon asiakaskäyttöön Sandvikin testikaivoksessa Tampereella. Mobiiliverkon viipalointiominaisuuden ansiosta Telia voi tarjota virtuaalisen yksityisverkon julkisissa 4G- ja 5G-verkoissa turvallisesti, luotettavasti ja suorituskykyisesti tuhansille yrityksille, joille oma privaattiverkko ei ole realistinen vaihtoehto.
Telia ja Nokia ovat ottaneet tekniikan käyttöön ensimmäisenä maailmassa yhdessä korkean teknologian teollisuuskonserni Sandvikin kanssa Tampereella. Sandvik käyttää tuotantoverkkoon virtuaalisesti toteutetun 5G-privaattiverkon reunalaskentaominaisuutta digitaalisen kaivostoiminnan kehittämiseen.
Sandvikin teknologiajohtaja Jani Vileniuksen mukaan testikaivosympäristössä suunnittelusta toteutukseen viety edistyksellinen 5G-viipalointiratkaisu tukee todella hyvin digitaalisia kaivosratkaisujamme. – On hienoa olla teknologian pioneeri ja päästä ensimmäisenä hyödyntämään 5G-viipalointiratkaisua. Haluamme laittaa teknologiat töihin parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla, Vilenius kehuu.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile have spent $118.4B on 5G airwaves and network upgrades, compared to $61.8B spent on 4G, but have little to no revenue to show for it
Tomi Engdahl says:
BLOG: Understanding the 3GPP 5G Release 16
5G New Radio (NR) reached a very exciting milestone on July 3, 2020, with Release 16 of the 5G standard. We’ll explore the six key aspects of the release and some of the most exciting, including sidelinking, Multi-TRP, the unlicensed spectrum, and time-sensitive networking (TSN).
Enabling 5G and the Future of Robotics
6 Key Aspects of the 3GPP 5G Release 16
Tomi Engdahl says:
5G Radio Communications Tester Simplifies Device Testing
Rohde & Schwarz upgraded its R&S CMX500 5G radio communication tester with support for all 5G NR deployments, covering LTE, 5G NR FR1 and FR2 in non-standalone (NSA) and standalone (SA) modes, for both FDD and TDD.
The one-box tester is ideal for early in the development process as well as end-to-end application testing, including device certification. Rohde & Schwarz integrated sub-8 GHz RF units for FR1 into the R&S CMX500, along with new remote radio heads (RRH), which now support millimeter-wave frequencies up to 50 GHz in FR2.
Even challenging 5G NR band combinations can now be simulated with a single R&S CMX500 system, the company said. For instance, carrier aggregation with up to 8CC combinations of FR1 and FR2 in downlink is possible, which can deliver data rates of 10 Gbps and faster on the IP layer.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Multistage Doherty MMIC Driver Eliminates Need for Interstage Isolation
March 7, 2022
While the Doherty amplifier concept is nearly a century old, our modern MMICs are making it more viable for smaller, lower-power, transmit-side signal paths.
The Doherty amplifier idea isn’t new: this modified class-B radio-frequency power amplifier (RF PA) configuration was devised by William H. Doherty of Bell Telephone Laboratories Inc in 1936, back in those early days of higher-power vacuum-tube amplifiers
. The principle of the Doherty amplifier is based on the use of a lower-efficiency, lower-power Class A/B carrier amplifier stage operating in parallel with a high-efficiency Class C amplifier stage for peak-power output.
Since then, it has been used extensively in specialized high-power applications where its efficiency benefits outweigh its significant additional complexity. Fortunately, advances in solid-state MMIC technology have nonetheless made it an increasingly viable architecture for power amplifiers in base stations and even portable applications.
Clear evidence of this “shrink” is provided by the B11G3338N80D from Ampleon Netherlands B.V., a fully integrated dual-section, three-stage Doherty MMIC solution using LDMOS process technology (Fig. 2). The carrier and peaking device, input splitter, output combiner, and pre-match are integrated in each section.
This 28-V multiband device, housed in a 36-lead, 12- × 7-mm PQFN package, is well-suited as a general-purpose driver for 3.3 to 3.8 GHz targeting high-power and macro base-station designs, including emerging 5G NR and legacy 4G LTE bands.
Tomi Engdahl says:
See how Intel is empowering the next killer 5G app — Hint: It’s part of a burning desire to improve the internet via software and programmable networks.
Why 5G is About So Much More than the Smartphone
The next killer app for 5G will open the floodgates of innovation for businesses.
The reason why your smartphone can morph from egg timer to real-time language translator to augmented-reality game is because it’s a programmable piece of glass. Your wildest ideas can become “an app for that.”
Of all the modern computing infrastructure that helps make your phone such a rich and capable device — cloud data centers, the internet and cellular networks, and edge computing — there is still one part that’s not yet fully programmable, not yet open for the wildest ideas. That is the network itself.
The reason? When the internet was taking off in the 1990s and 2000s, it became bogged down with too many standards, regulatory stakeholders and a networking industry a bit too invested in the status quo. When it should’ve been open and simple, fast-moving and agile, it instead ossified — moving at a glacially slow pace. For sure it got faster; but because its behavior was locked into standards and silicon, it was hard to make it more reliable, more secure and more useful.
A recent study of 5G networks found that the providers with the very fastest download speeds — more than 40% faster than any other — were on a network built by Rakuten, an Intel customer. (Rakuten’s virtualized network runs on Intel® Xeon® processors using our FlexRAN software.)
What’s remarkable about this is Rakuten Mobile is not a telecommunications company — it’s an e-commerce and internet services company with 1.5 billion global members. But Rakuten was able to build a 5G network with software on the same infrastructure it uses to offer its dozens of online services.
Many companies with warehouse-size data centers — Google, Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft, for instance — are shifting to programmable networks, too. But in their cases, it’s driven by a need for speed, while giving them the flexibility that programmability brings.
Let’s dig into their voracious appetite for speed. If you were to cut a line vertically through the United States and then look at all the public internet traffic passing from left to right and right to left — called the bisection bandwidth of the internet, essentially how much capacity the internet has crossing the United States —it would be less than the amount of traffic going between a couple of hundred servers inside a modern data center, which often contains tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of servers inside. The sheer scale is huge (hence these companies often being known as “hyperscalers”).
If one of these companies wants a faster, more reliable and more secure data center than its competitors, it cannot just go buy the same old fixed-function networking box. To introduce new ideas and differentiate from their competition, each will need to program these devices themselves.
The natural next choice is taking the chips that were themselves fixed, making them programmable and allowing for that differentiation.
By lifting functions previously baked into hardware up into software, our customers and developers can improve them faster than ever before. Because if it’s baked into hardware, into fixed-function silicon, then innovation not only moves more slowly but it’s also limited to the imagination of those who are building the hardware.
However, if you move it to software, then you open it up to a much bigger population, a universe of developers who can then bring their creative ideas and try them out. What’s more, you have handed over the keys from those who build hardware, to those who own and operate big networked systems for a living. Only they know how to operate at such scale; only they can write the software to determine how their systems should work.
As the last piece of the world’s computing fabric finally goes programmable, it’s going to change everything — it’s going to open the floodgates for a massive amount of innovation.
Our customers are already deploying a lot of AI inferencing in their premises at the edge of the network, where they are analyzing video as it streams from cameras, to monitor inventory, measure foot traffic and identify manufacturing anomalies. Already big, the use of inferencing will grow rapidly and we’ll see a massive transformation in factories, retail stores and hospitals. As AI inferencing grows, developers will demand programming models that are open, so they can target their creative new applications to any target they wish, without being locked into a single solution. For this reason, we are seeing rapid growth in our very successful OpenVINO™ inference platform. Pair this with 5G and we see this as the next killer app.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Greedy Receivers: FCC Considers Regulating Receivers After Altimeter Showdown
Recently, the media was filled with articles about how turning on 5G transmissions in the C-band could make US planes fall out of the sky. While the matter was ultimately resolved without too much fuss, this conflict may have some long-term consequences, with the FCC looking to potentially address and regulate the root of the problem, as reported by Ars Technica.
At the heart of the whole issue is that while transmitters are regulated in terms of their power and which part of the spectrum they broadcast on, receivers are much less regulated. This means that in the case of the altimeters in airplanes for example, which use the 4.2 GHz – 4.4 GHz spectrum, some of their receivers may be sensitive to a part of the 5G C-band (3.7 GHz -3.98 GHz), despite the standard 200 MHz guard band (upped to 400 MHz in the US) between said C-band and the spectrum used by altimeters.
What the FCC is currently doing is to solicit ways in which it could regulate the performance and standards for receivers. This would then presumably not just pertain to 5G and altimeters, but also to other receivers outside of avionics.
FCC considers crackdown on bad wireless receivers after 5G/altimeter debacle
Receivers that ignore spectrum boundaries are a problem for new wireless services.
The Federal Communications Commission will consider issuing new rules for wireless receivers that could prevent future conflicts like the ongoing battle between the aviation and cellular industries.
There are strict rules requiring wireless devices to transmit only in their licensed frequencies. That means, for example, that AT&T and Verizon’s 5G transmissions in C-band spectrum (3.7 to 3.98 GHz) have to stay within the C-band.
But there isn’t much to prevent devices from receiving transmissions from outside their allotted frequencies. The altimeters used in airplanes to measure altitude officially rely on spectrum from 4.2 GHz to 4.4 GHz, but the Federal Aviation Administration has said that 5G transmissions in the C-band could interfere with the operation of some of those altimeters.
If an altimeter is affected by 5G, that means it is receiving transmissions from the wrong spectrum band despite a buffer zone of at least 220 MHz. The 220 MHz guard band is actually 400 MHz in practice this year because AT&T and Verizon have not yet deployed above 3.8 GHz, but the FAA still says the current level of transmissions can interfere with some altimeters. There are also satellite transmissions between 4.0 and 4.2 GHz, but those haven’t been a concern for the FAA.
Chair: Bad receivers “diminish broader opportunities”
In a speech Tuesday at Mobile World Congress, FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel said the commission needs to get tough on wireless receivers. Rosenworcel did not mention airplane altimeters but explained that faulty receivers that cannot avoid transmissions from other spectrum bands can prevent new services in unused frequencies.
FCC to ask for input on possible regulations
Rosenworcel said she will propose launching “a new inquiry to explore receiver performance and standards.” The notice of inquiry would ask for public input on possible solutions, including new “regulatory requirements,” Rosenworcel said.
She went on:
This inquiry would ask how receiver improvements could provide greater opportunities for access to spectrum. It would explore how these specifications could come in the form of incentives, guidelines, or regulatory requirements—in specific frequency bands or across all bands. And it would seek comment on legal authority and market-based mechanisms that could help create a more transparent and predictable radio-frequency environment for all spectrum users—new and old.
Rosenworcel said she will make the proposal in April. While the FCC still has a 2-2 partisan deadlock, the Democratic chair has bipartisan support. Rosenworcel thanked Republican Commissioner Nathan Simington “for his leadership on these issues and his willingness to work with me on a path forward.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Accelerating 5G Device Development While Supporting 3GPP Release 16 Specifications
Feb. 24, 2022
Keysight’s 5G device test solutions accelerate verification of designs that support 5G new radio (NR) 3GPP Release 16 (Rel-16) features.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Chance Miller / 9to5Mac:
Apple announces an updated iPhone SE with 5G, an A15 Bionic, the classic Touch ID home button design, a 12MP camera, and more, shipping on March 18 for $429 — Apple has officially announced it’s all-new iPhone SE with an A15 Bionic chip. The design is the same as the previous-generation iPhone SE.
Apple unveils iPhone SE 3 with A15 chip, same home button design
Tomi Engdahl says:
Nokia adds Liquid Cooling technology to latest AirScale Base Station portfolio outlining commitment to sustainability #MWC22
Tomi Engdahl says:
Multistage Doherty MMIC Driver Eliminates Need for Interstage Isolation
March 7, 2022
While the Doherty amplifier concept is nearly a century old, our modern MMICs are making it more viable for smaller, lower-power, transmit-side signal paths.
Clear evidence of this “shrink” is provided by the B11G3338N80D from Ampleon Netherlands B.V., a fully integrated dual-section, three-stage Doherty MMIC solution using LDMOS process technology (Fig. 2). The carrier and peaking device, input splitter, output combiner, and pre-match are integrated in each section.
This 28-V multiband device, housed in a 36-lead, 12- × 7-mm PQFN package, is well-suited as a general-purpose driver for 3.3 to 3.8 GHz targeting high-power and macro base-station designs, including emerging 5G NR and legacy 4G LTE bands.
Tomi Engdahl says:
5G Devices and Network Technology at MWC 2022
March 2, 2022
Anritsu will be showing advanced solutions supporting the latest 5G standards and network deployments at Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2022 in Barcelona (Hall 5 Stand D41).
Tomi Engdahl says:
Benetel’s Outdoor 5G OpenRAN RUs Target Private and Public Networks
March 3, 2022
Having addressed indoor connectivity with its earlier RAN550, Benetel looks to bring high-performance 5G split 7.2x O-RUs outdoors.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Suomalaista 5G-älypylvästä viedään maailmalle
Nokian vetämässä LuxTurrim5G-hankkeessa on kehitetty täysin suomalainen älypylväs, jonka kehitysvaihe saatiin päätökseen joulukuussa. Tänään hanketta esiteltiin virtuaalisesti Dubain Expo 2020 -näyttelyssä, joka päättyy maaliskuun lopussa. Suomen osastolla on kaikkiaan mukana yli sata yritystä. LuxTurrim5G-ekosysteemin kehittämäratkaisu muodostaa “kaupungin digitaalisen selkärangan”, jonka avulla kaupungeista saadaan älykkäämpiä ja kestävää kehitystä edistävämpiä.
Konseptin keskiössä olevista älypylväistä on jo kehitetty esikaupallinen tuoteperhe, joka vastaa kaupunkien monenlaisiin tarpeisiin. Älypylväät on varustettu nopeita, luotettavia ja turvallisia tietoliikenneyhteyksiä tarjoavilla 5G-tukiasemilla, joiden lisäksi pylväisiin voidaan integroida sään, lämpötilan, ilman laadun ja hiilidioksidin mittaukseen sekä navigointiin käytettäviä sensoreita, videokameroita, tutkia, lidareita ja muita laitteita.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Qualcomm Plugs AI Processor into 5G Modem for the First Time
March 3, 2022
The smartphone chip giant said this is the first instance of an AI processor implemented in a 5G modem.
Qualcomm rolled out what it said was the first 5G modem with an artificial-intelligence (AI) block inside.
The new Snapdragon X70 baseband modem can deliver download speeds of up to 10 Gb/s and upload data to base stations at a maximum rate of 3.5 Gb/s—the same as its predecessor unveiled last year, the X65. But the X70 also incorporates a wide range of new technologies such as AI-based antenna tuning and beamforming to improve coverage and link robustness, helping it to hit higher average speeds.
The San Diego, California-based company announced the new X70 at the MWC conference last month.
The X70 modem, based on 4-nm process technology, supports all major bands and combinations in 5G networks, including sub-6-GHz and millimeter-wave frequencies, ranging from 600 MHz up to 41 GHz. Millimeter waves offer faster data rates than sub-6-GHz bands, but can only travel relatively short distances before being blocked or scrambled by walls and other obstacles. Wireless carriers use sub-6-GHz bands when a device is further away from the base station that it connects to.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Yksi sodan seuraus: 5G myöhästyy Venäjällä
Venäjän johdon aloittamat sotatoimet Ukrainassa ovat johtaneet koviin talouspakotteisiin. NE eivät ehkä haittaa maan eliittiä, mutta tavallisen kansalaisen kannalta seuraukset ovat kovia. Myös teknologisesti, sillä pakotteiden myötä 5G-verkkojen käyttöönotto myöhästyy Venäjällä.
Ericsson ja Nokia ovat jo lopettaneet laitetoimitukset maan kolmelle suurelle operaattorille, jotka ovat MTS, (Mobile Telesystems), Megafon ja Veon. MTS:llä oli käynnissä iso verkon modernisointiprojekti, joka on nyt pysähtynyt. Tällä hetkellä Venäjällä ei ole toimivaa kaupallista 5G-makroverkkoa.
Eikä tule olemaan vähään aikaan. Nyt käytännössä ainoa 5G-laitetoimittaja on Huawei. Sen laitteille 5G on käynnistetty joillakin Moskovan keskeisillä alueilla. Tämä on kuitenkin marginaalista toimintaa.
Huawei ei toki vastusta lisäbisnestä Venäjällä. Se on jo nyt maailman suurin verkkolaitetoimittaja. Tämä perustuu ennen kaikkea vahvaan asemaan kotimaassa Kiinassa, josta Ericsson ja Nokian on enemmän tai vähemmän strategisesti työnnetty marginaaliseen rooliin.
Tomi Engdahl says:
OneLayer Emerges From Stealth With $8.2M to Build Security for Private 5G Networks
Tel Aviv-based OneLayer emerged from stealth mode with $8.2 million in funding to build security for private 5G networks
Tel Aviv, Israel-based OneLayer has emerged from stealth with $8.2 million seed funding. The funding round was led by Grove Ventures and Viola Ventures, with additional investments from angel investors (including Avi Shua, founder and CEO of Orca Security, and Ariel Zeitlin, founder of Guardicore).
OneLayer’s mission is to add security to the expanding market for private 5G networks. It will use the seed funds to build its product suite for the desired enterprise-grade security and deploy it for customers internationally. It will also create a cyber risk assessment and validation lab based on private LTE and 5G technology in collaboration with tier 1 players.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Testausalusta valmis 5G:n seuraavaan aaltoon
Keysight on toimittanut joukon parannuksia yrityksen 5G Network Emulation Solution -ratkaisuun, jotka tukevat uusimpia 3GPP Rel-15/16/17 -ominaisuuksia. Tämä mahdollistaa sen, että piirisarjojen ja laitteiden valmistajat voivat taata seuraavan polven 5G-piirien toimivuuden.
Kuluneen vuoden aikana uudet päivitykset ovat antaneet johtaville 5G-piirisarjojen valmistajille mahdollisuuden kehittää ja todentaa edistyneitä 5G-piirisarjoja, jotka perustuvat 3GPP:n Release 16 -standardiin. Nämä piirisarjat, joiden odotetaan tulevan markkinoille vuonna 2022, on jo testattu ja varmennettu Keysightin parannetulla 5G-verkon emulointiratkaisulla, joka perustuu yrityksen langattomaan UXM 5G -testausalustaan.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Vlad Savov / Bloomberg:
Counterpoint: iPhones accounted for 37% of global 5G handset sales in January, as 5G phones made up more than half of global smartphone sales for the first time
Tomi Engdahl says:
5G mmWave SP4T switch works at 67 GHz
pSemi expands it RF SOI portfolio with a SP4T RF switch die for wideband and high-frequency applications up to 67 GHz. The PE42545 reflective switch provides low insertion loss, fast switching time, and high isolation for 5G mmWave systems, as well as test and measurement, microwave backhaul, radar, and satellite communication applications.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Test software equips scopes for 5G NR analysis
SignalVu 5G NR analysis software from Tektronix enables engineers to diagnose complex signal interactions on a single oscilloscope. Offered for 6 Series B mixed-signal oscilloscopes (MSOs), the software can be used to perform critical 5G NR measurements per 3GPP specifications. And the ability to diagnose faulty signal interactions on a single scope reduces the need for painstaking correlation between multiple instruments.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Samsung päivitti 5G-kansansuosikkinsa
Esimerkiksi Elisan helmikuun myydyimpien älypuhelimien listalla Samsungin Galaxy A12 -malli oli kärjessä, mutta kyse on edullisesta alle 200 euron LTE-puhelimesta. Listan kakkos- ja kolmospaikkaa miehittivät keskihintaluokan 5G-tuella varustetut A52s ja A32. Nyt valmistaja on päivittänyt nämä kansansuosikkinsa uusiin.
Uutuudet ovat Galaxy A53 5G- ja Galaxy A33 5G -mallit. Uusissa A-sarjalaisissa on täysin uusi prosessori, Galaxy-tekoälykamera, suuri näyttö ja jopa kahden päivän akunkesto. Molempiin puhelinmalleihin kuuluvat myös Samsungin One UI- ja Android OS -päivitystuet sekä jatkuvat tietoturvapäivitykset
Tomi Engdahl says:
Nokialle hyviä uutisia privaattiverkoista
Nokia on panostanut vahvasti privaattiverkkoihin viime vuosina. Yhtiöllä on jo yli 380 privaattiverkkoasiakasta, joista yli 75 rakentaa tai käyttää 5G-tekniikkaa. Nyt tutkimuslaitos Berg Insight ennustaa privaatti- tai kampusverkoille vahvaa kasvua.
Berg Insightin arvioi, että yksityisten LTE/5G-verkkojen käyttöönotto kymmenkertaistuu vuosina 2021–2026. Nykyään maailmanlaajuisesti käytössä on yli 1 000 yksityistä LTE-verkkoa, jotka palvelevat erilaisia käyttötapauksia.
Yksityisten 5G-verkkojen käyttöönotot ovat toistaiseksi keskittyneet pääosin kokeilu- ja pilottikäyttöön ja niiden määrä on arviolta 200-300 verkkoa. Vuoteen 2026 asti privaattiverkkojen käyttöönottojen määrän odotetaan kasvavan 57 prosentin vuosivauhtia. Tämä tarkoittaa, että vuonna 2026 maailmassa olisi jo 13 500 verkkoa.
Bergin määritelmässä yksityinen matkapuhelinverkko on 3GPP-standardeihin pohjautuva LTE- tai 5G-verkko, joka on rakennettu yksinomaan yksityisen tahon, kuten yrityksen tai valtion organisaation käyttöön. Verkot käyttävät 3GPP- ja LTE- tai 5G NR -tukiasemien, pienten solujen ja muun radioverkkojen määrittelemiä taajuuksia äänen ja datan lähettämiseen reunalaitteisiin.
Tärkeimmillä RAN-toimittajilla (Ericsson, Nokia ja Huawei) on kaikilla merkittävä rooli integroitujen ratkaisujen toimittajina, ja useat pienemmät RAN-laitteiden toimittajat haastavat heidät, mukaan lukien Airspan Networks, JMA Wireless, Mavenir, CommScope ja Samsung Networks, jotka tarjoavat kilpailukykyisiä LTE/5G-radioita. Tuotteet. Tärkeitä erikoistuneita core-verkkojen ohjelmistotoimittajia ovat Druid Software ja Athonet sekä Affirmed Networks ja Metaswitch, jotka ovat molemmat olleet osa Microsoftia vuoden 2020 puolivälistä lähtien.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Multistage Doherty MMIC Driver Eliminates Need for Interstage Isolation
March 7, 2022
While the Doherty amplifier concept is nearly a century old, our modern MMICs are making it more viable for smaller, lower-power, transmit-side signal paths.
Tomi Engdahl says:
How to Shield and Filter RF Designs from EMI
March 22, 2022
RF interference can severely disrupt electronic circuit functions even in the most professionally designed systems. This article shows designers the proper use of EMI/RF shielding that can isolate your RF circuitry from such harmful environments.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Discover the latest trends and applications enabled by Wi-Fi 6
March 18, 2022
New Quectel whitepaper explains why Wi-Fi 6, LTE-M and 5G are complementary technologies powering hyper-connected use cases.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Microwave/THz Instrumentation Assesses, Resolves PV-Material Performance Data
March 18, 2022
Sophisticated instrumentation using microwaves and terahertz waves can assess the likely effectiveness of promising photovoltaic materials.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Empowering 5G OpenRAN Adoption at MWC2022
March 16, 2022
5G OpenRAN is a way to build networks that ensures interoperability, vendor competition, element security and reduced operating costs across the radio access networks. We talk to Benetel CEO Adrian O’Connor about the company’s latest efforts at MWC 2022.
5G OpenRAN is a way to build networks that ensures interoperability, vendor competition, element security and reduced operating costs across the radio access networks. We talk to Benetel CEO Adrian O’Connor about the company’s latest efforts at MWC 2022. OpenRAN hardware specialist Benetel expanded its range of radio units through the introduction of the RAN650. This latest RU is intended to bring 5G capacity to private, campus and industrial networks, as well as rural networks and public hotspots. A 4T4R antenna arrangement is featured with up to 5W of output power being delivered per antenna port (equating to 20W in total). The 7.2x functional split employed will help minimize the costs associated with radio access network implementations, while support for 100MHz of instantaneous bandwidth will allow maximum coverage to be attained.
Tomi Engdahl says:
5G-liittymä pian lähes 4,4 miljardilla
Stockapps.comin saamien tietojen mukaan 5G-mobiililiittymien määrän odotetaan maailmanlaajuisesti nousevan 4,389 miljardiin vuoteen 2027 mennessä. Eniten liittymiä – yli miljardi – on todennäköisesti Koillis-Aasiassa. Keski- ja Itä-Euroopassa liittymien määrä kasvaa vain 230 miljoonaan.
Kerätyt tiedot osoittavat myös, että Pohjois-Aasia on ollut alueellinen johtaja 5G-käyttöönotossa. Vuonna 2020 alueen osuus maailmanlaajuisista 216 miljoonasta 5G-mobiililiittymästä oli 120 miljoonaa. Tänä vuonna määrä kasvaa alueella jo yli 830 miljoonaan.
Latinalaisessa Amerikassa odotetaan myös ennätyksellisen nopeaa kasvua: 1,3 miljoonasta 5G-liittymästä vuonna 2020 yli 300 miljoonaan vuonna 2027. Myös Lähi-idässä ja Afrikassa ennustetaan kovaa kasvua: joka kasvaa 1,46 miljoonasta 310 miljoonaan liittymään vuonna 2027.
Tomi Engdahl says:
5G-standardin kolmas vaihe on valmis
3GPP-järjestö on saanut jäädytettyä 5G-standardin Release 17 -määritysten toiminnallisuuden. Tämä ns. functional freeze -vaihe tarkoittaa, että järjestelmätasolla määrityksiin ei enää tule muutoksia. Ne tuovat tekniikkaan parannuksia monella tasolla.
Qualcomm on koonnut Reelase 17 -määritysten uudet ominaisuudet tiiviisti yhteen. Ensinnäkin parannukset koskevat massiiviten MIMO-antennijärjestelmien ominaisuuksia. Esimerkiksi kanavan tilainformaation mittausta ja raportointia on tarkennettu.
Parempaa verkon peittoa haetaan paremman uplink-kanavan hallinnalla ja datakanavan suunnittelulla. Tämä koskee kaikkia kanavia niin alle 7 gigahertsin taajuuksilla kuin millimetriaalloilla.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tärkeä laajennus on mmWave-alueen laajennus FR2-2-alueelle eli aina 71 gigahertsiin asti. Uusiin taajuuksiin kuuluu globaalisti vapaa 60 gigahertsin alue, joka voi avata 5G-yhteyksille uusia käyttötapoja.
Tomi Engdahl says:
5G-standardin kolmas vaihe on valmis
3GPP-järjestö on saanut jäädytettyä 5G-standardin Release 17 -määritysten toiminnallisuuden. Tämä ns. functional freeze -vaihe tarkoittaa, että järjestelmätasolla määrityksiin ei enää tule muutoksia. Ne tuovat tekniikkaan parannuksia monella tasolla.
Qualcomm on koonnut Reelase 17 -määritysten uudet ominaisuudet tiiviisti yhteen. Ensinnäkin parannukset koskevat massiiviten MIMO-antennijärjestelmien ominaisuuksia. Esimerkiksi kanavan tilainformaation mittausta ja raportointia on tarkennettu.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Can OpenRAN Overcome Resistance to Disaggregation?
Feb. 16, 2022
The OpenRAN network architecture can enable multi-vendor supply chains for future 5G networks, but must overcome obstacles on the way. Olli Andersson, Benetel’s senior VP for the Americas, discusses the architecture’s climb into market relevance.
The OpenRAN network architecture holds a great deal of promise for the future of 5G wireless infrastructure. It’s touted as a way to break the hold of closed, proprietary network-infrastructure providers and clear the way to a multi-vendor supply chain. Proponents of OpenRAN say that it will encourage more innovation in network configurations, provide network operators with more choices, and ultimately lower costs.
But proliferation of OpenRAN isn’t without obstacles. For one thing, there still exists some confusion in the marketplace about the differentiation between so-called “virtual RAN” and “cloud RAN” terminologies, and even about the notion of open source itself. For another, some network operators will prefer to stick to a single provider for infrastructure equipment to, if for no other reason, give them one phone number to call for tech support. Going to an OpenRAN architecture is also going to create the need for system integrators, typically third parties who will have a lot of say over how the network is implemented. What about network security issues stemming from the use of open software interfaces?
Benetel is among the providers of OpenRAN-based radio-access units (RUs) that have pinned their hopes on the success of OpenRAN, much like Accelleran has on the software side of the equation.
51. Can OpenRAN Overcome Resistance to Disaggregation?
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Jopa 20 ytimen Xeon-tehoa 5G-älytehtaisiin
COM-HPC on viime vuonna hyväksytty korttimoduulien standardi, joka käytännössä tuo palvelintason suorituskyvyn laitteisiin verkon reunalle. Standardia laatimassa ollut congatec on nyt esitellyt kortteja, joissa parhaimmillaan saadaan jopa 20 ytimen Intel Xeon -teho älykkäiden tehtaiden 5G-yhteyksiin.
Congatec kertoo esittelevänsä uusia korttejaan Smart Factory & Automation World -näyttelyssä. Niiden tyypilliset käyttökohteet löytyvät seuraavan sukupolven reaaliaikaisesti yhdistetyistä, itseohjautuvista ajoneuvoista älykkäisiin valmistus- ja materiaalinkäsittelysovelluksiin. Luonnollisesti kortit on kvalifioitu toimimaan kaikenlaisissa teollisuuden lämpötiloissa (-45°C … +85°C).
Seuraavan sukupolven älykkäiden kuljettimien (logistiikka-ajoneuvot) ja robottien valmistajien on integroitava laitteisiinsa konenäköä ja monenlaisia antureita datan keräämiseen. Lisäksi niiden on kyettävä datan paikalliseen esiprosessointiin tehoälyä hyödyntämällä. Tämä yhdessä yhä vaativamman ohjainlogiikan kanssa vaatii selvästi aiempaa enemmän raudalta.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Pienempiä radioita 5G-tukiasemiin
Analog Devices on tuonut markkinoille uuden millimetrialueen 5G-radion etupään piirisarjan, jonka ansiosta suunnittelijat voivat vähentää monimutkaisuutta ja tuoda pienempiä ja monipuolisempia radioita markkinoille nopeammin. Piirisarja sisältää neljä pitkälle integroitua piiriä ja tarjoaa täydellisen ratkaisun vähentämään merkittävästi 24–47 gigahertsin alueella tarvittavien 5G-komponenttien määrää.
ADI:n uusi mmWave-piirisarja koostuu kahdesta yksikanavaisesta (1T1R) ylös/alasmuuntimesta ja kahdesta 16-kanavaisesta keilanmuodostinpiiristä, jotka on valmistettu edistyneessä CMOS-prosessissa. Säteenmuodostajien tarjoama energiatehokkuus ja lineaarinen lähtöteho mahdollistavat koon, painon, tehon ja kustannusten pienentämisen.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Open RAN ongelmissa – operaattorit testaavat, mutta eivät investoi
Jos joku tekniikka on 5G-standardin jälkeen puhuttanut operaattoreita, niin se on avoimien verkkojen Open RAN -tekniikka. Strandconsult-tutkimuslaitoksen mukaan koko mobiilialalla on edelleen iso haaste: operaattorit eivät osta ORAN-verkkoja.
Konsulttitalon perustaja John Strandin mukaan epävarmuus näkyi esimerkiksi Barcelonan Mobile World Congress -messuilla. Tekniikan puolestapuhujat kutsuvat testaussopimuksia operaattoreiden kanssa kaupallisiksi sopimuksiksi. Monet pienemät pelurit, kuten Mavenir ja Parallel Wireless, ovat paniikissa, kun he eivät saa niitä tilauksia, joita ovat luvanneet johtokunnilleen.
Open RAN ei ole vielä saavuttanut suurta kaupallista menestystä. Jos Open RAN saa kannattajiensa ennustaman kasvun, sen osuus 5G-tukiasemista vuonna 2025 on alle yksi prosentti. Vuonna 2030 osuus olisi enintään 3 prosenttia. Tämä näyttää olevan liian vähän ja liian myöhään alalla, jossa otetaan käyttöön 10 000 uutta perinteistä 5G-tukiasemaa joka kuukausi.
Monet Open RANin kannattajat ja päättäjät väittävät, että matkaviestinverkoille on vain neljä infrastruktuurin toimittajaa, ikään kuin Huawei, Ericsson, Nokia ja ZTE olisivat ainoat vaihtoehdot laitteille. Silti MWC:n messuhalleista oli noin 2000 verkkolaitetoimittajaa.
Yksi O-RAN-pioneereista on japanilainen Rakuten. Jos tarkastellaan heidän kykyään houkutella asiakkaita Japanissa, se on ollut kaupallinen katastrofi. Rakutenin myydyin asiansa datassa on ollut ilmainen puhelin ja data jopa 12 kuukauden ajan.
Vodafonen Johan Wibergh sanoi MWC-messuilla haluavansa Open RANin pyörittävän 30 prosenttia tukiasemistaan vuoteen 2030 mennessä. Tämä laskelma ei toimi, ellei Vodafone sitten hidasta 5G:n käyttöönottoa.
John Strandin mukaan ORAN-pelaajat voisivat avata keskustelun käsittelemällä monia Strand Consultin ja muiden vastaamattomia kysymyksiä, mukaan lukien teknologiaa koskevat taloudelliset, taloudelliset, tekniset ja käytännön näkökohdat
On tärkeää ymmärtää, että Open RAN on osa 4G/5G-tekniikkaa. Ne eivät ole ratkaisuja, jotka voivat korvata olemassa olevia verkkoja suurissa osissa maailmaa. O-RAN ei ole ratkaisu pienituloisille Intiassa, Afrikassa ja Latinalaisessa Amerikassa, John Strand päättää.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Cable Assemblies for Next-Gen mmWave Phased Arrays
April 4, 2022
Junkosha’s Joe Rowan discusses the company’s new MWX7 cable assemblies and, more broadly, what makes for a worthy cable assembly for use in 5G large-scale, phased-array radar and MIMO systems.
Tomi Engdahl says:
An Open RAN 5G Private Network Solution at MWC 2022
Tomi Engdahl says:
SAR and HAC Compliance Tests on 5G Mobile Devices
Anritsu announced the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) selected its Radio Communication Test Station MT8000A, Radio Communication Analyzer MT8821C, and Signaling Tester MD8475B to conduct compliance tests on 5G mobile devices. The devices are part of a test system to measure Frequency Range 1 (FR1) and Frequency Range 2 (FR2) specific absorption rates (SARs) of 5G mobile devices. Measuring the RF energy absorbed by the body, the FCC limit for safe public exposure levels from a mobile device is a SAR level of 1.6 watts per kilogram (1.6 W/kg).
For Hearing Aid Compatibility (HAC) testing, the FCC will use the MT8000A, MD8475B, and the HEAD acoustics labCORE modular hardware platform designed for high-precision voice and audio quality testing. The test system will determine whether a handset is hearing-aid-compatible. Tests are conducted in accordance with the 2019 ANSI standard.