Some locks are picked too easily

“As an engineer I’ve always laughed when actors bypass locks like that in movies. I never imagined anybody could design something that wrong.”

Here is a collection of videos from LockPickingLawyer that show clearly how bad many locks are:

[1045] Swiss Army Knife Bypass of Keypad Lock

[1064] First No Touch Open! (Retekess Keypad)

[1060] Opened in ONE Second: HFeng Fingerprint Lock

[1176] Open in Seconds: Honeywell “Steel Security Safe” (Model 5101 DOJ)

[1120] Fingerprint Lock That Forgot The Fundamentals – DatoHome L-B400

[1141] Hong Huan’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Bike Lock


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Build a Vibrating Lock Pick With a Toothbrush

    Unbeknownst to the general public, picking a lock can be a very easy process once you get the hang of it (yes, surprising AND frightening). A vibrating lock pick set takes the general ease of picking even further by speeding up the process.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Inside an eBay electric lock mechanism

    I’m guessing these are designed for automatic release of locker doors like in the Amazon locker system. They operate at 12V and physically push the door open instantly when triggered.

    The coils are only rated for brief pulses, and draw such a high current (2-4A) that any microcontroller based circuitry should be designed with separate tracks for the coils and logic from the PSU. To protect the switching transistor against the current spike caused by the collapsing magnetic field when turned off, a diode should be wired across the coil with the band pointing to the positive rail.

    The keywords to find these on eBay are:-
    electric magnetic door lock
    Price will be around £$€7

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Locksmiths Don’t Want You Know This! Open Lock Without Key

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How to Pick a Lock with a Bobby Pin

    Locked out? Or maybe you’ve always wondered how they do it in the movies? This quick video will give you some tips on how to pick a lock with just two bobby pins and a little patience.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Anyone Can Be The Master Of This Master Lock Safe

    [Etienne Sellan] got one of these lovely $5 logic analyzers. As with any shiny new tool, he started looking for things to investigate with it, and his gaze fell on a Sentry Safe (produced by Master Lock). On the surface level, this keypad-equipped safe is designed decently when it comes to privilege separation. You can take the keypad board off and access its backside, but the keypad doesn’t make any decisions, it merely sends the digits to a different board embedded behind the safe’s door. The solenoid-connected board receives the PIN, verifies it, and then controls the solenoid that unlocks the safe.

    [Etienne] hooked up a logic analyzer to the communication wire, which turned out to be a UART channel, and logged the keypad communication packets — both for password entry and for password change. Then, he wrote some Arduino code to send the same packets manually, which worked wonders.

    A vulnerability allow to open electronic safes from Sentry Safe and Master Lock without any pin code.

    The company was notified but never responded.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    EEVblog 1494 – FIVE ways to open a CHEAP SAFE!

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Electric Lock Pick Made From an Electric Toothbrush

    This video is about how to make and use an electric lock pick. The lock pick is made from a cheap electric toothbrush. The first part of the video explains how an electric lock pick also called an electric pick gun works. The second part shows how one can be made from an electric toothbrush. The third part shows how to use an electric lock pick to open locks. The electric lock pick is easy to make but it may take some time to master the technique for using it.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Lockpicking Project “Sawfish Sushi Rake” Tried it out on a FAB Cylinder…

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    DIY Lock Picks – using windshield wipers

    Just a quick tutorial on how to make your own lock picks using windshield wipers. Easy to make, fun to use.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    (1351) Review: Bypass Tool for Smartkey (Weiser, Kwikset & Clones)

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    [1409] The Most Significant Security Flaw in North America

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    [1045] Swiss Army Knife Bypass of Keypad Lock

    “This is the Lock Picking Lawyer, here to prove once again that there is nothing you can do to stop me.”

    As an engineer I’ve always laughed when actors bypass locks like that in movies. I never imagined anybody could design something that wrong.

    This channel has evolved from picking simple padlocks to legit breaking into businesses. Love it.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    All Your Keys Are Belong To KeyDecoder

    Physical security is often considered simpler than digital security since safes are heavy and physical keys take more effort to duplicate than those of the digital persuasion. [Maxime Beasse and Quentin Clement] have developed a smartphone app that can duplicate a key from a photo making key copying much easier.

    KeyDecoder is an open source Android app that can generate all the necessary bitting info to duplicate a key from just an image. Luckily for the paranoid among us, the image must be taken with the key laying flat without a keyring on an ISO/CEI 7810 ID-1 ID or credit card. A passerby can’t just snap a photo of your keys across the room and go liberate your home furnishings, but it still would be wise to keep a closer eye on your keys now that this particular cat hack is out of the bag.

    The project’s GitHub page is awash in warnings that this tool is designed solely for “pentesters and security enthusiasts” to warn their friends and clients about the dangers of leaving their keys exposed.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    LockPickingLawyer toteaa, että ”tätä lukkoa ei todennäköisesti selätetä kentällä lukkoa rikkomatta”, mikä on – kuten eräs videon kommentoija toteaa – ”varmasti suurin ylistys, jonka LPL:ltä voi saada”. Uusinta helmikuulta 2022.

    YouTuben tiirikkamestari otti käsittelyynsä Abloy Classic -riippulukon – Yli 100-vuotias lukko sai mestarilta kokeen päätteeksi ”suurimman mahdollisen ylistyksen”

    Jaa Facebookissa
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    Suomessa me luotamme Abloyn lukkoihin, kun haluamme pitää kotimme tai arvotavaramme varmasti turvassa. Vaikka Abloy tekee nykyisin monia erilaisia lukkoja, on jo yli satavuotias Abloy Classic edelleen myynnissä ja luottamuksemme arvoinen. Huippusuosittu YouTuben tiirikkamestari LockPickinLawyer (myöhemmin jutussa myös ”LPL”) näyttää tuoreella videollaan, miksi.

    Lukkoja tiirikoivan lakimiehen käsittelyssä on tällä kertaa perinteinen messinkinen Abloy 3020C -riippulukko, jonka periaatteen kehitti helsinkiläinen konttorikonemekaanikko Emil Henriksson vuonna 1907.

    Henrikssonin kehittämä ”varmuuslukko” oli ensimmäisiä niin sanottuja kiekkohaittalukkoja, jonka etuihin kuuluvat toimintavarmuus ja erinomainen suoja tiirikoinnilta. Abloy Classicin lukkosylinterissä on yksitoista pyörivää haittaa ja monia valelovia, jotka vaikeuttavat lukon tiirikointia. Lukko aukeaa, kun kaikki kolot muodostavat uran, johon lukitustanko painuu.


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