Matter IoT Alliance

Silicon Labs has provided the first circuit and board solutions to support the new Matter-IoT standard. In addition to circuit manufacturers, the new IoT standard will be supported by Apple, Huawei, Google and Amazon. The Finnish-Swedish lock company Asso Abloy is also bringing Matter technology into its products.

The launch of the Matter project also marks the end of the Zigbee Alliance. In addition to Silicon Labs, NXP, TI and STMicroelectronics-style component makers,Apple and Huawei, as well as online players Google and Amazon, will be involved in the new CSA community. Their Alexa, HomeKit and Google solutions will also be supported.

More in Finnish:

Silicon Labs tuo Matter-yhteydet kotiautomaatioon


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Some Smart-Home Solution Demos Now Using the Matter IoT Standard
    Jan. 19, 2023
    Designed for smart homes and smart buildings, the Matter IoT ensures seamless interactions between connected devices across different IP platforms.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

    Designed for smart homes and smart buildings, the Matter IoT ensures seamless interactions between connected devices across different IP platforms. Matter is an application layer that addresses many applications in an open-source delivery and certification infrastructure.

    Connected devices using Matter run based on Wi-Fi or Thread technologies, and each device has a specific role within the Matter network. These devices support a connectivity technology within Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or Thread as network communication protocol. Such devices also need to support Bluetooth LE (BLE) technology.

    STMicroelectronics’ STM32WB can run BLE and Thread in concurrent modes, which is necessary for device commissioning, with 1 MB of flash and 256 kB of RAM to support application layer and connectivity stacks. The Quad-SPI peripheral extends the memory size externally with execution in place, and can implement over-the-air firmware updates.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A Comparison of Wireless Connectivity Protocols
    Jan. 26, 2023
    Texas Instruments recently introduced Matter-enabled software development kits for Wi-Fi and Thread SimpleLink wireless microcontrollers that will help streamline adoption of the Matter protocol in IoT applications.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Unlocking the Smart Home’s Brain with Matter
    Dec. 7, 2022
    The CSA’s Matter standard will enhance consumers’ smart-home experiences with advanced interoperability and generate more competition in the smart-home device market. But what does this mean for developers?|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

    What you’ll learn:

    How the Matter standard will change the smart home.
    The benefits the Matter standard brings to developers.

    Anticipated in late 2022, the Connectivity Standard Alliance’s (CSA) Matter standard is set to positively change the way smart homes operate—with advanced interoperability between devices and more reliability overall. While consumers will enjoy a more seamless and connected smart home, with more product options than ever before, developers and manufacturers also will benefit from the streamlined processes ushered in by Matter.

    Fundamentally, Matter is a home-automation connectivity standard that will allow for IoT products from different providers and manufacturers to work together. In today’s pre-Matter smart home, each device requires a controller that essentially operates as the smart-home system’s brain. Device manufacturers will often build “brains” into existing devices, often speakers and voice assistants like the Amazon Echo and the Google Nest, to act as the main hub for communication throughout the rest of the smart home.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    SparkFun Things Plus Matter Connects DIY IoT Devices to Home Automation
    Powered by a Silicon Labs MGM240P wireless module.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The decision is a big reversal for Belkin, which had announced just last year that it planned to support Matter in several of its new accessories when the standard was ready.

    Belkin takes “big step back” from Matter, endangering universal smart home standard

    But there are still many devices from other companies that will support Matter.

    Belkin is pumping the brakes on its support for the nascent Matter smart home standard, according to The Verge. Devices from Belkin’s Wemo smart home brand may still support Matter eventually, but Belkin will “take a big step back, regroup, and rethink” its product strategy before supporting Matter in any of its products. This is a reversal for Belkin, which had announced at CES 2022 that it planned to support Matter in several of its new accessories when the standard was ready.

    Some Wemo devices already support Thread, the underlying network protocol that Matter uses to allow devices in your home to communicate without flooding your Wi-Fi router. But at least for now, those devices remain tied to Apple’s HomeKit ecosystem.

    Belkin’s smart home brand Wemo is backing away from Matter / Belkin’s smart home brand Wemo is backing away from Matter and dimming our dreams of a smart home utopia.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Why Matter Matters
    Matter is tying together multiple IoT protocols and networks

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Wirepas liittyi Matter-protokollaa ajavaan järjestöön

    Tamperelainen Wirepas, joka tunnetaan ilman tukiasemia toimivan IoT-verkkoprotokollan kehittäjänä, on liittynyt Connectivity Standards Alliance -järjestöön. CSA tunnetaan useiden langattomien tekniikoiden edistäjänä, mutta viimeksi järjestö on ottanut vahvan roolin Matter-protokollan edistämisessä.

    Tähän kuvioon Wirepasin kehittämä, ETSIn standardoima ja nykyään nimellä DECT NR+ tunnettu verkkotekniikka.

    CSA sai viime lokakuussa valmiiksi Matter-protokollan 1.0-version. Kyse on IoT_laitteissa varsinaisen radioprotokollaan yläpuolella oleva provisiointitekniikka, jonka avulla voidaan periaatteessa hallita mitä tahansa laitetta sen radioyhteydestä huolimatta. Piirien valmistajilta on tähän asti tullut Matter-yhteensopivia Wi-Fi-, Bluetooth-, ZigBee- ja Thread-laitteita.

    Näyttää siltä, että DECT NR+ -protokollalle olisi luontevaa hakea Matter-yhteensopivuutta. Sen yhtenä etuna on, että se toimii vapaasti omalla, maailmanlaajuisella 1,9 gigahertsin taajuuskaistalla. Standardin ensimmäinen versio tukee noin 3 megabitin datanopeuksia, mutta keskeisempi ominaisuus on kyky muodostaa massiivisia IoT-verkkoja ilman tukiasemia tai reitittimiä.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Talking About Matter Enablers for Home Automation
    April 6, 2023
    Matter enables interoperability among products from different ecosystems, and devices like Silicon Labs’ MG24 SoC provides a highly robust, secure, and low-power wireless networking experience.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

    At embedded world 2023, Silicon Labs showed off its hardware for Matter-based smart-home applications, like the SiWx917 SoC for ultra-low-power IoT wireless devices using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Matter, and IP networking for secure cloud connectivity. In this video, Alix Paultre of Electronic Design talks to Ross Sabolcik of Silicon Labs about Matter and the state of the wireless marketplace.

    SiWx917 SoC includes an ultra-low-power Wi-Fi 6 plus Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) 5.1 wireless CPU subsystem, and an integrated microcontroller (MCU) application subsystem, security, peripherals, and power-management subsystem all in a single 7- × 7-mm QFN package. The wireless subsystem consists of a multi-threaded processor (ThreadArch), baseband digital signal processing, analog front end, 2.4-GHz RF transceiver and integrated power amplifier. The application subsystem consists of an Arm Cortex-M4 processor with FPU, embedded SRAM, flash, AI/ML accelerator, and enhanced PSA-L2 certifiable security engine.

    The integrated MCU is dedicated for peripheral and application-related processing, while the ThreadArch runs the wireless and networking stacks on independent threads. This creates a fully integrated single-chip solution that’s ready for a wide range of embedded wireless IoT applications.

    The EFR32BG27 family of wireless SoCs opens up new possibilities by offering an ultra-small WLCSP package (2.3 × 2.6 mm) capable of running on button-cell batteries. Now device makers can address applications with extremely small form-factor requirements without sacrificing performance and security.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jennifer Pattison Tuohy / The Verge:
    Google plans to roll out a redesigned Home app on May 11, with a Favorites tab, new device type support, and an eventual iOS update to support Matter devices

    The new Google Home app is finally here
    A much-needed update brings greater control and customizability. Plus, Google updates its iOS app to support Matter devices.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    What Wireless Network Standards Will Rule the Smart Home?
    May 18, 2023
    Wireless network protocols that are available for smart-home applications today won’t necessarily be the most widely adopted in the future. Here’s a look at Zigbee, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Matter, and Thread.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Philips Hue laajensi turvakameroihin ja lisäsi tuen Matter-protokollalle

    Berliinin IFA-messujen alla Philipsin entinen valaisinyksikkö Signigy on tehnyt merkittäviä tuotejulkistuksia. Lamppujen rinnalle on tuotu älyvaloja, tunnistimia ja kameroita. Merkittävä on myös uutinen, että Philips Hue- sarjan tuotteet alkavat puhua Matteria jo syyskuun softapäivotyksen jälkeen.

    Älylaitteista on puhuttu pitkään, mutta kodinomistajan kannalta kyse on ollut hankalasta sekmelskasta. Eri valmistajien laitteet eivät keskustele keskenään ja kaikkien härpäkkeiden ohjaaminen vaatii oman sovelluksensa. Uudet Philips Hue -tuotteet ovat ensimmäinen iso merkki siitä, että luvassa on parempaa.

    Connectivity Standards Alliance eli CSA-yhteenliittymä on saanut valmiiksi Matter-protokollan 1.0-version viime lokakuussa. Kyse on ohjelmistokerroksesta, jonka avulla eri valmistajien laitteet kommunikoivat keskenään ja laitteita voi näin ohjata keskitetysti. Ainakin teoriassa. Käytäntö näyttää, tuleeko eri valmistajien laitteiden ohjaamisesta helpompaa.

    Tämä on kuitenkin yksi Signifyn viestejä. Kaikki Philips Hue -käyttäjät hyötyvät Matterin yhteensopivuudesta Philips Hue Bridgen kanssa järjestelmäpäivityksen kautta syyskuusta 2023 alkaen. Uuden päivityksen kautta Philips Hue -järjestelmän voi yhdistää muihin Matter-yhteensopiviin älykotilaitteisiin ja -sovelluksiin.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    After promising support for Matter and Thread, Level launches a Wi-Fi bridge instead / The move is another sign that many smart home companies just aren’t ready for Matter. Or is it that Matter isn’t ready for the smart home?

    This week, smart lock maker Level announced a new Wi-Fi bridge for its locks to enable “remote access and integrations with smart home technology platforms,” including Amazon Alexa and Google Home. Welcome to 2015, Level.

    Instead of embracing what are being touted as the future technologies of the smart home — Matter and Thread — Level has released the Level Connect, a $79 Wi-Fi bridge that plugs into an outlet and acts as a bridge between its lock’s Bluetooth radio and your internet router, so it can be controlled remotely and work with cloud-enabled smart home platforms.

    Why is Level resorting to the old ways when it could implement Matter and Thread?

    The Wi-Fi bridge was developed for the earliest smart locks (the August Lock got one in 2015) as a band-aid solution to the power-sucking effects of Wi-Fi on a smart lock’s battery. (Changing the batteries in your door locks every couple of months is not fun.) The bridge has since largely been abandoned by most manufacturers because it adds confusion, complexity, and price. No one wants a single-purpose Wi-Fi bridge taking up an outlet in their house when there are other, better solutions out there.

    Thread seems like one of those solutions, especially for a battery-powered device like a smart lock.

    So, this move puzzled me at first. Level’s pitch is simplicity, a smart lock that doesn’t look like a smart lock. All the lock’s tech is packed inside the deadbolt, not plugged into an outlet. And they have the tech they need for Matter and Thread in there already.

    Last year, Level co-founder and CTO Ken Goto told me that “all Level Locks are 100% hardware compatible with Matter, and Thread will be supported in future releases because of this. We are excited that Matter has recently been certified and are watching this closely to release this capability in a firmware update soon.”

    Adding Matter-over-Thread to its locks would also enable remote access and interoperability with more smart home platforms for Level (it currently only works with Apple Home and Ring through Amazon Sidewalk). Plus, Thread has advantages such as lower power consumption and increased range (it’s a mesh network), and Matter works entirely locally, so there’s no cloud dependency.

    So, why is Level resorting to the old ways with a Wi-Fi bridge, when it could implement Matter and Thread?

    “Wi-Fi enablement was an important request from our customers for remote access and integrations with smart home technology platforms. We are still investigating solutions of Matter-over-Thread, and we will make sure to get in touch once we know what adoption looks like for Level.”

    Reading between the lines here, it seems that Level, like other smart lock manufacturers such as Schlage and Yale, feels that both Matter and Thread are still too under-baked and over-complicated to fully unleash on its customers.

    Adding Thread to Level would allow for out-of-home control through a Thread border router, but compatibility across border routers is messy. Level would have to make sure customers connected to the right Thread border router and not another one somewhere in their home. While Matter would allow support for multiple platforms, Level’s customers would also need a Matter controller from the right platform for it to work.

    Factoring in all these complications and opportunities for confusion, you can see why offering a $79 Wi-Fi bridge seemed like the easier option, even in 2023. Where Matter and Thread have woefully over-promised and underdelivered is not in the technology per se but in the simplicity.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jennifer Pattison Tuohy / The Verge:
    Matter hits version 1.2, adding support for robot vacuums, refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, smoke and CO alarms, air quality sensors, and more — One year in, and Matter is adding support for fridges, robot vacuums, smoke alarms, and more. It’s a major step toward a complete smart home …

    Matter 1.2 is a big move for the smart home standard

    One year in, and Matter is adding support for fridges, robot vacuums, smoke alarms, and more. It’s a major step toward a complete smart home, but success hinges on platform and manufacturer follow-through.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tulevaisuuden koti tulee, oletko valmis?

    Uusi langaton standardi näyttää auttavan lunastamaan älykkään kodin lupaukset. Se myös tarjoaa kuluttajille turvallisempia, luotettavampia ja saumattomimpia yhteyksiä ja sitä myötä parempia kokemuksia. Standardi on nimeltään Matter.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Arduino has announced a collaboration with Silicon Labs which aims to bring the new Matter standard for IoT connectivity and interoperability to a wider audience — starting with the release of a Matter-compliant Arduino library, and a sneak preview of an upcoming Arduino Nano board.

    Arduino has announced a collaboration with Silicon Labs (SiLabs) which aims to bring the new Matter standard for Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity and interoperability to a wider audience — starting with the release of a Matter-compliant Arduino library, and a sneak preview of an upcoming Arduino Matter board.

    “Our partnership with Arduino brings simplicity and ease of use to wireless development for Silicon Labs developers as well as Arduino’s 40 million users to take their project from concept to production,” claims SiLabs’ Rob Shane of the collaboration between the two companies. “By integrating Matter with Arduino’s ecosystem, we’re opening a universe of possibilities for developers.”

    Phase one: The dawn of a new era in IoT development begins at CES 2024
    At CES 2024, Arduino and SiLabs have revealed the first phase of their ambitious project. This phase marks the release of an extremely user-friendly Arduino library tailored for the Matter protocol, alongside the Arduino core for SiLabs microcontrollers. This integration into the Arduino IDE is a significant leap forward, making advanced IoT development more accessible than ever.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ensimmäinen älylukko, jota komennetaan Matterin yli

    Matter-protokollan idea on nerokas: kehitetään yksi kieli, jolla voidaan hallita kaikkia kodin älylaitteita riippumatta siitä, miten radiolinkki niihin on järjestetty. Itävalatalainen älylukkovalmistaja Nuki tuo nyt tarjolle ensimmäisen natiivisti Matteria tukevat tuotteensa.

    Kyse on maailman ensimmäisestä Matter over Thread -älylukosta. Innovaation on mahdollistanut Silicon Labsin uusin MG24-piirisarja. Myös Piilaaksossa toimiva älylukkovalmistaja U-tec käyttää Silicon Labsin siruja äskettäin julkistetussa Ultraloq Bolt Fingerprint Matterissa, joka on ensimmäinen biometrinen älykäs salpalukitus Matter over Thread -tuella.

    Nukin neljännen sukupolven Smart Lock on jälkiasennettava älylukko eurooppalaistyylisiin oviin. Se on ensimmäinen, jossa on natiivi Matter-tuki, mikä tarkoittaa, että käyttäjät eivät tarvitse erillistä siltaa tai moduulia käyttääkseen uutta älylukkoaan useissa ekosysteemeissä.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Matter-protokollan idea on nerokas: kehitetään yksi kieli, jolla voidaan hallita kaikkia kodin älylaitteita riippumatta siitä, miten radiolinkki niihin on järjestetty. Tuen protokollalle voi tuoda myös jälkikäteen, kuten ABB näyttää.

    ABB Smart Buildings ilmoittaa päivittävänsä ABB-free@home -reitittimensä uudella laiteohjelmistolla, joka tukee Matter-protokollaa. Tämä parantaa eri laitteiden yhteentoimivuutta tarjoamalla käyttäjille enemmän joustavuutta ja mahdollisuuden valita laajemmasta älykodin laitteiden valikoimasta.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jennifer Pattison Tuohy / The Verge:
    Google opens API access to its Google Home platform, letting Android and iOS developers join a waitlist to access 600M+ Matter or Works with Google Home devices

    Google opens up its smart home to everyone and will make Google TVs home hubs
    / New Home APIs will let developers use Google Home devices and automations in their apps, and Google is adding local control to its smart home hubs — including Chromecast with Google TV.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Matter voi nyt käskeä mikroaaltouuneja

    Connectivity Standards Alliance eli CSA on julkistanut Matter-protokollaan standardin 1.3. Uusin versio lisää ohjattaviin laitteisiin esimerkiksi uunit ja keittotasot. Seuraavaksi tuettaviin laitteisiin odotetaan esimerkiksi valvontakameroita.

    CSA sai viime lokakuussa 2022 valmiiksi Matter-protokollan 1.0-version. Kyse on IoT-laitteissa varsinaisen radioprotokollaan yläpuolella oleva provisiointitekniikka, jonka avulla voidaan periaatteessa hallita mitä tahansa laitetta sen radioyhteydestä huolimatta.

    1.3-päivitys lisää mikroaaltouunit, uunit, sähkökeittotasot, liesituulettimet ja sähkökuivaimet, jotka liittyvät pesukoneisiin ja joukkoon Matter 1.2:een viime vuonna lisättyjä laitteita. Tekniset tiedot tuovat myös uusia energia- ja vedenhallintaominaisuuksia, jotka tekevät sähköautojen latureista, vesivuotoanturit, jäätymisilmaisimet, sadetunnistimet ja vesiventtiilit yhteensopivia standardin kanssa.

    Energianhallinta on yksi tärkeitä edistysaskelia Matter 1.3:ssa. Sen avulla mikä tahansa Matter-laite pystyy “raportoimaan todelliset ja arvioidut mittaukset, mukaan lukien hetkellinen teho, jännite, virta ja muut, reaaliajassa sekä energiankulutuksensa tai tuotantonsa ajan kuluessa”, CSA kehuu.

    Toistaiseksi Midea on yksi harvoja, joka on lisännyt tuen Matter 1.2:lle ja 1.3:lle tuotteisiinsa, mukaan lukien uusi Midea X23 TastePro -yhdistelmämikroaaltouuni ja astianpesukone.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Matter 1.4 is released, new Apple betas, & more news on HomeKit Insider

    Matter 1.4 has been officially released, allowing accessory makers and ecosystems to start building it into their products and apps. It continues their biannual cadence since its launch two years ago.

    The 1.4 update includes new device types for routers, solar panels, and many more energy management products. There is also improvements for devices like EV chargers and thermostats.

    Finally, perhaps most importantly, it introduces enhanced multi-admin. This will allow a device to automatically be added to other ecosystems as it is onboarded for the first time.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Arduino’s Silicon Labs MGM240S-Powered Arduino Nano Matter Launches as a Fully-Fledged Dev Board
    Following a “community preview” soft launch, the Arduino Nano Matter — targeting Matter-compliant smart home projects — is now available.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jennifer Pattison Tuohy / The Verge:
    Google says Nest hubs, Chromecasts, Google TV devices on Android 14, and more can now control Matter devices locally, and opens its Home APIs to all developers

    Google Home hubs can now work locally thanks to Matter
    / Google also announced its smart home APIs are now available to all developers.

    One of the key changes Matter is bringing to the smart home is a standardized way to enable local control of smart devices. This means your light bulb doesn’t have to talk to the cloud when you ask your voice assistant to turn it off. While some smart home ecosystems already offer local control, Matter should make implementing it easier for every smart home platform.

    This week, Google announced it has added full local control of Matter devices to its Google Home hubs by integrating Home Runtime. Now, Google Nest hubs and speakers, Chromecasts, Google TV devices on Android 14, and some LG TVs can connect to and control Matter devices locally.

    “This means when a user who has a hub for Google Home device (at home) is viewing or controlling their Matter devices (at home), they can do so with higher reliability, privacy, and lower latency,” Jeannie Zhang, product manager for Google Home, told The Verge.

    This is a significant change for the platform, which has historically relied on cloud connectivity for device control. Now, if the internet is down and you ask Google Assistant to turn on the lights, it should actually be able to follow through.

    If the internet is down, Google Assistant should still be able to turn on the lights

    Google also shared details on its recent efforts to help developers make more products that work with Matter. These include working with the Connectivity Standards Alliance to make certifying Matter devices easier and partnering with MediaTek to build a new chip that includes Wi-Fi, Bluetooth LE, and Thread. This should make it “easier and more affordable for device OEMs to build Thread into all their new products,” Google Home senior engineering director Matt Van Der Staay writes.

    Finally, Google is opening its Home APIs to all developers. This allows developers to integrate Google Home devices and automations into their own apps, allowing them to focus their resources on building devices rather than integrations.

    Google announced the Home APIs at I/O, but they weren’t available to all developers. The program had been in an early access phase with companies such as Eve, Nanoleaf, LG, ADT, Cync, Yale, and Aqara. Now, any company can access the Android version of the Home APIs in public developer beta, with the iOS version coming soon. Google says the Home APIs consist of

    Essentially, all of this allows developers to use the Google Home platform to power their app’s automations and integrations with other devices. While this can significantly speed up development — it helped Eve finally launch an app for Android — the downside is if Google ever pulled the API access (as it did when it shut down its Works with Nest program), developers would be left high and dry.

    However, despite its history here, the likelihood of that happening seems slim.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Unify your smart devices and develop multiple home and building automation applications using the Arduino Nano Matter. Now available with headers!

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uutuuspiiri tuo tekoälyn Matter-verkkoihin

    Älykotien ja IoT-laitteiden kehitys otti harppauksen eteenpäin, kun Silicon Labs julkisti uuden MG26-järjestelmäpiirinsä. Se on markkinoiden ensimmäinen Matter-yhteensopiva piiri, joka integroi edistyneen tekoäly- ja koneoppimiskiihdytyksen. Uutuus mahdollistaa älykkäämpien ja energiatehokkaampien IoT-laitteiden kehittämisen ilman pilvipalveluihin tukeutumista.


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