Self driving cars failed 2020

I was had planned to do a long post on self-driving cars a quite long time. I was planning to do one this spring, but I might not do that, because it seems that predictions that self-driving cars would be here in 2020 were far too rosy. Five years ago, several companies including Nissan and Toyota promised self-driving cars in 2020. So it may be wise to take any new forecasts with a grain of salt. Hare is a worth to check out article of the current status of self-driving cars:

Surprise! 2020 Is Not the Year for Self-Driving Cars

In March, because of the coronavirus, self-driving car companies, including Argo, Aurora, Cruise, Pony, and Waymo, suspended vehicle testing and operations that involved a human driver. Around the same time, Waymo and Ford released open data sets of information collected during autonomous-vehicle tests and challenged developers to use them to come up with faster and smarter self-driving algorithms.

It seems that the self-driving car industry still hopes to make meaningful progress on autonomous vehicles (AVs) this year, but the industry is slowed by the pandemic and facing a set of very hard problems that have gotten no easier to solve over the years.



  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Electreon, Ford Developing In-Road Charging System Near Mobility Tech Hub

    Ford Motor Co. is working with Israeli startup Electreon to construct a mile-long road near Detroit’s Michigan Central Terminal that will charge electric vehicles as they travel on it.

    The pilot program will deploy an inductive in-road charging system in partnership with the Michigan Department of Transportation, the Michigan Office of Future Mobility and Electrification and the Michigan Economic Development Corp.

    “We are proud and thankful to be selected by the Michigan Department of Transportation to lead and implement the first wireless electric road system in the United States,” said Stefan Tongur, vice president of Electreon.

    Electreon’s technology can wirelessly charge EVs whether they are moving or stationary. This project will be one of the first to be installed on public roads in the United States.

    The company currently has pilot projects in Germany, Sweden and Italy. Recently it signed an agreement to develop a plug-free charging network for 200 transit buses in Tel Aviv.

    Inductive charging has the potential to ease range anxiety for EVs owners and reduce their cost of charging at home or at public charging stations.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Lidar-kameroista ja tekoälystä apua liikenteeseen

    Suomalainen Nodeon kokeili Helsingin Jätkänsaaressa lidar-tutkakameroita ja tekoälyä liikenteen analysointiin ja liikenneturvallisuuden parantamiseen. Kokeilussa saavutettiin yli 95 prosentin tarkkuus liikennelaskennassa ja otettiin kehitysloikka liikenneturvallisuutta parantavassa C-ITS-ratkaisun kehittämisessä.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    China Loves Battery Swapping EVs, But Will They Ever Make It Here?

    Electric vehicles promise efficiency gains over their gas-fuelled predecessors, but the issue of recharging remains a hurdle for many eager to jump on board with the technology. The problem is only magnified for those that regularly street park their vehicles or live in apartments, without provision to charge a vehicle overnight at home.

    Battery swapping promises to solve that issue, letting drivers of EVs change out their empty battery for a freshly charged one in a matter of minutes. The technology has been widely panned and failed to gain traction in the US.

    However, as it turns out, battery swapping for EVs is actually thing in China, and it’s catching on at a rapid rate.

    While pilot programs from companies like Tesla and Better Place faltered quickly almost a decade ago, the industry in China has been picking up steam. In 2019, the only real players were the Chinese companies Nio and BAIC Motor Co, but since then, many others have flooded in for a piece of the action.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Michael Wayland / CNBC:
    Alfa Romeo plans to mint an NFT for each of its new Tonale SUVs to record vehicle data and verify proper maintenance on a blockchain during the car’s life cycle — – Alfa Romeo’s new subcompact Tonale SUV will include a NFT and blockchain technology, the company said Tuesday.

    Alfa Romeo unveils new electric-hybrid SUV with NFT, blockchain technology

    Alfa Romeo’s new subcompact Tonale SUV will include a NFT and blockchain technology, the company said Tuesday.
    The company said the NFT will record vehicle data, generating a certificate that can be used to assure the car has been properly maintained, with a positive impact on its residual value.
    The 2023 Tonale, including a plug-in electric hybrid, is the beginning of the end for Alfa Romeo vehicles with an internal combustion engine.
    The brand plans to go all-electric by 2027.

    Italian auto brand Alfa Romeo is bringing NFTs, which recently rose to popularity in digital art, to its new Tonale SUV, the company said Tuesday for the vehicle’s unveiling.

    NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are unique digital assets that can’t be replaced with something else and are verified and stored using blockchain technology, which makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system.

    NFTs have become common with digital artwork but can be used for everything from music to a website domain, and now cars.

    Alfa Romeo – owned by Stellantis (formerly Fiat Chrysler) – says the Tonale NFT, which it claims to be an industry-first, certifies the car upon purchase then essentially records and stores data during the car’s life cycle.

    “Digitalization is a key enabler of our metamorphosis. Tonale is the first car ever to keep a blockchain, non-fungible token. NFTs are based on the same distributed information logic that protects your Bitcoin,” Francesco Calcara, head of Alfa marketing and communication, said during a media briefing. “It records all data on the blockchain.”

    Alfa Romeo said the NFT will record vehicle data, generating a certificate that can be used to assure the car has been properly maintained, with a positive impact on its residual value. However, the car must be serviced by a certified Alfa Romeo dealer to record the data.

    Alfa Romeo said orders for the Tonale open in the fourth quarter, followed by availability in the first quarter of 2023. The company did not announce pricing.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Drive for Vehicle-To-Everything Connectivity
    Feb. 5, 2022
    V2X applications are transitioning to 5G functionality, bringing key features and capabilities missing from current dedicated short-range communication methods.

    What you’ll learn:

    The major advantages that 5G is expected to bring to V2X applications.
    Are there privacy issues surrounding V2X technology?
    Results from 5GAA V2X testing.

    Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology is the future of vehicular transportation. Communications between vehicles on the road (V2V) and between vehicles and traffic infrastructure (V2I), such as streetlights and pedestrian crossings, will greatly enhance automotive safety features and ease traffic congestion. V2X uses 5G to transmit signals to and from automobiles, pedestrians, and traffic cameras/sensors to make driving safer and more convenient.

    Let’s explore five ways that 5G in V2X applications will deliver new capabilities using better connectivity and lower latency than current vehicular dedicated short-range communications (DSRC) systems.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    What’s driving China’s autonomous vehicle frenzy?
    A lot of government support, it appears

    China’s autonomous vehicle industry first started seeing some traction around 2016, when a bunch of ambitious startups mushroomed following advances in lidar, computing and machine learning. But the nascent sector was still driving in low gear, as the people working on the tech mostly had computer science backgrounds, and there weren’t many with extensive experience in the automobile industry.

    Everyone wanted to build robotaxis at the time

    “Back then, if you told people you were doing Level 2.5 or 3 [the human driver is expected to take over], you would be scorned. But people in the industry quickly realized Level 4 [the driver can take a nap in most circumstances] was still a distant dream,” Jiang told TechCrunch.

    Regardless, these founders’ ambitions kept them on the path, and the industry is finally seeing a resurgence in China. Unlike the previous generation of founders, the space is now seeing more automobile expertise flow in. This generation also seems to be more pragmatic, and rather than shooting for the stars, they’re focused on market demand.

    A lot of things can happen in China because of government support, but not necessarily elsewhere.
    Hongquan Jiang

    This focus is reaping fitting rewards for startups. The industry saw a period of unprecedented acceleration in 2021, with over $8.5 billion invested in robotaxi startups, self-driving truck developers, lidar makers, smart electric car manufacturers, and chipmakers focused on vehicle automation, according to Crunchbase.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:


  8. Tomi Engdahl says:


    Näin Stena Recycling käsittelee sähköajoneuvojen akkuja. Videolla pääset tutustumaan prosessin eri vaiheisiin mm. akkujen analysointiin, latauksen purkamiseen ja akkujen ohjaamiseen joko uudelleenkäyttöön tai kierrätykseen.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    This time next year Lamborghini will be well on its way to only selling electrified supercars and hypercars as the Volkswagen Group’s most outlandish brand greens up its game.

    This Is The Last Year Of Pure Combustion Lamborghinis (And They’re Almost All Sold)

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Solar-powered car that can ‘drive for months without charging’ to hit roads this summer
    Lightyear One costs €150,000 and aims to be on roads by mid-2022

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Enhanced mmWave Radar Sensor Improves ADAS and Meets New Regulations
    Feb. 8, 2022
    Sponsored by Texas Instruments: Meeting more stringent regulatory guidelines in terms of ADAS functionality, particularly corner turning, requires more sophisticated sensors. A new radar sensor fulfills that need.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Level 4 Platform Built into Fleet of Toyota Sienna Robotaxis
    Feb. 2, 2022
    Designed for automotive-grade mass production, the first of Pony ai’s self-driving vehicles equipped with NVIDIA’s DRIVE Orin will begin road testing in China this year.

    What you’ll learn:

    Details of the Toyota/ Sienna-Automo Maas robotaxi.
    The foundation of the system: NVIDIA’s DRIVE Orin.
    Test results and upcoming road testing.

    Robotaxis—self-driving taxi services operated by ridesharing companies—are on their way to becoming a major mobility solution. Robotaxi operations require SAE Level 4 autonomous vehicles capable of operating without a backup driver, but are often monitored by teleoperators ready to take control of the vehicle at any time. Essentially, they’re limited by specific operating conditions, such as geography or weather.

    According to SAE guidelines, a Level 4 car should be able to drive itself safely “even if a human driver does not respond appropriately to a request to intervene.” A Level 4 car will slow down, pull over, or park itself at a safe spot if the driver doesn’t take control when requested, which might happen in off-road driving or on unmapped roads.

    By way of comparison, most of today’s advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) fall under Level 2, including Tesla’s Autopilot, Cadillac’s Super Cruise, and Volvo’s Pilot Assist. Where Level 1 vehicles control either speed or steering, vehicles at Level 2 can control both simultaneously.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Delivering a New Class of Lightweight Electric Vehicles
    Feb. 14, 2022
    Indigo Technologies uses a unique wheel-motor system to build an efficient, stable electric car.

    Indigo Technologies was highlighting its new Flow Plus, which is part of the company’s Flow family of lightweight electric vehicles, at this year’s CES. I spoke (video above) with CEO Will Graylin about the announcement as well as the underlying technology.

    Indigo Technologies offers both its wheel-motor technology as well as finished vehicles. Targeting ride-sharing and delivery, the lightweight vehicles will have a 250-mile range using a 40-kWh battery. The wheel motors not only provide an efficient ride, but a very smooth one as well because of its split stator design.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    No Playbook? No Problem! A Take on EV Battery Test
    Feb. 16, 2022
    Vehicle electrification has come a long way since starting as a promise of zero emissions, but we’re still constantly finding ourselves in these moments of doubt.

    What you’ll learn:

    How will the typical battery lab setup change?
    Test management: customization and scalability.
    The data-analytics aspect to complex battery test.

    Vehicle electrification has come a long way since starting as a promise of zero emissions, but we’re still constantly finding ourselves in these moments of doubt. It happens when new requirements come in, when there’s a new battery chemistry we need to test, when we’re asked to increase the performance and range, or even when regulations and standards get updated.

    Trusting we can figure it out can give us a head start. However, many times, we’ll find ourselves frustrated at the lack of solutions that can match our ability to figure things out at the speed we need to get the job done. What do we do in those cases? Let’s start with what we know about vehicle electrification.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mitsubishi has an AI that engages the driver in a back-and-forth dialogue and explains what it senses about the environment in a way that humans can readily understand

    Mitsubishi’s AI not only improves performance, it also fosters trust

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Trends in Automotive Safety and Software
    Jan. 28, 2022
    CoreAVI’s Neil Stroud talks about the importance of safety and software IP to the automotive market.

    Neil Stroud, Vice President Marketing and Business Development with CoreAVI, talks about the automotive design market with respect to software trends in system design. This includes the graphics subsystems that are involved in driver displays as well as passenger entertainment system

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Achieving Vehicle Spatial Awareness Through Sensor Fusion
    Feb. 16, 2022
    To reach Level 5 autonomy, autonomous vehicles will rely on sensor fusion to provide the immense amount of data needed for spatial awareness. Currently, two architectures stand out as solutions for its implementation.

    What you’ll learn:

    What is sensor fusion is and why is it the future for autonomous vehicles?
    What sensors are needed for sensor fusion.
    Different sensor architectures being utilized by vehicle manufacturers.

    Sensor fusion is the future for autonomous vehicles (AVs), allowing them to replicate how human senses work together to provide spatial awareness. So, what exactly is sensor fusion?

    It’s the harnessing of data from multiple sensors to build awareness of the events surrounding the vehicle, allowing it to process what’s happening and then take the appropriate action. The most discussed sensors in AVs are LiDARs, radars, and cameras, and when combined via sensor fusion, they complement each other very well.

    LiDAR technology has a scanning effect that enables the vehicle to detect objects at both a high resolution and long distance, which can help prevent accidents. LiDAR replicates our depth perception by providing 3D information of nearby objects, but it doesn’t provide the type of resolution like that of a camera. Also, LiDAR is sensitive to weather conditions such as dense fog or heavy rain.

    Radar is used to detect the speed and distance of objects in the vicinity of the car. Consisting of both a transmitter and a receiver, it sends out radio waves that bounce and reflect off objects until they’re captured by the receiver. Through this echolocation-like process, the radar can determine the distance, speed, and direction of nearby objects. While radar doesn’t have great resolution at range, it does feature the added benefit of being able to detect well through bad weather.

    Lastly, cameras, as I’m sure one could assume, imitate our sense of sight through creating an image from reflected and refracted light rays. While cameras have exceptionally good quality resolution, they’re incapable of providing details about the distance and depth of what they’re imaging. And like LiDAR, cameras also don’t perform well in certain weather conditions and may struggle with detection at night.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Battery-Swapping Stations Pick Up the Pace in China
    Feb. 16, 2022
    Battery swapping, once considered a solution that had been outmoded by the capability for faster road-trip charging, is back in China—with the world’s largest battery supplier CATL onboard and launching an entire business around it.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    U.S. Earmarks $5 Billion to Create National EV Charging Network
    Feb. 18, 2022
    The U.S. Departments of Transportation and Energy have announced the largest U.S. investment in EV charging: A more than $5 billion fund that will be distributed to states and through a competitive grant program.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uudet prosessorit lupaavat viedä sähköauton pidemmälle

    STMicroelectronics on esitellyt uudet autojen mikro-ohjaimet (MCU:t), jotka on optimoitu sähköajoneuvojen tuleviin keskitettyihin elektroniikka-arkkitehtuureihin. Ohjaimien avulla sähköautoista tulee edullisempia, niiden akustot voidaan ladata nopeammin ja niillä voidaan ajaa pidemmälle yhdellä latauksella.

    Nykyisissä sähköautoissa tehokkaat SiC-pohjaiset (piikarbidi) tehomoduulit mahdollistavat suurimman ajomatkan ja nopeamman latauksen. Tähän asti niissä on vaadittu erityisiä nopeita signaaliprosessoreita ohjaamaan kehittyneitä piikarbiditehopuolijohteita. ST:n uudet Stellar E -sarjan mikro-ohjaimet integroivat nopean ohjaussilmukan käsittelyn sirulle. Nyt yksi MCU voi ohjata koko moduulia. Tämä yksinkertaistaa moduulin suunnittelua, säästää kustannuksia ja helpottaa autojen turvallisuusstandardien noudattamista.

    Uudet ohjainpiirit laajentavat ST:n Arm-pohjaista Stellar-perhettä, ja ne on suunniteltu alusta alkaen sähköajoneuvoihin. Piirit yksinkertaistavat autojen sähköarkkitehtuurit lisäämällä tehoa, joustavuutta ja turvallisuutta. Tällä hetkellä MCU-perheeseen kuuluu Stellar P -sarja integrointiin ja ajoneuvon ohjaukseen sekä Stellar G -sarja korisovelluksiin. Stellar-perhearkkitehtuuri integroi useita Arm Cortex -ytimiä, jotka tarjoavat korkean suorituskyvyn sekä mahdollisuuden lukitusvaiheiseen redundanssiin ja tukevat reaaliaikaista laitteiston virtualisointia. Kaikki Stellar-laitteet on suunniteltu ohjelmistopäivitettäviksi turvallisten OTA-päivitysten kautta.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Akkuläpimurto kasvattaa sähköauton akuston iän nelinkertaiseksi

    Göteborgilaisen Chalmersin teknillisen yliopiston tutkijat ovat kehittäneet menetelmän, joka mullistaa superkondensaattoreiden valmistamisen. Tekniikan avulla on mahdollista esimerkiksi kasvattaa sähköautojen akuston elinikä jopa nelinkertaiseksi.

    Superkondensaattorit koostuvat kahdesta sähköjohtimesta, jotka on erotettu toisistaan ​​eristekerroksella. Ne voivat varastoida sähköenergiaa ja niillä on monia myönteisiä ominaisuuksia verrattuna normaaliin akkuun, kuten paljon nopeampi lataus, tehokkaampi energian jakautuminen ja paljon pidempi käyttöikä ilman suorituskyvyn heikkenemistä lataus- ja purkaussykleissä.

    Mutta käytännössä nykypäivän superkondensaattorit ovat liian suuria moniin sovelluksiin, joissa niistä voisi olla hyötyä. Niiden on oltava suunnilleen samankokoisia kuin akku, johon ne on kytketty, mikä on este niiden integroimiselle matkapuhelimiin tai sähköautoihin. Siksi suuri osa tämän päivän superkondensaattorien tutkimuksesta ja kehittämisestä on niiden pienentämistä – merkittävästi.

    Kun superkondensaattori yhdistetään akun kanssa sähkökäyttöisessä tuotteessa, akun käyttöikää voidaan pidentää monta kertaa – kaupallisissa sähköajoneuvoissa jopa 4-kertaiseksi. Ja olipa kyse henkilökohtaisista elektronisista laitteista tai teollisista teknologioista, hyödyt loppukuluttajille voivat olla valtavat.

    Chalmersin tutkijat ovat kehittäneet tekniikan valmistaa mikrosuperkondensaattoreita. Nämä laitteet ovat niin pieniä, että ne mahtuvat järjestelmäpiireihin, jotka ohjaavat erilaisia ​​toimintoja matkapuhelimissa, tietokoneissa, sähkömoottoreissa ja lähes kaikessa nykyisessä elektroniikassa. Näitä ratkaisuja kutsutaan yleisesti järjestelmiksi sirulla (system-on-chip).

    Alkyl-Amino Functionalized Reduced-Graphene-Oxide–heptadecan-9-amine-Based Spin-Coated Microsupercapacitors for On-Chip Low Power Electronics

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ladattavien autojen suosio kasvaa vauhdilla

    Sähköllä toimivien autojen määrä kasvaa Suomessa koko ajan, vaikka komponenttipula hidastaakin autokauppaa. Helmikuussa ensirekisteröidyistä henkilöautoista 21,6 prosenttia oli ladattavia hybridejä ja 12,4 prosenttia täyssähköautoja, kertoo Autoalan Keskusliitto. Ladattavien autojen osuus rekisteröinneistä oli yhteensä lähes sama kuin tammikuussa, noin kolmannes.

    Helmikuussa rekisteröitiin yhteensä 6 303 uutta henkilöautoa, mikä on 22,9 prosenttia vähemmän kuin viime vuoden helmikuussa. Tänä vuonna uusia henkilöautoja on ensirekisteröity 14 187, joka on 19,2 prosenttia viime vuoden tammi-helmikuuta vähemmän. Uusien autojen rekisteröintilukemat ovat komponenttipulan ja tuotannon pullonkaulojen seurauksena vielä poikkeuksellisen matalia.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Delivering on the EV Range Promise of SiC-Based Traction Inverters
    Feb. 23, 2022
    Traction inverters remain at the epicenter for innovations aimed at unlocking further EV efficiency and range gains. Thus, their higher-cost SiC power switches must be controlled very accurately to realize the full benefit of the extra expense.

    Flexible Hub Motors Power Modular Electric-Car Platform
    Feb. 16, 2022
    REE Automotive’s P7 electric-vehicle platform uses integrated hub motor and control systems.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Brittikysely: sähköautoissa on enemmän vikoja

    Joka kolmannessa eli 31,4 prosentissa sähköautoja on ilmennyt jokin vika viimeisen vuoden aikana. Tämä käy ilmi englantilaisen Which-tutkimuslaitoksen kyselystä. Kyselyssä oli mukana yli 48 000 autonomistajaa.

    Bensiiniautoissa 18,6 prosenttia käyttäjistä oli kokenut vian autossaan viimeisen vuoden aikana. Diesel-autoissa lukema oli 29,1 prosenttia, mikä sekin on korkea.

    Kyselyssä udeltiin myös sitä, kuinka monella vika autossa oli estänyt ajamisen tai käynnistymisen. Tätäkin listaa sähköautojen omistajat johtivat, sillä 8,1 prosenttia heistä oli joutunut tyytymään julkiseen liikenteeseen. Bensa-autoissa lukema oli 3,5 prosenttia eli selvästi alhaisempi.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Intel’s self-driving car unit Mobileye confidentially files for a US IPO; Intel acquired Mobileye for ~$15.3B in 2017 and will retain a majority stake post-IPO

    Intel’s Mobileye confidentially files for U.S. IPO

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Joka kolmas uusi auto on ladattava, mallia otettava Norjasta

    Helmikuussa 21,6 prosenttia uusista henkilöautoista oli ladattavia hybridejä ja 12,4 prosenttia täyssähköautoja. Ladattavien autojen osuus rekisteröinneistä oli yhteensä lähes sama kuin tammikuussa eli noin kolmannes. Sirupula toisaalta nostaa sähköautojen osuuden uusista hieman suuremmaksi, kuin se olisi normaalitilanteessa. Tällä hetkellä uuden sähköauton saa käyttöönsä kuukausia nopeammin kuin uuden bensa- tai dieselauton.

    Autoalan Tiedostuskeskuksen mukaan helmikuussa rekisteröitiin yhteensä 6303 uutta henkilöautoa, mikä on 22,9 prosenttia vähemmän kuin viime vuoden helmikuussa. Tänä vuonna uusia henkilöautoja on ensirekisteröity 14 187, joka on 19,2 prosenttia viime vuoden tammi-helmikuuta vähemmän. Uusien autojen rekisteröintilukemat ovat komponenttipulan ja tuotannon pullonkaulojen seurauksena vielä poikkeuksellisen matalia.

    Kehitys ajamisen sähköistymisen kannalta on toki positiivinen, mutta hidas. Suomen lukuja voi ja pitää verrata Norjaan, joka on sähköautoissa maailman ylivoimainen ykkönen. Tammi-helmikuussa yli 90 prosenttia Norjassa ostetuista uusista henkilöautoista oli ladattavia.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    TDK HVC for Electric Vehicles: Presentation Video

    TDK High-Voltage Contactors

    TDK xEV transportation technology brings top-notch engineering and innovation to off-highway applications. View TTI’s product offering of TDK’s transportation solutions to meet your needs and learn more here.

    This presentation will guide you through an end-to-end explanation of TDK’s High-Voltage Contactors; from an introduction, applications, and features, to characteristics and technical details, this will help you determine if this product can support your needs.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    At its core, the concept of vehicle-grid integration (VGI) – also called Vehicle To Grid (V2G) – seems a simple one. Instead of a unidirectional charger for battery-electric vehicles (BEVs), a bidirectional charger would be used. This way, whenever the BEV is connected to such a charger, power could be withdrawn from the car’s battery for use on the local electrical grid whenever there’s demand.

    Many of the complications with VGI have already been discussed, including the increased wear that this puts on a BEV’s battery, the need for an inherently mobile machine to be plugged into a charger, and the risk of needing one’s BEV and finding its battery to be nearly depleted. Here the cheerful marketing from Nissan and that from commercial initiatives such as Vehicle to Grid Britain makes it sound like it’s a no-brainer once those pesky details can be worked out.

    In parallel with the world of glossy marketing leaflets, researchers have been investigating VGI as a potential option for grid-level energy storage. These studies produce a far less optimistic picture that puts the entire concept of VGI into question.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Multiphase Buck Converters Enhance Pixelated Automotive Front Lighting
    March 9, 2022
    Multiphase bucks offer advantages for high-output currents, which are necessary for pixelated automotive front lighting. This article explores the reason behind it and discusses small-signal modelization for stability analysis.
    Sebastian Krick

    What you’ll learn:

    Why we should use a multiphase buck converter.
    How to use buck converters in parallel to increase the output current/power.
    How to derive the small-signal transfer function of a multiphase buck converter from a single-phase buck converter.

    Automotive headlights don’t have to provide just a fixed beam when alternatives like Valeo’s PictureBeam Monolithic technology make it possible to control the intensity of light that’s projected very precisely. It allows the headlamps to automatically adjust the intensity of light to highlight road signs and other objects to gain the driver’s attention. Each pixel can be managed individually to adjust the light and flux accordingly. One challenge with this type of technology involves the precise control and powering of LEDs.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Automotive Smart Fuse Aids in Diagnosing Intermittent Shorts (Part 1)
    March 3, 2022
    The author takes you through the journey of replacing the fuse in his car with a smart fuse to help diagnose intermittent shorts, eliminate the need to replace blown fuses, and greatly improve troubleshooting efficiency.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    48-V MOSFET Gate Driver Equipped with SPI Targets Automotive Apps
    Feb. 25, 2022
    Infineon’s 2ED4820-EM gate driver features two SPI-controlled gate outputs that deliver full duplex communication and multiple diagnosis and control functions.

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tiny, Solid-State Lidar Raises Stakes in the Megapixel Race New 16,384-pixel lidar chip could find use in autonomous vehicles, drones, and robots

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Vetyauto – autoilun seuraava vallankumous vai ikuinen lupaus? Lue asiantuntijoiden näkemykset

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Power Driver Manages Automotive Front-Door Window, Mirrors, Tailgate, Lighting, and More
    March 11, 2022
    This multi-faceted automotive LIN/CAN front-door power-driver and -controller IC provides dual H-bridge drive for windows, trunk latches, along with many other related functions.


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