The year 2021 was strange, you can read more of it from A 2021 technology retrospective: Strange days indeed. But how strange will 2022 be? Here are some predictions for year 2022:
2022 preview: Will the global computer chip shortage ever end?
The growing demand for computer chips, used in everything from cars to fridges, has collided with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, leading to a global shortage that is likely to continue through 2022
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Industry Transforming In Ways Previously Unimaginable
As we look back over 2021, there have certainly been some surprises, but the industry continues to take everything in its stride.
2022 tech themes: A look ahead
The continued COVID-19 question mark: The world quickly and dramatically changed. It hasn’t yet reverted to pre-pandemic characteristics, and it very likely never will. Sad but true, the pandemic isn’t even close to being over yet.
Deep learning’s Cambrian moment: Look at today’s participant-rich deep learning silicon and software market, spanning both training and inference.
The ongoing importance of architecture: As the number of transistors that it’s possible to cost-effectively squeeze onto a sliver of silicon continues to slow, what you build out of those transistors becomes increasingly critical.
Open source processors’ time in the sun: There is a burgeoning RISC-V movement. It’s likely a little-known fact to some of you, that a public domain instruction set for v2 and earlier versions of the Arm ISA exists. And both Sun (with OpenSPARC) and IBM (OpenPOWER) have also joined the open-source silicon movement.
The normalization of remote work (and the “Great Resignation’s” aftershocks): I suspect that, to at least a notable degree, we won’t ever completely return to the “way it was before.” In fact, I’d wager that having a taste of a work-from-home or “hybrid” employment lifestyle is one of the key factors behind the so-called “Great Resignation” that tech and broader media alike inform me is well underway.
The metaverse starts to stir: Perhaps we’ll look back at 2022 as the year when the crossing of the chasm started in earnest.
Autonomy slowly accelerates: 2021 was another year filled with fully autonomous car tests and premature “coming soon” pronouncements; 2022 will likely be the same.
Batteries get ever denser, ever more plentiful, and ever cheaper
Space travel becomes commonplace
Global semiconductor industry forecasts for 2022
“2021 is the year that everyone remembered that chip mattered,” said Wired Magazine. So far 2022 seems likely to be another fruitful year for the semiconductor industry.
World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) also has predicted that the global semiconductor market is projected to grow by 8.8 percent in 2022, to US$ 601 billion, driven by double-digit growth of the sensors and logic category. All regions and all product categories are expected to continue positive growth. Wafer foundry manufacturers sales likely to remain strong due to tight supply. 5G smartphone silicon content increase to drive demand for foundry service higher. Demand for digital transformation is here to stay, no sign of weakening for foundry service sales.
The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated digital transformation over the past two years. Work from home, virtual conference, and remote learning have driven up the demand for cloud computing, laptops, and servers, and hence the sales growth of related semiconductor products. Demands for CPU, GPU, AI accelerator (including FPGA) foundry services will remain strong in 2022 because trends such as virtual conferences, live streaming, and large capex of data centers are likely to stay. Long-term demands for customized chips in IoT, 5G infrastructure, HPC, and EV applications, like ADAS, autonomous driving, V2X, in-Vehicle Infotainment, will provide robust growth momentum for chip foundry services.
Chip crunch is not ending in 2022, as the lead time of some electronic components is stretching into 2023. Meanwhile, the increasing adoption of RISC-V open standard instruction set architecture is an important trend that can not be ignored. RISC-V market will double its size in 2022, compared to 2021, as it is attracting small and medium-size chip designers and manufacturers, especially those in China. RISC-V designs are now being used by Qualcomm, Samsung, Google, Microchip, Nvidia, and more.
Taiwan’s chip industry emerges as a battlefront in US-China showdown
The country dominates production of chips used in almost all civilian and military technologies. That leaves the US and Chinese economies reliant on plants that would be in the line of fire in an attack on Taiwan. The vulnerability is stoking alarm in Washington
40 prosenttia pienempiä latureita
The size of a standard mobile phone charger can be reduced by up to 40 percent when using GaN components or it can be designed to produce more power in the same size. GaN chargers are becoming the most popular charger technology for billions of devices, so it’s no wonder that European semiconductor giant STMicroelectronics is also excited about them.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Mary Jo Foley / ZDNet:NEW
Microsoft announces a preview of ARM-based chips for Azure virtual machines, using Ampere Altra CPUs — It’s been a long time coming, but Microsoft is making available a preview of Azure VMs supporting Arm-based processors from Ampere. — It’s been a long road, but Microsoft announced …
Microsoft brings Arm support to Azure virtual machines
It’s been a long time coming, but Microsoft is making available a preview of Azure VMs supporting Arm-based processors from Ampere.
Tomi Engdahl says:
TI Takes on EMI by Integrating Passives Inside the Package
March 24, 2022
The 36-V, 3-A synchronous step-down converters stand out from others on the market by combining a pair of input bypass capacitors with a single boot capacitor in the same 2.6- × 2.6-mm QFN package.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Iso uhka piirituotannolle – koteloita voi joutua odottamaan lähes vuoden
Koronapandemia on tuonut monenlaisia ongelmia elektroniikan komponenttien tuotantoon. Nyt toimituspula näyttää monilla sektoreilla hieman hellittävän. Englantilainen ASIC-suunnittelutalo Sondrel kuitenkin varoittaa uudesta, vakavasta uhkasta.
Covid-pandemian alkuvaiheessa kotelotalot kärsivät pahasti tilausten peruutuksista ja joutuivat irtisanomaan henkilökuntaa tai jopa sulkemaan toimintansa. Piirien tuotannon kasvaessa heillä on vaikeuksia selviytyä tilausten vyörystä, varsinkin kun uusien tilojen rakentaminen ja henkilöstön kouluttaminen vie aikaa. Tämän seurauksena koteloiden toimitusajat ovat pidentyneet 8-9 viikosta jopa 50 viikkoon tai pidemmäksi.
Sondrelin koteloinnista vastaavan Alaa Alani mukaan toimitusketjun vaiheet ovat menneet uusiksi. – Aikaisemmin suunnittelu valmistui ja lähetettiin sitten kiekkotehtaaseen, mikä vie vielä noin 12 viikkoa. Samalla komponentin kotelointidata lähetettäisiin koteloyritykselle, jotta ne valmistuisivat ajoissa ennen siruja.
Nyt uusi toimintatapa tarkoittaa, että kotelosuunnittelu on valmis ja varattava vähintään 20 viikkoa ennen lopullista piirin suunnittelua. Tämä takaa, että kotelo on käytettävissä komponenttia varten oikeaan aikaan, sirujen valmistuessa.
Tomi Engdahl says:
IBM unveils z16 mainframe
New system offers AI capabilities and is reportedly quantum proof
IBM has unveiled the latest iteration of its Z-series mainframe.
The new z16 follows the z15, which launched in 2019, and will be generally available on May 31, 2022.
Via the company’s new 7nm Telum Processor, IBM said the z16 is able to do AI inferencing on transactions; it can reportedly process 300 billion inference requests per day with just one millisecond of latency while conducting fraud analysis. Big Blue said AI capabilities on the mainframe can be used for loan approvals, clearing and settlement, and federated learning for risk in retail.
“IBM is the gold standard for highly secured transaction processing. Now with IBM z16 innovations, our clients can increase decision velocity with inferencing right where their mission-critical data lives,” said Ric Lewis, SVP, IBM Systems. “This opens up tremendous opportunities to change the game in their respective industries so they will be positioned to deliver better customer experiences and more powerful business outcomes.
Despite the ongoing move to the cloud, IBM says two-thirds of the Fortune 100, 45 of the world’s top 50 banks, eight of the top 10 insurers, seven of the top 10 global retailers, and eight out of the top 10 telcos rely on its mainframes for critical processes.
Manufactured in the US, the company also claims the z16 is future-proofed to be resistant from encryption-breaking quantum computers via its lattice-based cryptography and Crypto Express 8S (CEX8S) hardware security module.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Sarah Perez / TechCrunch:
Google plans to hide and block Play Store apps that don’t target an Android API within two years of the latest major Android release, starting on November 1 — Google is preparing to clear its Play Store of outdated apps. The company warned Android app developers that starting on November 1 …
Google Play will hide and block downloads for outdated apps starting later this year
Google is preparing to clear its Play Store of outdated apps. The company warned Android app developers that starting on November 1, 2022, it will hide apps and block their installation to users’ devices if developers haven’t kept up with the latest Android OS releases. Specifically, Google said apps that don’t target an Android API within two years of the latest major Android release version will no longer be able to be discovered or installed by new users whose devices run Android OS versions that are higher than the apps’ target API level.
In short, this means that Android users who are keeping up with the latest software or those who’ve just purchased new Android phones will no longer be able to find or download old, out-of-date apps.
This should not be a significant adjustment for any active developers building for Android, as Google already requires new apps and app updates to target an Android API level within one year of the latest major Android OS version release. And any app updates submitted that also don’t meet this requirement can’t be published on Google Play.
But the change would impact fully abandoned apps or those where the developer is still serving their users but no longer keeps up with the latest Android API updates.
Since the apps aren’t entirely removed from Google Play, this won’t be a direct equivalent to the great App Store purges in years past where Apple pulled down tens of thousands of outdated, abandoned apps.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Synopsys Partners With Microsoft to Take EDA to the Cloud
April 4, 2022
Major chip companies and startups alike are moving more chip design work to the cloud. Synopsys will join forces with Microsoft to help ease the transition.
Synopsys is partnering with Microsoft to help more semiconductor companies move into the cloud.
The Silicon Valley company on Monday unveiled a new “software as a service” offering for its chip design tools that run on top of Microsoft’s Azure cloud service. Called Synopsys Cloud, it gives chip engineers on-demand access to a broad range of chip design and verification tools from Synopsys and computing resources from Microsoft that the tools run on—allowing them to pay only for what they use.
Synopsys is one of the world’s largest suppliers of electronic-design-automation (EDA) software used in chip design. With Synopsys Cloud, companies can rent out the software tools from Synopsys by the hour instead of buying software licenses and running the programs on-site.
Rani Borkar, who leads hardware systems and infrastructure for Microsoft’s Azure business, said the service “marks a significant milestone for the industry by offering silicon design teams the ability to scale and accelerate their development cycles—transforming chip design the way the cloud transformed computing.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Advanced Display Technology
Display technology is getting warped and wrapped around.
The Future of Mobile Device Displays—More than Just Touchscreens
Feb. 17, 2022
Advances in display technology are finally more than increased pixel density, with displays getting warped and wrapped around phones and other devices.
Tomi Engdahl says:
2022 Electronic Design Forecast
In this issue, our editors and contributors gaze into the future of technology for 2022.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Jopa 20 ytimen Xeon-tehoa 5G-älytehtaisiin
COM-HPC on viime vuonna hyväksytty korttimoduulien standardi, joka käytännössä tuo palvelintason suorituskyvyn laitteisiin verkon reunalle. Standardia laatimassa ollut congatec on nyt esitellyt kortteja, joissa parhaimmillaan saadaan jopa 20 ytimen Intel Xeon -teho älykkäiden tehtaiden 5G-yhteyksiin.
Congatec kertoo esittelevänsä uusia korttejaan Smart Factory & Automation World -näyttelyssä. Niiden tyypilliset käyttökohteet löytyvät seuraavan sukupolven reaaliaikaisesti yhdistetyistä, itseohjautuvista ajoneuvoista älykkäisiin valmistus- ja materiaalinkäsittelysovelluksiin. Luonnollisesti kortit on kvalifioitu toimimaan kaikenlaisissa teollisuuden lämpötiloissa (-45°C … +85°C).
Seuraavan sukupolven älykkäiden kuljettimien (logistiikka-ajoneuvot) ja robottien valmistajien on integroitava laitteisiinsa konenäköä ja monenlaisia antureita datan keräämiseen. Lisäksi niiden on kyettävä datan paikalliseen esiprosessointiin tehoälyä hyödyntämällä. Tämä yhdessä yhä vaativamman ohjainlogiikan kanssa vaatii selvästi aiempaa enemmän raudalta.
Tomi Engdahl says:
iRobot Launches Create 3 Educational Robot Platform with Python 3, ROS 2 Support
Designed with education and experimentation in mind, the Create 3 packs a lot of features — but no vacuum.
Robotics specialist iRobot has officially launched its latest educational robot platform, the Create 3, now boasting support for ROS 2 and Python and being built atop the latest Roomba i3 Series design.
“iRobot is committed to delivering STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math] tools to all levels of the educational community, empowering the next generation of engineers, scientists and enthusiasts to do more,” claims Colin Angle, chair and chief executive of iRobot. “The advanced capabilities we’ve made available on Create 3 enable higher-level students, educators and developers to be in the driver’s seat of robotics exploration, allowing them to one day discover new ways for robots to benefit society.”
Built on the same core as the company’s Roomba i3 robotic vacuum range, the Create 3 comes with compatibility with the Robot Operating System (ROS) 2 and a Python-based “web playground” plus standalone Python 3 support — which also includes compatibility with the smaller and cheaper iRobot Root, providing a single Python library for developing atop both platforms.
Tomi Engdahl says:
HP Stock Skyrockets After Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Reveals $4.4 Billion Investment
Shares of legacy technology giant HP Inc. surged Thursday morning after legendary investor Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway disclosed the purchase of more than 104 million shares this month—becoming HP’s largest shareholder and marking the storied conglomerate’s latest investment in a crop of legacy stocks.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The ACTUAL Difference Between Intel and AMD
Learn about Intel’s and AMD’s contrasting approaches to building CPUs.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Hackaday Report: Will 2022 Bring A New Dawn For The Chip Shortage?
As the world begins to slowly pull itself out of the economic effects of the pandemic, there’s one story that has been on our minds for the past couple of years, and it’s probably on yours too. The chip shortage born during those first months of the pandemic has remained with us despite the best efforts of the industry. Last year, pundits were predicting a return to normality in 2022, but will unexpected threats to production such as the war in Ukraine keep us chasing supplies? It’s time to delve into the root of the issue and get to the bottom of it for a Hackaday report.
The Chips Are Down
Going back to 2020, and as global economies abruptly slowed down in the face of stringent lockdowns it’s clear that both chipmakers and their customers hugely underestimated the effect that the pandemic would have on global demand for chips.
As production capacity was reduced or turned to other products in response to the changed conditions, it was soon obvious that the customers’ hunger for chips had not abated, resulting in a shortfall between supply and demand.
We’ve all experienced the chaos that ensued as the supply of popular varieties dried up almost overnight, and as fresh pandemic waves have broken around the world along with a crop of climate and geopolitical uncertainties it’s left many wondering whether the chip situation will ever be the same again.
But the other side of the chip business coin lies with the customer: we all see the chip shortage from our own semi-insider perspective, but have the tastes of the general public returned towards chips? Early signs are that as consumer confidence returns there are encouraging trends in chip consumption taking root, so we’d be inclined to advise our readers to have cautious optimism. If all goes well, you’ll be having your chips by summer.
The prospects for a new dawn in chip production capacity in 2022 look rosy, but there’s a further snag on the horizon courtesy of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Like so many industries in a globalised economy, the chip industry depends heavily on supplies, consumables, and machinery from beyond the borders of wherever the plants themselves may lie.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
These Piezo Technologies are Transforming 2022
April 1, 2022
Diverse technologies are coming together to create solutions with critical functionality in connectivity and IoT systems.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Mike Wheatley / SiliconANGLE:
Gartner: total global tech spending will rise 4% YoY to $4.4T in 2022, device spending will reach $824.6B, and software spending will rise 9.8% YoY to $674.9B — The respected analyst firm Gartner Inc. said today in its latest forecast that worldwide information technology is expected …
Gartner forecasts global tech spending to hit $4.4 trillion this year, up 4%
The respected analyst firm Gartner Inc. said today in its latest forecast that worldwide information technology is expected to top $4.4 trillion in 2022, rising by 4% from the year before.
Gartner Distinguished Research Vice President John-David Lovelock said 2022 is already proving to be one of the “noisiest years on record” for chief information officers, what with inflation, currency fluctuations and geopolitical disruption adding to the existing supply chain challenges that have persisted since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
“Yet contrary to what we saw at the start of 2020, CIOs are accelerating their IT investments as they recognize the importance of flexibility and agility in responding to disruption,” Lovelock said. “As a result, purchasing and investing preference will be focused in areas including analytics, cloud computing, seamless customer experiences and security.”
One of the reasons for the increased spending forecast is that technology service providers are raising their prices. Gartner says that reflects a dearth of IT talent that’s forcing tech companies to pay more competitive salaries, and those costs are being passed on to buyers. As a result, software spending could rise by 9.8% this year, to $674.9 billion, while IT services spending will grow by 6.8%, to $1.3 trillion.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Betty Hou / Bloomberg:
TSMC reports a record ~$17B in Q1 revenue, up 36% YoY and above estimates, boosted by increased demand for chips as the prolonged shortage helped raise prices — Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. revenue rose to a record in the first quarter on demand for chips used in smartphones …
Tomi Engdahl says:
Nikkei Asia:
Sources: leading chip tool makers are warning clients they will have to wait up to 18 months for crucial machines, citing shortages of lenses, valves, and more — TAIPEI — Chipmakers trying to expand production capacity are having to wait a year and a half or longer for key equipment …
Chip industry’s expansion plans at risk as equipment delays grow
TSMC, Samsung and others chase vital equipment as delivery times reach 18 months
TAIPEI — Chipmakers trying to expand production capacity are having to wait a year and a half or longer for key equipment, as unprecedented parts shortages and supply constraints batter the chip tools industry.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Max A. Cherney / Protocol:
Filing: Chipmaker Ampere Computing, founded by former Intel president Renee James, has filed for an IPO; Oracle reportedly has a 20%-50% stake in Ampere — Oracle-backed server processor startup Ampere Computing said Monday that it plans to go public, filing initial confidential paperwork with the SEC.
Arm server chip startup Ampere is headed for an IPO
Server processor designer Ampere Computing said Monday it had filed a confidential prospectus with the SEC, signaling its intent to IPO in the future.
Oracle-backed server processor startup Ampere Computing said Monday that it plans to go public, filing initial confidential paperwork with the SEC.
A public listing would give Ampere an infusion of cash and potential access to more investment further down the line via public markets after Oracle has quietly invested $426 million in Ampere, which is run by former Intel president Renée James. The funding will likely aid Ampere’s efforts to carve out a space in the data center for rivals to Intel and AMD, which currently dominate the server market.
The confidential treatment allows Ampere to proceed with the listing process without making significant disclosures around its operations and financial performance in recent years. Some companies file prospectuses and never go public, or end up getting acquired along the way.
Oracle’s latest quarterly earnings report implied that it had taken a 20% to 50% stake in Ampere, based on accounting rules. James sits on Oracle’s board but it stopped treating her as an independent member after Oracle first took a stake in the Silicon Valley company.
Ampere designs server chips based on Arm architecture that aim to challenge chips made by Intel and AMD that run on x86-based designs. Microsoft and Oracle are two of Ampere’s larger customers, the latter of which has invested hundreds of millions of dollars into the startup.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Pieni antenni kattaa kaikki 4G-taajuudet
Englantilainen Antenova on esitellyt uuden pienikokoisen, pintaliitettävän antennin 4G-laitteisiin. Pharaoh-antenni on mitoiltaan vain 40 x 50 millimetriä ja se kattaa kaikki 4G-taajuudet.
Pienille PCB-levyille suunniteltu Pharaoh-antenni (P/N SR4L073) kattaa kaikki taajuusalueet 698-824 MHz, 824-960 MHz, 1710-2170 MHz, 2300-2400 MHz ja 2500-2690 MHz. Se sopii hyvin kaikkiin pientä kokoa vaativiin sovelluksiin, kuten esimerkiksi eläinten seurantalaitteet ja puettavat laitteet.
Antenni testattiin 50 x 40 ja 60 x 40 millimetrin evaluointikorteilla ja sen suorituskyky ylitti kilpailevat pienen piirilevyn 4G-antennit. Ne vaativat tyypillisesti vähintään 60 x 40 mm tilaa, käyttävät suuria ja kalliita kaistanvaihtoverkkoja ja niiden tehokkuus on alhaisempi.
Älylaitteen pieni IoT-antenni syntyy pilvialustalla
Uusien IoT-tuotteiden toteutus kännykkäliittymin on edelleen varsin haastavaa erityisesti antennirakenteiden osalta. Nyt Murata ja Nordicsemi ovat lähteneet yhteistyöhön espanjalaisen antennivalmistaja Ignionin kanssa AWS-pilvipalvelun hyödyntämiseksi IoT-suunnittelussa.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Wireless Revolution for Next-Gen Autonomous Mobile Robots
April 11, 2022
New technology and design innovations are making autonomous robots more efficient with each passing day. As one of those innovations, wireless power enables a revolution for next-gen autonomous mobile robots.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Enhancing Modern Manufacturing
April 11, 2022
Advanced technologies matched with a newly skilled workforce will reinvigorate manufacturing processes.
In addition to deploying tools for automation, companies also must educate their workforce and reskill them to work with them. By implementing new technologies, workers can rise into higher-level, more tech-focused roles. These new technologies matched with a newly skilled workforce will reinvigorate manufacturing processes.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Google quietly launches its awaited ‘Switch to Android’ app on iOS
Last year, reports began circulating that Google was developing a “Switch to Android” app for iOS users looking to make the jump from iPhone to a smartphone running Google’s Android OS. Now that app has arrived. On Monday, Google quietly launched the Switch to Android app on the App Store in a number of global markets, including the U.S. As expected, the app promises to make the transition between mobile platforms easier to manage by helping users import their contacts, calendar, photos, and videos to their new Android phone.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Infineon Stacks Its Chips on the Future of Silicon Carbide
April 13, 2022
The head of Infineon’s silicon-carbide business said some customers don’t want to talk about silicon at all anymore.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Huippunopea WiFi valtaa kännykät pikavauhtia
Wi-Fi 6E kaupallistettiin viime vuonna 2021, ja se se tukee 5 ja 2,4 gigahertsin taajuuksien lisäksi myös 6 GHz:n aluetta. TrendForce ennustaa nyt, että uusi wifi-polvi lyö nopeasti läpi älypuhelimissa.
Tällä hetkellä esimerkiksi 6E-piirisarja löytyy vain joistakin kalliimman pään älypuhelimista. Ensimmäinen 6 gigahertsin 6E-taajuuksia tukema kännykkäpiirisarja oli Broadcomin 4389 ja se löytyy esimerkiksi Samsunngin uusimman Galaxy S22- sarjan puhelimista.
TrendForcen mukaan tilanne muuttuu nopeasti. Vuoteen 2025 mennessä Wi-Fi 6:ta ja 6E:tä tukevien älypuhelimien markkinaosuuden arvioidaan ylittävän 80 prosenttia. Tänä vuonna 6. sukupolven WiFin markkinaosuus nousee älypuhelimissa 58 prosenttiin, joten sen osuus ohittaa WiFi5-piirisarjojen osuuden.
Tomi Engdahl says:
HyperRAM-muistin nopeus kasvaa kaksinkertaiseksi
Vuonna 2015 nykyään Infineoniin kuuluva Cypress Semiconductor esitteli uuden muistin sulautettuihin sovelluksiin. HyperBUS-väylää hyödyntävä muisti sai nimekseen HyperRAM. Nyt taiwanilainen Winbond on yhdessä Infineonin kanssa esitellyt kolmannen polven HyperRAM-muistit.
HyperRAM-tuotevalikoima tarjoaa kompakteja vaihtoehtoja perinteiselle pseudo-SRAM-muistille ja sopii hyvin pienitehoisiin, pienten tilojen IoT-sovelluksiin, jotka vaativat sirun ulkopuolista RAM-muistia. HyperRAM 3.0 toimii 200 megahertsin maksimitaajuudella 1,8 V:n käyttöjännitteellä, ja yltää 800 megabitin datansiirtonopeuteen.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Wi-Fi MCUs Bring Greater Security to Cloud-Connected Apps
April 7, 2022
Sponsored by Texas Instruments: Thoroughly tested SimpleLink Wi-Fi wireless microcontrollers are used as the main host to enable cloud connectivity for high-performance or low-power, security-enabled IoT applications.
Wi-Fi has pushed the boundaries of communication speed, range, and integration as capabilities like lower power and new protocol features boost the number of wireless applications. According to the Wi-Fi Alliance, nearly 18 billion Wi-Fi devices will be in use this year, and more than 4.4 billion devices will ship in 2022. Wi-Fi is commonly used in consumer, industrial, and enterprise applications to enable wireless connections between devices and the cloud.
With more people and things becoming connected than ever, Texas Instruments’ (TI) goal is to provide the freedom and flexibility to connect anything. If you’re developing a product with Wi-Fi connectivity, you need a reliable and tested Wi-Fi device to ensure that your product will connect in any environment.
That means fast speeds and reliable internet connection all of the time. TI has been one of the leaders in Wi-Fi solutions for embedded devices for more than a decade. Its product range of SimpleLink Wi-Fi chips and MCUs offer a wide range of choices and options. What’s more, TI Wi-Fi devices implement robust security features without any burden on the main MCU, enabling secure cloud-connected IoT applications.
Of course, when tech companies say your data is in the cloud, they mean it’s stored somewhere (in many somewheres, actually) on the internet, instead of locally on your computer. A network of web servers will find what you’re looking for and deliver it.
SimpleLink Wi-Fi wireless microcontrollers (MCUs) are used as the main host to enable cloud connectivity. All are proven, tested, and adaptable for high-performance and/or low-power, security-enabled IoT applications.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tesla is aiming to start production of its Optimus humanoid robot in 2023
Elon Musk gave a timeline to production for the first time for the Tesla Optimus project, a humanoid robot capable of doing general tasks.
The CEO believes the company can bring the ambitious project to production as soon as next year. It’s an ultra-ambitious timeline even for him.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Chinese manufacturers set to become a dominant industry force but not in the way many anticipated
With over 25 million cars sold in 2020, the Chinese market is by far the biggest in the world. As everyone is finding ways to counter the effects of Covid-19, we can already predict that the Chinese population will buy even more cars as the economy gets back on track. While China represents an enormous market with its own car industry, numerous factories, parts suppliers and development centers, it is still not perceived by other nations as the biggest player in the industry. For those who still have doubts, we can say that China has definitely become the most dominant force, but perhaps not in a way you would expect it to be. Here is why.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The new era of 5G and cybersecurity risks
2022 will be a liminal year for the use of 5G, the next generation of mobile connectivity.
This year the number of global connections will cross one billion, sneaking over the landmark barrier during the next 12 months. From there, the use of 5G will skyrocket beyond two billion in 2024 and three billion in 2026. It’s all a way that the world is starting to connect with each other, using 5G connections that are speedier than the current generation of mobile connections.
By 2025, more than one in five mobile connections worldwide will be 5G enabled, according to the GSMA, an industry body. It’s a paradigm shift for the world, and a new way of connecting that will help people transact business better as well as keep in touch with more multimedia-rich methods than currently exist.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Wearing speakers around your neck may be the new PC gaming sound solution
By Hope Corrigan published 3 days ago
These walk the line between speaker and headset.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Where to turn when supply chains freeze?
In the wake of the 2021 Texas Freeze, plastic shortages forced many laboratories to rethink supply chains—and place renewed value on the importance of validated plastics.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
5 Ways the Chip Shortage Is Rewiring Tech Broken supply chains prompt companies to redesign products
The global chip shortage’s effect on current products is clear in just about every consumer market in the developed world, reflected in half-empty car dealerships and shuttered manufacturing lines. COVID gets a lot of the blame—and it sure didn’t help—but the fact is, the proliferation of gadgets in everyday life had been a slow-moving train that was long on track to disrupting the semiconductor supply/demand balance.
The end, unfortunately, is not near. Yuh-Jier Mii, R&D chief at the world’s largest contract chip manufacturer, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp., recently told Spectrum he personally believes it will take two to three years to get enough new fabrication facilities on line to adequately address the shortfall.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Single-Chip Processors Have Reached Their Limits Announcements from Apple and Nvidia prove that chiplets are the future, but interconnects remain a battleground
Apple once again surprised enthusiasts and analysts with its announcement of the M1 Ultra, a variant of the M1 Max that effectively fuses two chips into one. The result is a dual-chip design viewed by software as a single piece of silicon. Nvidia delivered similar news at the GPU Technology Conference 2022, where CEO Jensen Huang announced that the company will fuse two of the company’s new Grace CPU processors into a single “Superchip.”
These announcements target different markets. Apple has its sights set on the consumer and professional workstation world, while Nvidia intends to compete in high-performance computing. Yet the divergence in purpose only underscores the broad challenges rapidly bringing the era of monolithic chip design to an end.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Infineon Stacks Its Chips on the Future of Silicon Carbide
April 13, 2022
The head of Infineon’s silicon-carbide business said some customers don’t want to talk about silicon at all anymore.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Wireless Revolution for Next-Gen Autonomous Mobile Robots
April 11, 2022
New technology and design innovations are making autonomous robots more efficient with each passing day. As one of those innovations, wireless power enables a revolution for next-gen autonomous mobile robots.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Apple rimpuilee EU:n laturipäätöstä vastaan
Euroopan komissio esitti viime syyskuussa aloitteen, joka tähtää yhden laturistandardin tuomiseen älypuhelimiin ja muihin kannettaviin laitteisiin. Uusimpien tietoja mukaan Apple ei ole ainakaan seuraavassa iPhone 14 -sarjassa luopumassa omasta Lightning-liitännästään.
Apple on julkisesti kommentoinut EU:n ministerineuvostossa tammikuussa vahvistettua kantaa lakiehdotukseen sanomalla, että EU:n toiminta haittaa kuluttajia ja estää innovaatioita. Tähän kannattaa toki suhtautua varauksella, sillä Apple on muissa tuotteissaan (iPad ja läppärit) tukenut USBC-latausta jo pitkään.
Helpolla Apple ei ole luopumassa Lightning-liitännästä älypuhelimissaan. Nykyisissä laitteissa käytetään liitäntää, joka perustuu USB 2.0 -tekniikkaan.
Tiettävästi Apple aikoo nopeuttaa iPhone 14:n liitännän USB 3. -vauhtiin eli 5 gigabittiin sekunnissa. Tämä miellyttänee iPhone-käyttäjiä, ärsyttänee EU:ta ja tarkoittaa, että Lightning säilyy iPhonen liitäntänä vielä ainakin vuoden verran pidempään.
Tomi Engdahl says:
AMD:n uusin antaa taas Intelille mietittävää
AMD on esitellyt lisätietoja jo CES-messujen aikaan lanseeratusta Ryzen PRO 6000 -sarjasta. Uutuuksien speksit ovat kovia ja AMD uskoo markkinaosuutensa jatkavan kasvuaan eri segmenteissä. Erityisesti Ryzen PRO 6000 on tarkoitettu tehokkaisiin kannettaviin ja bisnesläppäreihin.
Uutuussarja sisältää alkuun kahdeksan prosessoria, jotka skaalautuvat 6 nanometrin prosessissa valmistettuina 6 ytimen piiristä 8 ytimeen. AMD on samalla trimmannut suoritinytimiä, jotka tunnetaan nyt nimellä Zen 3+.
Uusi ydin lupaa markkinoiden johtavan suorituskyvyn wattia kohti. PRO 5000 -edeltäjiin verrattuna suorituskyky on AMD:n mukaan 1,3-kertainen. Grafiikkaan on tuotu RDNA 2 -arkkitehtuuri, jolla AMD yltää 2-kertaiseen tehoon integroidussa grafiikassa. HDMI 2.1- ja DisplayPort 2.0 -tuki tarkoittavat, että Ryzen PRO 6000 -läppärit tukevat myös tulevan polven ulkoisia näyttöjä.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The future of digitalization: On-premises vs. cloud
Tomi Engdahl says:
Digital Threads and Business Processes
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Role of the Digital Thread and Digital Twin in Digital Transformation
Manufacturing organizations across the globe are sinking significant investments into digital transformation to improve development of products and manufacturing plants. Companies that take a holistic view of the digital twin will find increased success as they pursue these initiatives at every step of the product lifecycle.
An Enhanced Definition of Digital Twin and the Digital Thread
Manufacturing organizations know that keeping up with the competition requires constant evaluation and improvement of the product development process. As reported in the 2020 Lifecycle Insights Engineering Executive’s Strategic Agenda, 25% of survey respondents invested in improvement efforts last year. And an additional 38% of those surveyed stated they were planning to invest in improvements next year. Improvements are necessary to maintain a competitive edge in the face of increasingly complex requirements and condensed timelines.
While the concepts of the digital twin and the digital thread are relatively new to the industry, they have quickly gained traction. Many companies’ improvement initiatives focus on the digital twin, a comprehensive virtual model that defines a product or plant. Other organizations are prioritizing the digital thread, or the sequence of virtual activities across business processes that can enhance and expand the digital twin. With many companies investigating or pursuing digital transformation (DX) initiatives, many wonder what role digital twins and digital threads play in those efforts.
In this post, we will discuss the roles of both the digital twin and the digital thread in greater digital transformation initiatives.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Lifecycle Insights: Digital transformation offers overwhelming ROI
Tomi Engdahl says:
How Much Longer Will It Take to Fix the Chip Shortage?
March 14, 2022
The global chip shortage is entering its second year, and there are a lot of variables complicating the recovery.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Global smartphone shipments fell 11% in Q1 2022; Samsung grew its market share from 22% to 24%, Apple gained from 15% to 18%, and Xiaomi dipped from 14% to 13%
Tomi Engdahl says:
Microcontrollers Get a Lift from Automotive After 2021 Rebound
Average selling prices for MCUs are expected to move moderately higher through 2026. Tight supplies caused ASPs to jump 10% in 2021—the biggest increase in 25 years, says quarterly update.
Microcontroller sales boomeranged back with strong growth in the economic recovery of 2021, when the MCU market climbed 23% to a record-high $19.6 billion after falling 2% in the 2020 outbreak year of the Covid-19 virus crisis, according to IC Insights’ 1Q Update to its 2022 McClean Report. IC Insights is forecasting worldwide microcontroller sales to increase 10% in 2022 to reach an all-time high of $21.5 billion (Figure 1), with automotive MCU growth outpacing most other end-use categories this year.
A strong 2021 rebound in the average selling price of microcontrollers lifted the ASP by 10% to $0.64, which was the pre-Covid-19 pandemic pricing average in 2019. The 2021 ASP increase was the highest annual growth rate for MCU selling prices in more than 25 years and resulted from tight supplies of microcontrollers in the 2021 economic rebound. For two decades, the MCU market has faced significant price erosion, but the ASP decline slowed in the last five years. IC Insights now expects the ASP for MCUs to rise by a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.5% between 2021 and 2026.
Bottlenecks in production and the supply chain held back total MCU unit shipments growth to 12% in 2021, which raised worldwide deliveries of microcontrollers to an all-time high of 30.9 billion last year. IC Insights’ forecast shows total MCU shipments growing by a CAGR of 3.0% in the five-year period to 35.8 billion units in 2026.
Between 2021 and 2026, total microcontroller sales are projected to increase by CAGR of 6.7% and reach $27.2 billion in the final year of the forecast. In the next five years, sales of 32-bit MCUs are expected to grow by a CAGR of 9.4% to hit $20.0 billion in 2026. Meanwhile, 4/8-bit MCU sales are projected to show no growth over the next five years, remaining stuck at about $2.4 billion in 2026. Revenues for 16-bit microcontrollers are expected to rise by a CAGR of 1.6% in the 2021-2026 period to $4.7 billion at the end of the forecast.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Älypuhelinmyynti sakkasi alkuvuonna
Älypuhelinten toimitukset laskivat 11 prosenttia epäsuotuisan taloustilanteen ja vaimean kausikysynnän vuoksi vuoden ensimmäisellä neljänneksellä. Canalys-tutkimuslaitoksen mukaan Samsung johti markkinoita 24 prosentin osuudella. Yhtiön uusittu tuotelinja on nostanut markkinaosuutta viisi prosenttiyksikköä viime vuoden lopulta.
Shanghain kännykkätapahtuma peruttiin koronan takia
GSMA-järjestö ilmoittaa, että kesäkuun ja heinäkuun vaihteeseen suunniteltu Shanghain Mobile World Congress on jouduttu lykkäämään. Syynä on koronapandemia tai oikeammin Kiinan tiukka politiikka, jossa maa pyrkii edelleen rajoittamaan koronan leviämistä tiukoin rajoituksin.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Alibaba kehitti 60 miljardin transistorin jättiprosessorin
Alibaba Cloud on yksi suurista pilvipalveluntarjoajista ja erittäin merkittävässä asemassa Aasiassa ja erityisesti Kiinassa. Yhtiö on AWS:n tavoin kehittänyt omia prosessoreita konesaleihinsa. Uusin on jättimäinen, peräti 60 miljardin transistorin Arm-prosessori.
Piiri on nimeltään Yitian 710. Se koostuu 128 Armv9-ytimestä ja valmistetaan TSMC:n 5 nanometrin prosessissa. Kellotaajuus yltää 3,2 gigahertsiin ja DDR5-muistikanavia on kahdeksan. Ulkoapäin dataa voidaan tuoda 96 PCIe5-linjaa pitkin.