Electronics component shop are dying.
My nearest electronics component shop Yleiselektroniikka in Espoo Finland at Luomannotko 6 just closed it’s shop few weeks ago. They still sells online.
The remaining shops are much smaller and much farther away on other nearby cities (Helsinki and Espoo). The way seems to be now to return to mail order – either from those if I want quality or cheap crap from china for experimenting.
I made years ago an overview document (now outdated) on the electronics component shops in Helsinki and Finland. It seems to be time for some update. Here is overview of still existing electronics component shops in Finland near Helsinki I know about. I used to visit many of them, but not that much anymore.
Bebek Electronic has a component shop in Helsinki at Sörnäisten Rantatie 6. Here are some pictures of the shop from Bebek shop web page.
Radioduo used to have a big electronics shop in Helsinki, but now has has a small smaller component shop in Helsinki at Sorvaajankatu 11.
Uraltone is a Musical Instrument Electronics Specialty Store in Helsinki at Helsinginkatu 30. This shop has Tube Amplifier Accessories, Building Kits, Guitar Parts, Speakers, HIFI, Pedal Boards, Electronic Components. Google has street view picture.
Partco has an electronics component shop in Vantaa at Juurakkotie 5 B. Partco has a wide range serves everything related to electronics hobbies, training, maintenance and manufacturing.
Google has some pictures of outside and inside.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Had information on some changes:
Bebek Electronic is about to start operations with renewed vigor.
With these prospects, the online store will open in the traditional form, but will be updated to this day as soon as sufficient resources are available.
So, welcome to the shops.
We will inform you when the doors are opened in Helsinki in Hakaniemi and on Hirsimetsäntie in Lahti
kiss novel says:
I have researched on it, thanks for your information
Tomi Engdahl says:
YE lopetti komponenttimyymälän – tilalle noutoautomaatit
Uutuudet – 28.12.2020
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Shops to order parts
Tomi Engdahl says:
Bebek shop in Helsinki is closing – there is a final sale going on
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
The last electronics store in the United States
Apex Surplus, located in Los Angeles County, is a legendary electronics store visited by hobbyists, engineers, and Hollywood prop makers for decades. With the transition to online shopping, we won’t see anything like this again, so I think it’s a treasure.
Its iconic Hollywood creations include the DeLorean time machine from the Back to the Future movie, built entirely from Apex parts.
Stepping into Apex IS like going back in time. It’s filled floor-to-ceiling with vintage electronics, military surplus, and hard-to-find parts.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Vijaykumar says:
We are manufacturer of Potentiometers.
we would like to appoint you as distributor of our products in Finland
Visit our website http://www.pankaj.com for full product range
I am in Finland and we can meet to present our products.
Looking forward to your positive response and immediate reply by e-mail, [email protected]
Best regards
Pankaj Potentiometers
Mahim, Mumbai, India
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Myymälätilanne elektroniikka-alalla on kehno.
Bebek on lopettanut kaikki muut myymälänsä paitsi Hirsimetsäntie 26, Lahti.
Yleiselektroniikalla ei ole enää myymälää, ainoastaan noutopiste, josta voi noutaa netin kautta etukäteen tehdyt tilaukset. ( Ansakuja 1, Vantaa )
Partco palvelee: Juurakkotie 5B, Vantaa.
Radioduo: Sorvaajankatu 11a B 3.krs, HELSINKI (MA-TO).
Eli pääkaupunkiseudulla myymälä on enää Partcolla ja Radioduolla.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tilaamalla Elektrolinnasta saa Farnell, Yeint/RS, Elfa tuotteet ilman lisäkuluja.
TME on toiminut pääasiassa hyvin.
AliExpress ja eBay ja Tallinnan Oomipood, Lemona ja Serigo. Noissa on isoin valikoima ja halvemmat hinnat. Lähetykset tulevat varmasti perille, joskin joskus hitaammin.
Tomi Engdahl says:
On-line shop