Self driving cars failed 2020

I was had planned to do a long post on self-driving cars a quite long time. I was planning to do one this spring, but I might not do that, because it seems that predictions that self-driving cars would be here in 2020 were far too rosy. Five years ago, several companies including Nissan and Toyota promised self-driving cars in 2020. So it may be wise to take any new forecasts with a grain of salt. Hare is a worth to check out article of the current status of self-driving cars:

Surprise! 2020 Is Not the Year for Self-Driving Cars

In March, because of the coronavirus, self-driving car companies, including Argo, Aurora, Cruise, Pony, and Waymo, suspended vehicle testing and operations that involved a human driver. Around the same time, Waymo and Ford released open data sets of information collected during autonomous-vehicle tests and challenged developers to use them to come up with faster and smarter self-driving algorithms.

It seems that the self-driving car industry still hopes to make meaningful progress on autonomous vehicles (AVs) this year, but the industry is slowed by the pandemic and facing a set of very hard problems that have gotten no easier to solve over the years.



  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    nomous KFC Vending Machines Are Making 2020 A Little Less Miserable
    Looks like KFC is doubling down—ha—on socially distant food deliveries.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Is machine learning the future of managing automotive sensor degradation?

    While automotive engineers want to ensure that sensors work across a range of temperatures, they are concerned about variations in the mechanical structure and magnet degradation, impacting the accuracy. On the other hand, an inductive position sensor uses a piece of metal instead of a magnet, and the piece of metal doesn’t age much over time.

    “That’s a big component to watch in sensor degradation, whether something happens to IC or externally,” said Mark Smith, senior marketing manager at Microchip. When it comes to sensor degradation, engineers have to mostly worry about the longevity of the PCB when using inductive position sensors, Smith added.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Roaming Autonomous KFC Vending Machines Are Making 2020 A Little Less Miserable
    Looks like KFC is doubling down—ha—on socially distant food deliveries

    Drive-thrus are so last year. And those manned food trucks—those might as well be Flintstones cars. What we really need, especially in the age of COVID-19, is real innovation like autonomous food trucks that roam around the city looking for unsuspecting patrons and take mobile payments. What we need to save 2020 is little autonomous robots serving us Kentucky Fried Chicken whenever and wherever.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    This super energy dense battery could nearly double the range of electric vehicles
    But some observers aren’t convinced that QuantumScape’s lithium-metal batteries will power cars and trucks on the road as soon as the company claims

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Suomalainen Unikie tekee ohjelmistoja robottiautoihin ja kasvaa hurjaa vauhtia – Ilman kuskia liikkuvien autojen nopein kehitys tapahtuu nyt yllättävissä paikoissa
    Liikkumisen mullistus vaikuttaa meihin kaikkiin, mutta sen nopein käyttöönotto tapahtuu suljetuilla alueilla.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uber Sells its Robocar Unit

    Uber is selling its robocar development operation to Aurora and calling the move a step forward in its quest for autonomous driving technology.

    True, it will now have a big stake in the two companies’ combined robocar projects. But this is the latest wrinkle in the consolidation that is under way throughout the self-driving business. Uber itself has in the past been among the acquisitive companies.

    But this news is not something Uber’s founder would have welcomed. And it puts the lie to two verities common just a few years back: that every big player in road transport needed its own robocar research unit and that the payoff would come soon—like, now.

    The sale is valued at US $4 billion—a far cry, as Reuters reports, from the $7.5-billion valuation implicit in Uber’s deal last year to raise $1 billion from investors, including Toyota. But it’s still a hefty chunk of change, and that means Uber still has access to a trove of IP and, perhaps as important, robotics talent.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uber sells self-driving unit Uber ATG in deal that will push Aurora’s valuation to $10B
    Uber is investing $400M to take a 26% stake in the combined company

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ”Kilpailemme Boschin ja Panasonicin kanssa. Ratkaisumme on globaalisti kolmen kovimman joukossa”, Unikien teknologiajohtaja Erkka Niemi sanoo.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Brittilehti: Jos huhu Toyotan akkukeksinnöstä pitää paikkansa, nykyisistä sähköautoista tulee vanhanaikaisia yhdessä yössä

    Brittiläinen autolehti Cars UK kertoi perjantaina, että Toyota esittelee vuonna 2021 ensimmäisessä täyssähköautossaan kiinteäelektrolyyttisen ajoakun.

    Uutisessa vilahtelevat autoteollisuuden alihankkija Mitsui Kinzoku ja japanilainen teknologialehti Nikkei Asia,

    Asiantuntijat ovat jo pitkään ennustaneet, että kun joku saa kehitettyä kiinteäelektrolyyttisen akun toimivaksi, se muuttaa koko sähköautobisneksen.

    Uudenlaiset akut takaisivat suuremman toimintamatkan, selvästi nopeamman latauksen ja alhaisemmat valmistuskustannukset. Ne toisin sanoen toisivat kerralla kaiken sen, mitä tuotekehityskeskuksissa ympäri maailman epätoivoisesti metsästetään.

    Kiinteäelektrolyyttisen akun tulon arkikäyttöön on epäilty olevan vielä useiden vuosien päässä. Cars UK ja sen vanavedessä monet muutkin tiedotusvälineet ovat alkaneet arvella toisin.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hyundai Buys Boston Dynamics for Nearly $1 Billion. Now What?

    Hyundai Motor Group has acquired a controlling interest in the company that values Boston Dynamics at US $1.1 billion:

    Under the agreement, Hyundai Motor Group will hold an approximately 80 percent stake in Boston Dynamics and SoftBank, through one of its affiliates, will retain an approximately 20 percent stake in Boston Dynamics after the closing of the transaction.

    the acquisition is split between Hyundai Motor Group’s affiliates, including Hyundai Motor, Hyundai Mobis, and Hyundai Glovis. Hyundai Motor makes cars, Hyundai Mobis makes car parts and seems to be doing some autonomous stuff as well, and Hyundai Glovis does logistics.

    By establishing a leading presence in the field of robotics, the acquisition will mark another major step for Hyundai Motor Group toward its strategic transformation into a Smart Mobility Solution Provider. To propel this transformation, Hyundai Motor Group has invested substantially in development of future technologies, including in fields such as autonomous driving technology, connectivity, eco-friendly vehicles, smart factories, advanced materials, artificial intelligence (AI), and robots.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Analyze SENT signals from automotive sensors using an oscilloscope

    Modern automotive systems use serial data transmissions to enable the rapid transfer of information. Single edge nibble transmission (SENT) bus, a serial data standard managed by SAE International, is a lower-cost alternative to both CAN and LIN standards. SENT is gaining popularity for transiting high resolution data between automotive sensors and controllers; it provides digital readings of temperature, pressure, throttle position, and mass air flow.

    This article outlines new techniques for analyzing SENT sensor information using oscilloscopes. Using a chain of measurement parameters and math operators in a novel way, a throttle body sensor and differential pressure sensor are analyzed to reveal chronological changes in real-time.

    The detailed analysis of SENT sensor behavior can be characterized by combining waveform protocol decodes, measurement parameters and math operators and graphing tools, allowing for the analysis of complex automotive systems.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Elon Musk claims he tried selling Tesla to Apple but Tim Cook wasn’t interested

    Reacting to Reuters’ recent news that Apple has not abandoned its electric car program and is still pursuing plans to build a physical vehicle, Musk tweeted that in “the darkest days” of scaling Model 3 production, he reached out to Apple CEO Tim Cook and raised the possibility of the Cupertino company acquiring Tesla. Musk says that Cook refused to take the meeting.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kuinka nopeita verkkoja tarvitaan liikenteen uusille älypalveluille?

    Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto Traficom on selvittänyt konsulttiyrityksellä vaatimuksia, mitä tulevaisuuden älyliikenteen palvelut asettavat mobiiliverkkojen lataus- ja lähetysnopeuksille, viiveille ja saatavuudelle. Ja millaisia liikennepalveluita nykyisillä 4G-/5G-verkoilla voidaan toteuttaa?

    Selvityksen mukaan Suomen valtateillä on jo hyvä matkaviestinverkon peitto, mutta kapasiteetti ei aina riitä. Nopeampiin 30 Mbit/s tiedonsiirtonopeuksiin päästään yli 95 prosentissa ja 100 Mbit/s yli puolessa valtateistä. Saatavuustiedot kuvaavat kolmen eri operaattorin yhteenlaskettua peittoa ja nopeusluokkakohtaiset peittoalueet edustavat saatavuutta ideaaliolosuhteissa,

    Helsinki-Tampere-Turku-reitillä, jossa havaittiin, että 30 Mbit/s nopeuden tiedonsiirtoon päästiin hieman alle puolessa reitistä ja 100 Mbit/s alle viidessä prosentissa reitistä.

    Mitatut nopeudet näyttivät riittävän liikenteen lähitulevaisuuden tarpeisiin, mutta eivät mahdollista esimerkiksi jatkuvan videokuvan lähetystä ajoneuvosta verkkoon. Siksi tulevaisuuden liikennettä varten tarvitaan tulevaisuudessa verkkokapasiteetin lisäämistä ja peittoalueiden kasvattamista

    Automaation kehittyminen liikenteessä tulee olemaan yksi merkittävistä tiedonsiirtotarpeiden kasvuun vaikuttavista tekijöistä.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sähköauton akku on epäekologinen ja siksi nyt on kehitteillä ilmastoystävällisempi vaihtoehto, suola-akku, joka saattaa olla suuri pelastajamme

    Suurempien ja tehokkaampien akkujen odotetaan ratkaisevan kaikki energia-alan muutokseen liittyvät haasteet, mutta professorin mukaan myös kuluttajien tulisi miettiä metallinkulutustaan.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Maker KreAch3r Upgrades a 2004 Mazda 6 with an OpenAuto Pro-Powered Raspberry Pi Computer System
    OpenAuto Pro-driven Raspberry Pi-powered in-car computer system offers a considerable upgrade for this 2004 vintage vehicle.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tesla is asked to recall 158,000 vehicles due to potentially dangerous display failures months after the Elon Musk-owned company recalled 9,500 Model Y with faulty roofs

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Startups look beyond lidar for autonomous vehicle perception

    Last CES was a time of reckoning for lidar companies, many of which were cratering due to a lack of demand from a (still) non-existent autonomous vehicle industry. The few that excelled did so by specializing, and this year the trend has pushed beyond lidar, with new sensing and imaging methods pushing to both compete with and complement the laser-based tech.

    Lidar pushed ahead of traditional cameras because it could do things they couldn’t — and now some companies are pushing to do the same with tech that’s a little less exotic.

    A good example of addressing the problem or perception by different means is Eye Net’s vehicle-to-x tracking platform. This is one of those techs that’s been talked about in the context of 5G (admittedly still somewhat exotic), which for all the hype really does enable short-distance, low-latency applications that could be life-savers.

    Eye Net provides collision warnings between vehicles equipped with its tech, whether they have cameras or other sensing tech equipped or not. The example they provide is a car driving through a parking lot, unaware that a person on one of those horribly unsafe electric scooters is moving perpendicular to it ahead, about to zoom into its path but totally obscured by parked cars. Eye Net’s sensors detect the position of the devices on both vehicles and send warnings in time for either or both to brake.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Pandemic Chip Shortages Are Shutting Down Automotive Production

    Once upon a time, the automobile was a mostly mechanical beast, but no longer. Advanced electronics have weaved their way into the modern car, from engine to infotainment and climate control to the buttons now sprinkled throughout the passenger cabin. The gains in amenity and efficiency can’t be sniffed at, but it leaves manufacturers reliant on semiconductor suppliers to get cars out the door. Over the past year, it’s become much more complicated — with many automakers having to slow production in the face of integrated circuit shortages that can be traced back to Spring of 2020.

    Unsurprisingly, the blame for this situation can be lain firmly at the doorstep of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Automakers were forced to scale back production as factories closed to avoid spreading the deadly virus. This meant slashing orders with suppliers, particularly as the just-in-time nature of modern automobile production means there’s little to no space to warehouse excess parts in factories. It coincided with a drop in automotive sales during the early part of lock down, as few contemplated new car purchases during the turmoil of March and April, 2020.

    Semiconductor shortage forces automobile production cuts

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Apple and Hyundai to Partner on Autonomous Vehicles

    Apple and Hyundai are soon to form a partnership that will see autonomous vehicles’ development by 2024. What is currently known about the partnership, what technology will they utilize, and what does this mean for the autonomous industry?

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Wireless BMS for EVs Reduce Weight, Simplify Design, Maximize Performance
    These battery-management systems, which do away with wiring and harnesses, underscore the automotive industry’s drive for higher reliability.

    What you’ll learn:

    Wireless battery-management systems (wBMS) eliminate the mechanical challenges and costs of traditional wired harness systems.
    wBMS weigh less and take up less space than harnessed batteries.
    wBMS enable maximum energy use per cell, resulting in more miles per charge.
    Texas Instruments has joined Analog Devices among other semiconductor suppliers offering wBMS.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Fully Integrated eCall Switch Keeps Cars Connected in Emergencies
    With Qorvo’s new devices, a single, compact antenna routing switch replaces multiple discrete devices for emergency communications.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NHTSA is Defining Safety for Self-Driving Cars, But It Has Questions For You

    Editor’s Note: The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an agency of the Department of Transportation (DoT), released last November its advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) for autonomous vehicles.

    Let’s Talk In-cabin AI, DMS and Apple C1 Processor

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Should a self-driving car kill the baby or the grandma.
    In 2014 researchers at the MIT Media Lab designed an experiment called Moral Machine.
    The idea was to create a game-like platform that would crowdsource people’s decisions on how self-driving cars should prioritize lives in different variations of the “trolley problem.”
    Four years after the platform went live, millions of people in 233 countries and territories have logged 40 million decisions, making it one of the largest studies ever done on global moral preferences.
    A new paper published in Nature presents the analysis of that data and reveals how much cross-cultural ethics diverge on the basis of culture, economics, and geographic location.

    Should a self-driving car kill the baby or the grandma? Depends on where you’re from.

    The infamous “trolley problem” was put to millions of people in a global study, revealing how much ethics diverge across cultures.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    #EV dashboards are just computer screens. Why not use them as the interface for cool video games? Problem is they’re either a gimmick or an ill-considered precedent for games that some (ahem, hi @ElonMusk) have hinted at developing for cars in motion

    How Is This a Good Idea: Car Dashboard Video Games

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The partnership strengthens Cruise’s push to commercialize its Origin robotaxi service.

    Microsoft Partners With GM-Backed Cruise On Robotaxi Tech, Leads $2 Billion Funding Round

    Cruise, the San Francisco-based robotaxi developer backed by General Motors, is getting a financial and technological boost from Microsoft MSFT +0.4% to help it commercialize the autonomous ride service it’s developing.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Timothy B. Lee / Ars Technica:
    In an interview, Waymo CEO dismissed Tesla as a competitor and argued that Tesla’s current strategy, without lidar, wouldn’t produce a fully self-driving system

    Waymo CEO dismisses Tesla self-driving plan: “This is not how it works”
    Elon Musk and John Krafcik have very different theories about driverless tech.

    Many Tesla fans view the electric carmaker as a world leader in self-driving technology. CEO Elon Musk himself has repeatedly claimed that the company is less than two years away from perfecting fully self-driving technology.

    But in an interview with Germany’s Manager magazine, Waymo CEO John Krafcik dismissed Tesla as a Waymo competitor and argued that Tesla’s current strategy was unlikely to ever produce a fully self-driving system.

    “For us, Tesla is not a competitor at all,” Krafcik said. “We manufacture a completely autonomous driving system. Tesla is an automaker that is developing a really good driver assistance system.”

    For Musk, these two technologies exist along a continuum. His plan is to gradually make Tesla’s Autopilot software better until it’s good enough to work with no human supervision. But Krafcik argues that’s not realistic.

    “It is a misconception that you can just keep developing a driver assistance system until one day you can magically leap to a fully autonomous driving system,” Krafcik said. “In terms of robustness and accuracy, for example, our sensors are orders of magnitude better than what we see on the road from other manufacturers.”

    This isn’t a new argument.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Biden administration will replace the entire federal vehicle fleet with EVs
    This would involve replacing 645,000 vehicles with US-made electric vehicles, though no timeline has been given.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    TSMC to Start Dedicating New Capacity to Auto Chips First

    Will TSMC still be able to make new chips for AMD and Nvidia?

    In a move that flies in the face of our new telecommuting-heavy culture, TSMC will apparently be prioritizing automobile chip production as we move into 2021. This news comes from the Taiwan Economics Ministry (via Reuters) and was announced a day after a meeting between Minister Wang Mei-hua and the company’s senior executives.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Forget The City, See How This Self-Driving Pilot In Norway Tackles Winter Conditions And Steep Hills

    A self-driving pilot in winter conditions on steep roads in Nowary testing the software from Sensible4. Sensible4

    At the all virtual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January 2021, Volvo Penta announced it was launching an assisted docking system that would give a captain better control when docking a boat to take into account for wind current.

    In January 2021, two new electric car challenger companies Rivian and Cruise, announced a combined $4.65 billion in funding for their new electric cars, which would also be autonomous. Cruise started testing its driverless vehicles on the streets of San Francisco in December 2020.

    In Gjesdal, Norway, a self-driving pilot from a Finnish self-driving software company, Sensible4, began field-testing cars in January 2021 using its software on the steep hills and harsh winter conditions of the region.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Andrew J. Hawkins / The Verge:
    Ford says “millions” of its vehicles will run on Android starting in 2023, as it signs a six-year deal for Google Cloud to provide connected vehicle services — Google bags its latest automotive partner — Ford is the latest automaker to turn its vehicle operating systems over to Google.

    Ford says ‘millions’ of its vehicles will run on Google’s Android starting in 2023
    Google bags its latest automotive partner

    Ford is the latest automaker to turn its vehicle operating systems over to Google. The Dearborn, Michigan-based company said it will use Google’s Android to power the infotainment systems in “millions” of its cars starting in 2023. That means Google’s voice-activated Assistant, Google Maps, and other automotive-approved Android apps will be available in Ford’s cars without requiring the use of an Android smartphone.

    The deep integration of Android will allow drivers and passengers to use Google Assistant to change things like climate settings, and it will also enable over-the-air updates that can add new features or address some maintenance issues, according to Ford. But iPhone people, don’t despair: Ford’s system will still be compatible with Apple CarPlay. And Ford will continue to offer Amazon’s Alexa as an option as well.

    Ford wouldn’t say which of its vehicles will get the Android operating system starting in 2023, only that “millions” of vehicles under the Ford and Lincoln brands would have it. The vehicles will be available across the globe — except in China, where Google is banned.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Fusion Project Speeds Car-to-Cloud AI Training
    Teraki, Airbuiquity, Cloudera, NXP & Wind River Join Forces

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ashcon Mohseninia’s Rust-Based Open Vehicle Diagnostics Aim to Break the Manufacturer Stranglehold

    Written in Rust, Open Vehicle Diagnostics aims to reach feature-parity with expensive manufacturer-specific ECU management solutions.


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