Self driving cars failed 2020

I was had planned to do a long post on self-driving cars a quite long time. I was planning to do one this spring, but I might not do that, because it seems that predictions that self-driving cars would be here in 2020 were far too rosy. Five years ago, several companies including Nissan and Toyota promised self-driving cars in 2020. So it may be wise to take any new forecasts with a grain of salt. Hare is a worth to check out article of the current status of self-driving cars:

Surprise! 2020 Is Not the Year for Self-Driving Cars

In March, because of the coronavirus, self-driving car companies, including Argo, Aurora, Cruise, Pony, and Waymo, suspended vehicle testing and operations that involved a human driver. Around the same time, Waymo and Ford released open data sets of information collected during autonomous-vehicle tests and challenged developers to use them to come up with faster and smarter self-driving algorithms.

It seems that the self-driving car industry still hopes to make meaningful progress on autonomous vehicles (AVs) this year, but the industry is slowed by the pandemic and facing a set of very hard problems that have gotten no easier to solve over the years.



  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The story in pictures of the early electric cars, 1880-1920

    Early electric cars found a lucrative market for driving around cities. Rechargeable batteries that provided a viable means for storing electricity on board a vehicle did not come into being until 1859, with the invention of the lead–acid battery by French physicist Gaston Planté.

    What is likely the first human-carrying electric vehicle with its own power source was tested along a Paris street in April 1881 by French inventor Gustave Trouvé.

    In 1880 Trouvé improved the efficiency of a small electric motor developed by Siemens (from a design purchased from Johann Kravogl in 1867) and using the recently developed rechargeable battery, fitted it to an English James Starley tricycle, so inventing the world’s first electric vehicle. Although this was successfully tested on 19 April 1881 along the Rue Valois in central Paris, he was unable to patent it.

    France and the United Kingdom were the first nations to support the widespread development of electric vehicles.

    Electric trains were also used to transport coal out of mines, as their motors did not use up precious oxygen.

    It was not until 1895 that consumers began to devote attention to electric vehicles

    The Golden Age of Electric Cars
    Interest in motor vehicles increased greatly in the late 1890s and early 1900s. Electric battery-powered taxis became available at the end of the 19th century.

    Electric cars were often marketed as suitable vehicles for women drivers due to their ease of operation; in fact, early electric cars were stigmatized by the perception that they were “women’s cars”, leading some companies to affix radiators to the front to disguise the car’s propulsion system.

    Acceptance of electric cars was initially hampered by a lack of power infrastructure, but by 1912, many homes were wired for electricity, enabling a surge in the popularity of cars.

    In the United States by the turn of the century, 40 percent of automobiles were powered by steam, 38 percent by electricity, and 22 percent by gasoline.

    A total of 33,842 electric cars were registered in the United States, and the U.S. became the country where electric cars had gained the most acceptance. Sales of electric cars peaked in the early 1910s.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    TuSimple integrates Nvidia’s newest auto-grade chip to scale autonomous trucking

    TuSimple integrates Nvidia’s newest auto-grade chip to scale autonomous trucking
    Rebecca Bellan
    @rebeccabellan / 2:00 PM GMT+2•January 4, 2022

    Image Credits: TuSimple
    Autonomous trucking company TuSimple is preparing to scale its self-driving tech with the help of Nvidia’s newest system-on-a-chip (SoC), Drive Orin, the company announced at CES. The chip, which is specifically made for autonomous applications, will provide the robust, compact, energy efficient and auto-grade compute power necessary to accelerate TuSimple’s race to get its self-driving trucks to market.

    The relationship between Nvidia and TuSimple has been going on for years, with Nvidia leading TuSimple’s Series B round in 2017. Drive Orin is part of Nvidia’s Hyperion 8, a production-ready platform that includes sensors, compute and software needed for AV development, which came to market in November. While TuSimple will choose its own sensors and use in-house-built software

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Keysight’s Radar Scene Emulator Speeds Path to Full Vehicle Autonomy
    Dec. 23, 2021
    The system provides automotive OEMs with full-scene emulation to lab test complex, real-world scenarios and accelerate the overall speed of testing.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NVIDIA CES 2022 Special Address
    Jan. 4, 2022
    MAX-Q is a laptop hardware design framework, plus there’s a new NVIDIA DRIVE framework.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    RFID Module Improves Tire Performance and Management
    Dec. 22, 2021
    Murata and Michelin co-developed tags that can be embedded in tires to help ensure reliable tire identification and enable them to build data-driven services and solutions.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Autonomous vehicles
    John Deere unveiled an autonomous tractor at CES 2022.

    Volvo Cars plans to debut its autonomous driving feature Ride Pilot in the U.S.state of California as an add-on subscription in Volvo’s fully electric SUV. The Ride Pilot still needs to be verified as highway safe. Zenseact, a software company, developed the autonomous driving (AD) software with a team of Volvo Cars and Luminar developers. The Luminar Iris lidar sensor is installed, among over 24 other sensors. Volvo Cars is apready testing Ride Pilot in Sweden.

    Mobileye introduced its EyeQ Ultra, described as an AV-on-chip super-computer for autonomous driving that holds down power use by running AI at 176 TOPS. The single package EyeQ Ultra has 10 EyeQ5s made on 5 nanometer process. First silicon is expected in late 2023 with full automotive-grade production in 2025.

    Udelv unveiled at CES 2022 the Transporter, a self-driving delivery vehicle driven by Mobileye Drive, which includes the Mobileye EyeQ 5 system-on-chip for automotive and cameras, lidars, and radars. The Transporter has an automated, hot-swappable modular cargo space that can carry up to 2,000 pounds of cargo and make up to 80 stops per run.

    Electric driverless vehicle company EasyMile is using Ansys software to model the level-4 vehicle safety. The French company used Ansys’ medini analyze to examine and check the electronically-controlled safety-related functions on driverless vehicles. “It has been difficult in the past to demonstrate the safety of our products to clients,”

    Innoviz Technologies is using an array of simulation tools from Ansys on its automotive-grade lidar sensor and to help customers simulate, integrate, and test lidar in Level 3–5 autonomous vehicle projects. Innoviz used Ansys Mechanical, Ansys Fluent, Zemax and Ansys Maxwell simulation software.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Robottibussitesti alkoi Hervannassa

    Sensible 4:n ohjelmistoilla ajavat robottibussit ovat aloittaneet tesiajonsa Tampereen Hervannassa. ProAce-bussit kuljettavat matkustajia maksutta maaliskuun puoleen väliin saakka. Palvelukokeilun tavoitteena on selvittää, kuinka robottiautot voisivat tulevaisuudessa toimia osana julkista liikennettä.

    Maksuton kyyti kiertää Hervantakeskuksesta 3,5 kilometrin reittiä arkipäivinä. Tampereen kaupungilla on strategisia älykaupunkikehityksen tavoitteita, joita Hervannassa sijaitseva automaattisen liikenteen testialue tukee.

    Tampereen tyyliin koe on saanut nimekseen NysseLab. Testiryhmäläiset kokeilivat kyytiä joulukuussa ja kertoivat ajatuksiaan ja mielipiteitään kokemuksesta.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Yksi tutkapiiri korvaa kolme

    NXP on esitellyt kaksi uutta prosessoria autojen tutkapiirien S32R-sarjaan. Niiden suorituskyky riittää korvaamaan kolme erillistä tutkaprosessoria L2-L5-tasojen autonomisissa ajoneuvoissa.

    S32R45- ja S32R41-prosessorit ovat samalla ensimmäiset 16 nanometrin prosessissa valmistetut tutkapiirit, jotka tuovat 360 asteen näkyvyyden ajoneuvon ympärille. Yhteiseen alustaan perustuvina valmistaja voi käyttää samaa koodia siirtyessään L2-tason ADAS-ratkaisusta L5-tason täyteen robottiajamiseen, NXP kehuu.

    NXP puhuu näistä piireistä ”kuvantamistutkina”. Ne laajentavat perinteisen tutkan kykyjä isojen esineiden havaitsemisen lisäksi ajoneuvon ympäristön “näkemiseen” hienoresoluutioisten pistepilvien avulla. Nämä kuvat mahdollistavat kohteiden, kuten jalankuljijoiden ja muiden ajoneuvojen luokittelun monimutkaisissa kaupunkiskenaarioissa. Käytännössä tutka näkee ja ymmärtää, kun esimerkiksi moottoripyörän ajaa suuren kuorma-auton lähellä tai lapsen ajaessa tielle pysäköityjen autojen välistä.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Autotutka näkee nyt selvästi kauemmaksi

    Texas Instruments on esitellyt autojen ADAS-järjestelmiin 77 gigahertsin tutka-anturin, joka kykenee havaitsemaan vastaantulevat ajoneuvot jopa 40 prosenttia nykyisiä ratkaisuja kauempana.

    AWR2944-anturin avulla auton järjestelmät havaitsevat esineitä nopeammin, osaava paremmin tarkkailla kuolleita kulmia ja navigoida tehokkaasti käännöksissä ja kulmissa. FDA:n eli Federal Highway Administrationin mukaan yli 50 prosenttia kaikista kuolemaan johtaneista ja loukkaantuneista kolareista tapahtuu risteyksissä tai niiden lähellä. Tämä edellyttää, että autonvalmistajien on parannettava ohjausjärjestelmiä tukemaan edistyneitä kuljettajan apulaitteita ja automatisoituja ajotoimintoja.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Wind River tunnetaan ennen kaikkea sulautettujen sovellusten VxWorks-reaaliaikakäyttöjärjestelmästään. Yhtiö on parin vuoden ajan ollut pääomasijoittaja tPG Capitalin omistuksessa, mutta nyt Aptiv ilmoittaa ostaneensa sen 4,3 miljardilla dollarilla. Kyse on elektroniikka-alan tämän vuoden suurimmasta yrityskaupasta.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Auton kyberturva ei voi olla omistajan vastuulla

    Kyberturvan maailmassa on nyt kohuttu saksalaisesta David Colombosta, joka sanoo onnistuneensa hakkeroimaan yli 20 Teslaa 13 eri maassa. Nuorukainen ei päässyt kiinni auton kriittisiin järjestelmiin, mutta tapaus on silti muistutus siitä, mihin autot ovat menossa ohjelmistojen määrän kasvaessa.

    Esimerkiksi tietoturvayhtiö Check Point Softwaren tutkimusjohtaja Loten Finkelsteen sanoo, että kyse on merkittävästä uhasta. – Voimmeko todella odottaa käyttäjien tuntevan monimutkaisen ja teknisesti erittäin edistyneen tuotteen, kuten nykyaikaisen auton, ohjelmistokokoonpanon? Autojen tulee olla turvallisia korkeimpien standardien mukaisesti. Kuljettajan ei pitäisi olla mahdollista sallia etäpääsyä ajoneuvoonsa millään toiminnalla tai muutenkaan.

    Kuinka paljon koodia nykyautossa sitten on? Valmistajat eivät näitä tietoja julkaise, mutta esimerkiksi Teslan Linux-pohjainen näyttöpaneeli toimii arvioiden mukaan noin 30 miljoonalla koodirivillä. Jos autossa on kymmeniä – jopa toistasataa – ECU-yksikköä, ohjelmiston määrä voi nousta yli sadan miljoonan koodirivin. On aivan selvää, ettei käyttäjän pidä edes nähdä tuota koodia.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    New Law Will Install Kill Switches In All New Cars

    Once again, drivers get screwed by politicians in DC…
    Back in 1998, sci-fi TV series The X-Files aired an episode called “Kill Switch” about an AI gone rogue. Told when the internet was still accessed by most using dial-up modems, it was a fascinating tale of technology run amuck, a message about not handing too much of your life over to the digital world. While it might also seem like a sci-fi tale, soon enough the United States federal government could force automakers to install kill switches authorities can access and use to shut down any newer vehicle.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How to Boost Power Density in Automotive Systems
    Jan. 5, 2022
    More vehicle weight leads to lower miles per gallon in fossil fuels and more frequent charging in electric vehicles. Thus, power density of power supplies and batteries is a crucial factor in optimizing automotive performance.

    Automotive applications are becoming more sophisticated as they trend well beyond two or three LED drivers per automobile. Smaller inductors built with the latest advanced technology like thin-film metal lead to improved power density in the automobile. Bias-T and power-over-coaxial (PoC) circuits also use inductors that have high-impedance characteristics and lead to improved power density

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Airless tires: Why you’ll want this game-changing technology
    It’s not just the promise of no more flat tires. Airless tires will solve even more problems.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Cleaning ADAS Sensors with Sound Instead of Water

    British tech company TTP says it will partner with ADAS sensor suppliers to incorporate ultrasonic cleaning directly into the devices.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ensimmäiset 3-tason robottiautot tulevat tänä vuonna

    Autoalan amerikkalaisen standardointijärjestö SAE:n mukaan ajoneuvojen autonomisuutta voidaan määritellä 5-portaisella asteikolla. Todellinen, täysin autonomisesti kulkeva 5-tason robottiauto on vielä kaukana. Tänä vuonna markkinoille saadaan ensimmäiset 3-tason autonomiset autot.

    Näin sanoo Allegro Microsystems, joka on juuri esitellyt 3-tason robottiautoihin suorityskyvyltään yltävät pyörien nopeus- ja etäisyysanturit. Yhtin mukaan sen A19360-anturi on markkinoiden ensimmäinen korkearesoluutioinen GMR-anturi.

    Huippuluokan GMR-anturi giant magnetoresistance) tarjoaa autonvalmistajille tarvittavan signaalin erottelukyvyn ja luotettavuuden, joita vaaditaan henkilöajoneuvojen automatisoinnin edistyneessä tasossa ja palvelusovelluksissa.

    Ennusteiden mukaan ensimmäiset tason 3 robottiautot tulevat yleisesti saataville vuoden 2022 loppuun mennessä. Tason 4 ajoneuvot tulevat markkinoille vuoden 2023 aikana. Autonvalmistajat kehittävät aktiivisesti ohjelmisto- ja laitteistojärjestelmiä ja tarvitsevat komponentteja, kuten A19360-anturin, jotka voivat mahdollistaa nämä järjestelmät.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Processing Platform Streamlines Connected Vehicle Data
    Jan. 11, 2022
    Wejo’s Neural Edge platform uses machine learning to address connected-vehicle data overload and deliver faster, more cost-effective, and sustainable vehicle communication insights to make roads safer and less congested.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Luminar’s Iris lidar will be integrated into future Mercedes planned for its next-generation platform to improve safety and help them operate autonomously during highway driving, the companies said.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Electric Cars Are Too Expensive For Many, But Retrofitting Could Be The Answer:

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5G Fuels Driverless Car Technology
    July 08, 2021
    5G is propelling a new solution to solve today’s transportation challenges

    Driverless cars. They’ve long been the stuff of science fiction, and there are reasons we have not yet reached a transportation utopia where our cities hum along free of traffic congestion and pollution. Driverless and autonomous cars present extremely complex technical challenges that won’t be solved anytime soon according to many experts. Plus, there’s the issue of social trust – it doesn’t matter how intelligent a car is if people won’t get in. But both of these issues – technology development and cultural change – are moving forward in tandem down a path to more capable driverless and autonomous cars. Today we’re seeing exciting progress come to life propelled by 5G networks.

    Halo has launched one of the first commercial driverless car services in the U.S., and it’s running on the T-Mobile 5G network in Las Vegas, a city known for its rapid adoption of innovative technology from the first hyperloop test to its newest underground tunnel. Now, Halo is adding to the city’s portfolio of technical achievements.

    Halo’s service is safe and easy to use. Riders will simply summon a driverless EV via a mobile app. A driverless Halo arrives at the pick-up location, the rider hops in and drives to their destination. Upon arrival, no parking is needed — the Halo moves driverlessly to its next pick-up location.

    With its proprietary RemotePilot technology, Halo trains inhouse remote drivers to operate the driverless car over T-Mobile’s 5G network. Halo has developed an Advanced Safe Stop mechanism enabling its cars to immediately come to a full stop if a potential safety hazard or system anomaly is detected. Using an advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm, the car also learns in the background while humans control the vehicle, building a unique feedback loop to achieve Level 3 capabilities over time.

    According to Halo’s Founder and CEO Anand Nandakumar, his service is uniquely designed in that it builds automation over time starting with a solution that consumers will feel comfortable using today.

    Humans complete drives over a 5G connection providing real-world data for an AI system to learn and improve in the background. This then leads to the automation of certain tasks over time while creating local jobs where people work alongside AI and robotics.

    Transportation is one of many industries being transformed today by 5G.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Using several bands of radar at once can give cars a kind of second sight

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Inside Mobileye’s EyeQ Ultra Chip for Future Self-Driving Cars
    Jan. 19, 2022
    Mobileye CEO Amnon Shashua said that, while it looks less potent than chips from rivals Qualcomm and NVIDIA, the EyeQ Ultra chip has more than enough computing power to control a self-driving vehicle.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Level 3 Autonomous Vehicles: Regulators Can’t Keep Up with the Tech

    What you’ll learn:

    Approval and the details surrounding Mercedes’ Drive Pilot self-driving system.
    Polestar’s and BMW’s latest Level 3 automotive efforts.
    Level 3 projects from U.S. automakers GM, Tesla, and Lucid Motors.

    Occasionally, a practical solution to a problem emerges faster than the understanding of the problem itself. This is what seems to be happening with Level 3 autonomous vehicles, particularly in Europe.

    Take Mercedes-Benz as an example. The Stuttgart-based automaker has been granted regulatory approval in Germany for a new Drive Pilot Level 3 self-driving system (Fig. 1). The system is operable at up to 37 mph (60 km/h) in heavy traffic or congested situations on suitable stretches of motorway in Germany. The basis of the approval is the UN Regulation 157 dealing with automated lane-keeping systems, thus paving the way for offering such a system internationally—if individual countries allow it.

    With approval from the German Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA), Mercedes plans to offer Drive Pilot on its S-Class sedan starting in the first half of 2022. Mercedes said regulatory approval also applies to its EQS electric hatchback, but the automaker didn’t say when the system would be available on that vehicle.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Trends in Automotive Safety and Software
    Jan. 28, 2022
    CoreAVI’s Neil Stroud talks about the importance of safety and software IP to the automotive market.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uusi robottiauton tutka toimii kaikissa oloissa

    Jo nykyiset uudet autot nojaavat turvajärjestelmissään tiivisti tutkiin. Nykyautojen tutkajärjestelmät rajoittuvat kuitenkin yksinkertaisiin toimintoihin, kuten kaistaviivojen välissä pysymiseen moottoritiellä. Robottiauto tarvitsee kuitenkin paljon korkeamman resoluution etäisyystietoa. edetäkseen korkeammalle autonomiatasolle. Kalifornialainen Zendar sanoo kehittäneensä tällaisen kaikissa olosuhteissa toimivan tutkan.

    Aiemmat yritykset kehittää korkearesoluutioinen tutka ovat omaksuneet laitteistointensiivisen lähestymistavan, mikä lisää merkittävästi järjestelmän kustannuksia ja monimutkaisuutta. Kallis ratkaisu ei voi löydä läpi kaupallisesti.

    Zendar on sen sijaan kehittänyt joukon ohjelmistoja – algorimteja siis – tutka-anturin konfigurointiin ja tutkasignaalin käsittelyyn. Yhdessä ne tuottavat 10-kertaisen parannuksen nykypäivän tutkajärjestelmien pysty- ja vaakaresoluutioon ilman, että ratkaisun kokonaiskustannukset nousevat.

    Zendar-ohjelmisto toimii yhdistämällä useiden tutka-anturien raakatiedot inertiamittausyksiköiden liikedataan ja käyttää koneoppimismenetelmiä perinteisten tutkasignaalin käsittelyalgoritmien sijaan kohteiden havaitsemiseen. Zendar käyttää yksinkertaisia ​​ja edullisia tutkakomponentteja yhdistettynä keskusprosessoriin skaalatakseen ajoneuvossa olevien useiden tutkajärjestelmien resoluutiota. Kaupallisesti iso etu on se, että Zendarin ohjelmistoa voidaan ajaa jo nykyisissä ADAS-tietokoneissa.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    54,000 Teslas recalled because “Full Self-Driving” software lets them roll through stop signs
    The “rolling stop” feature allows vehicles to go through intersections with all-way stop signs at up to 5.6 miles per hour.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Advanced LiDAR Vision Solution Debuts at CES 2022
    Jan. 20, 2022
    In this video, we talk to Ralf Muenster, Vice President of Business Development and Marketing at SiLC Technologies, a silicon photonics innovator delivering coherent vision and chip-scale LiDAR solutions.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Joka kymmenes uusi auto kulkee sähköllä

    Euroopassa myytiin viime vuonna yli 1,2 miljoonaa täyssähköautoa. Luku on 63 prosenttia suurempi kuin vuotta aikaisemmin. Tällä hetkellä joka kymmenes uusi auto kulkee vain sähköllä. Hybridiautoja myytiin reilu miljoona, kertoo JATO Dynamics.

    Kehitys on ollut varsin nopeaa. Vuonna 2018 täyssähköautojen osuus kaikista uusista Euroopassa rekisteröidyistä henkilöautoista oli 1,3 prosenttia. Tämä nousi 2,3 prosenttiin vuonna 2019 ja 6,2 prosenttiin vuonna 2020 pandemian pahimpana aikana. Viime vuonna osuus oli jo 10,3 prosenttia.

    Sähköautojen suosion kasvu vuonna 2021 johtui kahdesta keskeisestä tekijästä. Ensinnäkin valtioiden anteliaiden kannustimien jatkuva saatavuus johti kysynnän kasvuun, kun yhä useammat kuluttajat alkoivat nähdä ajoneuvot todellisena vaihtoehtona perinteisille ICE-malleille. Toiseksi puolijohteiden maailmanlaajuisen pulan vuoksi monet valmistajat asettivat sähköautojen ja SUV-autojen myynnin etusijalle bensiini- ja dieselajoneuvojen sijaan. Sähköauton sai siis nopeammin käyttöönsä.

    Viime vuonna Eurooppa vahvisti asemaansa maailman toiseksi suurimpana täyssähköautojen markkinana sekä volyymillä että markkinaosuudella mitattuna. Kiinassa 12,3 prosenttia uusista ajoneuvoista on täyssähköisiä.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Lifetime Cost Of Small Car $689,000; Society Subsidizes This Ownership With $275,000

    Cars can be convenient, but they are also incredibly costly, both to owners and society in general. New academic research has calculated that the lifetime cost of a small car—such as an Opel Corsa—is about $689,000, of which society pays $275,000. (A Mercedes GLC costs $1+m over an owner’s lifetime.)

    The research focused on Germany, but lead author Stefan Gössling told me the guiding principles work for other countries, too. Writing in Ecological Economics, Gössling stated that “the car is one of the most expensive household consumer goods, yet there is a limited understanding of its private and social cost per vehicle-km, year, or lifetime of driving.”

    Motorists, he added, underestimate the total private costs of car ownership, “while policymakers and planners underestimate social costs.”

    Cars are expensive because of their high ticket price and depreciation and the additional costs incurred by insurance, repairs, and fuel purchases. Mass motoring’s social costs—known to transport wonks as negative externalities—include carbon emissions from burning petrol and diesel, congestion, noise, deaths and injuries from crashes, road damage, and costs to health systems from sloth.

    Other subsidies, such as the copious provision of free off-street car parking, are often mandated in building codes. America’s 250 million cars are oversupplied with an estimated 2 billion parking spots (think Wal-Mart at Christmas) yet spend 95% of their time going nowhere.

    Gössling based his cost calculations on an individual driving 15,000 kilometers per year over 50 years. Previous studies using different parameters have reached similar conclusions. In his 2007 book, Deep Economy, environmental author and activist Bill McKibben concluded: “Households can save as much as $750,000 over a lifetime if the bus system works well enough to enable people not to buy a second car.”

    “It’s a transport taboo; you can’t touch it politically because you’ll get burnt.”

    “In our research, we’re not saying you should start taking away cars from people, we’re just saying it’s probably more prudent, economically, to invest in those infrastructures that are less costly—such as for active mobility—and where people will make a switch voluntarily.”

    “Most lower-income and many moderate-income households are harmed overall by policies that favor automobile travel over more affordable and resource-efficient modes,” concludes Gössling’s study.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Aptiv’s latest investment shows that software-defined vehicles are here to stay

    Automakers keen to sell vehicles loaded with features and software services — in a bid to generate more revenue — have an information overload challenge.

    These so-called software-defined vehicles contain myriad systems-on-a-chip (SoCs) running anything from electric powertrains to driver assistance features to infotainment. The crux is that they all must work in concert.

    Car sensors like cameras and radar capture data, translate it and send it the powertrain to enable features like emergency braking. It all has to happen in real time, within milliseconds, while simultaneously not interfering with the Spotify a driver is streaming through the vehicle.


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