Computers and component trends 2020

Prediction articles:

2020: A consumer electronics forecast for the year(s) ahead

AI Chips: What Will 2020 Bring?

CEO Outlook: 2020 Vision: 5G, China and AI are prominent, but big changes are coming everywhere

Top 10 Tech Failures From 2019 That Hint At 2020 Trends – Last year’s tech failures often turn into next year’s leading trends


AMD’s 7nm Ryzen 4000 CPUs are here to take on Intel’s 10nm Ice Lake laptop chips

Top 9 challenges IT leaders will face in 2020: From skills shortages to privacy concerns

Linux in 2020: 27.8 million lines of code in the kernel, 1.3 million in whole system
Systemd? It’s the proper technical solution, says kernel maintainer

Hero programmers do exist, do all the work, do chat a lot – and do need love and attention from project leaders

From the oil rig to the lake: a shift in perspective on data

In December 2020, the new IEC/EN 62368-1 will replace the existing safety standards EN 60950-1 and EN 60065-1

Use of technology money outside company IT department is the new normal

Tech to try:

12 Alternative Operating Systems You Can Use In 2020



Universal memory coming? New type of non-volatile general purpose memory on research, some call it UltraRAM.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Would you pay more for electronics that were graphene and MBE-produced with few rare earth elements, even if they were slower?

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    No Culture Clash in the Marriage of IBM and Red Hat

    It’s been nearly nine months since the marriage between IBM and Red Hat was finalized. We decided to check in and see how the newlyweds are getting along.

    Red Hat was also buoyed by its relationship with IBM, and is now expected to see revenues of at least $1 billion each quarter – or at least it will as soon as the current coronavirus-fueled economic downturn is righted.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    So National Instruments has all their on-line courses free for anyone through April 30th.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Eclipse Foundation Releases Eclipse Theia 1.0, a Open Source Alternative to Visual Studio Code. Leading open source adopters for Eclipse Theia include ARM, Arduino, EclipseSource, Ericsson, Gitpod, Google Cloud, IBM, Red Hat, SAP, and TypeFox –

    Cloud & Desktop IDE

    Eclipse Theia is an extensible platform to develop multi-language Cloud & Desktop IDEs with state-of-the-art web technologies.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Office 365 Rebrands as Microsoft 365 With New Consumer Features
    Microsoft has announced today that they are rebranding the Office 365
    service as Microsoft 365 with thelaunch of a new consumer subscription
    package that includes Office applications, OneDrive, and Outlook. a
    new Family Safety App, and Teams for Consumer.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    3 lightweight text editors for Linux
    Improve your productivity with these plain text editors.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A cross-platform, customizable science fiction terminal emulator with advanced monitoring & touchscreen support

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Why Python is not the programming language of the future
    Even though it will be in high demand for a few more years

    It took the programming community a couple of decades to appreciate Python. But since the early 2010’s, it has been booming — and eventually surpassing C, C#, Java and JavaScript in popularity.
    But until when will that trend continue? When will Python eventually be replaced by other languages, and why?

    What could replace Python in the future — and when
    There are a few new competitors on the market of programming languages:
    Rust offers the same kind of safety that Python has — no variable can accidentally be overwritten. But it solves the performance issue with the concept of ownership and borrowing. It is also the most-loved programming language of the last few years, according to StackOverflow Insights.

    Go is great for beginners like Python. And it is so simple that it’s even easier to maintain the code. Fun point: Go developers are among the highest-paid programmers on the market.

    Julia is a very new language that competes head-on with Python. It fills the gap of large-scale technical computations: Usually, one would have used Python or Matlab, and patched the whole thing up with C++ libraries, which are necessary at a large scale. Now, one can use Julia instead of juggling with two languages.

    While there are other languages on the market, Rust, Go, and Julia are the ones that fix weak patches of Python. All of these languages excel in yet-to-come technologies, most notably in Artificial Intelligence.

    Which of the languages it will be — Rust, Go, Julia, or a new language of the future — is hard to say at this point.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    This will install Windows Server 2019 180 Days Trial with accelerated graphics on a Virtual Machine which enables playing games.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Well, 2019 finished with Intel as king of the chip world, Broadcom doing OK, everyone else shrinking. Good thing 2020′s looking up, eh?
    Oh, oh no… oh God

    ntel and Broadcom were the lone beacons of success in an otherwise dismal semiconductor market last year, according to industry analysts at Omdia (formerly IHS Markit).

    While the semi industry as a whole shrunk by 11.7 per cent, revenue-wise, in 2019, Chipzilla expanded its cash intake by 1.3 per cent, year on year. According to Omdia, that allowed Intel to blow past Samsung as the number-one cash-generating king, in terms of annual revenues.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The best free stuff while you’re stuck at home
    Here are the free games, movies, ebooks, video tools and more to help you survive self-quarantine.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:


    Due to the current coronavirus situation, remote work will be the new norm for some time. Succeeding in this requires more than just the right set of tools – it’s also about building systems and company culture around them. Here’s how we do it.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Object-Oriented Programming — The Trillion Dollar Disaster
    Why it’s time to move on from OOP

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Perhaps August Dvorak Is More Your Type

    One of the strangest things about human nature is our tendency toward inertia. We take so much uncontrollable change in stride, but when our man-made constructs stop making sense, we’re suddenly stuck in our ways — for instance, the way we measure things in the US, or define daytime throughout the year. Inertia seems to be the only explanation for continuing to do things the old way, even when new and scientifically superior ways come along. But this isn’t about the metric system — it’s about something much more personal. If you use a keyboard with any degree of regularity, this affects you physically.

    Many, many people are content to live their entire lives typing on QWERTY keyboards. They never give a thought to the unfortunate layout choices of common letters, nor do they pick up even a whisper of the heated debates about the effectiveness of QWERTY vs. other layouts. We would bet that most of our readers have at least heard of the Dvorak layout, and assume that a decent percentage of you have converted to it.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ingenious Hacks That Brought The Original Prince Of Persia To Life

    For many 8-bit computing veterans, the original Prince of Persia game was our first exposure to fluid life-like animation on screen. This groundbreaking technical achievement earned the game’s place in nostalgia and history. Ars Technica invited its original creator [Jordan Mechner] to sit in front of a camera and talk through many technical and game design challenges he had to solve. (Video embedded below. Bonus: correct pronunciation of Karateka directly from the creator’s mouth.)

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Git is a handy tool that many of us are using for more than just software development. Having a cloud-based upstream repository is also surprisingly useful, but until now using GitHub — the most common upstream server — meant firing up a web browser, at least for certain tasks. Now GitHub is releasing a beta version of command-line tools made to manipulate your GitHub repos.

    The tools are early release so they mostly focus on issues and pull requests. Of course, git itself will do the normal things like clone and checkout — you’ve always been able to do that on the command line. The example given in the announcement blog post lists all issues with a help wanted label:

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Java On GPUs And FPGAs

    There was a time when running a program on an array of processors meant that you worked in some high-powered lab somewhere. Now your computer probably has plenty of processors hiding in its GPU and if you have an FPGA, you have everything you need to make something custom. The idea behind TornadoVM is to modify OpenJDK and GraalVM to support running some Java code on parallel architectures supported by OpenCL. The system can utilize multi-core CPUs, GPUs (NVIDIA and AMD), Intel integrated GPUs, and Intel FPGAs.

    TornadoVM: A practical and efficient heterogeneous programming framework for managed languages

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    AMD Unveils CDNA GPU Architecture: A Dedicated GPU Architecture for Data Centers
    by Ryan Smith on March 5, 2020 5:25 PM EST

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    MessagePack Is A More Efficient JSON

    It is an age-old problem, that of having some data you want to store somewhere, and later bring it back. How do you format the data? Custom file formats are not that hard, but if you use an existing format you can probably steal code from a library to help you. Common choices include XML or the simpler JSON. However, neither of these are very concise. That’s where MessagePack comes in.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Lawrence Abrams / BleepingComputer:
    NetMarketShare: Microsoft Edge becomes the second most popular desktop browser for the first time, with a market share of 7.59%, beating Mozilla Firefox’s 7.19% — The Microsoft Edge browser is now being used by more people than Mozilla Firefox making it the 2nd most popular desktop browser.

    Microsoft Edge is now 2nd most popular desktop browser, beats Firefox

    The Microsoft Edge browser is now being used by more people than Mozilla Firefox making it the 2nd most popular desktop browser.

    While Google Chrome is still far greater than all the other browsers combined at 68.5% market share, for the first time the desktop version of Microsoft Edge has surpassed Mozilla Firefox in market share.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Why JavaScript is going to be the language of the future

    Today, JavaScript is one of the most powerful languages on the planet – because of its performance, and omnipresence.

    Personally, I feel like JavaScript has the potential to tap into so many mature industries like Machine Learning and Data Analysis, where Python still rules the game, and it’s even happening with tools like Tensorflow.js!

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Google: We’re opening Code Search for Go, Angular, Dart, Flutter, TensorFlow and more

    Developers can now search through some of Google’s major open-source projects.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:


    Nation’s Programmers Admit They’re Actually Just Really Good At Googling Things

    At a press conference Thursday, a spokesperson for the National Programmer’s Association apologized that coders have long pretended they know what they are doing when really they just search the internet for how to do stuff.

    “We’re sorry for those we’ve misled,” he said. “We’ve pretended our job is a tough profession to learn, but that was just gatekeeping. The real secret is we know how to code just as much as you do. It’s just that we know the kinds of search terms to use to find solutions.”

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    DDR5 Specifications Land: Up To 8400 MHz, Catering To Systems With Lots of Cores
    By Niels Broekhuijsen 4 days ago
    DDR5 will be big, and very fast!


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