Self driving cars failed 2020

I was had planned to do a long post on self-driving cars a quite long time. I was planning to do one this spring, but I might not do that, because it seems that predictions that self-driving cars would be here in 2020 were far too rosy. Five years ago, several companies including Nissan and Toyota promised self-driving cars in 2020. So it may be wise to take any new forecasts with a grain of salt. Hare is a worth to check out article of the current status of self-driving cars:

Surprise! 2020 Is Not the Year for Self-Driving Cars

In March, because of the coronavirus, self-driving car companies, including Argo, Aurora, Cruise, Pony, and Waymo, suspended vehicle testing and operations that involved a human driver. Around the same time, Waymo and Ford released open data sets of information collected during autonomous-vehicle tests and challenged developers to use them to come up with faster and smarter self-driving algorithms.

It seems that the self-driving car industry still hopes to make meaningful progress on autonomous vehicles (AVs) this year, but the industry is slowed by the pandemic and facing a set of very hard problems that have gotten no easier to solve over the years.



  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Euroopassa on ensimmäisen kerran testattu henkilöautojen SAE3-tason osittaista automaattiajamista kattavilla kenttäkokeilla Volkswagenin koordinoimassa EU:n lippulaivahankkeessa L3Pilot. Tutkimus osoitti, että automaatio vähentää liikenneonnettomuuksia. Eniten turvallisuushyötyjä voidaan saada kaupunkialueilla.

    SAE3-automaation avulla auto voi ajaa ilman ihmiskuljettajaa määrätyissä tieympäristöissä ja olosuhteissa, esimerkiksi moottoritiellä hyvällä säällä. Kuljettajan ei tarvitse valvoa järjestelmää automaattiajon aikana, mutta hänen on jatkettava ajamista, kun tullaan automaattiajoon soveltuvan toiminta-alueen rajalle.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The self-driving trolley problem: how will future AI systems make the most ethical choices for all of us?

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is already making decisions in the fields of business, health care and manufacturing. But AI algorithms generally still get help from people applying checks and making the final call.

    What would happen if AI systems had to make independent decisions, and ones that could mean life or death for humans?

    Pop culture has long portrayed our general distrust of AI. In the 2004 sci-fi movie I, Robot

    Unlike humans, robots lack a moral conscience and follow the “ethics” programmed into them. At the same time, human morality is highly variable. The “right” thing to do in any situation will depend on who you ask.

    Autonomous cars will generally provide safer driving, but accidents will be inevitable – especially in the foreseeable future, when these cars will be sharing the roads with human drivers and other road users.

    if the car detects a potential collision, it sends alerts to the driver to take action.

    In “autopilot” mode, however, the car should automatically brake for pedestrians. Some argue if the car can prevent a collision, then there is a moral obligation for it to override the driver’s actions in every scenario. But would we want an autonomous car to make this decision?

    What’s a life worth?
    What if a car’s computer could evaluate the relative “value” of the passenger in its car and of the pedestrian? If its decision considered this value, technically it would just be making a cost-benefit analysis.

    This may sound alarming, but there are already technologies being developed that could allow for this to happen.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    This Week in PowerBites: Hydrogen vs. Batteries, SiC-Mania, and eTrucks
    Nov. 16, 2021
    Semi makers are doubling down on SiC, e-trucks continue to gain momentum, and better batteries loom on the horizon, but will low-pressure hydrogen storage make them obsolete?

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    GlobalFoundries Partners With Ford to Boost Chip Supply for Cars
    Nov. 19, 2021
    GlobalFoundries has previously said that it would at least double its output of chips to the automobile sector this year and plans to increase its supply even further in 2022.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Fully Driverless Deliveries is a First for Autonomous Trucking
    Nov. 22, 2021
    With congested U.S. ports, a trucker shortage, and the rise of e-commerce, a unique opportunity has emerged for autonomous trucking. Walmart and DHL are among the recent converts.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Lisää kosketusnäyttöjä autoihin – turvallisesti

    Nykyautojen perinteiset ohjausnäytöt muuttuvat entistä useammin koko etuosan kattaviksi kosketusohjattaviksi näyttöpinnoiksi. Siihen bisnekseen pyrkii myös piirivalmistaja Microchip uudella Linux-, Android- ja OMX-käyttöjärjestelmää tukevalla MaXTouch-ohjainpiirillään. Tarjolla on myös lisäturvaa tarjoava TrustAnchor100-turvapiiri.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sähköautot kasvattavat piikarbidin kysyntää

    Piikarbidi eli SiC on toinen uusista, nopeasti kasvavista tehoelektroniikan komponenttien materiaaleista. Trendforce ennustaa sille kovaa kasvua. Veturina ovat sähköautot ja erityisesti niissä siirtyminen 800 voltin arkkitehtuureihin.

    Sähköajoneuvojen markkinoiden pidempien ajomatkojen ja lyhyempien latausaikojen suuren kysynnän vuoksi autonvalmistajien kilpailu korkeajännitteisiä sähköajoneuvoja vastaan ​​on huomattavasti voimistunut, kun useat suuret autonvalmistajat ovat vähitellen julkistaneet malleja, joissa on 800 voltin latausarkkitehtuuri. Tällaisia autoja ovat esimerkiksi Porsche Taycan, Audi Q6 E-tron ja Hyundai Ioniq 5.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Komponenttipula vaikeuttaa – silti ladattavien autojen osuus kolmannekseen

    Suomessa ostetaan uusia ladattavia hybridi- ja täyssähköautoja vauhdilla, mutta rekisteröinneissä se näkyy vasta ensi vuonna, arvioi Autioalan tiedotuskeskus. Syynä on komponenttipula ja korona-pandemia, jotka jarruttavat vuoden lopun lopullista rekisteröintiä.

    Komponenttipulan ja raaka-ainemarkkinoiden heilahtelujen arvioidaan vaikuttavan autotuotantoon osittain vielä ensi vuoden puolellakin vaikka asiakastilaukset ovatkin olleet syksyn ja alkutalven aikana vakaassa kasvussa.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Koodausoppia autojen QNX-käyttöjärjestelmään

    Tamperlainen Unikie aikoo kouluttaa juniorikoodareista huippuosaajia autoteollisuuden eturivin projekteihinsa. Yritys tarjoaa alueen koulutusta ja mentorointia QNX-käyttöjärjestelmän kehittämisestä alan parhailta osaajilta.

    Koodaripula on pahentunut ja siksi Unikie käynnistää oman koodauksen mentorointiohjelman, jossa se kouluttaa vastavalmistuneita tai uransa alussa olevia koodareita ohjelmistoalan huippuosaajiksi erityisesti autoteollisuuden tarpeisiin.

    ”Kouluttamalla uusia kykyjä olemme osaltamme rakentamassa Suomeen lisää osaamispääomaa. Erityisesti QNX-osaajista on kuitenkin jatkuvasti huutava pula. Autoteollisuuden asiakasprojekteissamme on tälläkin hetkellä runsaasti avoimia paikkoja täytettävänä’’, kertoo Uniken toimitusjohtaja Seppo Kuula.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Cybersecurity Takes the Wheel as Auto Industry’s Top Priority
    Vehicle safety, which has long been a top concern for automotive companies, today equates to cybersecurity. That’s because now more than ever, vehicles run on software. They are fast-moving, highly connected data centers, part mainframe, and part mobile device, loaded with Internet of Things (IoT) devices. They are effectively mobile nodes operating at the edge of massive cloud infrastructure. And they will increasingly become targets for cyberattackers.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Autonomous-Vehicle Hardware: An AI-Powered Approach
    Dec. 1, 2021
    At NVIDIA’s GPU Technology Conference, the company unveiled how it plans to bring autonomy to more vehicles using new and proven techniques for developing safer, more efficient transportation.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A Rising Star in EVs: The Battery Management System
    June 4, 2021
    While many of the world’s largest auto manufacturers are investing more in advanced batteries that promise to be safer, recharge faster, and store more energy than lithium-ion batteries now in use, they are not ignoring advances in battery management.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Neal E. Boudette / New York Times:
    After Tesla added over 12 video games that can be played while driving, critics argue the company is compromising road users’ safety, on top of Autopilot issues

    A New Tesla Safety Concern: Drivers Can Play Video Games in Moving Cars

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    #TBT: Today no court ever asks why a driver does anything in particular in the critical moments before a crash. But when robots are doing the driving, “Why?” becomes a valid question.

    When self-driving cars kill, it’s the code (and the coders) that will be put on trial

    Today no court ever asks why a driver does anything in particular in the critical moments before a crash. The question is moot as to liability—the driver panicked, he wasn’t thinking, he acted on instinct. But when robots are doing the driving, “Why?” becomes a valid question. Human ethical standards, imperfectly codified in law, make all kinds of assumptions that engineers have not yet dared to make. The most important such assumption is that a person of good judgment will know when to disregard the letter of the law in order to honor the spirit of the law. What engineers must now do is teach the elements of good judgment to cars and other self-guided machines—that is, to robots.

    The computerization of driving can be traced back at least to the 1970s, with the introduction of electronic antilock brakes. Now ever more advanced features, like automated steering, acceleration, and emergency braking, are coming every year. The testing of fully automated vehicles, provided that a test driver remains in the vehicle, is allowed in parts of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, and Japan, as well as in the United States, where it is explicitly legal in four states and the District of Columbia and at least not prohibited in almost every other. Google, Nissan, and Ford, among others, have said they expect true driverless operation within 5 to 10 years.

    Manufacturers and software developers will have to defend a car’s actions in ways unimaginable to today’s human drivers.
    Automated vehicles get information on their environments from a range of sensors, such as video cameras, ultrasonic sensors, radar, and lidar (laser-based ranging). Automated vehicles licensed for testing in California are required to provide the Department of Motor Vehicles with all of their sensor data for 30 seconds prior to any collision, of which there have been a score or so, including one with a Google car at fault.

    Engineers are thus gaining the ability to reconstruct the events around crashes with remarkable precision, using records of what a vehicle was able to sense, the alternatives it considered, and the logic behind its decisions. It will thus be possible to ask a computer to recapitulate its reasoning, much as we might ask human beings to annotate their every decision in a video game or a driving simulator.

    Regulators and litigators will thus be able to hold automated vehicles to superhuman safety standards and to subject them to intense scrutiny following the inevitable, if rare, crashes. Manufacturers and software developers will have to defend a car’s actions in ways unimaginable to today’s human drivers.

    All driving involves risk, and deciding how to distribute that risk among drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, and even property has an ethical component. For both engineers and the general public, it’s important that a car’s decision-making system weigh the ethical implications of its actions.

    A common response to morally ambiguous situations is to follow the law while minimizing damage as much as possible. This strategy is appealing because it not only allows a developer to justify the car’s actions without a lot of effort (“We were in total compliance with the law”), it also passes the responsibility of defining ethical behavior to lawmakers. Unfortunately, it also assumes that the law covers far more than it does.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Fundamentals of Automotive

    Welcome to the Automotive Design Center. Here you will find the resources you need for innovation in electronics to help fast track your automotive designs. From vehicle electrification to autonomous driving and in-vehicle experience, TI has the products and design resources to help with all of your automotive design needs.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Single-Chip, Triple-Band GNSS Receiver Boosts Automotive Positioning Accuracy
    Dec. 1, 2021
    The STA8135GA is the first single-chip satellite-navigation receiver to integrate a triple-band positioning measurement engine. It manages all GNSS constellations.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How the 3G Shutdown in 2022 Could Screw Your Car
    Smartphones are getting faster, but some older connected cars may lose service forever.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mitä vaaditaan sähkö- ja hybridiautojen korjaajalta?

    Sähkö- ja hybridiajoneuvojen korjaustöihin liittyy perinteisistä polttomoottoriautoista poikkeavia riskejä, koska autoissa on akku, jossa on vaarallisen korkea jännite.

    Sähköalalla on noudatettu 1970-luvulta asti pätevyysjärjestelmää, jossa toiminnanharjoittajalla on nimetty sähkötöiden johtaja, jolla on sähköpätevyystodistus. Sähköpätevyystodistuksen hakemiseen vaaditaan tietty koulutus ja työkokemus. Jokaiselta sähkötöiden tekijältä ei vaadita pätevyystodistusta, mutta heilläkin on oltava sähköturvallisuuslain 73 § mukainen koulutus ja työkokemus.

    1.1.2017 voimaan astuneen uudistetun sähköturvallisuuslain nojalla sähköautojen korjaustöissä ei sovelleta edellä mainittua pätevyysjärjestelmää, vaan lain mukaan tieliikennekäyttöön soveltuvan sähköajoneuvon voimajärjestelmän sähkötöissä riittää, että henkilö on riittävästi perehtynyt tai perehdytetty kyseisen ajoneuvomallin sähköjärjestelmään ja sähkön vaaroihin.

    Ajoneuvomallin sähköjärjestelmään perehtyminen voidaan toteuttaa esimerkiksi ajoneuvovalmistajan omalla koulutusohjelmalla tai valmistajan korjausohjeisiin perehtymällä. Sähkön vaaroihin perehtyminen toteutuu suorittamalla SFS 6002 -standardin mukainen sähkötyöturvallisuuskoulutus.

    Sähkötyöturvallisuus toteutuu standardia noudattamalla

    Sähköturvallisuuslain 82–84 § mukaan sähkötyön olennaiset turvallisuusvaatimukset täyttyvät, kun niissä noudatetaan standardia, jonka sähköturvallisuusviranomainen on listannut 84 § mukaisessa luettelossa. Kyseinen luettelo (S10: Sähkölaitteistojen turvallisuutta ja sähkötyöturvallisuutta koskevat standardit) löytyy sähköturvallisuusviranomaisen verkkosivuilta.

    Keille kaikille SFS 6002 -koulutus on pakollinen?

    Standardin sanamuoto ”Hybridi- ja sähköajoneuvoja korjattaessa SFS 6002 -standardin mukainen sähkötyöturvallisuuskoulutus soveltuvin osin ja tarvittava ajoneuvomallia koskeva koulutus, on annettava kaikille ajoneuvon huolto- ja korjaustoimenpiteitä tekeville.” on johtanut joskus kentällä ylitulkintoihin, joissa esimerkiksi sähköautoon ei ole saanut vaihtaa edes tuulilasinpyyhkijöitä, jos työntekijällä ei ole SFS 6002 -koulutusta käytynä. Terveen järjen käyttöä ei ole kielletty standardissa eikä laissa. Hyvä nyrkkisääntö on, että jos huoltotoimenpide on maallikkokäyttäjän itsensä tehtävissä (tuulilasinpyyhkijöiden vaihto, pesunesteen lisäys, renkaanvaihto), työn voi suorittaa ilman SFS 6002 -koulutusta.

    Toisaalta SFS 6002 -koulutus on jo vuosia ollut pakollinen osa ammattioppilaitosten autoalan perustutkintoja (poislukien automyyjän tutkinto), joten voidaan pitää aivan perusteltuna antaa SFS 6002 -koulutus kaikille autojen kanssa työskenteleville, hinaustyöntekijöistä katsastajiin.

    Ensiapukoulutus kolmen vuoden välein

    SFS 6002 -standardin mukaan sähkötöitä tekeville (työnjohto mukaan lukien) pitää antaa ensiapukoulutus, joka käsittää ainakin palovammoihin sekä ruhje- ja viiltohaavoihin annettavan ensiavun sekä puhallus- ja painantaelvytyksen opettamisen ja niitten käytännön harjoittelemisen. Ensiapuvalmiuksia on tarpeen pitää yllä jatkuvasti. Tämän takia elvytystoimenpiteitä on syytä harjoitella enintään kolmen vuoden väliajoin.

    Laki muuttui 2017

    Huomaa, että sähköturvallisuuslaki uudistui 1.1.2017 ja tätä ennen julkaistut artikkelit sähköajoneuvojen sähkötöistä ovat monelta osin vanhentuneita. Uusikaan laki ei ole täydellinen: lain sanamuoto ”tieliikennekäyttöön soveltuva” aiheuttaa esimerkiksi sen, että jos täysin sama korkeajännitejärjestelmä asennetaan mönkijään, moottorikelkkaan ja veneeseen, mönkijässä korjaustöihin riittää edellä käsitelty perehtyminen järjestelmään ja sähkön vaaroihin, mutta vene ja moottorikelkka eivät ole tieliikennekäyttöön soveltuvia ajoneuvoja joten niiden korjaamiseen vaaditaan urakointi-ilmoitus Tukesille, sähkötöiden johtaja ja työn suorittajilta sähköturvallisuuslain 73 § mukainen työkokemus ja koulutus.

    Autoalan keskusliitto AKL on kehittänyt vapaaehtoisen auktorisoinnin sähköajoneuvotöiden turvallisuudelle: vaikka sähkötöiden johtajaa ei vaadita, korjaamolta voidaan nimetä yksi henkilö työsuorituksesta vastaavaksi henkilöksi, jolla on käytännön vastuu sähköturvallisuuden organisoinnista. Näin voidaan varmistaa, että korjaamolla on yksi henkilö, jolla on riittävä osaaminen ja kokonaiskuva työpaikan sähkötyöturvallisuuden hallinnassa.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Suojattu flash-muisti tuo kyberturvan autoihin

    Turvatuista flash-muisteistaan tunnettu taiwanilainen Winbond Electronics ja sulautettujen tietoturvaratkaisujen toimittaja Karamba Security ovat kehittäneet yhteisen autojen kyberturvaratkaisun. Siinä yhdistyvät Karamban XGuard-ohjelmisto ja Winbondin TrustMe-piiritekniikka.

    Karamban XGuard-ohjelmisto on jo tunnistettu nimeksi auto- ja IoT-markkinoilla, minkä ansiosta asiakkaat voivat noudattaa uutta UN R155 -sääntöä, havaita ja estää kyberhyökkäykset laitteeseen muuttamatta T&K- ja validointiprosesseja. Winbondin uusi TrustME W77Q laajentaa flash-muistin kapasiteetin 128 megabittiin säilyttäen samalla laitteiston luotettavuuden ja turvalliset, sekä salatut tietojen tallennus- ja siirto-ominaisuudet.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    First Flying Car Passes Safety Test In Japan, Could Be On-Sale By 2025

    A flying car has gained the first safety certificate issued by Japan, allowing them to commercialize their eVTOL vehicles as soon as 2025. This marks the first flying car to reach this stage in Japan, and could pave the way for this decade to be the decade of flying cars.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    This is the electric Lotus Evija, the most powerful production car in the world with 2000HP

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    12 ytimen tehoa auton ECU-yksikköön

    Tulevaisuudessa autojen ECU-yksiköiden määrä vähenee, joten niiden prosessorien täytyy kyetä hoitamaan useita eri prosesseja rinnakkain ja itsenäisesti. NXP on laajentanut autojen S32G-verkkoprosessorien perhettään juuri tätä silmällä pitäen.

    Uusi S32G3-piiriperhe tulee tarjolle neljän sirun voimin. Ohjelmistot ja nastoitus ovat yhteensopivia suositun S32G2-sarjan kanssa, joka lanseerattiin täyteen tuotantoon vuoden 2021 toisella vuosineljänneksellä. Uutuuspiirit tuovat laitevalmistajalle jopa 2,5 kertaa paremman sovellusten käsittelyn, sirun järjestelmämuistin ja verkkoyhteyden kuin tehokkain nykyprosessori.

    Parhaimmillaan ECU-yksikköön saadaan siruilla 12 ytimen laskentateho. Enimmillään S32G3-piireillä on kahdeksan Arm Cortex-A53-ydintä, joilta löytyy Neon-DSP-lohko. Nämä on järjestetty kahteen neljän ytimen klusteriin. Lisäksi tarjolla on jopa neljä Cortex-M7-ydintä, joilla voidaan hoitaa reaaliaikasovelluksia

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Biden’s New Bill Has A Scary Built In Backdoor

    Deep within President Joe Biden’s recently signed infrastructure bill is a passage that will require automakers to begin including a “vehicle kill switch” within the operating software of new cars. The measure has been positioned as a safety tool to help prevent drunk driving, and by 2026 the kill switch will be mandated on every new car sold in the United States.

    According to the Daily Caller, the legislation is frighteningly short on details. As per the documents, it’s known the proposed safety device will “passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that driver may be impaired.”

    In software terms, passively suggests the kill switch will always be running in the background and constantly monitoring the vehicle for deviation from normal driving habits, which will also mean the vehicle will need to learn your specific idiosyncrasies behind the wheel in order to better profile your behavior.

    The system will receive data inputs from critical operational controls, it will also be capable of overriding those controls so as to disable the vehicle either before or during driving once impairment is detected. However, the worst part of the legislation is the open nature of the system which will feature at least one backdoor for third-party access to the system’s data at any time.

    How will the kill switch system determine impairment, and will it be able to distinguish impairment from garden variety drowsiness? If it’s designed to combat impairment will the system even warn the driver that control of the vehicle is being seized? Are we going to find ourselves in a society where sleepy people are being trapped in their cars as hostages on the side of the road until the police arrive to decide they are in fact not impaired?

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kolme neljästä uudesta autosta edelleen polttomoottorisia

    Euroopan liikenne sähköistyy, mutta vauhti on edelleen hidas. Marraskuussa 26 prosenttia Euroopan rekisteröidyistä uusista autoista oli ladattavia, joko hybridi- tai täyssähköautoja. JATO Dynamicsin tilastojen mukaan marraskuussa rekisteröitiin uusia ajoneuvoja vähemmän kuin kertaakaan kolmeen vuosikymmeneen.

    Marraskuussa Euroopassa rekisteröitiin 850 tuhatta uutta ajoneuvoa. Vuotta aikaisemmin määrä oli 1,03 miljoonaa ja vuonna 2019 hieman alle 1,2 miljoonaa. JATOn mukaan markkinoiden kehitys ei riipu kysynnästä, vaan tarjonnan puutteesta. Autonvalmistajat kärsivät tällä hetkellä rankasta komponenttipulasta.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    CES esittelee gigabitin optisen verkon robottiautoon

    Optisen verkon ratkaisuja kehittävä espanjalainen KDPOF on yhdessä ohjelmistotalo ja verkon reunan AI-ratkaisuja kehittävän Funzin kanssa kehittänyt alustan, joka tuo optisen verkon autonomiseen ajoneuvoihin. Yritykset demoavat ratkaisua Las Vegasin CES-messuilla tammikuun 5. päivästä alkaen.

    Alusta perustuu KPDOF:n KD1053-ohjainpiiriin ja kuituoptiseen KD9351 lähetinvastaanottimeen. Sen päällä toimii Funzinin AIoT-alusta ja Photon-verkko, joka yhdistää verkon reunalla olevat tekoälyä hyödyntävät laitteet toisiinsa. Funzinin toimitusjohtaja Deuk Hwa Kimin mukaan autonominen ajoauto vaatii verkkoja, jotka pystyvät hallitsemaan ja käsittelemään suurta määrää anturidataa.

    - Autoteollisuuden verkkoratkaisussamme on optiseen kuituun (POF) perustuva Ethernet-runkoverkko, joka eliminoi elektronisten aaltojen häiriöt. Järjestelmäratkaisu tuo robottiautoon gigabitin verkon, jota tarvitaan suurikapasiteettisen datan lähettämiseen ja vastaanottamiseen.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Holographic Displays Bid to Replace Car Dashboards

    Holography is another way to look at the road. Many car models now use head-up displays (HUDs) to provide information to drivers and keep their attention on the road, reducing the risk of accidents due to distraction. St-Andrews, Scotland-based Ceres Holographics has showcased a full-scale replication system for producing 1500mm width holographic films in high volume, enabling holographic transparent displays and augmented reality-HUDs (AR-HUD) for windshields.

    Ceres Holographics announced it has strengthened its partnership with German-based Covestro to accelerate the commercialization of its holographic-enabled display solutions and established a new facility in Livingston, Scotland.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    AI’s Impact on the Current and Future Automotive Industry

    Artificial intelligence is a misnomer. AI is neither artificial nor intelligent. The implication is that AI is analogous to human intelligence, but AI requires extensive human training to function, and it exhibits completely different logic from humans in terms of recognizing, understanding, and classifying objects or scenes. AI often lacks any semblance of common sense, can be easily fooled or corrupted, and can fail in unexpected and unpredictable ways.

    In other words, proceed with caution.

    This column looks at how AI technologies are affecting the automotive industry. We’ll consider:

    • How AI solves problems
    • AI’s benefits and drawbacks in automotive
    • The unique challenges of using AI in automotive
    • The auto electronics segments already using AI
    • Future auto electronics segments that will rely on AI technologies

    AI development has three phases: Build AI models, train AI models using relevant data, and use the trained model to solve problems (the inferencing stage).

    Most AI models are based on multiple versions of neural networks and learning networks. Examples include convolutional neural networks, generative adversarial networks, deep reinforced learning, federated learning, and transfer learning. Each brings different advantages and drawbacks. All are evolving rapidly.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uber to Pilot Driverless Food Delivery in California in 2022
    By Jackie Davalos +Follow
    16. joulukuuta 2021 klo 16.50 UTC+2
    Uber Technologies Inc. plans to launch a driverless food-delivery pilot program in the U.S. next year, the company announced on Thursday.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Google Updates Android Auto: 4 New Features to Try
    PUBLISHED DEC 04, 2021
    Android Auto is getting some useful new features this holiday season that are definitely worth checking out.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tesla will disable in-dash video games while its cars are in motion

    Tesla is quickly responding to the NHTSA’s investigation of in-dash gaming while cars are moving. The Guardian has learned Tesla will deliver an update disabling on-the-move Passenger Play. A spokeswoman for the regulator said Tesla promised the change after discussing the matter with officials. There was no mention of when the update might arrive, but it’s safe to presume you’ll have to park for future gaming sessions.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Parody article:
    Revolutionary New Driverless Car Requires Zero Functional Technology To Generate Profit

    AUSTIN, TX—In what many are calling the future of the automotive industry, a revolutionary driverless car unveiled Tuesday requires zero functional technology to generate profit. “While many companies in the autonomous vehicle sector have unveiled models to generate funding with little feasible technology, what sets X-Course apart is that we make money without any self-driving technology whatsoever and absolutely no plans to ever develop it,”

    “Over the last few years, autonomous vehicle companies have shown it’s possible to reap billions in seed funding by promising each year you’ll have something ready by next year, or going to tech conferences and playing simulations of various self-driving technologies that people have repeatedly failed to invent. Initially, even we at X-Course thought we might have to do something like take regular cars and install a blinking red light that does nothing if we wanted to attract investors. But we continued to innovate, and we discovered we could still top the investment recommendations lists without even doing that. X-Course represents a paradigm shift that shows how financially viable you can be as a company that just says it’s developing self-driving cars.”

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    One of many items coming to new cars soon.

    1. Variations of kill switches.
    2. Dash cams, including one pointed at driver.
    3. OBD3.
    4. Far more thorough black box.


    Biden’s New Bill Has A Scary Built In Backdoor

    Deep within President Joe Biden’s recently signed infrastructure bill is a passage that will require automakers to begin including a “vehicle kill switch” within the operating software of new cars. The measure has been positioned as a safety tool to help prevent drunk driving, and by 2026 the kill switch will be mandated on every new car sold in the United States.

    According to the Daily Caller, the legislation is frighteningly short on details. As per the documents, it’s known the proposed safety device will “passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that driver may be impaired.”

    In software terms, passively suggests the kill switch will always be running in the background and constantly monitoring the vehicle for deviation from normal driving habits, which will also mean the vehicle will need to learn your specific idiosyncrasies behind the wheel in order to better profile your behavior.

    The system will receive data inputs from critical operational controls, it will also be capable of overriding those controls so as to disable the vehicle either before or during driving once impairment is detected. However, the worst part of the legislation is the open nature of the system which will feature at least one backdoor for third-party access to the system’s data at any time.

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    High-Performance Single-Seat EV Concept Revealed
    Dec. 13, 2021
    Nissan plans to invest US$17.73 billion in electric-vehicle development over the next five years and introduce solid-state batteries in 2028.

    The inspiration behind the Nissan Ariya Single Seater Concept car.
    Nissan’s carbon-neutral goals it expects to achieve by 2050.

    Motor racing has a big influence on the technology found in everyday cars, with advances in aerodynamic efficiency, handling, safety measures, and engine performance transferring to the vehicles we drive. Car manufacturers invest millions every year to showcase their brand to the world in a competitive arena where racing serves as a research laboratory for developing new solutions and showing the world what’s technically possible.

    To that end, as part of the company’s annual Nissan Futures showcase, the Nissan Ariya Single Seater Concept was displayed as a testbed for future technological evolution. It also serves as an example of how its all-electric road car powertrain could be used in a motorsports package.

    Formula E

    Nissan cites its participation in the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship as playing a key role in inspiring the Nissan Ariya Single Seater Concept. The concept vehicle explores the combination of the all-electric powertrain, dual motors, and the all-wheel drive system of the Ariya with a pure single-seat racing chassis.

    Carbon Neutrality by 2050

    The concept supports Nissan’s goal to be carbon-neutral across the lifecycle of its products by fiscal year 2050, reaching the following goals along the way:

    *To accelerate electrification plans with an investment of 2 trillion yen ($17.73 billion) over the next five years.

    *To launch 23 new electrified models, including 15 new EVs, aiming for a 50% electrification mix globally across the Nissan and INFINITI brands by fiscal year 2030.

    *To introduce Nissan’s all-solid-state batteries (ASSBs) in fiscal year 2028 and ready a pilot plant in Yokohama as early as fiscal year 2024. According to Nissan, by reducing charging time to one-third, ASSBs will make EVs more efficient and accessible. Further, Nissan expects ASSB to bring the cost of battery packs down to $75 per kilowatt-hour by fiscal year 2028, and aims to drop it further to $65 per kilowatt-hour to achieve cost parity between EVs and gasoline vehicles in the future.

    To make progress toward this, Nissan will continue to evolve its lithium-ion battery technologies and introduce cobalt-free technology to reduce the cost by 65% by fiscal year 2028. Working with its partners, Nissan intends to increase its global battery production as well as expand its battery refurbishing facilities beyond Japan with new locations in Europe during fiscal year 2022, and in the U.S. in fiscal year 2025.

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Abner Li / 9to5Google:
    Waymo partners with Chinese automotive company Geely to bring a “rider-first” EV with no steering wheel to its US robotaxi Waymo One fleet in the coming years — Waymo One is Alphabet’s Lyft/Uber competitor that’s live in Phoenix and currently undergoing testing in San Francisco.

    Future autonomous Waymo EV will be custom built for ride-hailing with no steering wheel

    Waymo One is Alphabet’s Lyft/Uber competitor that’s live in Phoenix and currently undergoing testing in San Francisco. Waymo today announced a future EV for its US ride-hailing service that will be “rider-first” and have no steering wheel.

    Waymo today announced an OEM collaboration with Geely, a Chinese automotive company that has several subsidiary brands like Volvo, Lotus, and Smart.

    We will integrate our Waymo Driver into a version of the new mobility-focused, all-electric Zeekr vehicle, designed in Sweden specially for autonomous ride-hailing.

    This Zeekr-branded van is optimized for transportation-as-a-service (TaaS), rather than ownership, like the Chrysler Pacifica and Jaguar I-Pace that are vehicles modified for self-driving and used by Waymo primarily for ride-hailing. According to Waymo’s announcement, this upcoming car will “prioritize the comfort, convenience, and preferences of Waymo One riders” with features like a flat floor, easy entry and exit, and adjustable seats:

  35. Tomi Engdahl says:

    GlobalFoundries Strikes Deal With BMW to Supply Scarce Chips
    Dec. 28, 2021
    BMW and other auto makers stung by the global chip shortage are taking steps to gain greater access to chips, including by placing long-term orders at suppliers and even dealing directly with foundries.

    Jolted by the global chip shortage, auto makers are taking steps to gain greater access to chips, including by signing long-term purchase agreements with their suppliers and even dealing directly with foundries deeper in the supply chain.

    GlobalFoundries, one of the world’s largest contract chip vendors and Ford’s semiconductor partner since last month, said it has hammered out the latest deal with BMW and Inova Semiconductors. The companies said the new “supply assurance” agreement guarantees BMW “several million” chips each year.

    The chips covered by the deal will be used in ISELED lighting technology co-developed by BMW and based on chips from Inova, and it will be deployed for the first time in BMW’s iX electric car and other models in the future. Inova is a fabless semiconductor firm in Munich, Germany, where BMW has its headquarters. The company sells a wide range of chips, including LED driver ICs at the heart of ISELED systems.

  36. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Auto-Qualified Optoisolator Offers 200-V Collector-Emitter Rating
    Dec. 27, 2021
    Optocoupler meets automotive standards—the device squeezes 3750-V isolation into a tiny 4-pin SO6 package.

    Optoisolators (also known as optocouplers or photocouplers) don’t radiate a lot of component glamour, but they are critical interface components in many systems. They offer multiple problem-solving uses, including “breaking” ground loops and providing galvanic (ohmic) isolation between a system’s functional blocks.

    Such attributes are needed in arrangements where high common-mode voltages affect system connectivity, or when a component failure could put unacceptable high voltage onto low-voltage circuits or even endanger users. These functionally simple, diminutive components offer a high level of isolation—typically several thousand volts—in a tiny package, as clearly demonstrated by various standardized tests. Among other key specifications is the collector-emitter voltage (VCEO), a parameter that derives from their underlying transistor-like structure and nomenclature.

    Recognizing this, the TLX9188 infrared optoisolator from Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corp. supports a collector-emitter voltage up to 200 V (minimum) (see figure). This is the highest VCEO value Toshiba offers in an automotive optocoupler and 2.5X higher than its existing optocoupler, the TLX9185A.

    The device offers a current transfer ratio (IC/IF) from 50% (minimum) to 600% (maximum).

    Note that even if you don’t have an immediate need for this type of component, Toshiba has a very informative, highly readable 20-page application note “Safety Standards for Photocouplers.” This note explains frequently used terminology along with examples from component and equipment safety standards for photocoupler products. Given the depth, intensity, and sheer volume of these regulatory standards and mandates, any insight in this area is appreciated.

  37. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Can you make your own battery pack for EVs – Edd China’s Workshop Diaries 27

    Running low on fuel? Go Electric! Here’s how I built my Mercedes Sprinter EV conversion battery pack. 360 volt, 23 kWh and a whole lot of wires! Can you build your own electric vehicle, well, with great care, a lot of patience and the right tools and equipment, I did just that. And then I set a Guinness World Record in it. The fact that it can make ice cream, well, that’s just a bonus!

    So, decharge the static from a long week and chill out with your weekly fix of Edd-ness!

    Edd China’s Workshop Diaries 27: World’s Fastest Electric Ice Cream Van Part 9 (How to build battery pack for EV conversion of Mercedes Sprinter van).

  38. Tomi Engdahl says:

    VW Beetle converted to electric in a day

    We managed to convert this classic VW Beetle to electric in a day using our bolt-in conversion kit. Motor – Hyper9 (120hp), 25kWh Tesla battery pack giving 80 to 90 mile range, 6.6kW charger, disc brakes on the front.

    Brilliant! I’d love to see more on the cost breakdown of such a project.

    About 20k, batteries included
    20 k does that include labor?
    Depends on the shop you choose to do the conversion, but this is the sort of project you end up having to do yourself, unless you’re in California
    20k? Thats decent if done by shop. Considering the cost of some other conversions

  39. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Electric Vehicle Conversion Kit

    In our first publication we go over the various components that form the kit used in an electric vehicle conversion.

    AC Electric Car Conversion 101 part 001

    This car was a project built by our friend Tom, converting a Dodge Neon to electric with an AC motor and industrial variable frequency drive.

  40. Tomi Engdahl says:

    New Cars Will Nickel-and-Dime You – It’s Automotive As A Service

    Every few years, someone pushing a startup to investors comes up with an acronym or buzzword which rapidly becomes the new hotness in those circles. One of the most pernicious is “as a Service,” which takes regular things and finds a way to charge you a regular fee to use them.

    Automotive companies just absolutely loved the sound of this, and the industry is rapidly moving to implement subscription services across the board. Even if there’s hardware in your car for a given feature, you might find you now need to pay a monthly fee to use it. Let’s explore how this came about, and talk about which cars are affected. You might be surprised to find yours already on the list.

    A long time ago, before the world went mad, you could option out your car with all kinds of nice equipment when you ordered it from the dealership. You’d pay a bit extra, of course, but some nice people at the factory would bolt in the extra gear, and you’d enjoy the extra nice little touches that you’d paid for.

    It was a simple system, and it made sense. Things like heated seats or stereo upgrades really needed to be installed at the factory; going back to the dealer later for more upgrades would be complicated and a relatively unattractive option.

    These days, many cars are connected to the Internet around the clock via their own built-in cellular modules. These serve all kinds of purposes, from safety monitoring to allowing the automaker to roll out software updates as needed over the air.

    However, this connectivity also created a new opportunity. Automakers could now remotely turn features in the car on and off from the comfort of their ivory towers. Thus was born a new opportunity for monetization. Pay the car company a toll, else you can’t have nice things.

    This may sound like a problem brewing for the future, but sadly it is already very much our present reality. The big breakout story this year has been that many customers have not realized that they’re already driving cars subject to subscription-only features.

  41. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Current State Of Play In Autonomous Cars

    Bluster around the advent of self-driving cars has become a constant in the automotive world in recent years. Much is promised by all comers, but real-world results – and customer-ready technologies – remain scarce on the street.

    Today, we’ll dive in and take a look at the current state of play. What makes a self-driving car, how close are the main players, and what can we expect to come around the corner?

    The phrase “self-driving car” may seem straightforward, but it can mean many different things to different people. Technological limitations also play a part, and so the Society of Automotive Engineers stepped up to create classifications that make clear what any given autonomous or semi-autonomous car is capable of.

    Below is a full breakdown, but if you’re in a hurry, think of it like this. Level 0 cars have no automation, while basic things like adaptive cruise come under level 1. Level 2 self-driving systems can handle steering and throttle commands for you, but you’re expected to remain vigilant at all times for hazards. Level 3 systems take things up a notch, letting you take your eyes off the road while the car drives itself in the designated areas and conditions. Level 4 systems introduce the ability for the car to handle getting itself to safety in the event of an issue. Level 2, 3 and 4 systems are all conditional, only working in certain areas or under certain traffic or weather conditions. Meanwhile, Level 5 vehicles remove limitations entirely, and can basically drive themselves anywhere a human could.

    Where We’re At

    As it stands, the majority of new cars on the market are available with some form of Level 1 automation, usually cruise control or perhaps some basic lanekeeping assist. Typically, however, talk of self driving covers the proliferation of level 2 systems now in the marketplace. Tesla, GM, and Ford are some of the big players in this space already shipping product to market. Meanwhile, Honda and Mercedes have pushed ahead with Level 3 systems on the market and just around the corner respectively. Meanwhile, Waymo is aiming even higher.

    As of April 2021, at least 20 deaths have occurred in Tesla’s driving under Autopilot, with the system known for driving directly into obstacles at speed.

    Tesla has also made the controversial decision to start phasing out radar on its vehicles. The company plans to use cameras as the sole sensor for its self-driving systems, with one argument being that humans have made do with only our eyes thus far.

    Tesla has pushed forward with the technology, though, releasing its “Full Self Driving” beta to limited public testing last year. The system can now handle driving on highways and on surface streets. It also has the ability to work with the navigation system, guiding the car from highway on-ramp to off-ramp and handling interchanges and taking necessary exits along the way.

    GM has been selling vehicles equipped with its level 2 Super Cruise self-driving system for some time, lauded as safer than Tesla’s offerings by Consumer Reports. The system directly monitors the driver with a camera to assure attentiveness, and the latest versions coming in 2022 allow for fully-automated lane changes and even support for towing.

    Super Cruise can be used on over 200,000 miles of divided highways across the USA. However, unlike Tesla’s offering, GM’s cars won’t be driving themselves on city streets until the release of Ultra Cruise in a few years time.

    Ford’s upcoming BlueCruise system has only just hit the market, with a similar level of functionality to GM’s early Super Cruise system.

    Mercedes and Honda are the first two companies to deliver Level 3 systems to market. These allow the driver to kick back while activated, though outside of geofenced areas or in anomalous situations, they can be asked to take over in a timely fashion.

    Honda’s system was first to launch, and has been available on the Honda Legend since earlier this year. The company’s SENSING Elite technology enables the Traffic Jam Pilot feature, which takes over driving tasks in heavy traffic on an expressway.

    Mercedes will deliver its Drive Pilot system next year, initially enabled for 13,191 kilometers of German motorways. The system will similarly work during high-density traffic, up to a legally-permitted maximum of 60 km/h. The driver can then enjoy “secondary activities” such as browsing the internet or watching a movie.

    Both systems rely on a combination of sensors, with Mercedes particularly noting the use of lidar, radar and cameras in their system. In both cases, drivers must remain ready to take over if the system requests, but they are not required to maintain the constant vigilance required with level 2 systems.

    As a technology company rather than an automaker, Waymo has had little incentive to rush a product to market. The company has in fact abandoned development of Level 2 and Level 3 systems due to the commonly-cited issues with vigilance tasks.
    Instead, the company is forging ahead with a system that will reach Level 4 or better, aiming to eliminate the contentious issue of driver handoffs. As of 2017, the company ran a system in its modified Chrysler Pacifica fleet that had a very simple interface. A button could be pressed to start travelling, and another would instruct the car to pull over safely.
    The company has since started providing a driverless robotaxi service to a limited clientele as it tests its driverless vehicles.


    As it stands, self-driving technology will be sitting around the Trough of Disillusionment for many. Despite what we were all promised, self-driving systems remain heavily limited at this stage.

    However, the tech is slowly climbing towards the point where it can be genuinely useful.


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