Self driving cars failed 2020

I was had planned to do a long post on self-driving cars a quite long time. I was planning to do one this spring, but I might not do that, because it seems that predictions that self-driving cars would be here in 2020 were far too rosy. Five years ago, several companies including Nissan and Toyota promised self-driving cars in 2020. So it may be wise to take any new forecasts with a grain of salt. Hare is a worth to check out article of the current status of self-driving cars:

Surprise! 2020 Is Not the Year for Self-Driving Cars

In March, because of the coronavirus, self-driving car companies, including Argo, Aurora, Cruise, Pony, and Waymo, suspended vehicle testing and operations that involved a human driver. Around the same time, Waymo and Ford released open data sets of information collected during autonomous-vehicle tests and challenged developers to use them to come up with faster and smarter self-driving algorithms.

It seems that the self-driving car industry still hopes to make meaningful progress on autonomous vehicles (AVs) this year, but the industry is slowed by the pandemic and facing a set of very hard problems that have gotten no easier to solve over the years.



  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    High-Performance Nav Module Meets Auto Demands
    May 9, 2023
    The ZED-F9L 6-axis IMU from u-blox provides integrated dead reckoning and GNSS support.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    11 Myths About Thermal Imaging for Cars
    May 8, 2023
    Thermal imaging is the critical enabler for autonomous vehicles and ADAS systems. This article looks to set the record straight regarding myths and misconceptions about the technology.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Control Unit Uses TSN to Take Vehicle Networking to Next Level

    As automakers take the next steps toward the software-defined vehicle, which can be upgraded with new services and features remotely over time, they require high-speed in-vehicle networks to match.

    TTTech launched a high-end electronic control unit (ECU) with time-sensitive networking (TSN) and other advanced networking features that acts as a secure central gateway to wire together different domains in the car and relay data from around the car to the cloud. In the future, it can also act as a central computer in a hybrid or zonal architecture.

    Based on NXP’s high-end S32G network processor, the N4 Network Controller supports a wide range of Ethernet, CAN-FD, CAN, and LIN bus interfaces. It adds several gigabytes of flash memory, enabling over-the-air software updates over time. TTTech said the unit comes with everything to keep the vehicle secure from hackers according to ISO 21434, while also allowing for functional-safety features up to the ASIL B rating under the ISO 26262 standard.

    The combination of the dual Arm Cortex-A53 and the Cortex-M7 CPU clusters supports both high-performance and functional safety in a single ECU. At the same time, different operating systems, such as AUTOSAR Classic and Linux, can run in parallel.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R&id=21265339&slide=2

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Andrew J. Hawkins / The Verge:
    Google announces new features for cars with native Android including YouTube, Waze, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Webex by Cisco, and more video games from Google Play — Google announced a slew of new features that will be available to cars with native Android software, including YouTube, Waze …

    Google is bringing YouTube, Waze, and Zoom to cars with native Android software / People who own vehicles with Google built-in are getting more stuff to play with while parked and stuck in traffic. But driver distraction remains a serious risk.

    Google announced a slew of new features that will be available to cars with native Android software, including YouTube, Waze, and video conferencing apps like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Webex by Cisco. Video games are coming to Android-equipped cars. The company also announced plans to create an “Android for Car Apps Library” for third-party developers to build their own apps for Android-equipped cars.

    But the announcement that streaming video and virtual meeting tools are coming to infotainment screens is sure to pique the most interest among Android users.

    Aisha Malik / TechCrunch:
    Google unveils Immersive View for Routes in Google Maps, offering traffic simulations, parking, and more, starting in 15 cities including NYC, London, and Paris
    Google Maps is getting a new ‘Immersive View for Routes’ feature

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uusi anodimateriaali: sähköautolla 10 kertaa pidemmälle

    Korealaistutkijat ovat onnistuneet kehittämään sähköautojen akuston anodimateriaalin, jonka avulla auton ajomatka kasvaa 10-kertaiseksi. Asialla ovat Sogangin yliopiston POSTECH-tutkimuskeskukset tutkijat.

    Tutkijat kehittivät polymeeristä sideainetta anodiin suuren kapasiteetin saavuttamiseksi. Tuloksena oli anodimateriaali, joka on sekä vakaa että luotettava ja jonka kapasiteetti on 10 kertaa tai jopa vielä suurempi kuin perinteisillä grafiittianodeilla.

    Läpimurto saavutettiin korvaamalla grafiitti piianodilla yhdistettynä kerrosvarattuihin polymeereihin. Rakenne teki anosista vakaan ja luotettavan. Tutkimustulokset julkaistiin tuoreen Advanced Functional Materials -lehden pääartikkelina.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Suomalainen hiilinanokalvo tekee lidarista paremman

    Valotutka eli lidar on tärkeä komponentti, kun autosta halutaan turvallisempi tai jopa itsenäisesti ajava robotti. Suomalainen Canatu on nyt ryhtynyt yhteistyöhön Webaston kanssa. Yritysten ratkaisu mahdollistaa lidarin asentamisen ajoneuvon kattoon.

    Valotutkan luotettavuus ankarissa sääolosuhteissa on kuitenkin keskeinen haaste. Lidar-suojalinssin päälle kertynyt jää, lumi tai sumu voi estää anturin näkökentän ja vaarantaa tarkan 3D-kartoituksen. Canatun hiilinanonuppuihin perustuvalla kalvolla voidaan esimerkiksi toteuttaa lidarin linssiin lämmitys, jolloin jää tai huurre ei estä laitteen toimintaa.

    Katolle sijoitettujen antureiden suuri etu on optimaalinen tunnistus. Y

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tesla menetti paikkansa sähköautojen ykkösenä

    Elon Muskin Tesla on tähän asti ollut suvereeni sähköautomarkkinoiden hallitsija. Viime vuonna se sai jopa kaksi mallia Euroopan kymmenen myydyimmän listalle. Sähköautojen markkinajohtajan paikkansa se kuitenkin menetti jo viime vuonna kiinalaiselle BYD:lle.

    Osakemarkkinoita seuraavan StockAppsin keräämien tietojen mukaan BYD kasvatti tuotantoaan huimat 211 prosenttia vuonna 2022. Tänä vuonna BYD menee tuotantomäärissä ensimmäisenä valmistajana yli 2 miljoonan auton rajan.

    Jos valmistajan nimi vaikuttaa oudolta, niin se ei ole ihme. BYD ei juuri vielä näy kotimaansa ulkopuolella, mutta se aikoo rakentaa tehtaita Eurooppaan ja Thaimaahan. Näin yritys myös välttää EU:n asettamat tullit kiinalaisille autoille.

    BYD Auto perustettiin vuonna 2003 ja siitä on tullut yksi merkittävimmistä toimijoista globaaleilla sähköautomarkkinoilla.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    BYD Grew Its Production by 211%, Dislodging Tesla as the World’s Leading EV Manufacturer

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Self-Driving Library For Python

    Fully autonomous vehicles seem to perennially be just a few years away, sort of like the automotive equivalent of fusion power. But just because robotic vehicles haven’t made much progress on our roadways doesn’t mean we can’t play with the technology at the hobbyist level. You can embark on your own experimentation right now with this open source self-driving Python library.

    Granted, this is a library built for much smaller vehicles, but it’s still quite full-featured. Known as Donkey Car, it’s mostly intended for what would otherwise be remote-controlled cars or robotics platforms. The library is built to be as minimalist as possible with modularity as a design principle, and includes the ability to self-drive with computer vision using machine-learning algorithms. It is capable of logging sensor data and interfacing with various controllers as well, either physical devices or through something like a browser.

    An opensource DIY self driving platform for small scale cars.
    RC CAR + Raspberry Pi + Python (tornado, keras, tensorflow, opencv, ….)

    What can you do?

    Build your own toy car that can drive itself.
    Drive your car with your phone or laptop.
    Record images, steering angles & throttles.
    Train neural net pilots to drive your car on different tracks.
    Race your car in a DIY Robocars race.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Christopher Mims / Wall Street Journal:
    How Mobileye, Cruise, Waymo, and other self-driving system makers are simulating bad drivers, jaywalkers, and edge cases to train and test autonomous vehicles

    How Will We Know When Self-Driving Cars Are Safe? When They Can Handle the World’s Worst Drivers
    Call it the Mad Max driving test, a gantlet only a Hollywood director—or a mild-mannered engineer—could dream up

    Imagine learning to drive in a world that resembles the on-road insanity of “Mad Max” or “The Fast and the Furious.”

    In this world, no one is obeying the law, or lane markings, and everyone, from distracted drivers to jaywalking pedestrians, is forcing you to make split-second, life-or-death decisions—on purpose.

    Subjecting autonomous vehicles to such a world, say engineers, is precisely how manufacturers and regulators will know that they are ready to be handed responsibility for our very lives.

    To understand why, it helps to know a little about how the artificial-intelligence algorithms at the heart of self-driving systems are trained to handle tricky situations. Across almost every manufacturer of such systems, much of this training happens in simulation. That is a far safer and cheaper option than gathering data in the real world from actual vehicles, says Henry Liu, a professor of engineering at the University of Michigan and director of Mcity, a facility for testing autonomous vehicles.

    Many companies brag about the number of miles their autonomous and semiautonomous vehicles have driven in the real world, but they are likely to be logging at least a thousand times as many miles in simulation, adds Liu.

    For example, Google sister company Waymo has said that its vehicles have cumulatively logged more than 2 million miles without a driver behind the wheel.

    “We’ve driven tens of millions of miles on public roads, and then billions of miles in simulation,” says Trent Victor, director of safety research at Waymo.

    In the real world, a vehicle might have to travel hundreds or even thousands of miles to have a tricky encounter from which it learns something new. But in simulation, engineers can make it so that their autonomous driving systems encounter an endless stream of the world’s worst drivers, says Liu.

    The result is, literally, a crash course for autonomous vehicles.

    Promises of the imminent and widespread rollout of fully self-driving cars, particularly from Tesla chief Elon Musk, have proved again and again to be nonsense. That doesn’t mean we won’t be seeing more vehicles with no one behind the wheel—even if only metaphorically—soon. In every case, testing and training with the toughest scenarios available is likely to be important for both making these vehicles happen and, eventually, verifying they are safe enough.

    One major holdup for the rollout of autonomous vehicles has been so-called “edge cases”: rare but potentially disastrous scenarios that have already led to accidents, as in failures of Tesla’s autonomous systems that led to a recall of more than 360,000 vehicles. Simulation makes it possible to drill autonomous systems on these edge cases—for example, a pedestrian suddenly crossing the street directly in front of a vehicle—over and over again.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Litium-ilma-akulla yli 1500 kilometriä yhdellä latauksella

    Illinois Institute of Technologyn ja Yhdysvaltain energiaministeriön alaisen Argonne National Laboratoryn tutkijat ovat kehittäneet litium-ilma-akun, jolla voi olla mahdollista päästä jopa tuhannen mailin eli yli 1500 kilometrin matkan yhdellä latauksella.

    Litium-ilma-akussa käytetään kiinteää elektrolyyttiä tyypillisen nesteen sijaan, mikä saattaa kasvattaa akun energiatiheyden jopa nelinkertaiseksi nykyisiin Li-ion-akkuihin verrattuna. Lisäksi ilma-akku on turvallisempi, sillä siitä puuttuvat nestemäiset elektrolyytit, jotka voivat ylikuumentua ja syttyä tuleen.

    Litiumoksidin muodostumiseen liittyy neljän elektronin reaktio, joka on vaikeampi saavuttaa kuin yhden ja kahden elektronin reaktioprosessit. IIT:n tutkimusryhmän mukaan sen litium-ilma-rakenne on ensimmäinen, joka saavuttaa neljän elektronin reaktion huoneenlämpötilassa. Se toimii myös ympäröivästä ilmasta tulevalla hapella, mikä on sekin uutta.

    IIT:n akun todellinen uutuus on uusi kiinteä elektrolyytti, joka koostuu keraamisesta polymeerimateriaalista. Se mahdollistaa kemialliset reaktiot, jotka tuottavat litiumoksidia (Li2O) purkautuessaan. Litiumperoksidi tai superoksidi hajotetaan sitten takaisin litium- ja happikomponenteiksi latauksen aikana. Tämä kemiallinen prosessi varastoi ja vapauttaa energiaa tarpeen mukaan.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Soft-Switching Helps EV Inverters Run Farther, Faster, and Cooler
    May 22, 2023
    Advanced switching technologies can help WBG-based EV traction inverters deliver more power with dramatically lower losses.
    Lee Goldberg|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Emma Roth / The Verge:
    German newspaper Handelsblatt: a Tesla whistleblower leaked 100GB of data on customer FSD complaints from 2015 to 2022, including 2,400 self-acceleration issues — A Tesla whistleblower has leaked 100GB of data to the German outlet Handelsblatt containing thousands of customer complaints …

    Tesla leak reportedly shows thousands of Full Self-Driving safety complaints

    / The data contains reports about over 2,400 self-acceleration issues and more than 1,500 braking problems.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Puhelinjätin huippusalainen sähkö-Corvette – Kuinka Nokian kilpailija hassasi paalupaikan sähköautoilun tulevaisuudessa

    Motorolan propellipäiden täyssähköinen Corvette olisi voinut nousta tienavaajaksi, mutta se haudattiin vähin äänin.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tesla cancels all right-hand drive Model S, Model X orders
    Customers can choose one from inventory or buy a left-hand drive version.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    TIDM-TMS570BMS Reference Design
    Texas Instruments

    High Performance MCU for an EV/HEV Battery Management System Reference Design
    A system example for an active cell balancing battery management system. The TMS570LS0432 microcontroller commands EMB1402 EVM to monitor the battery cells and perform charge/discharge from one battery cell to an external 12V supply. The user can view the cell status and control cell balancing from a GUI running on the host PC.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Joseph White / Reuters:
    MediaTek partners with Nvidia to integrate Nvidia’s GPU chiplets and software into MediaTek SoCs supplied to automakers for infotainment systems — Nvidia Corp (NVDA.O) and MediaTek Inc (2454.TW) on Monday said they will

    Nvidia, MediaTek partner on connected car technology

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:



    The concept of “autonomous” vehicles generally conjures up images of futuristic, driverless living rooms on wheels that lack a driver’s seat or even a steering wheel.

    But, as a new “autonomous” bus pilot program in Scotland goes to show, we’re really not quite there yet.

    That’s because the program requires not one but two humans to operate the buses full-time.

    quote-unquote autonomous bus line will feature five double-decker vehicles, operated in part by a safety driver and a bus captain who will help passengers board the bus.

    In other words, “self-driving” feels like a bit of a misnomer.

    Officials are already singing its praises, while the British government is (perhaps erroneously) calling it the first of its kind in the world.

    “This is an exciting milestone for this innovative and ambitious project,” Kevin Stewart, Scotland’s transport minister, told the BBC, “and I very much look forward to seeing Project CAVForth take to the roads next month.”

    While this Scottish fleet certainly isn’t the first driverless bus to hit public streets, it’s nevertheless ironic that so-called self-driving transportation still needs humans to operate in the year 2023 — but then again, it’s probably for the best, given the current state of the technology.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kyberuhkat iskevät seuraavaksi autoihin

    Tietoturvayhtiö Trend Micro arvioi kyberuhkien kasvavan seuraavien 3-5 vuoden kuluessa merkittävästi. Kehitystä voimistaa elektroniikan lisääntyminen autoissa ja uusien entistä älykkäämpien sähköautojen tulo markkinoille.

    Kyseessä voi olla uudenlainen kyberrikollisuuden ja perinteisen fyysisen rikollisuuden risteytys, jonka kaltaisia olemme nähneet aikaisemmin esimerkiksi pankkiautomaatteihin murtautumisten yhteydessä. Siksi Salmisen mukaan on tärkeää, että autoteollisuus aloittaa tällaisiin tilanteisiin varautumisen ajoissa, jotta tietoverkkoihin kytketyt autot olisivat mahdollisimman suojattuja tositilanteen tullen.

    Pääsy ajoneuvon käyttäjätilille saattaa mahdollistaa

    Auton lukituksen avaamisen ja käynnistämisen etänä
    Auton ovien avaamisen ja arvoesineiden ryöstämisen
    Auton käyttämisen rikoksiin, kuten huumekauppoihin tai tunkeutumiseen ryöstön kohteeseen ajamalla auto kohteen ikkunaan tai oveen
    Auton pilkkomisen ja myymisen mustan pörssin varaosiksi
    Auton paikantamisen ja kulkureittien tarkkailun, jonka tarjoamien tietojen avulla rikolliset voivat paikantaa omistajan kodin ja selvittää milloin tämä ei ole kotona

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Katso uudet laskelmat: tässä ajassa sähköauto tulee bensa-autoa halvemmaksi ja vähäpäästöisemmäksi

    Traficom julkisti tiistaina päivitetyn laskurin, jossa voi vertailla autoilun päästöjä ja kustannuksia eri käyttövoimilla. Päästömielessä sähköauto kannattaa jo muutamassa vuodessa.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Electronic Fuse Uses SiC MOSFETs to Prevent High Currents
    June 12, 2023
    The new e-fuse from Microchip Technology suits virtually any high-voltage power-distribution system.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

    As electric vehicles are equipped with 400- to 800-V battery packs, the power systems under the hood require a way to protect the high-voltage distribution and loads from hazards.

    Microchip is offering a faster form of circuit protection with a series of SiC-based high-voltage electronic fuses targeted at EVs that feature a continuous current rating of up to 30 A.

    I had the opportunity to check out one of the reference designs, which I walk through in the video above. The model I reviewed integrates all of the building blocks of a high-voltage e-fuse, including automotive-grade, 1,200-V silicon-carbide (SiC) MOSFETs at the heart of the unit.

    A PIC microcontroller (MCU) controls the device and connects to the 1.5-A gate driver that turns the FETs on and off. Voltage, temperature, and current sensing are also part of the package.

    The device exhibits the advantages of SiC, including its high-frequency switching properties, which gives it the ability to detect and interrupt overcurrent faults faster. The rapid response times reduce peak short-circuit currents from tens of thousands to hundreds of amps, preventing a fault from causing a hard failure. It can tolerate short-circuits for up to 10 µs.

    The overcurrent protection capabilities of the high-voltage electronic fuse is represented by its time-current characteristic (TCC) curve, which plots the response time as a function of current.

    The electronic fuse, now shipping in sample quantities, features a LIN communication interface that enables easy configuration of the overcurrent trip characteristics, said Microchip.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Seuraavan sukupolven ADAS-kamera vaatii laajaa dynaamista alaa

    Komponenttivalmistajat kehittävät jatkuvasti yhä parempia ja tarkempia siruja, joilla voidaan parantaa autojen kuljettajaa avustavia eli ns. ADAS-laitteita. Uusi onsemin kehittämä kuva-anturien Hyperlux-perhe näyttää suuntaa tulevaisuuden ADAS-kameroille.

    Hyperlux-kennoissa on 2,1 mikrometrin pikselikoko, markkinoiden paras dynaaminen alue (150 dB) ja tekniikka, joka vähentää ledivaloista syntyvää vilkkumista. Onsemin mukaan Hyperlux-tuoteperhe mahdollistaa sujuvan siirtymisen tason 2+ autonomiseen ajamiseen, jossa kuljettaja ottaa ohjat käsiinsä vain tekniikan varoittaessa.

    Hyperlux-tuoteperhe kattaa tuotteet, joiden resoluutio on 3 megapikselistä 8 megapikseliin ja siitä ylöspäin. Ne sopivat sekä tunnistus- että katselukamerasovelluksiin. 150 dB:n HDR:n ansiosta kennot näkevät ja tallentavat korkealaatuisia kuvia heikossa valaistuksessa herkkyydestä tinkimättä. Alustan LFM-ominaisuus varmistaa, että pulssivalonlähteet eivät näytä välkkyvän ja välttää siten välkkymisen aiheuttamat konenäköongelmat.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How Radar is Displacing Traditional Technologies

    As the level of autonomy in cars increases, choosing
    the right number and type of sensors becomes more
    complex. Traditional sensing options are available, but
    over the years, the application of radar within the
    automotive industry has positively evolved the definition
    of safety and efficiency.
    Because it can work in extreme environmental conditions
    such as rain, snow, dust and bright sunlight and
    also provide precise distance and velocity information,
    radar is considered the most appropriate sensing
    modality to meet New Car Assessment Program (NCAP)
    requirements. Vehicle architectures are increasingly
    relying on smart radar sensors, with all processing
    occurring at the edge to send object lists to central
    electronic control units.
    Radar sensing has become a cost-efficient sensing
    modality for required advanced driver assistance system
    (ADAS) functions and to meet Society for Automotive
    Engineers vehicle autonomy levels 2+ and even 3+, as
    shown in Figure 1. Radar technology is evolving to
    support higher levels of automated driving, with high
    levels of range and resolution for precise detection
    and decision. And because radar sensors can now
    support multiple functions, the use of space around the
    vehicle becomes more manageable. As the numbers of
    sensors increase, the space around the car becomes
    constrained. Due to multimodal functionally of the
    sensors, engineers are eventually able reduce the
    number of sensors.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ritari Ässästä tulee totta? Tekoäly saa Mercedeksen puhumaan: lupaa juttuseuraa ja rupattelee urheilutuloksista
    Mercedeksen tekoälykokeilu alkaa Yhdysvalloissa. Euroopan aikatauluista ei ole vielä tietoa.

    80-luvun suositusta Ritari Ässä -sarjasta muistetaan puhuva ihmeauto K.I.T.T. Tuolloin ajatus puhuvasta autosta tuntui kaukaiselta tulevaisuudelta, mutta pian tuo voi olla täyttä totta. Autovalmistaja Mercedes-Benz kertoi torstaina lisäävänsä tekoälyn osaksi MBUX-äänikomentoja. Tekoälynä he käyttävät ChatGPT:tä.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The researcher has nicknamed the feature “Elon Mode,” but this is not the company’s internal nomenclature for it, he said.

    Tesla secret configuration allows select drivers to use Autopilot, FSD without a nag to take the wheel

    Typically, when a Tesla driver is using Autopilot or Full Self-Driving (or their variations), a visual symbol blinks on the car’s touch screen to prompt drivers to apply resistance to the steering wheel at frequent intervals.
    A security researcher has discovered a secret setting in Tesla vehicles that can be enabled by the company and eliminates these “nags.”

    A security researcher who uses the handle ”@GreentheOnly” has discovered a secret setting in Tesla vehicles that can be enabled by the company and allows a driver to use Tesla’s advanced driver assistance systems, marketed as Autopilot and Full Self-Driving, without keeping their hands on the steering wheel for an extended period of time.

    When a Tesla
    vehicle has this mode enabled, it eliminates what owners of the cars refer to as the “nag.” The researcher has nicknamed the feature “Elon Mode,” but that is not the company’s internal nomenclature for it, he said.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Bringing Wi-Fi 6 to Cars
    June 20, 2023
    The JODY-W4 module from u-blox supports Wi-Fi 6E and targets automotive applications.
    William G. Wong|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

    Wi-Fi 6E provides significantly more bandwidth because of the addition of the 6-MHz band (Fig. 1), offering a major upgrade over the 2.4- and 5-GHz bands used by prior standards. The extra bandwidth can be very useful in the automotive space as cars become more connected. Wireless connectivity for IoT and consumer telematics are becoming standard car components rather than options.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A Different Approach To EV Conversions

    While there are a lot of exciting electric vehicles finally coming to market, many of us feel nostalgic for the fossil cars of our youth. [Mihir Vardhan] restored his grandfather’s car with an unusual gas-to-EV conversion.

    While this conversion starts in the usual fashion by pulling out the gas engine, [Vardhan] takes a different tack than most by not just bolting an electric motor up to the transmission. Instead, he and his crew removed the head and pistons from the petrol burner and bolted the electric motor to the top on an L-shaped bracket. Using the timing belt to transfer power to the crankshaft, there is no need to figure out additional motors for the A/C compressor or power steering pump, greatly simplifying implementation.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Battery breakthrough offers 1,500 kilometres of range from just 10 minutes of charging, Toyota says
    First commercial solid-state battery offers nearly double the range of the long-range version of Tesla’s Model Y.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sähköautojen karmeat vaikutukset asfaltille selvisivät – Tutkimus: tuplasti pahempia kuin bensiiniautot
    Leedsin yliopiston julkaiseman tutkimuksen mukaan sähköautot saattavat pahentaa sikäläisten teiden korjausvelkaa.

    Leedsin yliopiston julkaiseman tutkimuksen mukaan sähköautot kuluttavat tiestöä hurjasti: tarkkaan ottaen ne rasittavat tieverkkoa 2,24 kertaa enemmän kuin bensiinikäyttöiset autot ja 1,95 kertaa enemmän kuin dieselautot.

    Isokokoisilla, painavilla sähköautoilla vaikutus voi yliopiston tutkimuksen mukaan olla vielä hurjempi, sillä ne kuluttavat tietä jopa 2,32 kertaa bensiiniautoa enemmän. Asiasta ovat uutisoineet lukuisat brittiläiset tiedotusvälineet, mukaan luettuna The Telegraph.

    Yliopisto teki painovertailun viidestätoista suositusta automallista, joita verrattiin vastaaviin polttomoottoriautoihin. Keskimääräinen painoero vertailussa sähkö- ja polttomoottoriautojen välillä oli 312 kiloa, mikä selittää suurimman osan erosta tien kulutuksessa.

    Pothole damage from electric cars is double that of petrol, Telegraph data show

    Excessive weight could exacerbate problem on already damaged residential roads that are not designed to cope

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The automotive industry is rushing towards autonomous vehicles as a futuristic ideal. They haven’t got the autonomous part sorted just yet. However, as part of this push, the technology to drive vehicles remotely via video link has become mature. In the United Kingdom, there has been great controversy on whether this should be allowed, particularly for vehicles piloted by individuals outside the country’s borders….

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Remote Driving Controversial In UK, But It’s Already Here

    The automotive industry is rushing towards autonomous vehicles as a futuristic ideal. They haven’t got the autonomous part sorted just yet. However, as part of this push, the technology to drive vehicles remotely via video link has become mature.

    In the United Kingdom, there has been great controversy on whether this should be allowed, particularly for vehicles piloted by individuals outside the country’s borders. That came to a head with a Law Commission repot published earlier this year, but since then, innovative companies have continued to work on remote driving regardless. Let’s dive in to the current state of play.

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Bringing Wi-Fi 6 to Cars
    June 20, 2023
    The JODY-W4 module from u-blox supports Wi-Fi 6E and targets automotive applications.


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