Self driving cars failed 2020

I was had planned to do a long post on self-driving cars a quite long time. I was planning to do one this spring, but I might not do that, because it seems that predictions that self-driving cars would be here in 2020 were far too rosy. Five years ago, several companies including Nissan and Toyota promised self-driving cars in 2020. So it may be wise to take any new forecasts with a grain of salt. Hare is a worth to check out article of the current status of self-driving cars:

Surprise! 2020 Is Not the Year for Self-Driving Cars

In March, because of the coronavirus, self-driving car companies, including Argo, Aurora, Cruise, Pony, and Waymo, suspended vehicle testing and operations that involved a human driver. Around the same time, Waymo and Ford released open data sets of information collected during autonomous-vehicle tests and challenged developers to use them to come up with faster and smarter self-driving algorithms.

It seems that the self-driving car industry still hopes to make meaningful progress on autonomous vehicles (AVs) this year, but the industry is slowed by the pandemic and facing a set of very hard problems that have gotten no easier to solve over the years.



  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    BMW Has Killed the iDrive Knob, and Gesture Control Is Gone Too
    The round control knob that’s been a staple of the company’s cars since it debuted in 2001 succumbs to BMW’s new Panoramic iDrive infotainment system.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    $4000 Electric Car Inverter Teardown.

    I disassembled the inverter of Wuling Hongguang Mini EV, an EV known for its low price of 500,000 yen.

    00:00 Overview of Inverter
    02:06 Looking Inside & Control Board Explained
    04:21 Electrolytic Capacitors, Gate Drives
    08:25 Inverter Board Explained
    12:45 Why So Similar to Forklift Inverter?

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sähköautot eivät käy kaupaksi – Autovalmistaja joutuu suunnittelemaan polttomoottorivaihtoehdot
    Saksalainen Porsche on kertonut, että hidastuneen sähköautojen kysynnän vuoksi se aikoo tehdä korjausliikkeen polttomoottorien kehitystyössä.

    Saksalainen luksusautovalmistaja Porsche on kertonut helmikuun alussa, että se aikoo muuttaa jo aiemmin ilmoittamaansa strategiaa malliston sähköistämisen suhteen.

    Samoin jo aiemmin huhutun, sittemmin Porschen vahvistaman tulevan suuren täyssähköisen katumaasturin suunnitelmat saattavat muuttua ja siitäkin saattaa tulla markkinoille polttomoottorimalli.

    Porsche on myös testannut jo pitkään täyssähköisiä versioita pienemmistä Boxster- ja Cayman -urheiluautoista. Sen kivijalkamalli 911 uudistui viime vuonna. Autosta on tarjolla erikoinen kevythybridipainos, mutta liikkumisessa sen kohdalla luotetaan edelleen polttomoottoriin.

    Porsche on ilmoittanut syyksi strategian muutokseen sähköautojen hidastuneen kysynnän.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    K-Line ISO 9141
    K-Line ISO 9141 is a leading protocol for automotive diagnostics that allows for communication between a vehicle’s ECU and your diagnostic equipment.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    We put the $3,500 fake Ram EV from China to the test to see if it could tow the real thing
    We bought a fake Ram truck from China
    It cost us $3,500 and we decided to put it to the test
    Could it tow a real Ram truck?

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The $60 billion mega-merger between Honda and Nissan has been called off, in part because of Nissan’s “pride and insufficient alarm about its predicament,” writes Reuters, citing half a dozen sources.

    The report hints at bad blood on both sides, saying the development also ties to Honda abruptly revising the terms of the merger and proposing that Nissan become a subsidiary.

    Read more from Sean O’Kane on the collapse of the merger here:

    #TechCrunch #technews #Honda #Nissan #merger

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    With the Honda merger behind him, CEO Makoto Uchida is still leading a Nissan that is in trouble.

    The automaker is trying to get a grip on a litany of problems, including bloated inventory, sagging sales, and continued cash burn.

    Nissan announced that it aims to save $2.59 billion through the 2026 fiscal year. It added that it plans to shut down three of its factories in the next two years and cut thousands of jobs, including American factory workers.


  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Stellantis Introduces Pop-Up Ads in Vehicles, Sparking Outrage Among Owners

    Car technology is supposed to make driving safer, smoother, and more enjoyable. But Stellantis, the parent company of Jeep, Dodge, Chrysler, and Ram, seems to have taken a different approach—one that prioritizes ad revenue over user experience.

    In a move that has left drivers both frustrated and bewildered, Stellantis has introduced full-screen pop-up ads on its infotainment systems. Specifically, Jeep owners have reported being bombarded with advertisements for Mopar’s extended warranty service. The kicker? These ads appear every time the vehicle comes to a stop.

    Full-Screen Ads: A Driver’s Nightmare

    Imagine pulling up to a red light, checking your GPS for directions, and suddenly, the entire screen is hijacked by an ad. That’s the reality for some Stellantis owners. Instead of seamless functionality, drivers are now forced to manually close out of ads just to access basic vehicle functions.

    One Jeep 4xe owner recently shared their frustration on an online forum, detailing how these pop-ups disrupt the driving experience. Stellantis, responding through their “JeepCares” representative, confirmed that these ads are part of the contractual agreement with SiriusXM and suggested that users simply tap the “X” to dismiss them.

    While the company claims to be working on reducing the frequency of these interruptions, the damage to customer trust may already be done.
    A Symptom of a Bigger Problem: Subscription Fatigue

    The automotive industry is heading into murky waters with the increasing push toward subscription-based features. BMW tried charging for heated seats. Mercedes locked performance boosts behind a paywall. Now, Stellantis has decided to monetize its infotainment screens with intrusive advertising.

    It’s a trend that consumers are growing increasingly tired of. New vehicles already come with a hefty price tag—averaging $48,700 in 2024—so the expectation is that premium pricing should come with a premium experience, not one riddled with ads and additional fees. Instead of making customers feel like valued buyers, automakers are making them feel like they’re merely users in an ad-supported ecosystem.

    The Off-Roading Community’s Response: “AdBlock for Jeeps?”

    The off-roading community has always been passionate about modifying their vehicles, but no one expected that “blocking ads” would become a must-have Jeep upgrade. Some tech-savvy drivers are already exploring ways to disable these pop-ups permanently, with discussions surfacing about potential software hacks or third-party solutions to remove intrusive in-car advertising.

    This frustration isn’t limited to Jeep owners. The broader automotive industry is taking notice. If Stellantis continues down this path, they may inadvertently push their loyal customer base toward competitors. After all, when people buy a vehicle, they expect to own it—not to be treated like a captive audience for targeted marketing.

    The Road Ahead for Stellantis

    With Jeep’s sales already struggling in North America due to quality control concerns and shifting consumer preferences, the introduction of infotainment ads feels like a risky gamble. Instead of enhancing the ownership experience, Stellantis seems to be alienating its customers.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tämä sähköautojenkin tuottama saaste voi olla jopa vaarallisempaa kuin dieselin pakokaasut, paljastaa tuore tutkimus

    Tuoreen tutkimuksen mukaan sähköautot eivät ole missään nimessä ainakaan päästöttömiä.

    Sähköautojen jarruista irtoavat hiukkaspäästöt voivat olla jopa vaarallisempia kuin dieselauton pakokaasut, kertoo Southamptonin yliopiston tuore tutkimus.

    – Yleisö pitää autojen aiheuttamaa saastetta pakoputkista tulevana ja ajattelee sähköajoneuvojen olevan nollapäästöisiä. Sähköautot tuottavat kuitenkin pienhiukkasia tien, renkaiden ja jarrujen kitkan sekä kulumisen vuoksi, tutkimuksen johtava kirjoittaja, tohtori James Parkin sanoo yliopiston tiedotteessa.

    Osassa Eurooppaa pakokaasujen ulkopuoliset hiukkaspäästöt ovat jo ajoneuvokannan merkittävin pienhiukkaslähde. Tässä pahin osa-alue ja yksittäislähde taas on jarrupöly.

    Toiseksi myrkyllisimpiä olivat keraamisista jarrupaloista irronneet pienhiukkaset.

    Pienhiukkasilla on yleisesti tunnetusti yhteys muun muassa eri keuhkosairauksiin, sydän- ja verisuonitauteihin sekä jopa dementiaan.

    Vaikka tutkimuksessa verrattiinkin dieselin pakokaasupäästöjä nimenomaan sähköauton jarrupölypäästöihin, sähköautoa enemmän kokonaissaastuttaa silti pienhiukkasten osalta diesel – joka siis päästää ilmaan sekä pakokaasuja että jarrupölyä.

    Sähköautoissa on myös yleisesti käytössä niin sanottu jarrutusenergian talteenotto, jolla auton hidastusenergiasta saadaan ajotyylistä suuresti riippuen parhaimmillaan talteen jopa reilusti yli 90 prosenttia – ilman, että auto jarruttaa perinteiseen tapaan mekaanisesti.

    New study finds brake pad emissions can be more toxic than diesel exhaust

    A study by the University of Southampton has found microscopic particles emitted from certain types of commonly fitted brake pads can be more toxic than those found in diesel vehicle exhaust.

    The research shows that a higher concentration of copper in some pads is associated with increased harmful effects on sensitive cells from people’s lungs, as a result of particles being breathed in.

    Exposure to pollution generated by cars, vans and lorries has long been linked to an increased risk of lung and heart disease. However, while past attention has mainly concentrated on exhaust emissions, particles are also released into the air from tyre, road and brake pad wear – emissions which are largely unregulated by legislation.

    These ‘non-exhaust’ pollution sources are now responsible for the majority of vehicle particulate matter (PM) emissions in the UK and parts of Europe, with brake dust being the main contributor.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mikä kaatoi automaailman jättiläisten suurhankkeen?
    Nissanin ja Hondan yhdistymissuunnitelmat vaihtuivat muutamassa kuukaudessa siihen, että Nissan käveli ulos neuvotteluista. Mikä tappoi jättifuusion?

    Japanilaiset autonvalmistajat Nissan ja Honda vahvistivat torstaina huhut yhdistymisneuvotteluidensa päättymisestä tuloksettomina. Hallitustasolle tehty päätös sulkee pois sulautumisen saman katon alle, uutistoimisto Reuters kertoo.

    Sen sijaan osapuolet ilmoittivat jatkavansa sähköautojen tuotantoon liittyvää yhteistyötä. Kaksikon sulautuminen olisi luonut maailman kolmanneksi suurimman autojätin, jonka markkina-arvo olisi ollut arviolta 60 miljardia dollaria.

    Aloite neuvotteluiden päättämisestä tuli Nissanin leiristä. Japanin kolmanneksi suurimman autonvalmistajan oli mahdoton hyväksyä Hondan esittämiä ehtoja.

    Nissan and Honda ditch $60 billion merger talks, face new uncertainty

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Autovalmistajan konkurssi varmistui – Sähköautoille ei riittänyt ostajia
    Yrityksen toimitusjohtaja nautti ökypalkkaa ja lensi yksityiskoneilla samalla kun firma oli hukkumassa miljardiluokan velkataakan alle.

    Talousvaikeuksiin ajautunut amerikkalainen sähköautofirma Canoo on hakeutunut konkurssiin Yhdysvalloissa. Yhtiö ei enää hetkeen ole kyennyt vastaamaan taloudellisista velvoitteistaan, uutiskanava MSN kertoo.

    Lukuisat velkojat vaativat yhtiöltä 10–50 miljoonaan dollariin nousevia saatavia. Velkaa on tiettävästi kertynyt miljarditolkulla. Haaksirikon kokeneen Canoon kassassa on tällä tietoa käteistä noin 50 000 dollarin edestä.

    Electric Car Brand Declares Bankruptcy, Leaving Billions in Debt

    The American electric car brand Canoo has filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, leaving the company unable to meet its financial obligations.

    Management owes several creditors amounts ranging between $10 million and $50 million each, while the company itself is left with just $50,000 in cash.

    Founded in 2017, Canoo aimed to revolutionize the electric car market with innovative vehicles designed for families and the transportation sector.

    The company developed a versatile “lifestyle car” capable of functioning as a minibus, pickup truck, and transporter.

    But the ambitious plans never materialized into commercial success. Canoo managed to produce only a small number of vehicles.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The French automaker’s fix to put out fires saves time and water, and it’s now available to all automakers.

    Renault Made A Breakthrough In EV Fire Safety. Now Others Can Use It For Free
    The French automaker’s fix to put out fires saves time and water, and it’s now available to all automakers.

    Renault’s new solution to extinguish electric vehicle fires can help first responders take out flames faster and more efficiently.
    EV fires are statistically rarer than ICE vehicles, but in the rare cases when EV batteries catch fires, it’s difficult to get them under control.
    The French automaker has made its EV fire safety tech freely available to encourage broader adoption improve overall safety.

    A growing number of automakers and battery companies are racing to solve the risk of fires in electric vehicles. Now Renault has introduced its own fix called the “Fireman Access” system, designed to douse flames more effectively and quickly.

    The French carmaker’s innovation can apparently help first responders extinguish fires in roughly the same time as a combustion engine vehicle. The tech relies on an adhesive disc inside the high-voltage battery pack, positioned over an opening. If the battery catches fire, water pressure from an external hose dislodges the disc, flooding the pack and cooling all cells at once.

    It claims this is an effective way of stopping thermal runaway, a phenomenon where battery cells burn uncontrollably for hours. The system is already installed on new fully electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles sold worldwide by Renault, Dacia and its quadricycle sub-brand Mobilize. Now the tech is also open to other automakers as part of the brand’s free licensing policy.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Trumpilta kauhea uhkaus Euroopan autoteollisuudelle
    Euroopan autoteollisuutta kurittavat hirmutariffit voisivat tulla voimaan jo huhtikuun alussa. EU-komissaari matkusti jo Yhdysvaltoihin neuvottelemaan tilanteesta.

    Yhdysvaltain presidentti Donald Trump väläytti jälleen jo tutuksi tullutta työvälinettään tiistaina Floridassa. Trump pohti uudemman kerran 25 prosentin tullitariffeja muun muassa Yhdysvaltoihin tuotaville autoille, uutistoimisto Reuters kertoo.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sähkörekkojen suuri lupaus konkurssiin – huippuhetkinä arvostus nousi 30 miljardiin, ohitti Ford Motorsin
    Hydrogen Fuel Newsin mukaan yhtiö ehti valmistaa 600 sähkörekkaa.

    Yhdysvalloissa sähkörekkoja valmistanut Nikola Corporation hakeutuu konkurssiin. Yhtiöllä on kassassa enää 47 miljoonaa dollaria, jonka turvin se ajaa tuotantonsa alan konkurssikäsittelyn aikana.


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