Mobile Trends 2020

I was planning to write some article on the mobile trends on this year based on news-feed from MWC 2020 mobile event, but MWC canceled because of Coronavirus COVID-19. And so some other events.

Here are some trends:

It seems that smart phones seem to have as much excitement when a new model is released. Usually there is no new feature that renders the latest model an absolute must-have. Apart from potential prestige, there’s usually very little difference to the user whether the phone cost $300 or $1200.

People still remember the failed promise of foldable phones and 5G. For those 2019 had been a year of failed promises.

Along with foldable displays, the fifth generation of networking technology was touted as being the next big thing in the mobile business. It seems that year 2020 will be a real test for 5G if it will really take on or fails to full-fill the big expectations. This year will be the real test for 5G devices as the 5G device mass market has not yet really started. Read more on that on my 5G trends 2020 post.

The smartphones market was valued at USD 714.96 billion in 2019
. It was expected to reach USD 1351.8 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 11.2%. But it seems that this year does not meet those expectations, as IDC expects Smartphone market to drop 2.3% in 2020 due to coronavirus. COVID-19 outbreak is expected to result into 10.6 percent drop in the first half of 2020 and China’s smartphone market will drop by nearly 40 percent year over year in the first quarter. The SMEs in the phone industry, especially retail channel partners, will see the biggest effect.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Low-Cost Infrared Detector Could Give Future Smartphones, Vehicles Serious Computer Vision Smarts
    New sensor gives autonomous vehicles the ability to peer through fog and lets smartphones distinguish between different materials.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Samsung already makes it extremely difficult to have root access without tripping the security flags, and now the Korean OEM has introduced yet another roadblock for aftermarket development. In its latest move, Samsung disables the cameras on the Galaxy Z Fold 3 after you unlock the bootloader.

    Samsung kills the cameras on the Galaxy Z Fold 3 if you unlock the bootloader

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Dieter Bohn / The Verge:
    Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 review: water resistant with an improved screen feel and multitasking, but terrible under-screen camera, expensive, and heavy — As good as foldables get, but is that good enough? — The Galaxy Z Fold 3 is the best possible case Samsung can make for a phone that unfolds into a small tablet.

    Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 review: nearly normal
    As good as foldables get, but is that good enough?

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hartley Charlton / MacRumors:
    Kuo: iPhone 13 hardware could support LEO satellite communications; Apple may work with Globalstar to enable connectivity when not in 4G/5G range — The iPhone 13 will feature low earth orbit (LEO) satellite communication connectivity to allow users to make calls and send messages …

    Kuo: iPhone 13 to Feature LEO Satellite Communications to Make Calls and Texts Without Cellular Coverage

    In a note to investors, seen by MacRumors, Kuo explained that the ‌iPhone 13‌ lineup will feature hardware that is able to connect to LEO satellites. If enabled with the relevant software features, this could allow ‌iPhone 13‌ users to make calls and send messages without the need for a 4G or 5G cellular connection.

    The ‌iPhone 13‌ reportedly features a customized Qualcomm X60 baseband chip that supports satellite communications. Other smartphone brands are apparently currently waiting until 2022 to adopt the X65 baseband chip necessary to implement satellite communications functions.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
    Source: Apple’s planned satellite capabilities for the iPhone are focused on emergencies, enabling texts and crisis reports in areas without cellular coverage — – Apple plans an emergency-reporting tool for future iPhones — Apple Inc.’s push to bring satellite capabilities to the iPhone …

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Global smartphone shipments are expected to grow by 7.4% in 2021, reaching 1.37B units, with iPhone shipments growing 13.8% and Android shipments growing 6.2% — While the supply chain situation hasn’t drastically improved, the smartphone market has shown positive results in recent quarters.

    30 Aug 2021
    Global Smartphone Shipments Continue to Grow Led by Strong Recovery in Many Emerging Markets, According to IDC

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Manish Singh / TechCrunch:
    Sensor Tower: Telegram crossed 1B global downloads, with ~214.7M installs in H1 2021, up 61% YoY, and 22% of total global downloads coming from India — Popular instant messaging app Telegram has joined the elite club of apps that have been downloaded over 1 billion times globally, according to Sensor Tower.

    Telegram tops 1 billion downloads

    Popular instant messaging app Telegram has joined the elite club of apps that have been downloaded over 1 billion times globally, according to Sensor Tower.

    The Dubai-headquartered app, which was launched in late 2013, surpassed the milestone on Friday, the mobile insight firm told TechCrunch. As is the case with the app’s chief rival, WhatsApp, India is the largest market for Telegram. The world’s second-largest internet market represents approximately 22% of its lifetime installs, Sensor Tower said.

    “[India is] followed by Russia and Indonesia, which represent about 10% and 8% of [all installs], respectively. The app’s installs accelerated in 2021, reaching about 214.7 million installs in the first half of 2021, up 61% year-over-year from 133 million in H1 2020,” it added.

    It’s worth noting that the number of installs doesn’t equate to the app’s active userbase. Telegram had about 500 million monthly active users as of early this year, for instance. But the surge in downloads, which coincides with WhatsApp’s poor handling of relaying its privacy policies to its massive userbase, nonetheless suggests that Telegram has enjoyed some additional attention in recent quarters.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Let’s Consider Some of the Implications of Third-Party Payment Processing for In-App Purchasing on iOS and Android

    Apple, in a statement to MacRumors (and other media outlets), regarding South Korea’s just-passed “Google power-abuse-prevention law” which will forbid Apple and Google from requiring the use of their respective in-app purchasing systems:

    The Telecommunications Business Act will put users who purchase digital goods from other sources at risk of fraud, undermine their privacy protections, make it difficult to manage their purchases, and features like “Ask to Buy” and Parental Controls will become less effective. We believe user trust in App Store purchases will decrease as a result of this legislation — leading to fewer opportunities for the over 482,000 registered developers in Korea who have earned more than KRW8.55 trillion to date with Apple.

    My biggest concern regarding third-party payment processing for IAP is subscriptions, which I think Apple’s statement hints at only obliquely, with the phrase “[will] make it difficult to manage their purchases”.

    Apple’s subscription system is so useful, so trustworthy, and so beneficial to my peace of mind that as a general rule I only subscribe to anything through it. Of course I make exceptions, but only for subscription providers whom I inherently trust.

    But the main thing to keep in mind about the South Korean legislation is that it has nothing to do with sideloading or third-party app stores, which would enable the sidestepping not just of all parental controls, but of all privacy controls — for children and adults alike — system-wide.

    Adding support for third-party payment processing for in-app purchases in no way prevents Apple and Google from providing robust parental controls to approve kids’ in-app purchases. The rules that are enforced by policy matter, and in large part have worked.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kahdella kolmesta ihmisestä on jo matkapuhelin

    Matkapuhelinten käyttäjien kokonaismäärä jatkaa kasvuaan ilman merkkejä hidastumisesta. StockApps.comin esittämien tietojen mukaan matkapuhelimia käyttävien ihmisten määrä oli heinäkuussa lähes 5,3 miljardia eli 67 prosentilla maailman väestöstä oli puhelin. Euroopassa lukema on 86 prosenttia.

    Hootsuite- ja We Are Social Digital 2021 -raportin mukaan yli 117 miljoonaa ihmistä alkoi käyttää matkapuhelimia viime vuonna, ja käyttäjien kokonaismäärä kasvoi 2,3 prosenttia. Luvut ovat vielä suurempia, kun otetaan huomioon mobiiliyhteyksien kokonaismäärä. Heinäkuun 2020 ja heinäkuun 2021 välisenä aikana noin 670 miljoonaa ihmistä alkoi käyttää jonkinlaista matkapuhelinyhteyttä ja niiden kokonaismäärä nousi 10,4 miljardiin maailmanlaajuisesti.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Älypuhelimille tulee energiamerkintä

    Älypuhelimille ja tableteille on suunnitteilla useita uusia vaatimuksia, jotka koskevat energiatehokkuuden lisäksi kiertotaloutta. Korjattavuus, purettavuus, kestävyys ja kierrätettävyys ovat vauhdilla tulossa uusina vaatimuksina mukaan kaikkiin ekosuunnitteluasetuksiin, sillä nämä ominaisuudet ovat avainasemassa tuotteiden kiertotalouden kehittämisessä, laitteiden käyttöiän pidentämisessä ja ympäristövaikutusten pienentämisessä.

    Energiaviraston mukaan myös laitteiden materiaalitehokkuus on jatkossa otettava huomioon. Tämä tarkoittaa esimerkiksi vaatimusta suunnitella helposti korjattavia ja tehokkaasti kierrätettäviä laitteita.

    Asetuksen tarkka sisältö ei ole vielä tiedossa, mutta esiselvityksen perusteella ehdotettiin esimerkiksi, että älypuhelimien akkujen tulisi olla helposti irrotettavissa korjattavuuden parantamiseksi. Korjaukseen tarvittavien tietojen ja varaosien tulisi olla saatavilla ainakin ammattikorjaajille. Yleisimmin korjaamista vaativien osien, kuten näyttöjen tai puhelimen takaosan tulisi olla helposti korjattavissa ja/tai vaihdettavissa. Lisäksi käyttöjärjestelmäpäivitysten tulisi olla saatavilla vähintään 5 vuotta, jotta kuluttajien ei tarvitse ostaa uutta laitetta vanhentuneen käyttöjärjestelmän vuoksi.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    China limits gaming time for under-18s to one hour a day on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays

    China’s top watchdog for gaming and other forms of online media has formally issued the rules to combat video games addiction among teenagers
    The NPPA said video gaming companies are the main entities responsible for stopping children from becoming addicted to games

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Samsungin puhelimilla voi pian kuvata 8K-videota

    200 miljoonaa. Näin paljon pikseleitä on Samsung ahtanut uusimmalle ISOCELL-sarjan älypuhelinten kamerakennolleen. HP1-kennon myötä älypuhelimiin on tulossa ensimmäistä kertaa kyky kuvata 8K-tasoista videota.

    ISOCELL HP1 on ensimmäinen 200 megapikselin mobiilikuvakenno. Se perustuu uuteen 0,64 mikrometrin pikselikokoon. Uuden binning-tekniikan eli ChameleonCell-tekniikan avulla kenno osaa yhdistää jopa 16 viereistä pikseliä yhdeksi pikseleksi.

    HP1-kenno voi ottaa 8K-videota 30 kuvaa sekunnissa. Videokuvaksessa kenno voi neljä vierekkäistä pikseliä pienentääkseen resoluutiota 50 megapikseliin. Tällä 4K-tarkkuudella videota voidaan tallentaa 120 ruudun sekuntinopeudella.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Samsungilta 200 megapikselin kenno älypuhelimiin

    200 miljoonaa. Näin paljon pikseleitä on Samsung ahtanut uusimmalle ISOCELL-sarjan älypuhelinten kamerakennolleen. HP1-kenno perustuu uuteen 0,64 mikrometrin pikselikokoon. Uuden binning-tekniikan eli ChameleonCell-tekniikan avulla kenno osaa yhdistää jopa 16 viereistä pikseliä yhdeksi pikseleksi.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hurja ennuste: AR-lasit korvaavat älypuhelimen

    Viime vuonna maailmassa myytiin eli 1,3 miljardia älypuhelinta. Kun keskihinta oli 309 dollaria, puhutaan jättimäisestä lähes 400 miljardin dollarin liiketoiminnasta. Tutkimuslaitos GlobalData kuitenkin ennustaa, että keinotodellisuuden lasit eli AR-lasit korvaavat tulevaisuudessa älypuhelimet suosituimpana mobiililaitteena.

    GlobalData arvioi, että seuraavien kymmenen vuoden aikana AR-alasta kasvaa 152 miljardin dollarin teollisuus. Nykytasoon kasvua tulee 22-kertaisesti.

    Viime vuonna AR-laitteiden markkina oli kooltaan noin 7 miljardia dollaria. Seuraavina vuosina kasvu tulee olemaan 36 prosenttia. Tällä hetkellä markkinaa hallitsevat kuluttajasovellukset, erityisesti pelit, mutta jo 3-4 vuoden kuluttua yrityksistä tulee AR-tekniikan tärkein hyödyntäjä.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mediatek nousi kännykkäpiirien ykköseksi

    Kysyy lähes keneltä tahansa, Qualcommin pitäisi olla älypuhelimien järjestelmäpiirien ykkönen. Ja Samsungin kakkonen. Mutta lukujen mukaan markkinajohtaja on taiwanilainen Mediatek. Counterpoint Researchin mukaan Mediatekin markkinaosuus oli toisella vuosineljänneksellä 43 prosenttia.

    Tutkimusjohtaja Dale Gain mukaan MediaTekin nousu älypuhelinpiirien ykköseksi perustuu ennen kaikkea keskihintaluokan ja edullisempien piirien hyvällä valikoimalla. Lisäksi 4G-piiirien kysyntä on edelleen vahvaa monilla kehittyvillä markkinoilla, mikä auttoi Mediatekiä.

    Qualcomm hallitsi 5G-kantataajuuspiirien markkinoita 55 prosentin osuudella. Tämän vuoden ensimmäisellä puoliskolla Qualcomm on kuitenkin kärsinyt tuotanto-ongelmista. Yhtiö on yrittänyt paikata vajetta varaamalla lisäkapasiteettia sekä TSMC:n että muiden sopimusvalmistajien linjoilta, ja onnistunutkin tässä.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jamie Feltham / UploadVR:
    Ray-Ban and Facebook’s VP of AR and VR Andrew Bosworth appear to be teasing smartglasses with a point-of-view recording feature that could be announced Thursday — It looks like we’ll be getting the first details about Facebook’s collaboration with Ray-Ban on a pair of smartglasses later this week.

    Facebook/Ray-Ban Smartglasses Reveal Coming On Thursday

    It looks like we’ll be getting the first details about Facebook’s collaboration with Ray-Ban on a pair of smartglasses later this week.

    Ray-Ban’s official website just posted a tease with the date 09/09/2021, suggesting we’ll get more details this Thursday. We can see what’s likely a silhouette of the glasses themselves but, other than that there’s little in the way of details.

    The page does allow users to sign up for a ‘Release Notification’, though it’s not clear if the smartglasses might actually launch this week, or we’ll simply get a date for later down the line. Last year Facebook said the glasses would launch in 2021 and, more recently, CEO Mark Zuckerberg reconfirmed they’d be the company’s next hardware launch.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Karen Webster /
    Survey: 93.9% of US consumers with Apple Pay activated on their iPhones do not use it to buy items in stores, seven years after Apple launched the service

    Seven Years Later, Only 6% of People with iPhones in the US Use Apple Pay In-Store When They Can

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jack Nicas / New York Times:
    A look at Freedom Phone, a $500 device aimed at right-wing users and created by a 22-year-old bitcoin millionaire, who admitted it was made by China’s Umidigi

    The Strange Tale of the Freedom Phone, a Smartphone for Conservatives

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Alex Heath / The Verge:
    Facebook launches $299 Ray-Ban Stories smart glasses in six countries including the US; users can capture photo and video, listen to music, or take phone calls — Hands-on with Facebook and Ray-Ban’s first pair of smart glasses — Starting Thursday, the first pair of smart glasses …

    Facebook on your face
    Hands-on with Facebook and Ray-Ban’s first pair of smart glasses

    Starting Thursday, the first pair of smart glasses made by Facebook and Ray-Ban are going on sale for $299. They’re called Ray-Ban Stories, and you’ll be able to find them pretty much anywhere Ray-Bans are sold, including LensCrafters and Sunglasses Hut stores.

    The frames feature two-front facing cameras for capturing video and photos. They sync with a companion camera roll app called Facebook View, where clips can be edited and shared to other apps on your phone (not just Facebook’s own). There’s a physical button on the glasses for recording, or you can say “Hey Facebook, take a video” to control them hands-free.

    And, perhaps most importantly, they look and feel like regular glasses.

    With their core ability of taking photos and videos, Ray-Ban Stories are essentially a sleeker version of Snapchat’s Spectacles, which first debuted in 2016 to a lot of hype that quickly fizzled. These Ray-Bans don’t have displays in the lenses, like the latest Spectacles that were unveiled earlier this year. However, speakers on both sides of the frame can play sound from your phone over Bluetooth, allowing you to take a call or listen to a podcast without pulling your phone out. A touchpad built into the side of the frame lets you change the volume or play and pause what you’re hearing.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Damien Wilde / 9to5Google:
    Xiaomi says its upcoming 11T flagship series will get three years of OS updates and four years of security updates, matching Samsung and Google

    Xiaomi 11T series promised 3 full OS updates, 4 years of security patches

    Ahead of the release of the Xiaomi 11T Pro and 11T, the Chinese firm is promising extended support for the upcoming duo with three years of OS updates and a further year of regular security patches.

    This update pledge goes beyond the current support levels already provided for the firm’s flagship Mi 11 Ultra device – which is expected to get just two OS updates and receives security patches on a 90-day schedule. Although not yet officially announced, the Xiaomi 11T series will be offered three full Android system updates up to and including Android 14. Beyond that, a further year of security patches will be offered, but Xiaomi did not confirm just how often these will arrive.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Apple prohibited from blocking outside payment in Epic ruling

    A judge this morning issued a ruling in California’s Epic v. Apple case, siding with the Fortnite maker on the topic of third-party payments. Effectively, the judge has ruled that Apple cannot prohibit developers from adding links for alternative payments beyond Apple’s App Store-based monetization.

    The mobile giant’s control over fees on iOS has long been a sticking point for Epic and the veritable cash cow of its in-gaming micro-transactions.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Facebook puts on Ray-Bans, struts into the privacy minefield of smart glasses
    Facebook, neck-deep in virtual / augmented reality with the Oculus headset, continues to move things up a gear. It’s announced “Ray-Ban stories”, smart glasses which take video and photos. The company may yet go one step further and incorporate these features into Augmented Reality (AR) specs which a Facebook rep said were in development.
    Facebook’s decision to enter the smart glass market is remarkable considering what’s come before. About ten years ago, another tech giant with a similarly-tarnished reputation for gathering personal data tried it with Google Glass. This was the first mainstream attempt to put glasses with cameras on our heads. It didn’t work. Famously. As you’ll see from the video in the BBC article linked at the beginning of this article, both the presenter and Facebook rep dive into the privacy angle. “Can people film me without me knowing about it?” is absolutely a valid question.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Apple iOS 15: Stunning New iPhone Privacy Features Coming Next Week
    Apple’s iOS 15 is finally here. Well nearlyas it’s now been confirmed that the iPhone 13 launch is on September 14. If we go by previous Apple releases, that means the new iOS 15 operating system will probably start to roll out to iPhones on September 15. With the launch of iOS 15 just days away, there is a bunch of stuff to get excited about, not least the stunning new iPhone privacy features that will hurt the likes of Facebook. Over the last few weeks, Apple’s controversial new CSAM features had put a bit of a black cloud over iPhone privacy, but now these have been delayed. Apple’s iOS 14 really doubled down on iPhone privacy, particularly with the launch of App Tracking Transparency, which has impacted data hungry tech giants such as Google and Facebook by making tracking on your iPhone opt in only.
    The new iPhone operating system, iOS 15, will build on this further with a privacy dashboard which shows which permissions you have given apps and how often they have accessed them (for example, your camera).
    You can then revoke these if you like. In a later iOS 15 version, this dashboard will include the apps tracking you too.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Google Introduces Private Compute Services for Android

    Google this week introduced a new suite of services designed to improve privacy in the Android operating system.

    The new features add to the previously introduced Private Compute Core in Android 12 beta, an open source, secure environment designed to be completely isolated from the Android platform itself, as well as from other applications.

    For the time being, Private Compute Core includes features such as Live Caption, Now Playing, and Smart Reply, but Google says that additional privacy-preserving features will be added with each new Android release.

    To increase privacy, these features keep user data on the device, as the data processed in the Private Compute Core isn’t shared with other apps, and allow for the device to access the cloud without compromising privacy.

    No feature within the Private Compute Core has direct access to a network, which is where the newly introduced Private Compute Services come into play. Powered by machine learning, Google says they create a bridge between Private Compute Core and the cloud.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mike Wuerthele / AppleInsider:
    Kuo: iPhone 13 Pro lineup will gain 1TB storage option; Apple to announce AirPods 3, but will continue to sell current generation AirPods too — Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has chimed in on what he expects to see during Tuesday’s Apple Event, and is taking some stabs at pricing.

    Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
    What to expect from Apple’s September 14 event: narrower notch on iPhone 13, LTPO displays for Pro models, redesigned Watch Series 7 with a bigger screen, more — This is the free version of Power On. If you like it, consider subscribing to — you’ll receive …

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    M.G. Siegler / 500ish:
    Apple won the Epic battle but is too arrogant to see that it still has to make some major App Store changes to both appease the courts and please developers — Apple v. Epic indeed… It depends on what your definition of a link is. Or really, in some ways, what your definition of the internet is.

    Apple Won a Battle to Lose the War
    Apple v. Epic indeed…

    It depends on what your definition of a link is. Or really, in some ways, what your definition of the internet is. If it’s all really just a series of tubes, it’s not entirely clear that a link you click to take you somewhere else actually takes you somewhere else versus a link that allows you to pay for something on a page as that’s also essentially taking you somewhere else. It’s confusing, yes. But this is probably what it’s all going to boil down to in the next battle of Apple v. Epic.

    Apple says they won. Epic says they lost. That should be cut and dried, no? But maybe, just maybe, both sides are saying what they think they need to say for appearances sake. Perhaps there’s actually quite a bit of nuance and gamesmanship here — surprise!

    My read is that Apple did win — exactly what everyone always knew they would win. But in winning that battle, they actually lost something far more important. There is no way around it: the judge’s order to stop App Store anti-steering is a big one. And seemingly one Apple did see coming given the Japanese settlement a few weeks back. But this is still a major blow because it both continues and accelerates the boulder rolling down the hill of real reforms to the App Store.

    Apple may think that they’re doing enough in a piecemeal fashion to stave off major change, but they’re not. If anything, they need to make a major change to stanch the bleeding. But they won’t do that. They’re both too proud and too arrogant. They’re so sure that they’re in the right here that they don’t see that it actually doesn’t matter.

    Epic, I think, sees that. They’re coy about it, but my suspicion is that they’re a lot smarter about all of this than they’re letting on. And that we’ll only find that out well after the fact. After the App Store has been majorly reformed by Epic’s “losses” here.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kim Lyons / The Verge:
    Epic has filed an appeal to Friday’s ruling in its lawsuit against Apple with the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit — The court ruled Friday that Epic should pay damages — Epic Games has filed an appeal to a Friday’s ruling in its lawsuit against Apple, calling on a higher court …

    Epic has appealed Friday’s ruling in the Epic v. Apple case
    The court ruled Friday that Epic should pay damages

    Epic Games has filed an appeal to a Friday’s ruling in its lawsuit against Apple, calling on a higher court to reexamine the case and overturn the judge’s ruling.

    “Notice is hereby given that Epic Games, Inc…. appeals to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit from the final Judgment entered on September 10, 2021,” the document reads. Few details are given about the legal basis for Epic’s appeal, but it is likely to continue to press on the federal antitrust allegations dismissed by the court.

    At trial, Epic argued Apple had a monopoly because of how it requires developers to use its payments system for in-game purchases. But Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers ruled Friday that Epic should pay damages to Apple for violating rules around its in-app purchasing system, while undoing Apple’s most restrictive rules on steering customers to alternate payment systems.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
    Epic ruling is a win for Apple as it costs the company just a few billion annually and doesn’t force Apple to change its fees or let 3rd-party app stores on iOS

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    New York Times:
    Small developers say the Epic ruling could lead to a windfall but some researchers say it is unclear if consumers will actually use alternative payment methods

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Eric Slivka / MacRumors:
    Apple warns that long-term exposure to vibrations, like those from high-power motorcycle engines, can degrade iPhone cameras by damaging their gyroscopes — Apple today published a new support document warning iPhone users that the cameras on their devices can be damaged by exposure …

    Apple Warns Vibrations Like Those From High-Power Motorcycle Engines Can Harm iPhone Cameras

    Apple today published a new support document warning iPhone users that the cameras on their devices can be damaged by exposure to certain vibrational frequencies such as those generated by high-power motorcycle engines.

    Exposure to vibrations, like those generated by high-powered motorcycle engines, might impact iPhone cameras

    Exposing your iPhone to high amplitude vibrations within certain frequency ranges, specifically those generated by high-power motorcycle engines, can degrade the performance of the camera system.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nilay Patel / The Verge:
    A fair reading of the Epic vs. Apple injunction suggests that Apple needs to allow third-party payment methods in the app and not just links to ones on the web

    The future of the App Store depends on the difference between a ‘button’ and an ‘external link’

    A close read of the injunction in Epic v. Apple

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tim Higgins / Wall Street Journal:
    Apple’s booming iPhone 12 sales have been driven in part by attractive offers from carriers to boost 5G, raising questions about how long such deals will last

    Secret to Apple’s iPhone Sales Boom: Big 5G Deals From Wireless Carriers

    Apple is expected to show off its latest iPhone Tuesday as AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon fight to attract customers to their networks

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Epic lawsuit’s latest claims: Google slipped tons of cash to game devs, Android makers to cement Play store dominance
    Read the allegations web giant tried to keep secret from the public

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tässä ovat uudet iPhonet – analyytikko ennustaa Applelle Nokian kohtaloa
    Apple julkisti eilen iPhone 13:t ja muita uusia laitteita. Analyytikon mukaan yhtiön pitkän aikavälin näkymät eivät kuitenkaan näytä hyviltä.

    APPLE julkisti eilisiltana Suomen aikaa uudet iPhone 13:t sekä muita uusia tuotteita.

    IPhoneja nähtiin odotetusti neljä kappaletta: iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13 Pro ja iPhone 13 Pro Max. Uudistukset olivat maltillisia, ja ne olivat pääosin nopeampia suorittimia, parempia kameroita ja lisää akkukestoa.

    Näytöltään ja kameroiltaan paremmin varustellut Pro-mallit saivat 120 hertsin virkistystaajuuteen pystyvät näytöt sekä uuden A15-suorittimen. Kameroita on kolme, ja ne pystyvät parhaimmillaan kolminkertaiseen optiseen zoomiin. Perus-Pron näyttö on kooltaan 6,1 tuumaa ja Pro Maxin 6,7 tuumaa. Tallennustilaa saa halutessaan peräti teratavun.

    Pro-iPhonet maksavat 1179–1759 euroa. Hintavimpia ovat Pro Maxit, joiden hinta vaihtelee 1279 ja 1859 euron välillä.

    Perus-iPhonet saivat myös A15-suorittimen, minkä lisäksi ne ovat IP68-tasolla veden- ja pölynkestäviä. Suorittimet eivät ole kuitenkaan aivan yhtä tehokkaita kuin Pro-sarjassa. IPhone 13:t maksavat Suomessa 929–1379 euroa, Minit maksavat 829–1179 euroa.

    IPhoneissa ei nähty huhuttuja satelliittipuheluita.

    TABLETTIPUOLELLA nähtiin uusi iPad ja iPad Mini.

    Mini-tablettiversioiden hinnat vaihtelevat 569 eurosta 909 euroon. IPad (2021) maksaa versiosta riippuen 399–709 euroa.

    Apple julkaisi myös Apple Watch 7 -älykellot. Niiden näytöt ovat aiempaa suurempia kutistettujen reunusten myötä

    ANALYYTIKKOJEN reaktiot julkistuksiin olivat ristiriitaisia.

    CCI Insightsin analyytikko Ben Wood kuvaili Applen uudistuksia ”ei mullistaviksi, mutta epäilemättä hintansa arvoiseksi päivitykseksi nykyisille Apple-käyttäjille”.

    – Tuotteet saivat vain minimaalisia parannuksia, mikä ei uskoakseni pane asiakkaita uusimaan vuoden tai jopa kahden ikäisiä laitteitaan kiireellä, Windsor kirjoittaa.

  35. Tomi Engdahl says:
    Analysis on
    ‘s launch event now published to

    “Although we believe the devices would be difficult to label as disruptive, they undoubtedly offer more than enough to give existing customers a reason to upgrade.”

    Instant Insight: Apple Eyes Upgrade Opportunity with iPhone 13

  36. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Apple Event – Incremental innovation

    Apple takes no risks with its launches.

    The event is back to its usual time but while the production quality of the event was better than ever, the products themselves only inched forward which I think will not have users rushing out to replace the devices they purchased last year or even the year before.
    This, of course, is caveated by mobile operators who are very keen to see users on their new 5G networks and who may very well continue to incentivise upgrades.
    Almost all of the incremental improvements involved were related to screens and cameras but also this year’s processors which push the internals forward somewhat.

    The net result is that these announcements were enough to keep Apple in its current position.
    No risks were taken but the updates that were made were enough to keep Apple as the one to beat in flagship smartphones.
    This is exactly the mindset that will sink the company when the tectonic shift away from the smartphone comes.
    Apple will be unwilling to risk its huge legacy business to focus on something else and, as such, the company is at risk of repeating Nokia’s experience.
    It will take a great leader to avoid this fate and I think that Tim Cook’s has largely been a caretaker since the retirement of Steve Jobs.
    Fortunately, I think this time is still far off meaning that Apple can continue to chug along, incrementally updating its products and treading water.
    This is not the stuff that Apple’s valuation is demanding which is why I continue not to favour it despite its apparent safety and stability.

  37. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Issie Lapowsky / Protocol:
    SEC charges App Annie with securities fraud, accusing it of “engaging in deceptive practices” and misrepresenting its data; App Annie will pay a $10M settlement — The Securities and Exchange Commission announced Tuesday that it’s charging App Annie, the mobile app data provider …

    SEC charges App Annie with securities fraud in $10 million settlement

    The data provider will pay $10 million to settle the case.

    The Securities and Exchange Commission announced Tuesday that it’s charging App Annie, the mobile app data provider, with securities fraud, accusing the company of “engaging in deceptive practices” and misrepresenting the origins of its data. App Annie will pay a $10 million settlement, according to the announcement, although the company has not admitted to any of the SEC’s findings.

    According to the SEC, the company, which sells estimates on app downloads, usage and revenue, assured app businesses that the performance data they shared with App Annie would only be used in an anonymized way and run through an algorithm to generate performance estimates. But the SEC accuses App Annie and its former CEO and Chairman Bertrand Schmitt of reneging on that promise and using actual performance data to tweak its estimate models between 2014 and 2018. Then, the SEC alleges, the company sold that confidential data to trading firms, and misled those customers into thinking that the data was compliant with federal securities laws.

  38. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Xiaomi on oikeasti kasvamassa suurimmaksi

    Kiinalainen Xiaomi esitteli eilen uudet 11T- ja 11T Pro -huippumallit sekä edullisemman 11 LIte 5G NE -puhelimen. Erityisesti huippumalli 11T Pro osoittaa, että valmistaja haluaa tosissaan älypuhelinmarkkinoiden ykköseksi.

    Monella tapaa Xiaomin strategia on sama kuin OnePlussalla sen alkuaikoina: haastaa lippulaivat edullisemmilla hinnoilla. Kun Apple esitteli juuri omat iPhone 13 -mallinsa, ei kontrasti kahden valmistajan välillä voisi olla suurempi.

  39. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uuden iPhonen tärkein ase: 15 miljardia transistoria

    Apple julisti eilen illalla uudet iPhone 13 -puhelimensa. Lanseeraus oli tuttuun tapaan täynnä superlatiiveja. Moni asia on ennallaan: lovi, hitaahko lataus ja oma liitin laitteiden pohjassa. Applella on kuitenkin taas yksi ase, joka on todella tehokas kilpailijoita kohtaan.

    Kyse on tietenkin A15 Bionic -prosessorista. Edeltäjänsä A14 -piirin tapaan se on valmistettu TSMC:n linjoilla 5 nanometrin prosessissa, mutta prosessiksi on kuitenkin vaihtunut N5P. P viittaa suorituskykyoptimoituun.

    Uusi A15-piiri on jättimäinen siru. Transistorien määrä on kasvanut edeltäjän 8,5 miljardista peräti 15 miljardiin. Osa kasvusta selittyy välimuistilla, jonka koko on kaksinkertaistunut 32 megatavuun. Piiri koostuu edelleen kahdesta tehoytimestä ja kuudesta perusytimestä. Tehoytimet on päivitetty uudempiin edellispolvesta.

    Apple ei itse ole julkistanut testituloksia, mutta analyytikoiden mukaan uuden iPhonen prosessori olisi 6 prosenttia tehokkaampi kuin edeltäjänsä. Android-leirin tämän hetken tehokkaimpaan eli Snapdragon 888 -piiriin verrattuna A15 on jopa 50 prosenttia suorituskykyisempi, arvioivat analyytikot.

    Tätä suorituskykyetua Apple hyödyntä erityisesti uusien iPhone-puhelimien kameroissa. Niihin on lisätty tekoälyä, joten kamera osaa seurata tarkennuksen kohteita videolla. Tämä perustuu uuteen neuroverkkoyksikköön, jonka suorituskyky on noussut 15,8 TOPSiin (teraoperaatiota eli biljoonaa operaatiota sekunnissa).

  40. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How did I not realize until now that SMS stands for Stone-age Messaging System and MMS stands for Medieval Messaging System?

  41. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uuden iPhonen 120 hertsin näyttö tulee suoraan Samsungilta

    Apple esitteli tällä viikolla uudet 13-sarjan iPhonensa ja yksi odotetuimmista uudistuksista oli laitteen näytön virkistystaajuuden nostaminen 120 hertsiin. PhoneArena-sivusto esittää, että kyse on suoraan Samsungin S21 Ultra -mallista kopioitu ja Samsungilta ostettu näyttö.

    PhoneArena muistuttaa, että samaa näyttöä käytetään myös OnePlussan uusimmassa 9 Pro -mallissa. Apple osaa toki markkinoida käyttöön ottamiaan tekniikoita mullistavina uutuuksina ja siksi iPhone 13 Pro- ja Max-mallien näytöistä puhutaan Super Retina XDR -ruutuina, jotka tukevat uutta ProMotion-tekniikkaa.

  42. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Facebook warned over ‘very small’ indicator LED on smart glasses, as EU DPAs flag privacy concerns

    Facebook’s lead privacy regulator in Europe has raised concerns about a pair of ‘smart’ Ray-Ban sunglasses the tech giant is now selling. The glasses include a face-mounted camera which can be used to take pictures and short videos with a verbal cue.

    Ireland’s Data Protection Commission (DPC) said Friday that it’s asked the tech giant to demonstrate that an LED indicator light also mounted on the specs — which lights up when the user is taking a video — is an effective way of putting other people on notice that they are being recorded by the wearer.

    Italy’s privacy watchdog, the Garante, already raised concerns about Facebook’s smart glasses — but Ireland has an outsized role as a regulator for the tech giant owing to where the company’s regional base is located.


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