Self driving cars failed 2020

I was had planned to do a long post on self-driving cars a quite long time. I was planning to do one this spring, but I might not do that, because it seems that predictions that self-driving cars would be here in 2020 were far too rosy. Five years ago, several companies including Nissan and Toyota promised self-driving cars in 2020. So it may be wise to take any new forecasts with a grain of salt. Hare is a worth to check out article of the current status of self-driving cars:

Surprise! 2020 Is Not the Year for Self-Driving Cars

In March, because of the coronavirus, self-driving car companies, including Argo, Aurora, Cruise, Pony, and Waymo, suspended vehicle testing and operations that involved a human driver. Around the same time, Waymo and Ford released open data sets of information collected during autonomous-vehicle tests and challenged developers to use them to come up with faster and smarter self-driving algorithms.

It seems that the self-driving car industry still hopes to make meaningful progress on autonomous vehicles (AVs) this year, but the industry is slowed by the pandemic and facing a set of very hard problems that have gotten no easier to solve over the years.



  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    DC-DC Power Modules Cut Design Time, EMI, Size, and Cost
    March 10, 2022
    Sponsored by Texas Instruments: Because of advances in process and package technology, power modules with integrated inductors are cost-competitive with discrete converter implementations.

    Power modules offer many benefits. Versions with integrated inductors can simplify designs, reduce overall size, and help assure compliance with EMI standards. They let you leverage the module manufacturer’s expertise in system architecture, component selection, qualification, and sourcing, and they help cut design time and reduce PCB real-estate requirements. Moreover, when using a module, you needn’t spend time determining whether inductors and other passive components you choose will be able to withstand extended temperature ranges or repeated application of high voltages at high frequencies.

    However, effective selection and application of power modules does require a basic understanding of several key concepts, including EMI compliance, high-temperature storage (HTS) test, and inductor withstand voltage. HTS test is a method of ensuring power modules’ reliability, particularly those containing inductors with powdered-iron cores. Such inductors can experience thermal aging, with degradation most likely to occur at high voltages and switching frequencies.

    Texas Instruments’ standard HTS test takes six weeks, with the device under test (DUT) baked at 150°C. Once per week, the DUTs are removed from the temperature chamber, the inductance is measured, and then they’re returned to the chamber until the entire test completes.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    David Welch / Bloomberg:
    GM buys SoftBank Vision Fund 1′s stake in Cruise for $2.1B, increasing GM’s ownership to 80%, and says the company will invest another $1.35B in Cruise

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nvidia launched a mapping product for the autonomous vehicle industry

    Nvidia has launched a new mapping platform that will provide the autonomous vehicle industry with ground truth mapping coverage of over 300,000 miles of roadway in North America, Europe and Asia by 2024, founder and CEO Jensen Huang said at the company’s GTC event on Tuesday.

    The platform, dubbed Drive Map, is geared toward enabling high levels of autonomous driving. Drive Map isn’t only open to existing Nvidia customers, but it does augment the company’s existing solutions for the AV industry.

    At the same event, the company announced its next generation of Drive Hyperion, Nvidia’s sensor and compute self-driving toolkit which is used by the likes of Mercedes, Volvo, JiDu and, as of Tuesday, BYD and Lucid Motors, to provide a variety of smart driving and advanced driving assistance features.

    AV companies like TuSimple, WeRide, Zoox and are also Hyperion customers.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Alphabet (GOOGL) Makes Waymo Fully Autonomous in San Francisco
    Zacks Equity Research
    Tue, March 22, 2022, 3:58 PM

    Alphabet’s GOOGL self-driving unit Waymo is set to make its ride-hailing vehicles fully driverless on the streets of San Francisco, CA, where it has been gaining traction on the back of its Early Rider program called Trusted Tester.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Faiz Siddiqui / Washington Post:
    Sources detail NHTSA’s difficulties regulating Tesla as it rolls out self-driving features, resorting to threats and flattery in exchanges with Elon Musk — SAN FRANCISCO — The first time Washington regulators tried to investigate Tesla’s Autopilot software, CEO Elon Musk was irate.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Android Automotive OS: A Platform for Growth
    March 15, 2022
    As demand for infotainment systems grows, Google’s Android Automotive OS has emerged as a core platform. Thus, automakers must partner with an embedded software/systems supplier that’s mastered using this platform as a basis for unique user experiences.

    What you’ll learn:

    The ramp up of sophistication within IVI systems.
    Using the Android Automotive OS to create an full IVI ecosystem.

    The global market for in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) systems is large and growing, driven by consumers’ demand for smartphone-like functionality in their cars. According to recent research by MarketStudyReport, the worldwide market for automotive infotainment systems is expected to grow from $25 billion in 2020 to $42.85 billion by 2027, a growth rate of 8% per year.1

    This obviously creates a huge revenue opportunity for automotive manufacturers. Consumers continue to seek more in-vehicle entertainment options, real-time communication, robust connectivity, enhanced safety, greater comfort, and ease of navigation. In turn, the world’s leading automakers are racing to develop advanced systems that meet these needs and are constantly brought up-to-date with the latest developments happening in consumer electronics, especially smartphones.

    By offering the most innovative, advanced infotainment systems, car companies can not only win the short-term sale, but reinforce their brand images and build long-term consumer loyalty. Even more, when the majority of the fleet is permanently connected to the cloud, the OEMs will have a foundation to operate continuous update cycles that support improvements in user experience and other services that can be monetized.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    What’s the Difference Between Silicon Carbide and Silicon?
    March 23, 2022
    Silicon carbide has already contributed significantly toward electromobility and digitization of industrial processes. But what is SiC, how does it differ from traditional silicon, and what makes it an ideal material to accelerate EV goals?

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tech In Plain Sight: Car Doors

    Let’s take a look at car doors, how they keep you safe, and how that sheet of glass slides into place, sealing against wind, rain, and noise. Of course, there are fancy car doors like suicide doors or sexy-but-impractical gull wing doors. At least one concept car even has a door that disappears under the vehicle when it opens; check out the video below. But even garden-variety doors are marvels of mechanical engineering. A compact structure that is secure and — mostly — reliable. Let’s look at how they do that.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Depending upon what state or what country one lives in, I’ve always wondered about that one…

    When a self driving vehicle or causes an accident, where does the liability go? If it’s a Mercedes, they are owning up to it – from the start.

    Carmakers must educate customers on their responsibility to take over within a few seconds, say experts

    Mercedes has announced that it will take legal responsibility for any crashes that occur while its self-driving systems are engaged.

    The company is currently in the process of deploying “Drive Pilot” technology for its new S-Class and EQS saloon models, which is “Level 3” for autonomy on a six-tier system devised by Society of Automotive Engineers, ranging from Level 0 (no automated driver assistance) to Level 5 (the car drives itself everywhere without any input from the vehicle occupants).

    Level 3 autonomy means that drivers may take their hands off the wheel and undertake other tasks, such as reading a book, while the car assumes full control of all driving functions. However, this is only in specific conditions, such as in low-speed traffic on motorways, and the person in the driver’s seat must be able to retake control within a few seconds of an alert from the car.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    This is a big leap from Level 2 autonomy, which requires hands-on-wheel supervision from the driver at all times, and which is currently commonplace on new cars in the form of adaptive cruise control and automated lane-keeping.

    Some cars from the likes of Audi, Mercedes, BMW, Genesis and Tesla have such advanced systems that they are considered somewhere between Levels 2 and 3 — dubbed by experts as Level 2+. However, it is not legal to introduce Level 3 autonomy on production cars in many territories at present.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    2024 Electric Sport Wagon Can Drive 186 Miles After 10-Minute Charge
    March 25, 2022
    An 800-V charging architecture and up to 270 kW of capacity gives Audi’s electric A6 Avant concept car its fast-charging capability. On a full charge, total estimated range is over 400 miles.

    It’s well-known that range and recharging speed separates the haves from the have nots in the electric-vehicle (EV) business. Audi says the 800-V charging architecture of its electrically powered A6 Avant concept vehicle, presented as part of its 2022 Annual Media Conference, will allow the car to recoup more than 300 km (186 miles) of range in just 10 minutes.

    In less than 25 minutes, the 100-kWh battery will charge from 5% to 80%. This ensures that the battery can be charged with up to 270 kW in a very short time at fast-charging stations.

    WLTP Values

    The A6 Avant e-tron is said to achieve up to 435 miles of range, in accordance with the Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP). It’s a more realistic test procedure for measuring fuel consumption and CO2 emissions that, since September 1, 2018, has gradually replaced the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC). Due to the more realistic test conditions, the consumption and CO2 emission values measured are in many cases higher than the values measured according to NEDC.

    At the moment, it’s still mandatory to communicate the NEDC values. In the case of new vehicles for which type approval was performed using WLTP, the NEDC values are derived from the WLTP values. WLTP values can be provided voluntarily until their use becomes mandatory.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Striving for a Safer Lithium Battery
    March 25, 2022
    Liquid electrolyte, solid electrolyte, or a combination of the two: Which is safest?

    Solid-state batteries, currently used in small electronic devices such as smart watches, could be safer and more powerful than lithium-ion batteries for electric cars, storing energy from solar panels and other applications. However, several technical challenges stand in the way of solid-state batteries becoming more useful.

    A team of researchers at Sandia National Laboratories is tackling one of these challenges—the assumption that adding some liquid electrolyte to improve performance would make solid-state batteries unsafe. After studying the issue, the team found that in many cases solid-state batteries with a little liquid electrolyte are safer than lithium-ion versions. It also discovered that solid-state batteries, once thought to be extremely safe, will put out dangerous amounts of heat if they short-circuit.

    Solid-state batteries are somewhat like lithium-ion batteries. Both have lithium ions moving from one side of the battery to the other while electrons flow through a circuit to power the device. But in lithium-ion batteries, the liquid electrolyte helps the ions move quickly.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kvanttiakku mullistaa sähköautot

    Kaikkialla yhteiskunnassa, myös liikenteessä on ennen pitää siirryttävä uusiutuviin energianlähteisiin. Sähköautoissa ongelmia ovat ennen kaikkea akustojen alhainen energiatiheys ja hidas lataaminen. Korealaistutkijoiden mukaan ratkaisu ongelma löytyy kvanttiakuista.

    Huolimatta akkuteknologian valtavista parannuksista sähköajoneuvojen lataaminen täyteen kotona kestää noin 10 tuntia. Latausasemien nopeimmatkin tehot vaativat jopa 20-40 minuuttia ajoneuvojen lataamiseen täyteen. Tämä hidastaa merkittävästi sähköautojen suosion kasvua. Kukaan ei halua vähän väliä odotella tunteja auton akuston täyttymistä.

    Tämän ongelman ratkaisemiseksi korealaisen IBS-instituutin tutkijat etsivät vastauksia kvanttifysiikan alueelta. Heidän tutkimuksensa on johtanut havaintoon, että kvanttiteknologiat voivat luvata uusia mekanismeja akkujen lataamiseen nopeammin. Tällaista “kvanttiakun” käsitettä on ehdotettu ensimmäisen kerran Alickin ja Fannesin vuonna 2012 julkaisemassa esityksessä. Teorian mukaan kvanttiresursseja, kuten kietoutumista, voidaan käyttää nopeuttamaan huomattavasti akun latausprosessia lataamalla samanaikaisesti kaikki kennot.

    Nykyaikaiset suurikapasiteettiset akut voivat sisältää useita kennoja. Kollektiivinen lataus ei ole mahdollista klassisissa akuissa, joissa kennoja ladataan toisistaan ​​riippumatta. Kollektiivisen latauksen etu rinnakkaislataukseen verrattuna voidaan mitata “kvanttilatauksen eduksi” kutsutulla suhteella.

    Tutkimusten mukaan kennojen välisellä kommunikoinnilla ei ole merkitystä kvanttiakuissa. Sen sijaan kennojen lataaminen samanaikaisesti mullistaa koko akuston konseptin.

    Tutkimusryhmä pystyi lisäksi arvioimaan tarkasti, kuinka paljon latausnopeutta tällä järjestelmällä voidaan saavuttaa. Vaikka enimmäislatausnopeus kasvaa lineaarisesti klassisten akkujen kennojen lukumäärän kanssa, tutkimus osoitti, että 200-kennoista akkua voidaan ladata 200-kertaisella nopeudella klassisiin akkuihin verrattuna. 10 tunnin latausaika kotitalon pihassa lyhenisi näin kolmeen minuuttiin. Nopeilla latausasemilla latausaika lyhenisi 30 minuutista muutamaan sekuntiin.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    DC-DC Power Modules Cut Design Time, EMI, Size, and Cost
    March 10, 2022
    Sponsored by Texas Instruments: Because of advances in process and package technology, power modules with integrated inductors are cost-competitive with discrete converter implementations.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Developing Automotive Software
    March 1, 2022
    Green Hills Software was showing off automotive tools and frameworks including support for ROS 2 and RISC-V at CES 2022.

    The electric BMW iX was on display and Green Hillls tools and software were part of the mix. The discussion also touched on Green Hills’ support for the eSync Alliance that just announced their eSync 2.0 specification for over-the-air (OTA) udpates.

    Robert also talked about the company’s collaboration with Apex.AI and their Robot Operating System, ROS 2-based ApexOS and middleware. This combination looks to streamline the safe and secure development of automotive software for advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and self-driving cars that meet standards like ISO 26262.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Power Driver Manages Automotive Front-Door Window, Mirrors, Tailgate, Lighting, and More
    March 11, 2022
    This multifaceted automotive LIN/CAN front-door power-driver and -controller IC provides dual H-bridge drive for windows, trunk latches, along with many other related functions.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Robot Operating System 2 for Self-Driving Cars
    March 22, 2022
    ROS 2 can be used for automotive applications that implement Apex.OS, which is designed to meet automotive safety requirements.

    The Robot Operating System version 2, known as ROS 2 or simply ROS, is the follow-on to ROS 1, also known as ROS Classic. ROS 2 is built on a publish/subscribe system called Data Distribution Service (DDS) from the Object Management Group (OMG).

    In the video interview (above), I talked with Joe Speed, VP of Product and Chief Evangelist at Apex.AI, about ROS 2. Apex.AI has a custom version of ROS 2, Apex.OS. It’s designed to meet automotive safety requirements that would allow it to be used in production vehicles. This is done by building on a DDS platform that also can meet those requirements, which is quite doable since DDS implementations are already employed in more rigorous military and avionics applications.

    Apex.AI has been working with partners like ADLINK Technologies, which offers hardware and software for building robotic solutions in addition to its support for other applications

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NHTSA Green Lights Adaptive-Driving-Beam Headlamps on New U.S. Vehicles
    March 9, 2022
    A new NHTSA rule amends Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 108, now enabling the certification of ADB headlight systems on vehicles sold in the United States.

    New ADB Ruling

    Up until now, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 108 (FMVSS) legally prevented high- and low-beam headlight elements from operating at the same time. That rule has kept adaptive headlights out of the U.S. for two decades. Now, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has yielded to industry pressure and will finally allow automakers to install adaptive headlights in the U.S.

    The new rule amends Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard No.108, “Lamps, reflective devices, and associated equipment,” to enable the certification of adaptive-driving-beam (ADB) headlight systems on vehicles sold in the United States. The NHTSA is issuing this final rule under the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act (Safety Act) 49 US Code Chapter 301, Motor Vehicle Safety.

    How Does ADB Work?

    ADB headlamps utilize technology that actively modifies a vehicle’s headlamp beams to provide more illumination while not glaring other vehicles. ADB headlamp systems optimize beam patterns without driver action. If operating correctly, ADB systems can provide more illumination than existing lower beams without glaring other motorists. ADB systems achieve this enhanced performance by utilizing advanced sensors, data-processing software, and headlamp hardware.

    ADB systems are an improvement because they can provide more illumination than a lower beam without increasing glare. When operating in automatic mode, instead of simply switching between the upper and lower beams, an ADB system is able to provide a beam pattern that changes based on the presence of other vehicles or objects—lowering illumination to occupied areas of the road and increasing illumination to unoccupied areas of the road.

    ADB systems deliver a variable, adaptive beam in the presence of other vehicles, providing more illumination than the currently allowed lower beam. However, if ADB systems don’t accurately detect other vehicles on the road and shade them accordingly, other motorists will be glared.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Building Key Competencies for Autonomous-Vehicle Development
    March 23, 2022
    Simulating virtual worlds, building multidisciplinary skills, and delivering software are important elements in the development of next-generation autonomous vehicles.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nopeampi flash tulee autoihin

    UFS ei Universal Flash Storage on JEDECin standardoima sulautettujen flashien standardi, joka on ehtinyt version 3.1. Nyt Kioxia ilmoittaa kvalifioineensa ensimmäiset UFS 3.1 -muistit autojen vaatimuksiin. Ajoneuvot saavat käyttöönsä merkittävästi nopeampaa flash-muistia.

    UFS 3.1 esiteltiin jo kaksi vuotta sitten. Sitä on nähty laajalti kulutuselektroniikassa, mutta autojen kvalifiointi on esimerkiksi lämpötilavaatimusten takia vaativampaa. 3.1-versio siirtää dataa 1450 megatavua sekunnissa linjaa kohti eli kahta linjaa pitkin muistin maksimikaistanleveys on 2900 megatavua sekunnissa.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Audi Owner Finds Basic HVAC Function Paywalled After Pressing the Button for It
    Gone is the day of the button blank—say hello to passive-aggressive infotainment messages.

    It used to be that when a car was missing certain features, you’d just see a blank button in the interior. That still happens, but in case you haven’t noticed, cars are becoming a lot more software-based, which means the button blanks are quietly disappearing. As one Audi driver found out, this leads to some rather interesting software messages.

    Instead of just doing nothing, or, you know, syncing the climate zones, it instead caused a message to pop up on the screen indicating that the function had not been purchased.

    Audi U.S. and U.K. both offer tri-zone climate control on the base trim. However, some markets offer tri-zone climate control as an optional add-on.

    Historically, cars with unpurchased features simply had those blank pieces of plastic in place of a button. They couldn’t be pressed, and they didn’t look too out of place as they mostly blended in with the interior. Audi’s implementation here is kind of serving the same purpose, and while it sharpens up the appearance of the interior, it comes with a reminder that’s a lot more in-your-face than a blank button that you simply can’t press.

    “Blank buttons aren’t rude,” wrote the owner. “This one is reminding me that I’m cheap.”

    Interestingly, the message doesn’t feature any sort of prompt to purchase the function. Many automakers, including Audi, are using over-the-air updates to push feature changes and even promote the sale of software goods.

    Perhaps it all comes down to saving money on the production of physical hardware for the climate control system by equipping all cars with the same control panel regardless of features.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Parempi koodi – tarkempi tutka

    NXP Semiconductors on lanseerannut ensimmäiset parannellut algoritminsa uuteen autotutkien kehitysalustaansa (Premium Radar SDK). Niiden avulla kehittäjät voivat parantaa tutkajärjestelmän suorituskykyä NXP:n uusinta S32R4x-tutkaprosessoriperhettä käyttäessään.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Connected-Car Platform Supports Development of Cloud Digital Services
    March 25, 2022
    Qualcomm’s Snapdragon-based Car-to-Cloud Services gives automotive developers the opportunity to use telematics functionality across all platforms within the Snapdragon Digital Chassis platform.

    One of the huge challenges for system designers is anticipating how automotive platforms not yet built can accommodate circuitry not yet invented. Although these future solutions aren’t yet visible to the eye, teams are devoting much attention to ensuring that system functionality as well as utility are adaptable enough to support what may be unavailable today, but commonplace in the near future.

    For instance, to meet the increasing demand for connected in-vehicle services, Qualcomm has introduced new solutions to its Snapdragon Digital Chassis connected-vehicle platforms. By adding Car-to-Cloud Services—Connectivity-as-a-Service—the company is supporting out-of-the-box connectivity, integrated analytics, and a cloud and device developer environment aimed at delivering new technology features, content, and services.

    As integral components of the Snapdragon Digital Chassis, the Snapdragon Auto Connectivity Platform and Snapdragon Car-to-Cloud Services will help engineers build connected and intelligent vehicles that are safer, customizable, immersive, and continually upgradable.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Automotive Service-Oriented Architecture is Designed for Security
    March 24, 2022
    GuardKnox’s Jillian Goldberg talks about the implementation and implications of service-oriented architecture (SOA) in the automotive space.

    Automotive service-oriented architecture (SOA) is designed to provide a framework for developers to create a modular, automotive software more quickly by using software and services from companies like GuardKnox (Fig. 1). I spoke with Jillian Goldberg, VP Marketing and Industrial Relations, about the implementation and implications of SOA.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    2024 Electric Sport Wagon Can Drive 186 Miles After 10-Minute Charge
    March 25, 2022
    An 800-V charging architecture and up to 270 kW of capacity gives Audi’s electric A6 Avant concept car its fast-charging capability. On a full charge, total estimated range is over 400 miles.

    It’s well-known that range and recharging speed separates the haves from the have nots in the electric-vehicle (EV) business. Audi says the 800-V charging architecture of its electrically powered A6 Avant concept vehicle, presented as part of its 2022 Annual Media Conference, will allow the car to recoup more than 300 km (186 miles) of range in just 10 minutes.

    In less than 25 minutes, the 100-kWh battery will charge from 5% to 80%. This ensures that the battery can be charged with up to 270 kW in a very short time at fast-charging stations.

    “With the Audi A6 Avant e-tron concept, we are offering a completely tangible look at future production models on our new PPE technology platform,” says Audi Board Member for Technical Development Oliver Hoffmann. “We’re not just electrifying the Avant’s successful 45-year history. What we want most of all is to use technical skills to add an exclamation point. In particular, this includes powerful 800-V technology, 270 kW of charging capacity, and a WLTP range of up to 700 kilometers (435 miles).”

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Norjalainen TouchNetix on julkistanut uuden sukupolven kapasitiivisen kosketusohjaimen, jonka avulla voidaan tuoda 3D-eleet auton järjestelmien ohjaamiseen. Kilpaileviin ohjaimiin verrattuna uusi aXiom-piiri tarjoaa yli sata kertaa paremman signaali-kohinasuhteen.

    TouchNetixin mukaan ratkaisevaa on, ettei eleohjauksen toteuttaminen vaadi ylimääräisiä anturielektrodeja, kortin tasokomponentteja tai muita lisäanturilaitteita. Sinällään piirin tekniikka on entisellään. Piiri mittaa kapasitanssia ja signaalikohinasuhde on yli 80 desibeliä. Mutta riittääkö parempi tarkkuus ja vain 2,5 voltin jännite lyömään eleohjauksen läpi autoissa?

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Toyota toistaa Teslan virheen?

    Toyota on kertonut julkisesti aikovansa rakentaa tulevat autonomiset robottiautonsa vain kameroiden varaan. Näin japanilaisvalmistaja liittyy Teslan Elon Muskin seuraan, joka on julkisesti halveksinut kaikkia kalliimpiin antureiden kuten tutkiin ja lidareihin luottavia valmistajia.

    Toyotan tytäryhtiö Woven Planet on kertonut Reutersille, että sen robottiauto perustuu joukkoon edullisia kameroita, joiden tuottamaa dataa käsitellään neuroverkkotietokoneella. Useimpien analyytikoiden mukaan vain kameroihin luottaminen on hölmöä, koska vähänkään huonommissa olosuhteissa sen tuottaman informaation laatu heikkenee.

    Kaikki eivät ole samaa mieltä. Cornellin yliopistossa tutkittiin ”teslamaista” lähestymistapaa robottiautossa ja todettiin, että stereokamerajärjestelmillä voidaan määrittää tarkasti näkökentässä olevien objektien etäisyys. Aiemmin on ajeteltu, että tämä edellyttää lidarilla luotua 3D-pistekarttaa.

    Toiset tutkijat epäilevät Cornellin johtopäätöksiä. Useimpien mukaan objektien sijainnin tarkka määrittäminen vain kameroilla on liian hidasta. Se vaatii enemmän laskentaa. Toisaalta Cornellin tutkimuksessa todetaan, että konvoluutioneuroverkkojen (CNN) käyttäminen anturien tuottaman datan prosessointiin ei toimi aukottomasti, kun tavalliseen värikuvaan sekoitetaan lidarien tuottamaa 3D-dataa.

    Elon Musk on asiastaan varma. Hän on kutsunut lidaria ”typeryksien virheeksi”

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    TDK HVC for Electric Vehicles: Presentation Video

    This presentation will guide you through an end-to-end explanation of TDK’s High-Voltage Contactors; from an introduction, applications, and features, to characteristics and technical details, this will help you determine if this product can support your needs.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Cops confused as they pull over an empty self-driving car

    In what appears to be the first incident of its kind, cops recently pulled over a self-driving car with no one inside it.

    The incident, which took place on a street in San Francisco earlier this month, was caught on video by a passing pedestrian. It shows several traffic cops pondering about how to handle the incident after stopping the vehicle for failing to have its front lights on while driving at night.

    The officer peers into the vehicle, realizes that there is indeed no one inside, and returns to the police car.

    At this point, the Cruise car looks like it’s about to flee the scene when it suddenly speeds off.

    Shortly after the video appeared online on Sunday, Cruise responded with a tweet, saying: “Our [autonomous vehicle] yielded to the police vehicle, then pulled over to the nearest safe location for the traffic stop, as intended. An officer contacted Cruise personnel and no citation was issued.” Another tweet said: “We work closely with the SFPD on how to interact with our vehicles, including a dedicated phone number for them to call in situations like this.”

    While there have already been a number of reported incidents of self-driving cars being pulled over by cops for apparent driving violations, this appears to have been the first case where the autonomous car had no safety driver nor passengers inside.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nissanin kiinteä akku mullistaa sähköautomarkkinat 2028

    Nissan on julkistanut laminoitujen kiinteän elektrolyytin akkukennojen prototyyppitehtaan. Yhtiö aikoo tuoda kiinteän akuston markkinoille vuonna 2028. Mullistus lupaa laskea sähköautojen hinnan polttomoottoriautojen tasolle.

    Pitkän aikavälin visionsa, Nissan Ambition 2030, mukaisesti Nissan pyrkii tuomaan markkinoille EV:n, jossa on täysin kiinteitä akuja, jotka on kehitetty talon sisällä vuoteen 2028 mennessä. Se suunnittelee perustavansa Yokohaman tehtaalleen vuoden 2024 aikana pilottituotantolinjan materiaaleineen.

    Nissan uskoo, että kiinteän akun hinta voidaan laskea 75 dollariin kilowattitunnilta vuonna 2028 ja 65 dollariin kilowattitunnilta sen jälkeen, mikä asettaa sähköautot samalle kustannustasolle kuin bensiinikäyttöiset ajoneuvot.

    Kiinteän akun energiatiheys on noin kaksi kertaa tavallisten litiumioniakkujen energiatiheyden luokkaa. Latausaika on huomattavasti lyhyempi

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Wireless Revolution for Next-Gen Autonomous Mobile Robots
    April 11, 2022
    New technology and design innovations are making autonomous robots more efficient with each passing day. As one of those innovations, wireless power enables a revolution for next-gen autonomous mobile robots.

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Power Management

    What’s the Difference Between Silicon Carbide and Silicon?
    March 23, 2022
    Silicon carbide has already contributed significantly toward electromobility and digitization of industrial processes. But what is SiC, how does it differ from traditional silicon, and what makes it an ideal material to accelerate EV goals?

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jenkeissä hauska futuristinen robocop-tilanne kun poliisit pysäyttivät etuvaloitta ajaneen auton, mutta autossa ei ollutkaan kuskia. Sitten auto lähti ajamaan itsekseen, kuin karkuun. Itseajava auto päätti vain hakeutua suojaisampaan kohtaan ja ottaa vastaan mitä virkavalta tahtoi.
    Welcome to the future. Cop pulls over driverless car (because no lights?) Then Cruise goes on the lamb.


  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Bensiinin korvaaja keksittiin – ekopolttoaineen litrahinta 10 euroa
    Bensiini halutaan korvata synteettisellä vaihtoehdolla, mutta hinta on toistaiseksi kova.

    Porsche on kehittämässä synteettistä polttoainetta nimellä eFuel.

    Porsche itse arvioi maailman autokannasta vain noin 20 prosentin olevan täyssähköisiä vuoteen 2030 mennessä. Kaikkien muiden autojen käyttämän polttoaineen päästöillä on siksi merkitystä.

    Synteettinen polttoaine voisi vähentää syntyneen hiilidioksidin laskennallista määrä peräti 90 prosenttia. Tuo noin 10 prosentin osuus syntyy sekin lähinnä nykyisten polttomoottorien vaatimista lisäaineistuksista, joita synteettiseen polttoaineeseen joudutaan sekoittamaan.

    Kemiallisen synteesin avulla saadaan synteettistä metanolia, Porschen projektinimellä eMethanol, jonka kemiallinen kaava on CH3OH. Itse asiassa polttoaine kelpaa autojen lisäksi myös monien muiden kulkuneuvojen voimanlähteisiin.

    Sekoittamisen ja jalostamisen avulla on tarkoitus saavuttaa nykyisen DIN EN 228 -polttoainestandardin täyttävä lopputuote. Silloin sitä voisi kuka tahansa käyttää nykyisissä autoissa ja vieläpä sekaisin fossiilisten polttoaineiden kanssa.

    Heti ensimmäisen vuoden tuotantotavoitteeksi on asetettu 130 000 litraa eFuelia. Porsche tosin käyttää koko tuotannon itse moottoriurheilun puolella.

  35. Tomi Engdahl says:

    IEEE P2846’s objective is to help usher in a new era of safe and scalable driverless transportation

    IEEE Standard Will Make Autonomous Vehicles Safer Industry expert on how automated driving systems will be improved

    Advancing automated driving systems (ADS) technology found in autonomous vehicles can save lives and prevent injuries, reduce costs associated with car accidents, lessen traffic, and cut down on the environmental impact of vehicles. But to encourage consumer acceptance, developing industry-wide safety guidelines is key.

    That’s why the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) worked with the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society to form a committee and a working group to develop ADS standards.

    Experts in autonomous vehicle development wrote the IEEE P2846 Draft Standard for Assumptions for Models in Safety-Related Automated Vehicle Behavior. It defines a minimum set of reasonable assumptions and foreseeable scenarios that should be considered in the development of safety-related models that are part of ADS.

    In IEEE P2846, we have a technology-neutral safety standard that scholars, engineers, automakers, industry representatives, and regulatory bodies can align around as a universally accepted basis for AV safety.

    What are the intended benefits of IEEE P2846 to the industry?

    Put simply, the whole industry—including the businesses enabling AV technology and the businesses enabled because of it—stands to benefit from the universal embrace of a technology-neutral standard that helps everyone understand what safety means for a machine driver. Aligning on safety frees companies up to differentiate on customer experience and innovatively add value, while reducing the burden of needing to meet varying regulatory and compliance demands across different regions and countries.

    What are the intended benefits of IEEE P2846 to consumers?

    The big-picture objective of IEEE P2846 is to help usher in a new era of safe and scalable driverless transportation. The benefit to consumers first and foremost is the life-saving potential AVs will unlock by significantly reducing road collisions all over the world.

    What are the intended benefits of IEEE P2846 to governments and policymakers?

    To inform policy creation, regulatory entities have to be able to understand and grasp how AV technology works. This can prove challenging if the industry they intend to regulate features a variety of definitions and approaches for AV safety, jeopardizing an autonomous future of mobility altogether. With IEEE P2846 serving as an organizing framework, governments and policymakers can avoid any confusion about how we understand and evaluate the performance of an AV—and establish safety standards that protect consumers and improve road safety.

  36. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Driverless car takes off after baffled cops try to pull it over

    Police officers were left perplexed during a routine traffic stop when they pulled over an autonomous car with no driver.

    Police wanted to stop the car because it did not have its headlights on.

    The vehicle would not have been able to control this if the automatic headlight function was not enabled.

    Onlookers were amused by the display, with one pedestrian heard in the video proclaiming: “Ain’t nobody in it, this is crazy.”

    Despite the vehicle driving off on the officers looking like disobedience, Cruise issued a statement on its official Twitter account noting it responded “as intended” by moving to a safer location for the stop.

  37. Tomi Engdahl says:

    “Chiming in with more details: our AV yielded to the police vehicle, then pulled over to the nearest safe location for the traffic stop, as intended,” the statement read.

    “An officer contacted Cruise personnel and no citation was issued.”

  38. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Occupancy Status Technology: Is It the Future of Vehicle Safety?
    April 5, 2022
    The developer of a revolutionary single-camera occupancy-monitoring-status system details why the technology is critical, how it was developed and tested, and the challenges faced by the engineering team.

    What you’ll learn:

    Why occupancy status technology is critical to the future of vehicle safety.
    How machine-learning and neural-processing advances in computer vision are raising the quality and performance of OS to new levels.
    How a single-camera solution, running on custom convolutional neural networks and an RGB-IR/IR sensor, enables simultaneous driver and passenger sensing

    Occupancy-status (OS) technology is the future of vehicle safety systems. Already a part of many commercial fleets, the use of OS in detecting passengers such as children is a logical next step into a new frontier.

    In fact, it’s already gaining regulatory traction and industry-wide adoption. Euro NCAP (New Car Assessment Programme) will incentivize automakers that offer the system in 2022, and members of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers and the Association of Global Automakers are willing to make occupancy monitoring a standard feature by 2025.

    What’s driving this change? Why is occupant status such a critical aspect to the future of mobility? The simple answer is the emergence of autonomous vehicles and increasing automation in non-autonomous vehicles. Detection technology like OS is supportive in its ability to identify everything from occupant behavior and state to emergencies, attentiveness, and more.

  39. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Suzuki to launch fleet of flying cars by 2025

    Flying cars are edging closer to reality by the day, and a new partnership between Suzuki and Japanese startup SkyDrive is the latest and strongest-backed entrant into the space.

    Rather than initially aiming at personal mobility, the partnership is instead looking to launch a fleet of air taxis in 2025 at the World Exposition in Osaka, Japan, with the service covering the entire Osaka Bay area.

    The flying car Suzuki and SkyDrive have created, named the SD-XX, is an eVTOL aircraft, meaning it is capable of electric vertical takeoff and landing.

  40. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A Hot New Challenger Takes on EV Makers
    April 13, 2022
    With the ultimate goal of becoming a major brand within the EV industry, Foxconn announced it will begin accepting pre-orders for its Model C SUV later this year.

  41. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Päivittyykö autosi ohjelmisto yöllä? Kesällä se pitää tapahtua turvatusti

    Uudet autot alkavat tunnetusti olla ”tietokoneita pyörillä” ja niihin tuodaan säännölisesti uusia ominaisuuksia ja korjauksia ohjelmistopäivityksillä. YK:n alainen UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) vaatii, että heinäkuusta lähtien autojen OTA-päivitykset on tehtävä kyberturvallisesti.

    Heinäkuussa tulee käyttöön INECEn WP.29-asetus. Se määrää, että langattomia ohjelmistopäivityksiä tukevien ajoneuvojen on todistettava, että tietoturva on suojattu kyberturvallisuuden hallintajärjestelmällä kehityksen, valmistuksen ja valmistuksen jälkeen.

    Tämän määräyksen täyttämiseksi järjestelmä vaatii mekanismeja, jotka pitävät autojen ohjelmistojen tiedot turvassa ja hyvin suojattuna. Auton järjestelmien kehittäjät ovat työstäneet näitä mekanismeja jo pidemmän aikaa. Yksi ratkaisuista perustuu Excelforen ja IIJ Globalin yhteistyöhön.

  42. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The UK’s Department for Transport outlines rules for self-driving vehicles, including letting drivers watch TV on the go, ahead of a full framework in 2025

    Highway Code: Watching TV in self-driving cars to be allowed

    People using self-driving cars will be allowed to watch television on built-in screens under proposed updates to the Highway Code.

    The changes will say drivers must be ready to take back control of vehicles when prompted, the government said.

    The first use of self-driving technology is likely to be when travelling at slow speeds on motorways, such as in congested traffic.

    However, using mobile phones while driving will remain illegal.

    No self-driving cars are currently allowed on UK roads, but the first vehicles capable of driving themselves could be ready for use later this year, the Department for Transport (DfT) said.

    The planned changes to the code are expected to come in over the summer.

    The updates, proposed following public consultation, were described as an interim measure to support the early adoption of the technology and a full regulatory framework is planned to be implemented by 2025.

    The government announced in April last year hands-free driving in vehicles with lane-keeping technology on congested motorways would be permitted.

    Automated lane-keeping system technology lets a vehicle drive in a single lane, up to 37mph (60kmph), while maintaining the ability to return control to the driver when required. 

    Under the new guidance, motorists should be ready take control from an automated system when prompted, for example when approaching a motorway exit.

    Currently available technology is ‘assistive’, which means drivers should always retain control, the DfT said.

    Experts have suggested a vehicle can stop built-in screens displaying material unrelated to driving when the motorist is required to resume control.

    But there is currently no comparable system to turn off handheld mobile devices.

    Transport Minister Trudy Harrison said updating to the Highway Code will be a “major milestone in our safe introduction of self-driving vehicles”.

    She also claimed their use “revolutionise the way we travel, making our future journeys greener, safer and more reliable”.

    The development of self-driving vehicles could create around 38,000 new jobs and be worth £41.7 billion to the UK economy by 2035, according to the DfT.

    The Law Commission published recommendations on how the law should be updated in light of self-driving technology in January, concluding human drivers should not be legally accountable for road safety in the era of autonomous cars.

    Car safety experts Thatcham Research described the focus on the driver’s legal responsibilities as important, adding drivers need to be made aware they “must remain engaged” and be ready to resume driving “at any time”.

    Eventually, self-driving technology could “improve road safety across Britain by reducing human error, which is a contributory factor in 88% of all recorded road collisions,” the government said.

  43. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Established automakers are ‘getting their act together’ when it comes to electric, says former Ford CEO
    Former Ford CEO Mark Fields joins CNBC’s ‘Squawk Box’ to break down how legacy automakers fare against electric-vehicle heavyweight Tesla.


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