Archive for February 2020
This is a classic: Engineering flowchart: Does it Move? Should it? #WD40 vs. Duct Tape (original artist unknown) This image puts WD-40 on a level playing field of importance in the Duct Tape dominant world we live in! Or maybe we need something more? Here is the proper one with jb weld? Here →
This week there has been news on problems with high profile mobile apps for politics and aviation. Iowa has already won the worst IT rollout award of 2020: Rap for crap caucus app chaps in vote zap flap Untested tech, no training, last-minute rollout, buggy code – sound familiar? ‘We Feel Really Terrible,’ Says →
Cyberpunk 2020! Omg lasers directly into the retina! Lol! Whew. I think I’ll skip this one, but it is super rad. Check out this article: Bosch Gets Smartglasses Right With Tiny Eyeball Lasers A tiny laser array paints images directly onto your retina “Lightweight and slim, with a completely transparent display that’s brightly visible →
The USB Implementers Forum has announced the publication of USB4! The specification is available to download now as part of the document library of USB Implementers Forum Announces the Publication of Its Thunderbolt 3-Based USB4 Standard article tells that USB 4 offers up to 40Gb/s throughput, PCI Express, and DisplayPort connectivity — plus compatibility →
This posting is here to collect cyber security news in February 2020. I post links to security vulnerability news with short descriptions to comments section of this article. If you are interested in cyber security trends, read my Cyber security trends 2020 posting. You are also free to post related links to comments. →